trackingNumberInfo | object (TrackingNumberInfo) Information uniquely identifying a shipment such as Tracking number, ShipDate, and Tracking number uniqueId.
trackingNumber required | string This is a Tracking number for FedEx packages used for tracking a single package or group of packages. Example: 128667043726 Click here to see Mock Tracking Numbers.
| carrierCode | string Enum: "FDXE" "FDXG" "FXSP" "FXFR" "FDXC" "FXCC" "FEDEX_CARGO" "FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL" "FEDEX_EXPRESS" "FEDEX_FREIGHT" "FEDEX_GROUND" "FEDEX_OFFICE" "FEDEX_KINKOS" "FX" "FDFR" "FDEG" "FXK" "FDC" "FDCC" This is a placeholder to provide the FedEx operating company (transportation) code used for package delivery. Example: FDXE
| trackingNumberUniqueId | string Unique identifier used to distinguish duplicate FedEx tracking numbers. This value will be set by FedEx systems. Example: 245822~123456789012~FDEG
additionalTrackingInfo | object (AdditionalTrackingInfo) Additional Tracking number information like nickname, notes, shipment attributes etc.
hasAssociatedShipments | boolean Field which indicates if the current shipment has associated shipments. Example: false
| nickname | string Field which holds information about nickname of the shipment. Example: Shipment nickname
| packageIdentifiers | Array of objects (PackageIdentifier) Other related identifiers for this package such as reference numbers, purchase order number etc. Provides identifiers other than tracking number that can be used in order to track the shipment.
| value | Array of strings Field which holds the value of the identifier used to identify the package. Example: 'ASJFGVAS'
| trackingNumberUniqueId | string Unique identifier used to distinguish duplicate FedEx tracking numbers. This value will be set by FedEx systems. Example: 245822~123456789012~FDEG
| shipmentNotes | string Field which holds customer assigned notes for a package. Example: shipment notes
distanceToDestination | object (Distance) Distance remaining to the destination. Only returned for FedEx Custom Critical shipments.
units | string Enum: "KM" "MI" Field which holds the distance unit type.
| value | number <double> Field which holds the value for the distance. Example: 685.78
consolidationDetail | Array of objects (ConsolidationDetail) Indicates the consolidation details.
Array timeStamp | string The timestamp for the consolidation. Example: 2020-10-13T03:54:44-06:00
| consolidationID | string The identifier for the consolidation. Example: 47936927
| reasonDetail | object Specifies the reason details for the consolidation event for a package.
| packageCount | integer <int32> Specifies the package count for the consolidation. Example: 25
| eventType | string Specifies the consolidation event type for a package. A package can be ADDED to, REMOVED from, or EXCLUDED from a consolidation. Example: PACKAGE_ADDED_TO_CONSOLIDATION
meterNumber | string The associated meter number for your FedEx account number. Maximum of 9 characters. Example: 8468376
returnDetail | object (ReturnDetail) Specifies return information related to a return shipment.
authorizationName | string Name of person authorizing the return, entered by the customer.
| reasonDetail | Array of objects (ReasonDetail) Specifies the return reason details.
| Array description | string Field which holds the reason description. Example: Wrong color
| type | string Field which holds the reason type. Example: REJECTED
serviceDetail | object (ServiceDescriptionDetail) This object contains service description details for the package.
description | string Field which holds the text description of the service type of this package. Example: FedEx Freight Economy
| shortDescription | string Field which holds the abbreviated text description of the service type of this package. Example: FL
| type | string This is the service type. Example: FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY Click here to see Service Types
destinationLocation | object Location details for the FedEx facility where the package will be or has been delivered.
locationId | string Location Identification for facilities identified by an alpha numeric location code. Passing Location Id of the Hold at Location (HAL) address is strongly recommended to ensure packages are delivered to the correct address. Example: SEA
| locationContactAndAddress required | object (ContactAndAddress_1) Location Contact And Address.
| contact required | object (ContactVO_1) Indicate the contact details for this package. Note: contact is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, contact is not shown in the response.'
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]. Note: Street lines is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, street lines is not shown in the response.
