Force a file delete using a windows kernel driver
Tested on Windows x64 1909
The deletion process is divided into several stages:
- Close all the file handles
- Get all the handles in the system (ZwQuerySystemInformation and SystemHandleInformation)
- Check every handle if the handle is associated to IoFileObjectType (ObGetObjectType)
- Compare the handle file name to target file name (IoQueryFileDosDeviceName)
- If its the target file We attach to target process (KeStackAttachProcess)
- Close the handle (NtClose)
- Detach from target process (KeUnstackDetachProcess)
- Get a reference to the file (ZwCreateFile and ObReferenceObjectByHandle)
- Special treatment for executables, set the FileObject SectionObjectPointer->ImageSectionObject, SectionObjectPointer->DataSectionObject and SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap to null in order to mark that the file is not mapped
- Send IRP to the file system driver which marks the file for deletion
- Get the file system device object (IoGetBaseFileSystemDeviceObject)
- Allocate IRP and fill it with IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION and FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION (IoAllocateIrp, KeInitializeEvent and IoSetCompletionRoutine)
- Send the IRP to the file system device object (IoCallDriver and KeWaitForSingleObject)
- Restore SectionObjectPointer->ImageSectionObject, SectionObjectPointer->DataSectionObject and SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap fields
- Close the file reference in order to delete it (ZwClose and ObDereferenceObject)
sc create FileDelete binPath= {driver_path} type= kernel
sc start FileDelete
FileDeleteCom.exe {file_path}