diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 7cff412..b17e384 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ obj *~.txt src/generated/* gamelist.txt +bin/fba +fba*.ipk +fba*.zip diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index af5eac3..987cd6b 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -594,6 +594,9 @@ endif @mkdir -p $(foreach dir, $(alldir),$(objdir)$(dir)) @mkdir -p $(srcdir)generated +ipk: all + gm2xpkg -c -i pkg.cfg + cleandep: @echo Removing depend files from $(objdir)... @for dir in $(alldir); do rm -f $(objdir)$$dir/*.d; done diff --git a/bin/aliases.txt b/bin/aliases.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2c630a --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/aliases.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1170 @@ +1941=1941 - Counter Attack (900227 World) +1942=1942 (Revision B) +1943=1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro) +1943kai=1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) +1944=1944 - the loop master (000620 USA) +1945kiii=1945k III +19xx=19XX - the war against destiny (951207 USA) +3in1semi=XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1) +3wonders=Three Wonders (wonder 3 910520 etc) +4dwarrio=4-D Warriors (315-5162) +4enraya=4 En Raya (set 1) +4in1boot=Puzzle King [Bootleg] +4in1=4 Fun in 1 [Bootleg] +7ordi=7 Ordi (Korea) +88games='88 Games +8ballact=Eight Ball Action (DK conversion) [Parent set for working drivers] +abcop=A.B. Cop (World, FD1094 317-0169b) +aburner2=After Burner II +aceattac=Ace Attacker (FD1094 317-0059) +acrobatm=Acrobat Mission +actfancr=Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2) +ad2083=A.D. 2083 [Incomplete Sound] +aerofgt=Aero Fighters +afighter=Action Fighter, FD1089A 317-0018 +agallet=Air Gallet (Europe) +agress=Agress +airass=Air Assault (World) +airattck=Air Attack (set 1) +airbustr=Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World) +airduel=Air Duel (Japan) +airwolf=Airwolf +ajax=Ajax +alcon=Alcon (US) +alexkidd=Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected) +alibaba=Ali Baba and 40 Thieves +aliencha=Alien Challenge (World) [Imperfect sound] +aliens=Aliens (World set 1) +aliensec=Alien Sector +aliensyn=Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) +altbeast=Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078) +amazon=Soldier Girl Amazon +ambush=Ambush +amidar=Amidar +angelkds=Angel Kids (Japan) +anteater=Anteater +aquajack=Aquajack (World) +aquarium=Aquarium (Japan) +arabian=Arabian +arbalest=Arbalester [Imperfect inputs] +arcadian=Arcadia (NMK) [Incomplete sound] +arkanoid=Arkanoid (World) +arkarea=Ark Area +arkatour=Tournament Arkanoid (US) +arknoid2=Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World) +armedf=Armed Formation +armorcar=Armored Car (set 1) +armwar=Armored Warriors (941024 Europe) +armwrest=Arm Wrestling +ashura=Ashura Blaster (World) +astorm=Alien Storm (set 4, World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0154) +asuka=Asuka & Asuka (World) +asurabld=Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan) [Imperfect GFX] +asurabus=Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) [Imperfect SND, freezes on first boss] +atehate=Athena no Hatena ? +atetris=Tetris (set 1) [No sound] +atlantis=Battle of Atlantis (set 1) +atomicp=Atomic Point (Korea) +aurail=Aurail (set 3, US, unprotected) +avengers=Avengers (US set 1) +avsp=Alien vs Predator (940520 Euro) +aztarac=Aztarac [Vector graphics] +azurian=Azurian Attack +backfire=Backfire! (set 1) +backfirt=Back Fire (Tecmo) (Japan, Bootleg, Prototype?) +baddudes=Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US) +bagman=Bagman [Parent set for working drivers] +ballbros=Balloon Brothers +bankp=Bank Panic +batcir=Battle Circuit (970319 Euro) +batrider=Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) +batsugun=Batsugun (set 1) +battroad=The Battle-Road +bayroute=Bay Route (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0116) +bbakraid=Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (U.S.A.) (Tue