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
latestStatusDetail | object (StatusDetail) Specifies details about the status of the track information for the shipment being tracked. AncilliaryDetails may also be available which describe the cause of exception along with any action that needs to taken by customer.
scanLocation | object Address information related to the associated Status.
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States
| code | string A code that identifies this type of status. Example:PU
| derivedCode | string This is the latest tracking derived code. Example: PU
| ancillaryDetails | Array of objects (StatusAncillaryDetail) Specifies the cause of exception along with any action that needs to taken by customer.
| Array reason | string Field which holds Reason code associated to the status of the shipment being tracked. Example: 15
| reasonDescription | string Field which holds Reason description associated to the status of the shipment being tracked. Example: Customer not available or business closed
| action | string Field which holds recommended action for customer to resolve reason. Example: Contact us at to discuss possible delivery or pickup alternatives.
| actionDescription | string Field which holds recommended action description for customer to resolve reason. Example: Customer not Available or Business Closed
| statusByLocale | string This is the latest tracking status by locale. Example: Picked up
| description | string A human-readable description of this status. Example: Picked up
| delayDetail | object (DelayDetail) Specifies the information about delays.
| type | string Enum: "WEATHER" "OPERATIONAL" "LOCAL" "GENERAL" "CLEARANCE" Specifies the type of delay.
| subType | string Enum: "SNOW" "TORNADO" "EARTHQUAKE etc" Specifies the subType of delay.
| status | string Enum: "DELAYED" "ON_TIME" "EARLY" Specifies the status of package indicating whether a package is arriving early or is on time or has been delayed.
serviceCommitMessage | object (ServiceCommitMessage) Commitment message for this package. Informative messages related to the package. Used to convey information such as FedEx has received information about a package but has not yet taken possession of it. FedEx has handed the package off to a third party for final delivery. The package delivery has been cancelled.
message | string Field which holds the commitment message for this package. Example: No scheduled delivery date available at this time.
informationNotes | Array of objects (InformationNoteDetail) Notifications to the end user that provide additional information relevant to the tracked shipment. For example, a notification may indicate that a change in behavior has occurred.
Array code | string Field which holds the code that designates the type of informational message being returned. Example: 'CLEARANCE_ENTRY_FEE_APPLIES'
| description | string Field which holds the The informational message in human readable form. Example: this is an informational message
error | object (CXSError) Contains error details.
code | string Error Code. Example: TRACKING.TRACKINGNUMBER.EMPTY
| parameterList | Array of objects (Parameter) List of parameters.
| Array value | string Identifies the error option to be applied. Example: value
| key | string Indicates the value associated with the key. Example: key
| message | string Error Message. Example: Please provide tracking number.
specialHandlings | Array of objects (TrackSpecialHandling) Indicate the special handlings on the package being tracked. Includes Special handlings requested for the package like signature options, Broker select or COD etc. Click here to see FedEx Express Special Handling Codes.
Array description | string Field which holds the text description of the special handling code. Example: Deliver Weekday
| type | string Field which holds type representing the special handling. Example: DELIVER_WEEKDAY
| paymentType | string Field which holds information about the payment handling related to the special handling. Example: OTHER
availableImages | Array of objects (AvailableImagesDetail) The available tracking documents for the shipment being tracked. Available tracking documents includes SPOD and Bill of lading.
Array size | string Enum: "SMALL" "LARGE" Field which holds the size of available images for the shipment being tracked. Example: LARGE
| type | string Enum: "SIGNATURE_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY" "BILL_OF_LADING" Field which holds the type of available images for the shipment being tracked. Example: BILL_OF_LADING
deliveryDetails | object (DeliveryDetails) Delivery related information for the tracked package. Provides delivery details as actual delivery address once the package is delivered, the number of delivery attempts made etc.
receivedByName | string Field which holds the name of the person who received the package, if applicable. Example: Receiver
| destinationServiceArea | string Field which holds the destination service area code. Example: EDDUNAVAILABLE
| destinationServiceAreaDescription | string Field which holds the description corresponding to the destination service area. Example: Appointment Required
| locationDescription | string Field which holds the FedEx location description for the package destination. Example: Receptionist/Front Desk
| actualDeliveryAddress | object (AddressVO) Address where the package was actually delivered. Contrast with destinationAddress, which is the location to which the package was intended to be delivered. Addresses may differ due to delivery to a behavior, hold at FedEx location, etc.
