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Communicating With the Server

WebSharper supports remote procedure calls from the client (JavaScript environment) to the server (ASP.NET or other hosting environment). Remoting is designed to be safe and efficient while requiring as little boilerplate code as possible.

Here is a simple example of a client-side and a server-side function pair that communicate with RPC:

module Server =
    let GetBlogsByAuthor author =
        use db = new DbContext()
        let blogs = db.GetBlogsByAuthor author
        async { return blogs }
module Client =

    let GetBlogsByAuthor (author: Author) (callback: Blog [] -> unit) =
        async {
            let! blogs = Server.GetBlogsByAuthor author
            return callback blogs
        |> Async.Start

The conceptual model assumed by WebSharper is this: the client always has the control, and calls the server when necessary.

The remoting component also assumes that:

  • RPC-callable methods are marked with RemoteAttribute.

  • RPC-callable methods are safe to call from the web by an unauthenticated client.

  • RPC-callable methods have argument types that are serializable to JSON.

  • RPC-callable methods have a return type that is serializable to JSON, or are of type Async<'T> where 'T is such a type.

JSON serializers are automatically derived for the following types, where 'T1, 'T2, ... are arbitrary JSON-serializable types:

  • unit
  • bool
  • int
  • int64
  • double
  • string
  • System.DateTime
  • 'T []
  • 'T1 * 'T2 * ... * 'Tn
  • unions (including option and list)
  • records
  • Map<'K, 'V>
  • Set<'T>
  • classes with a default constructor

For records, unions and classes to be JSON-serializable, all their fields must also be JSON-serializable.

The remoting mechanism supports three different ways of doing a remote call: message-passing, synchronous and asynchronous.

Message-Passing Calls

Message-passing calls do not lock the browser, returning immediately on the client. If an RPC function has the return type of unit, calls to this function are message-passing calls.

let Log (msg: string) =
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("MSG: {0}", msg)

With these definitions, a call to Log "foo" proceeds as follows:

  • The client serializes "foo" to JSON.

  • The client sends a request to the server.

  • The client returns unit immediately.

  • The server parses the request.

  • The server binds to and calls the requested method with the arguments deserialized from JSON.

Asynchronous Calls

These calls allow for asynchronous, callback-based processing of the server response. They utilize the Async<'T> abstraction from F# to express multi-step asynchronous workflows. The implementation uses nested JavaScript callbacks.

For example:

let Increment(x: int) =
    async {
        return! x + 1

let Foo (callback: int -> unit) =
    async {
        let! x = Increment 0
        let! y = Increment x
        let! z = Increment y
        return callback z
    |> Async.Start

With these definitions, a call to Foo f proceeds as follows:

  • The client sends 0 to the server and registers a callback, proceeding immediately.

  • The server replies with 1 and the browser invokes the callback from step 1, binding x to 1.

  • The client sends 1 to the server and registers another callback. These asynchronous steps repeat according to the workflow, until the line return callback z is reached, with z being bound to 3.

  • f 3 is called.

The mechanics of individual calls are similar to the message-passing calls.

Note that using Async on the server side means that your code can switch threads. Extra care should be taken to acquire references to thread-local objects such as System.Web.HttpContext.Current before entering the async expression. It is recommended to use Web.IContext.

Synchronous Calls

Synchronous RPC calls block the browser until the server's reply is available. Their use is not recommended. For the user they look just like ordinary client-side function calls.


let Increase(x: int) = x + 1

With these definitions, a client call to Increase 0 proceeds as follows:

  • The client serializes 0 to JSON.

  • The client sends a RESTful request to the server. The request contains information on which method to call, and its JSON-serialized arguments (0)}

  • The client blocks the browser.

  • The server (in ASP.NET context, the WebSharper handler) parses the request and looks up the requested method.

  • The server makes sure the method is marked with RpcAttribute.

  • The server binds to the method, deserializes the arguments from JSON, and calls it.

  • The server serializes the method's response to JSON and responds to the request.

  • The client deserializes the response 1 from JSON and returns it.

  • The client unblocks the browser.

Handler Objects

WebSharper 2.0 introduces the ability to use instance methods for client-server communication. The syntax for this is:


The method invoked should be annotated with the RpcAttribute and follows the same convention as static methods:

type MyType(..) =
    member this.MyMethod(..) = ..

When the server receives such a request, it obtains an instance of MyClass via an IRpcHandlerFactory, and invokes the instance method on the obtained object:

type IRpcHandlerFactory =
    abstract member Create : Type -> option<obj>

The default IRpcHandlerFactory always returns None, refusing to create instances. This can be customized by using the following method during the web application startup (such as in Global.asax):

SetRpcHandlerFactory : IRpcHandlerFactory -> unit

The support for handler objects makes it more natural to use WebSharper remote procedure calls in object-oriented server-side frameworks, such as ASP.NET MVC. This approach also lends itself to the use of Inversion of Control containers to implement IRpcHandlerFactory.

Communication Protocol

The communication protocol used by WebSharper is a custom protocol built on top of HTTP and JSON. The client sends HTTP POST requests marked with a special HTTP header x-websharper-rpc to the current URL of the page (?), with the bodies of the requests containing the JSON-serialized method arguments. The server responds with a JSON reply.

The URL to which the requests are sent can be customized by subclassing from the RpcAttribute.