The goal for the agent is to balance the ball on his head.
The observation space is an 8 dimensional vector in continuous space: [-1, 1]
- The agent's rotation in the z plane. 1 dimension
- The agent's rotation in the x plane. 1 dimension
- The ball's relative position (to the agent's head). 3 dimensions
- The ball's velocity. 3 dimensions
Rotations in Unity are expressed as quaternions. The z and x components represent the z and x components in the equation below: q=w+xi+yj+zk
The action space is 2 dimensional.
- The force to apply to the agent in the z plane
- The force to apply to the agent in the x plane.
The forces manipulate the agent's rotation in the respective planes.
- After a lot of experimentation, I was able to make the agent balance the ball on his head for 40 timesteps.
- I used the A2C algorithm. The policy was an MLP with two hidden layers with 64 neurons, a linear layer that produced the mean and a linear layer followed by softplus to produce the variance of a gaussian distribution. When collecting rollouts, an action was sampled from this gaussian distribution
- An entropy bonus ensured high standard deviation early on - leading to exploration. The proportion of entropy bonus to reward decreased over time, which lowered standard deviation and hence exploration.
- I collected 10 rollouts per update and batched these rollouts. Each rollout used an n_step of 15 timesteps. This meant that the return was
G = r_0 + gamma * r_1 + ... * gamma**14 * r_15 + V(s_15)
. - I used only one agent to collect all 10 rollouts. I did not have the time to set up multiple agents with the unity gym environment.
- I found gradient clipping and constraining every action to [-1, 1] helpful.
- I ran out of time but a solution with less bootstrapping, more agents collecting trajectories, more num_rollouts_per_update and high entropy bonus would have improved the model's performance.
- Install unity and ml agents with this tutorial
- Follow this getting started guide
- clone this repo and activate the mlagents virtual environment you created in the tutorial
- run
python training_with_gym.py --run-id=YOUR_RUN_ID
to train the model. You need to have the unity editor opened and need to hit the play button. - run
python inference_with_gym.py
to run a trained model
- The code base architecture and algorithm design was inspired by Stable Baselines 3
- A3C. The synchronous version of the A3C algorithm is called A2C. I also referenced Section 9 of the appendix to design the hyperparameters.