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States
| deliveryToday | boolean This element indicates whether the package will be delivered today. The value 'True', indicates that today is package delivery. Example: true
| locationType | string Field which holds the FedEx location type code for the package destination. Example: FEDEX_EXPRESS_STATION
| signedByName | string Field which holds the name of the person who signed for the package, if applicable. Example: Reciever
| officeOrderDeliveryMethod | string Field which identifies the method of office order delivery. 'Pickup' - the recipient will be picking up the office order from the FedEx Office Center. 'Shipment' - the office order will be delivered to the recipient as a FedEx shipment using the FedEx Service Type requested. 'Courier' - the office order will be delivered to the recipient by local courier. Example: Courier
| deliveryAttempts | string Field which holds the number of delivery attempts made to deliver the package. Example: 0
| deliveryOptionEligibilityDetails | Array of objects (DeliveryOptionElgibilityDetails) Specifies eligibility type for the different delivery option.
Note: For eligibile DISPUTE_DELIVERY, RETURN_TO_SHIPPER, SUPPLEMENT_ADDRESS go to to perform the option/action.
| eligibility | string Eligibility of the customer for the specific delivery options. Example: INELIGIBLE
scanEvents | Array of objects (ScanEvent) FedEx scan event information for a shipment. Includes the list of events and/or scans applied.
Array date | string Date and time of the scan event. Example: '2018-02-02T12:01:00-07:00'
| derivedStatus | string Field which holds status description of the track information for the scan event. Example: 'Picked Up'
| scanLocation | object Location Details for the FedEx facility where the scan event occurred.
| locationId | string Location Identification for facilities identified by an alpha numeric location code. Passing Location Id of the Hold at Location (HAL) address is strongly recommended to ensure packages are delivered to the correct address. Example: SEA
| locationContactAndAddress required | object (ContactAndAddress_1) Location Contact And Address.
| contact required | object (ContactVO_1) Indicate the contact details for this package. Note: contact is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, contact is not shown in the response.'
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]. Note: Street lines is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, street lines is not shown in the response.
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| exceptionDescription | string Field which holds the text description for the exception if the event was an exception . Example: Package available for clearance
| eventDescription | string Field which holds the text description of the scan event. Example: 'Picked Up'
| eventType | string Field which holds the code identifying the type of scan event. Example: 'PU'
| derivedStatusCode | string Field which holds status code of the track information for the scan event. Example: 'PU'
| exceptionCode | string Field which holds the code identifier for the exception if the event was an exception. Example: A25
| delayDetail | object (DelayDetail) Specifies the information about delays.
| type | string Enum: "WEATHER" "OPERATIONAL" "LOCAL" "GENERAL" "CLEARANCE" Specifies the type of delay.
| subType | string Enum: "SNOW" "TORNADO" "EARTHQUAKE etc" Specifies the subType of delay.
| status | string Enum: "DELAYED" "ON_TIME" "EARLY" Specifies the status of package indicating whether a package is arriving early or is on time or has been delayed.
dateAndTimes | Array of objects (TrackingDateAndTime) Date and time information for the tracked shipment. Date and time information for the tracked shipment includes various type of date time including when the package was shipped, when it is expected to deliver, when it is actually delivered etc.
Array dateTime | string Field which holds the tracking date or timestamp in ISO format. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: '2019-05-07'
packageDetails | object (PackageDetail) Details of the packages in the shipment being tracked. Includes details like package type, weight, dimensions, declared value, etc.
physicalPackagingType | string Indicate the physical package type for non-Express shipments. Click here to see Available Types
| sequenceNumber | string Field which holds the number representing which package in a multi-piece shipment applies to this TrackDetail. Example: 45
| undeliveredCount | string Field which holds information about total count of the undelivered packages in the shipment. Example: 7
| packagingDescription | object (PackagingDescription) Description of the packaging used for this shipment.
| description | string Indicate the packaging type description. Example: FedEx Pak
| type | string Indicate the packaging type. Click here to see Package Types
| count | string Field which holds the total number of pieces in the shipment which includes the package represented by this TrackDetail. Example: 1
| weightAndDimensions | object (TrackingWeightAndDimensions) Field which holds the weight and dimension information.
| weight | Array of objects (Weight) Field which holds the weight of the package.
| Array unit | string Enum: "KG" "LB" This is package weight type.
| value | string This is package weight. Max. Length is 99999. Example: 22222.0
| dimensions | Array of objects (Dimensions) Indicate the dimensions of the package. Following conditions will apply: - Dimensions are optional but when added, then all three dimensions must be indicated.
