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149 lines (130 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (130 loc) · 18.6 KB

Change Log


  • Added Solhint Snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    solhintDisableNextLine Solhint Disable Next Line Disable solhint linter for next line
    solhintDisableLine Solhint Disable Line Disable solhint linter for current line
    solhintDisable Solhint Disable Disable solhint linter for current file
    solhintEnable Solhint Enable Enable solhint linter for current file
  • Added Slither Snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    slitherDisableNextLine Slither Disable Next Line Disable slither detector for next line
    slitherDisableStart Slither Disable Start Disable slither detector starting from line
    slitherDisableEnd Slither Disable End Disable slither detector until line
  • Added OpenZeppelin Access Snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    importAccessControlDefaultAdminRules Import Access Control Default Admin Rules Import Access Control Default Admin Rules Contract from @openzeppelin
    accessControlDefaultAdminRules Access Control Default Admin Rules Create an Access Control Default Admin Rules contract using @openzeppelin dependencies
  • Added OpenZeppelin ERC20 Snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    importERC20Mock Import ERC20 Mock Import ERC20 Mock contract from @openzeppelin
    erc20Mock ERC20 Mock Create an ERC20 Mock contract using @openzeppelin dependencies
  • Made the ERC20 uppercase in importSafeErc20

    - importSafeErc20
    + importSafeERC20
  • Added Balancer V2 Interfaces Snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    importDistributorCallbackI Import Distributor Callback Interface Import Distributor Callback Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importArbitrumFeeProviderI Import Arbitrum Fee Provider Interface Import Arbitrum Fee Provider Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importAuthorizerAdaptorI Import Authorizer Adaptor Interface Import Authorizer Adaptor Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importAuthorizerAdaptorEntrypointI Import Authorizer Adaptor Entrypoint Interface Import Authorizer Adaptor Entrypoint Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importBalancerMinterI Import Balancer Minter Interface Import Balancer Minter Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importBalancerTokenI Import Balancer Token Interface Import Balancer Token Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importBalancerTokenAdminI Import Balancer Token Admin Interface Import Balancer Token Admin Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importChildChainGaugeI Import Child Chain Gauge Interface Import Child Chain Gauge Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importChildChainLiquidityGaugeFactoryI Import Child Chain Liquidity Gauge Factory Interface Import Child Chain Liquidity Gauge Factory Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importChildChainStreamerI Import Child Chain Streamer Interface Import Child Chain Streamer Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importFeeDistributorI Import Fee Distributor Interface Import Fee Distributor Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importGaugeAdderI Import Gauge Adder Interface Import Gauge Adder Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importGaugeControllerI Import Gauge Controller Interface Import Gauge Controller Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importLMGettersI Import LM Getters Interface Import LM Getters Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importLiquidityGaugeI Import Liquidity Gauge Interface Import Liquidity Gauge Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importLiquidityGaugeFactoryI Import Liquidity Gauge Factory Interface Import Liquidity Gauge Factory Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importMainnetBalancerMinterI Import Mainnet Balancer Minter Interface Import Mainnet Balancer Minter Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importOptimismGasLimitProviderI Import Optimism Gas Limit Provider Interface Import Optimism Gas Limit Provider Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importRewardTokenDistributorI Import Reward Token Distributor Interface Import Reward Token Distributor Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importRewardsOnlyGaugeI Import Rewards Only Gauge Interface Import Rewards Only Gauge Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importSmartWalletCheckerI Import Smart Wallet Checker Interface Import Smart Wallet Checker Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importStakelessGaugeI Import Stakeless Gauge Interface Import Stakeless Gauge Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importStakingLiquidityGaugeI Import Staking Liquidity Gauge Interface Import Staking Liquidity Gauge Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importVeDelegationI Import ve Delegation Interface Import ve Delegation Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importVotingEscrowI Import Voting Escrow Interface Import Voting Escrow Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importLinearPoolI Import Linear Pool Interface Import Linear Pool Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importERC4626I Import ERC4626 Interface Import ERC4626 Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importComposableStablePoolRatesI Import Composable Stable Pool Interface Import Composable Stable Pool Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importStablePoolUserData Import Stable Pool User Data Import Stable Pool User Data Library from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importBasePoolUserData Import Base Pool User Data Library Import Base Pool User Data Library from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBasePoolControllerI Import Base Pool Controller Interface Import Base Pool Controller Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBasePoolFactoryI Import Base Pool Factory Interface Import Base Pool Factory Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importControlledPoolI Import Controlled Pool Interface Import Controlled Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importFactoryCreatedPoolVersionI Import Factory Created Pool Version Interface Import Factory Created Pool Version Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importLastCreatedPoolFactoryI Import Last Created Pool Factory Interface Import Last Created Pool