A simple online banking API with makeDeposit, makeWithdwal and getBalance end-points. This application is built using spring-boot framework and data is stored in H2 (in-memory database). The API accepts requests in JSON format and sends out JSON responses as well.
In the root folder i.e. banking-api run the following commands:- ./gradlew clean build This command cleans and builds the application. ./gradlew bootRun This commands starts the project
This starts the application on http://localhost:8080/ and a message "Welcome to online banking" is displayed. The console for viewing the H2 database is located at http://localhost:8080/h2-console The jdbc Url is jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
The H2 database is pre-populated with the following test data for a customer:- email : [email protected] name Jane Doe national Id number : 12345678 passport Number : ke-12345 account balance : 4500.00
Request Method GET Request url http://{hostname}:{port}/customer/balance/{nationalId} e.g if running on localhost at port 8080 http://localhost:8080/customer/balance/12345678 Response format http://localhost:8080/customer/balance/12345678
Sample success response { "timestamp": "Tue Feb 26 07:16:31 EAT 2019", "status": "200", "error": null, "message": "4500.00" }
Sample error response { "timestamp": "Tue Feb 26 07:26:51 EAT 2019", "status": "400", "error": "Could not find customer with national id 1234567", "message": "Request processing failed" }
Request Method POST Request url http://{hostname}:{port}/customer/deposit e.g if running on localhost at port 8080 http://localhost:8080/customer/deposit
Sample request body { "nationalId":"12345678", "amount":"200" }
Sample success response { "timestamp": "Mon Feb 25 22:41:14 EAT 2019", "status": "200", "error": null, "message": "Deposit successfully made" }
Sample error response { "timestamp": "Mon Feb 25 22:42:13 EAT 2019", "status": "400", "error": "Please provide an amount greater than zero", "message": "Request processing failed" }
Request Method POST Request url http://{hostname}:{port}/customer/withdraw e.g if running on localhost at port 8080 http://localhost:8080/customer/withdraw
Sample request body { "nationalId":"12345678", "amount":"300" }
Sample success response { "timestamp": "Mon Feb 25 22:44:58 EAT 2019", "status": "200", "error": null, "message": "Deposit successfully made" }
Sample error response { "timestamp": "Mon Feb 25 22:43:40 EAT 2019", "status": "400", "error": "Please provide customer's national id number and amount to process", "message": "Request processing failed" }