- Dimensions are required with YOUR_PACKAGING package type.
Note: The maximum/minimum dimension values varies based on the services and the packaging types. Refer FedEx Service Guide for service details related to DIM Weighting for FedEx Express and oversize conditions for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground.
| Array length | integer <int32> Indicate the length of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 20
| width | integer <int32> Indicate the width of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
| height | integer <int32> Indicate the height of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
| units | string Enum: "CM" "IN" Unit of measure for the provided dimensions. Valid Values are IN - inches, CM - centimeters. Note: Any value other than CM including blank/null will default to IN. Example: CM
| packageContent | Array of strings Field which holds information about the package content of the shipment. Populated for secure users only. Example: wire hangers.
| contentPieceCount | string Field which holds information about total count of the packages in the shipment. Example: 100
| declaredValue | object This is the declared value. Declared Value represents FedEx maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, any failure to provide information, or misdelivery of information relating to the Shipment.
| currency | string Indicate the currency code. Example: USD Click here to see Currency Codes
| value | number <double> Field which holds the amount value. Example: 56.80
goodsClassificationCode | string Classification codes for the goods in package. Goods classification codes required for clearance purpose. Example: goodsClassificationCode
holdAtLocation | object Location details for the Fedex facility holding package for delivery.
locationId | string Location Identification for facilities identified by an alpha numeric location code. Passing Location Id of the Hold at Location (HAL) address is strongly recommended to ensure packages are delivered to the correct address. Example: SEA
| locationContactAndAddress required | object (ContactAndAddress) Location Contact And Address.
| contact required | object (ContactVO) Indicate the contact details for this package.
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States
customDeliveryOptions | Array of objects (CustomDeliveryOption) List of delivery options that can be used to customize the delivery of the package.
Array requestedAppointmentDetail | object (RequestedAppointmentDetail) Field which specifies the details of the requested appointment.
| date | string Field which holds the requested appointment date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD example: '2019-05-07'
| window | Array of objects (TimeWindow) Array of different appointment time windows available on the date specified such as, Morning, afternoon, mid-day.
| Array description | string Field which describes the time window provided. Example: Description field
| window | object (TimeRange) Field which holds a date/timestamp window.
| begins | string Field which holds the begin date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-01T08:00:00'
| ends | string Field which holds the end date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-15T00:00:00-06:00'
| description | string Field which specifies the description of the custom delivery option requested Example: Redirect the package to the hold location.
| type | string Enum: "REROUTE" "APPOINTMENT" "DATE_CERTAIN" "EVENING" "REDIRECT_TO_HOLD_AT_LOCATION" "ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_RELEASE" Field which specifies the type of the custom delivery option requested. Example: REDIRECT_TO_HOLD_AT_LOCATION
| status | string Field which specifies the status of the custom delivery option requested. Example: HELD
estimatedDeliveryTimeWindow | object The estimated window for time of delivery. May be periodically updated based on available in-flight shipment information.
description | string Field which describes the time window provided. Example: Description field
| window | object (TimeRange) Field which holds a date/timestamp window.
| begins | string Field which holds the begin date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-01T08:00:00'
| ends | string Field which holds the end date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-15T00:00:00-06:00'
pieceCounts | Array of objects (PieceCountDetail) Piece count information at origin and destination.
Array count | string Field which holds the piece count. Example: 35
| description | string Field which holds the piece count description detail. Example: picec count description
| type | string Enum: "DESTINATION" "ORIGIN" Field which holds the piece count location type. Example: ORIGIN
originLocation | object (OriginLocation) Location details for the FedEx facility where the shipment originated.
locationId | string Location Identification for facilities identified by an alpha numeric location code. Passing Location Id of the Hold at Location (HAL) address is strongly recommended to ensure packages are delivered to the correct address. Example: SEA
| locationContactAndAddress required | object (ContactAndAddress_1) Location Contact And Address.
| contact required | object (ContactVO_1) Indicate the contact details for this package. Note: contact is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, contact is not shown in the response.'
