Render passes hold references to one or more render-target textures and apply 'pass actions' on them.
All Gfx::Apply*() and Gfx::Draw() functions must be called inside a Gfx::BeginPass() / Gfx::EndPass() pair. Gfx::BeginPass() sets the active render target(s) and executes a PassAction on it (for instance clearing the color render target to a specific color).
The Gfx::EndPass() method must be called at the end of a rendering pass (before starting another pass, or before the final call to Gfx::CommitFrame()).
There are 4 variants of the Gfx::BeginPass() functions, differing on the accepted parameters:
class Gfx {
/// begin rendering to default render pass
static void BeginPass();
/// begin rendering to default render pass with override clear values
static void BeginPass(const PassAction& action);
/// begin offscreen rendering
static void BeginPass(const Id& passId);
/// begin offscreen rendering with override clear colors
static void BeginPass(const Id& passId, const PassAction& action);
The first variant Gfx::BeginPass() without any arguments starts rendering to the default render target (which is made visible during Gfx::CommitFrame()) and applies the default pass action defined in the GfxSetup structure handed to the Gfx::Setup() function.
The default pass action is to clear the color buffer to black, and (if exists) the depth-stencil buffer to depth=1.0, stencil=0.
The second variant Gfx::BeginPass(const PassAction& passAction) overrides the default pass action in the GfxSetup structure. This is useful if you don't know the clear color yet when the application starts, or if the clear values change dynamically.
The third variant Gfx::BeginPass(const Id& passId) takes an object id of a render pass object. This is used when rendering to offscreen render targets instead of the default render target.
Since no PassAction object is provided, the default pass action will be applied that is part of the PassSetup structure when the render pass object was created (which default to clearing the color buffer(s) to black and depth/stencil buffer to depth=1.0 and stencil=0).
And the last variant Gfx::BeginPass(const Id& passId, const PassAction& passAction) starts rendering to an offscreen render target, and overrides the default pass action.
A pass action defines what happens when a pass becomes active during Gfx::BeginPass():
FIXME: PassAction interface needs cleanup!
Render passes always require one or more texture objects as input which have been created as render target textures. The general procedure for creating a render pass object thus looks like this
- create one or more render target textures
- fill a PassSetup object with creation parameters (the render target textures created before and optional PassActions)
- call Gfx::CreateResource() and get a resource Id back
The returned resource Id is passed to Gfx::BeginPass() calls, while the render target texture Ids used for the pass creation can be plugged as usual into a DrawState and bound for rendering via Gfx::ApplyDrawState().
The PassSetup class has 2 static creator method, the first initializes the PassSetup object for a single color-buffer, and an optional depth-stencil-buffer, the second takes an initializer-list for multiple color-buffers, and a single, optional depth-stencil-buffer (rendering to multiple color-buffers is called MRT rendering, MRT stands for Multiple-Render-Target):
/// construct from single render target textures, and optional depth-stencil texture
static PassSetup From(Id colorTexture, Id depthStencilTexture=Id::InvalidId());
/// construct from MRT render target textures, and option depth-stencil texture
static PassSetup From(std::initializer_list<Id> colorTextures, Id depthStencilTexture=Id::InvalidId());
This is the most typical scenario for offscreen rendering, rendering to a single color- and depth/stencil buffer. Only a single texture object is used in this case, the texture object contains both the color-buffer texture as well as a depth/stencil-buffer:
auto rtSetup = TextureSetup::RenderTarget2D(128, 128,
Id rtTexture = Gfx::CreateResource(rtSetup);
auto rpSetup = PassSetup::From(rtTexture, rtTexture);
this->renderPass = Gfx::CreateResource(rpSetup);
The default PassAction in the PassSetup object was not modified, this means the color buffer will be cleared to black, and the depth/stencil buffer to 1.0 and 0.
The following example is identical, except that the default PassAction is changed to clear the color buffer to red:
auto rtSetup = TextureSetup::RenderTarget2D(128, 128,
Id rtTexture = Gfx::CreateResource(rtSetup);
auto rpSetup = PassSetup::From(rtTexture, rtTexture);
rpSetup.DefaultAction = PassAction::Clear(glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
this->renderPass = Gfx::CreateResource(rpSetup);
To render to the faces of a cube map texture, create a single cubemap render-target texture, and 6 render passes:
// create a cubemap render-target-texture
auto cubeMapSetup = TextureSetup::RenderTargetCube(1024, 1024,
Id cubeMap = Gfx::CreateResource(cubeMapSetup);
// create 6 render passes, one for each cubemap-face
Id passes[NumFaces];
auto rpSetup = PassSetup::From(cubeMap, cubeMap);
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < NumFaces; faceIndex++) {
rpSetup.ColorAttachments[0].Slice = faceIndex;
passes[faceIndex] = Gfx::CreateResource(rpSetup);
This looks very similar to the cubemap code, but with array-texture layers instead of cubemap-faces:
// create an array texture with 3 layers
static const int NumLayers = 3;
auto texSetup = TextureSetup::RenderTargetArray(256, 256, NumLayers,
Id arrayTexture = Gfx::CreateResource(texSetup);
// create 3 render passes, one for each texture slice
Id passes[NumLayer];
auto rpSetup = PassSetup::From(arrayTexture, arrayTexture);
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < NumLayers; layerIndex++) {
rpSetup.ColorAttachments[0].Slice = faceIndex;
passes[layerIndex] = Gfx::CreateResource(rpSetup);
This attached 3 render-target-textures as color buffers to a single render pass. The first render-target-texture also provides the depth/stencil-buffer:
// create 3 render target textures, the first with depth-stencil buffer:
auto rtSetup = TextureSetup::RenderTarget2D(128, 128,
Id rt0 = Gfx::CreateResource(rtSetup);
rtSetup.DepthFormat = PixelFormat::None;
Id rt1 = Gfx::CreateResource(rtSetup);
Id rt2 = Gfx::CreateResource(rtSetup);
// create a render pass with 3 color attachments, and 1 depth/stencil attachment
auto passSetup = PassSetup::From({ rt0, rt1, rt2 }, rt0);
Id renderPass = Gfx::CreateResource(passSetup);