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AI for Medicine - Reading Notes |
Yuanzhe (Roger) Li |
2020 May |
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Notes on some of the recommended readings from the specialization.
- Materials
- Authors' website
- Heet Sankesara's U-Net article contains PyTorch and Tensorflow implementations.
- Technical notes
- Contraction: blocks of 3x3 conv. layers followed by 2x2 max pooling, with the number of feature maps doubles after each block to increase "what" (complex structure) and reduce "where".
- Bottleneck: mediates between the contraction and expansion layers.
- Expansion: blocks of 3x3 conv. layers followed by 2x2 up-sampling layers, with the number of feature maps halved after each block to maintain symmetry (for concatenation).
Transposed convolution (up-sampling)
- A transposed convolution is a convolution where the implementation of the forward and backward passes are swapped to achieve effective up-sampling. It is commonly used in semantic segmentation tasks which requires to predict values for each pixel.
- See slides from INFO8010 deep learning course, and the tutorial A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning for details.
Loss function
- Pixel-wise soft-max over the final feature map combined with cross entropy.
The U-Net paper uses warping error for evaluation.
- The warping error between two segmentations is the minimum mean square error between the pixels of the target segmentation and the pixels of a topology-preserving warped source segmentation.
- Mathematically, warping error is defined as $D(T||L^) = \min_{L <| L^} ||T-L||^2$, where $L^$ is the ground truth labeling, $T$ is a candidate labeling, and $L$ is any warping of $L^$.
- See article Segmentation Metrics for details about Pixel/Warping/Rand errors.