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]. Note: Street lines is shown in response only in secured flow. For non secured flow, street lines is not shown in the response.
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
recipientInformation | object Contact and address information of recipient.
contact required | object (ContactVO) Indicate the contact details for this package.
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States
standardTransitTimeWindow | object The standard committed window of time by which the package is expected to be delivered.
description | string Field which describes the time window provided. Example: Description field
| window | object (TimeRange) Field which holds a date/timestamp window.
| begins | string Field which holds the begin date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-01T08:00:00'
| ends | string Field which holds the end date/timestamp for a range. Example: '2021-10-15T00:00:00-06:00'
shipmentDetails | object (TrackShipmentDetail) Shipment level details for the shipment being tracked. Includes overall shipment weight, contents etc.
contents | Array of objects (ShipmentContent) Field which holds information about contents of the shipment. Populated for secure users only.
| Array itemNumber | string Field holds the item number for the contents of shipment. Example: RZ5678
| receivedQuantity | string Field which holds information about the quantity received. Example: 13
| description | string Field which holds informative description about shipment content. Example: pulyurethane rope
| partNumber | string Holds the part number of the content in shipment. Example: RK1345
| beforePossessionStatus | boolean Indicates the shipment is not yet in FedEx possession, but is still in shipper's possession. Example: false
| weight | Array of objects (Weight) Array of package level weights, which represent the total weight of the shipment.
| Array unit | string Enum: "KG" "LB" This is package weight type.
| value | string This is package weight. Max. Length is 99999. Example: 22222.0
| contentPieceCount | string Field which holds information about content piece count of the shipment. Example: 3333
| splitShipments | Array of objects (TrackSplitShipment) Field which holds information about split shipments.
| Array pieceCount | string Field which holds the number of pieces in the part. Example: 10
| statusDescription | string Field which holds human-readable description of the status. Example: status
| timestamp | string Field which holds the date and time the status began. Example: '2019-05-07T08:00:07'
| statusCode | string Field which holds the status code. Example: statusCode
reasonDetail | object (ReasonDetail) This object contains reason description and type.
description | string Field which holds the reason description. Example: Wrong color
| type | string Field which holds the reason type. Example: REJECTED
availableNotifications | Array of strings The types of email notifications that are available for the package. Example:ON_DELIVERY
shipperInformation | object Contact and address information of shipper.
contact required | object (ContactVO) Indicate the contact details for this package.
| personName | string Identifies the contact person's name. Max Length is 70. Example: John Taylor
| phoneNumber | string Identifies the phone number associated with this contact. Max length is 15. Example: '1234567890'
| companyName | string Identifies the company this contact is associated with. Max length is 35. Example: Fedex
| address required | object Required.
Descriptive data for a physical location. may be used as an actual physical address(place to which one could go), or a container of 'address parts' which should be handled as a unit(such as a city-state-zip combination within the US).
Conditional when used with Payor object. Required if entering using RECIPIENT or THIRD_PARTY. Required if not-authenticated and SENDER is selected
| classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States
lastUpdatedDestinationAddress | object Last updated delivery address for the package.
classification | string Specifies the FedEx classification type for an address. Valid values are BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED, UNKNOWN. Example: BUSINESS
| residential | boolean Enum: true false Placeholder to indicate whether the address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
| streetLines required | Array of strings Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included. Example: ["1043 North Easy Street", "Suite 999"]
| city | string Conditional The name of the city, town, etc. Example: SEATTLE
| urbanizationCode | string Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. When this is the case, the urbanization code is needed to distinguish them. Example: RAFAEL
| stateOrProvinceCode | string This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State/Province Code
| postalCode | string Placeholder to specify postal code for the address. Postal Code is required for postal-aware countries. Example: 98101 Click here to see Postal aware countries
| countryCode required | string Placeholder for country code (2 characters) for the address. Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
| countryName | string Field holds the fully spelled out name of a country. Example: United States