WiFi enabled ESP8266 garage door opener using the Wemos D1 Mini and 2 relays
Garage door opener with basic HTML web page with 2 buttons that send GET request
to ESP8266 board to run functions. Each GET request has its own function that
is called aswell as a 404 error page. Get URLs can be called directly without
going through the web interface.
IPAddress ip(#,#,#,#)
: Static IP of device to request from router
IPAddress gateway(#,#,#,#)
IPAddress subnet(#,#,#,#)
const char* ssid
const char* password
bool doorOpen
: Current position of the door
bool lightOn
: Current state of lights
String webpage
HTML body
Pins Used:
Indicator LED | D1 | GIOP 5 / LED_BUILTIN |
Garage door relay | D2 | GIOP 4 |
Light relay | D3 | GIOP 0 |
Shortcuts & Android App:
For IPhone create web shortcuts to the IP followed by the get string to trigger
each function from the home screen.
For android I created a basic app using Tasker and exported it to APK to
be able to install on multiple devices.
Web interface:
Current static IP :
& http://InternalIP/LIGHT?
- DONE - Make webpage more user friendly with larger buttons and display current door & light status.
- DONE - Find better way to store web page instead of all in one variable
- Put in proximity sensor or limit switch to detect open or closed door
- Put photo resistor to detect day light and turn light on at night when door is opened
OTA updating abilities are currently untested but code is in there for possible
future use.
Hardware Setup
- 1x Wemos D1 Mini (or other ESP8266 board)
- 2x Relays
- Jumper/Dupoint Wires
Rough Layout. You can tell how rough this is. I am using a solder spool as an antenna haha.This is the top side of the final board that i attaced to the garage door opener.
Bottom side of the board
Bottom attached to the opener; yet to plug in the AC wires to the relay on the bottom side