Update Dependencies #227
Update Dependencies #227
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Apr 2, 2024 in 1m 48s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the development branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Node.js |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Node.js Version | lts/* |
Build Configuration
"language": "node_js",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"node_js": [
"cache": {
"directories": [
"env": [
"install": [
"yarn install"
"script": [
"CI=false yarn build",
"yarn lint",
"yarn test --coverage ."
"before_deploy": [
"if [ ! -d deploy_scripts ]; then git clone https://github.com/RockefellerArchiveCenter/deploy_scripts.git; fi",
"sudo deploy_scripts/substitute_env.sh",
"sudo deploy_scripts/make_zip_react.sh $DEPLOY_ZIP_DIR $DEPLOY_ZIP_NAME"
"deploy": [
"provider": "s3",
"access_key_id": "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY",
"secret_access_key": "$AWS_SECRET_KEY",
"local_dir": "$DEPLOY_ZIP_DIR",
"skip_cleanup": true,
"on": {
"repo": "RockefellerArchiveCenter/${APPLICATION_NAME}",
"branch": [
"bucket": "$AWS_BUCKET_NAME",
"region": "us-east-1"
"provider": "codedeploy",
"bucket": "$AWS_BUCKET_NAME",
"key": "$DEPLOY_ZIP_NAME",
"bundle_type": "zip",
"access_key_id": "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY",
"secret_access_key": "$AWS_SECRET_KEY",
"application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}",
"deployment_group": "CartographerFrontendProduction",
"region": "us-east-1",
"on": {
"repo": "RockefellerArchiveCenter/${APPLICATION_NAME}",
"branch": [
"notifications": {
"email": [
"enabled": false