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PlayerParticles v6.3

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@Esophose Esophose released this 03 Feb 03:07
· 314 commits to master since this release
  • Added the ability to remove particles by id/effect/style using '/pp remove ||<style>'
  • Added new styles 'popper', 'pulse', 'twins', 'whirl', and 'whirlwind'
  • The "Save New Group" button in the GUI now actually saves a new group and prompts for a name in chat (15 second timeout)
  • Added a click sound to the GUI for button clicks (Can be disabled in the config.yml)
  • Added setting 'toggle-on-move-delay' to the config.yml
  • Added new lang file fr_FR.lang (French)
  • Added extra customization to the preset groups
  • Added bStats metrics (Can be disabled in the config.yml by setting send-metrics to false)
  • The preset groups file was renamed from groups.yml to preset_groups.yml, you'll need to update the new file
  • Renamed default.lang to en_US.lang
  • Reduced the number of particles that spawn for the styles 'blockbreak', 'blockplace', and 'swords'
  • Fix GUI borders showing up as glass panes instead of stained glass panes on servers running 1.12.2 or earlier
  • Fix a missing message when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
  • Fix a console error that occured when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
  • Fix a console error that occured when a player logs off with the 'celebration' style applied and they have at least 1 fixed effect created
  • Fix a console error "[PlayerParticles] An error occurred retrieving an SQLite database connection: [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked (database is locked)"