Factory Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importManagedPoolI Import Managed Pool Interface Import Managed Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importPoolVersionI Import Pool Version Interface Import Pool Version Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolFeeCacheI Import Protocol Fee Cache Interface Import Protocol Fee Cache Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importRateProviderI Import Rate Provider Interface Import Rate Provider Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importRateProviderPoolI Import Rate Provider Pool Interface Import Rate Provider Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importRecoveryModeI Import Recovery Mode Interface Import Recovery Mode Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importRecoveryModeHelperI Import Recovery Mode Helper Interface Import Recovery Mode Helper Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importVersionI Import Version Interface Import Version Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importExternalWeightedMathI Import External Weighted Math Interface Import External Weighted Math Interface from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importWeightedPoolUserData Import Weighted Pool User Data Import Weighted Pool User Data Library from balancer-v2 interfaces
    importATokenI Import A Token Interface Import A Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBALTokenHolderI Import BAL Token Holder Interface Import BAL Token Holder Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBALTokenHolderFactoryI Import BAL Token Holder Factory Interface Import BAL Token Holder Factory Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBalancerQueriesI Import Balancer Queries Interface Import Balancer Queries Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBalancerRelayerI Import Balancer Relayer Interface Import Balancer Relayer Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importButtonWrapperI Import Button Wrapper Interface Import Button Wrapper Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importCTokenI Import C Token Interface Import C Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importEulerTokenI Import Euler Token Interface Import Euler Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importGearboxDieselTokenI Import Gearbox Diesel Token Interface Import Gearbox Diesel Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolFeePercentagesProviderI Import Protocol Fee Percentages Provider Interface Import Protocol Fee Percentages Provider Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolFeeSplitterI Import Protocol Fee Splitter Interface Import Protocol Fee Splitter Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolFeesWithdrawerI Import Protocol Fees Withdrawer Interface Import Protocol Fees Withdrawer Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolIdRegistryI Import Protocol ID Registry Interface Import Protocol ID Registry Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importReaperTokenVaultI Import Reaper Token Vault Interface Import Reaper Token Vault Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importShareTokenI Import Share Token Interface Import Share Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importSiloI Import Silo Interface Import Silo Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importStaticATokenLMI Import Static A Token LM Interface Import Static A Token LM Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importTetuSmartVaultI Import Tetu Smart Vault Interface Import Tetu Smart Vault Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importTetuStrategyI Import Tetu Strategy Interface Import Tetu Strategy Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importUnbuttonTokenI Import Unbutton Token Interface Import Unbutton Token Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importYearnTokenVaultI Import Yearn Token Vault Interface Import Yearn Token Vault Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importstETHI Import stETH Interface Import stETH Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importwstETHI Import wstETH Interface Import wstETH Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importAssetI Import Asset Interface Import Asset Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importAuthorizerI Import Authorizer Interface Import Authorizer Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBasePoolI Import Base Pool Interface Import Base Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importBasicAuthorizerI Import Basic Authorizer Interface Import Basic Authorizer Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importFlashLoanRecipientI Import Flash Loan Recipient Interface Import Flash Loan Recipient Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importGeneralPoolI Import General Pool Interface Import General Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importMinimalSwapInfoPoolI Import Minimal Swap Info Pool Interface Import Minimal Swap Info Pool Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importPoolSwapStructsI Import Pool Swap Structs Interface Import Pool Swap Structs Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importProtocolFeesCollectorI Import Protocol Fees Collector Interface Import Protocol Fees Collector Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces
    importVaultI Import Vault Interface Import Vault Interface from @balancer-labs/v2-interfaces


  • Added OpenZeppelin Upgradable snippets:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    importOwnableUpgradeable Import Ownable Upgradeable Import Ownable Upgradeable contract from @openzeppelin
    ownableUpgradeable Ownable Upgradeable Create an Ownable Upgradeable contract using @openzeppelin dependencies
    importERC20Upgradeable Import ERC20 Upgradeable Import ERC20 Upgradeable contract from @openzeppelin
    erc20Upgradeable ERC20 Upgradeable Create an ERC20 Upgradeable contract using @openzeppelin dependencies
    importERC20PermitUpgradeable Import ERC20 Permit Upgradeable Import ERC20 Permit Upgradeable contract from @openzeppelin
    erc20PermitUpgradeable ERC20 Permit Upgradeable Create an ERC20 Permit Upgradeable contract using @openzeppelin dependencies
  • Added 2 more using {lib} for {type}:

    Shortcut Expanded Description
    useStringsForAddress Use Strings For Address Use Strings Library For Address type
    useStringsForUint256 Use Strings For Uint256 Use Strings Library For Uint256 type


  • Added Profile Picture and Adjusted Package.json


  • Initial release