Today's Progress: Basic setup of Webpack (inc. HMR) and VueJS.
Thoughts: Still need to figure out how my project setup is going to be.
Duration: 1u40
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Further setup of Webpack and VueJS, now using Gulp to start webpack-dev-server. Also improved my project setup a little.
Thoughts: Getting vue-loader and webpack dev server using gulp to work is harder than expected.. Got webpack and vue-loader working together but when I tried to use gulp for it, it always failed. Tomorrow I'm going to look further into it.
Duration: 2u30
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Fixed HMR (hot module reload) with Webpack and Vuejs (vue-loader) staring from Gulp. #happy
Thoughts: Before thinking something is too hard (like I was thinking yesterday), I really have to be more attentive when reading the documentation of something.. Because the solution of my problem, was declared in the documentation of Webpack.
Duration: 2u
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Did some reading on VueJS and did some basic styling like typography and colors.
Duration: 1u30
Thoughts: Today was more about information than coding.
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Did some more styling of my vinyl component.
Duration: 1u30
Thoughts: Project starts to look nice :)
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Today was longer than expected. First part of today I was reading the VueJS docs about components and the vue-router, the second part of today I was trying to implement a basic router to my project.
Duration: 2u30
Thoughts: Struggled more with the vue-router than expected. Trying to combine the router with vue components was not that easy. Have a basic sample working, but needs to be re-evaluated tomorrow.
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Improved the routing setup. Also played with some vue transition. Had some trouble with CSS today, so I reverted it. So I can try it again tomorrow with a fresh start.
Duration: 2u15
Thoughts: Still not totally understanding my new routing setup, got some inspiration of this setup. Going to look at this setup again when I have a better understanding of VueJS. Also noticed my css knowledge is not always what it should be. So this also needs some improvement.
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Today I did not much coding, because I have to give a presentation friday, I decided to give one about the subject I'm learning during this challenge. So today was more about watching videos to fully understand the basics of VueJS, with the mandatory notes and code snippets. So if my notes count I still have "coded" today..
Thoughts: Step by step getting to know VueJS better. Giving a presentation about it on Friday will make me understand it even more I guess.
Today's Progress: Finished my slides for my presentation tomorrow. Tried my coding samples a couple of times to see if I can fully understand what I'm talking about.
Thoughts: VueJS looks awesome :)
Today's Progress: Today was a bad day, did not make much progress.. Did some css layout and tried some transitions between two routes.
Duration: 1u30
Thoughts: Have to do more research on vuejs routes and transitions.. Going to read more of the documentation tomorrow..
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Played some more with transitions and routings. Got some more progress today. Result still not what it should be.
Duration: 2u
Thoughts: After some while I noticed I just forgot some css to make it work...
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Today was not a good day, too tired.. Going to sleep well tonight and coming back tomorrow for more progress.
Duration: 40min
Thoughts: Need some sleep
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Experimented with html5 canvas. Tried to create a record using canvas. First approach looks nice.
Duration: 1u30
Thoughts: Canvas is less difficult than I thought. Still some complex stuff at some times. Going to look at it more tomorrow.
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Today experimented with mo.js.
Duration: 2u
Thoughts: Mojs is an awesome library for creating web animations. Still need to investigate it more for more complex animations.
Link to work: Mojs Codepen Demo - Rotating Vinyl
Today's Progress: Experimented more with mo.js. Demo is getting better.
Duration: 1u15
Thoughts: Found more documentation about mojs, so getting to know it a little better.
Link to work: Mojs Codepen Updated Demo - Rotating Vinyl with buttons
Today's Progress: Had a very busy weekend so had to skip 2 days.. Also today was not a very good day.. Did not make very much progress.. Only did some css improvements
Duration: 1u
Thoughts: Have to get back into shape.. Missing two days was not a good idea..
Link to work: Record Player
Today's Progress: Had to skip yesterday. Today was about getting to know VueJS components better by reading more about it in the docs.
Duration: 1u
Thoughts: Still have to read more about it.
Today's Progress: Today was more about reading the docs about components. Learned more about prop validation, custom events between parent-child components and slots.
Duration: 1u
Thoughts: Had difficulties understanding scoped slots. Have to read more about this to fully understand it.
Today's Progress: Had to skip yesterday because of a late night event from work. Today was about finishing the docs about the VueJS essentials. Finished the section about components. Going to start with the advanced section tomorrow!
Duration: 45min
Thoughts: Getting to know VueJS a little better now that I know the essentials. Excited to see what the advanced stuff is about.
Today's Progress: Today learned a lot more about reactivity in VueJS.
Duration: 45min
Thoughts: Those advanced stuff of VueJS is very interessting. Tomorrow going to read more about transition effects. Also have to get back into my daily routing, because I noticed I have to many "skip" days :(
Today's Progress: Did some research on VueJS transitions.
Duration: 1u20
Thoughts: Those transtions look very neat and easy. Still have to do some more research and also some coding to fully understand it.
Today's Progress: Did some more research on transitions.
Duration: 1u
Thoughts: Looks like you can do so much fancy stuff with this. Have to give it a shot during coding.
Today's Progress: Went some low-level today, learned a lot about the Render Function of VueJS.
Duration: 1u
Thoughts: When you want to create some custom stuff you can't do with just the e.g. component template, the render function is what you need. Need more knowledge of Vue and needs more maintenance but looks usefull for when you need it.
Today's Progress:
Link to work: Title