Jun 8 1999) +bballs=Bouncing Balls +bbmanw=Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest +bchopper=Battle Chopper +bcstry=B.C. Story (set 1) +berlwall=The Berlin Wall +bestbest=Best Of Best +bestri=Bestri (Korea) +bgaregga=Battle Garegga (World) (Sat Feb 3 1996) +bigbucks=Big Bucks +bigkarnk=Big Karnak +bigtwin=Big Twin +biomtoy=Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1885) +bionicc=Bionic Commando (Euro) +bioship=Bio-ship Paladin +birdiy=Birdiy +bjtwin=Bombjack Twin (set 1) +blandia=Blandia +blazeon=Blaze On (Japan) +blkheart=Black Heart +blkhole=Black Hole +blkpnthr=Black Panther +blktiger=Black Tiger +blmbycar=Blomby Car +blockcar=Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 +block=Block Block (World 910910) +blockgal=Block Gal (MC-8123B, 317-0029) +blockhl=Block Hole +blockout=Block Out (set 1) +bloodbro=Blood Bros. (set 1) +bloodwar=Blood Warrior +bloxeed=Bloxeed (Japan, FD1094 317-0139) +blswhstl=Bells & Whistles (ver. L) +blueprnt=Blue Print (Midway) +bmaster=Blade Master (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +bodyslam=Body Slam (8751 317-0015) +bombjack=Bomb Jack (set 1) +bombkick=Bomb Kick (set 1) +bongo=Bongo +bonkadv=B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin +bonzeadv=Bonze Adventure (World, Newer) +boogwing=Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07) +bottom9=Bottom of the Ninth (ver. T) +bouldash=Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) +bowlrama=Bowl-O-Rama +brain=Brain +bshark=Battle Shark (World) +bssoccer=Back Street Soccer [graphics issues?] +btlkroad=Battle K-Road +bubl2000=Bubble 2000 +bublbobl=Bubble Bobble +buccanrs=Buccaneers (set 1) +bullet=Bullet (FD1094 317-0041) +bullfgt=Bullfight (315-5065) +burglarx=Burglar X +bwcasino=Boardwalk Casino +bygone=Bygone [Imperfect sound] +cadash=Cadash (World) +calibr50=Caliber 50 [No sound, imperfect inputs] +calipso=Calipso +cameltry=Cameltry (US, YM2610) +cannonbp=Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware) [wrong colors] +capbowl=Capcom Bowling (set 1) +captcomm=Captain Commando (911202 other country) +catacomb=Catacomb [Bad Colours] +cavelon=Cavelon +cavenger=Cosmic Avenger +cawing=Carrier Air Wing (U.S. navy 901012 etc) +cbuster=Crude Buster (World FX version) +cclimbr2=Crazy Climber 2 (Japan) +chainrec=Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25) +chaknpop=Chack'n Pop +charlien=Charlie Ninja +chasehq=Chase H.Q. (World) +checkman=Check Man +chelnov=Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) +chinatwn=China Town (Japan) +chokchok=Choky! Choky! +choko=Choko (010820 Japan) +choplift=Choplifter (8751 315-5151) +chukatai=Chuka Taisen (World) +citybomb=City Bomber (World) +ckong=Crazy Kong Part II (set 1) [Parent set for working drivers] +cltchitr=Clutch Hitter (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0176) +cninja=Caveman Ninja (World ver 4) +cobracom=Cobra-Command (World revision 5) +combh=Combat Hawk +commando=Commando (World) +contcirc=Continental Circus (World) +contra=Contra (US, Set 1) +cookbib2=Cookie & Bibi 2 +cookbib3=Cookie & Bibi 3 +cookbib=Cookie & Bibi (set 1) +cosmccop=Cosmic Cop (World) +cotton=Cotton (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0181a) +cps1demo=Chaos Demo (CPS-1) [Demo] +cps1frog=Frog Feast (CPS-1) [Homebrew] +crazyfgt=Crazy Fight +crimec=Crime City (World) +crimfght=Crime Fighters (US 4 players) +crospang=Cross Pang +crshrace=Lethal Crash Race (set 1) +crush=Crush Roller (Kural Samno) +crusherm=Crusher Makochan (Japan) +csclub=Capcom Sports Club (971017 Euro) +csilver=Captain Silver (World) +ctribe=The Combatribes (US) +cuebrick=Cue Brick (World ver. D) +cworld2j=Capcom World 2 (920611 Japan) +cworld=Capcom World (Japan) +cybertnk=Cyber Tank (v1.4) +cybots=Cyberbots - fullmetal madness (950424 Euro) +cyvern=Cyvern (US) +daioh=Daioh (set 1) +dambustr=Dambusters (US, set 1) +daraku=Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels +darius2=Darius II (Japan) +darius=Darius (World) +darkmist=The Lost Castle In Darkmist +darkplnt=Dark Planet [Dial doesn't work very well] +darkseal=Dark Seal (World revision 3) +darktowr=Dark Tower +dblaxle=Double Axle (US) +dblpoint=Double Point +dbreed=Dragon Breed (M81 PCB version) +dcon=D-Con +ddcrew=D. D. Crew (set 4, World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0190) +ddonpach=DoDonPachi (International, master ver. 97/02/05) +ddp2=Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (V102, World) +ddpdoj=DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (V101, Japan) +ddragon2=Double Dragon II - The Revenge (World) +ddragon3=Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (US) +ddragon=Double Dragon (Japan) +ddsom=Dungeons & Dragons - shadow over mystara (960619 Euro) +ddtod=Dungeons & Dragons - tower of doom (940412 Euro) +ddux=Dynamite Dux (set 2, FD1094 317-0096) +deadconx=Dead Connection (World) +dealer=The Dealer [Incorrect Colors] +deerhunt=Deer Hunting USA V4.3 +demonwld=Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) +deroon=Deroon DeroDero [No sound] +desertbr=Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196) +devilfsh=Devil Fish +devilw=Devil World +devstors=Devastators (ver. Z) +diamond=Diamond Run +dietgo=Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26) +dimahoo=Dimahoo (000121 Euro) +dingo=Dingo +dino=Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (930201 etc) +dinorex=Dino Rex (World) +diverboy=Diver Boy +dkong3=Donkey Kong 3 (US) [No sound] +dmnfrnt=Demon Front (V105) +dockman=Dock Man [Parent set for working drivers] +dogyuun=Dogyuun +dokaben=Dokaben (Japan) +dolmen=Dolmen +dommy=Dommy +dondokod=Don Doko Don (World) +donpachi=DonPachi (USA, ver. 1.12, 95/05/2x) +dorodon=Dorodon (set 1) +dotrikun=Dottori Kun (new version) +downtown=DownTown / Mokugeki (Set 1) [No sound, imperfect inputs] +dquizgo=Date Quiz Go Go (Korea) +dragnblz=Dragon Blaze +drakton=Drakton (DK conversion) [No sound] +dremshpr=Dream Shopper +drgnbowl=Dragon Bowl +drgnbstr=Dragon Buster [Missing sounds] +drgnmst=Dragon Master +drgnunit=Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon +drgw2=Dragon World II (V110X, World) +driftout=Drift Out (Europe) +drivfrcp=Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion) +drtomy=Dr. Tomy +drtoppel=Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) +dsoccr94=Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware) +dstlk=Darkstalkers - the night warriors (940705 Euro) +dunkshot=Dunk Shot (FD1089 317-0022) +dw2001=Dragon World 2001 (V100, Japan) [Bad sound?] +dwpc=Dragon World Pretty Chance (V101, Japan) [Bad sound?] +dynablst=Dynablaster / Bomber Man +dynduke=Dynamite Duke (Europe set 1) +dynwar=Dynasty Wars (US set 1) +earthjkr=U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker +ecofghtr=Eco Fighters (931203 etc) +edrandy=The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3) +egghunt=Egg Hunt +eggor=Eggor +eightfrc=Eight Forces +enduror=Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A) +enforce=Enforce (World) +esckids=Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players) +espgal=Espgaluda (V100, Japan) +esprade=ESP Ra.De. - A.D.2018 Tokyo (International, ver. 98/04/22) +eswat=E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0130) +eto=Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) +excelsr=Excelsior (set 1) +exctleag=Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) +exedexes=Exed Exes +explbrkr=Explosive Breaker +extdwnhl=Extreme Downhill (v1.5) +extrmatn=Extermination (World) +exzisus=Exzisus (Japan, dedicated) +eyes=Eyes (Digitrex Techstar) +f1dream=F-1 Dream +f1gp2=F-1 Grand Prix Part II +f1gp=F-1 Grand Prix +fantasia=Fantasia (940429 PCB, set 1) +fantastc=Fantastic (Galaga conversion on Galaxian hardware) +fantsia2=Fantasia II (Explicit) +fantzn2x=Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C) +fantzone=Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected) +feversos=Fever SOS (International, ver. 98/09/25) +ffight=Final Fight (World, set 1) +fghtbskt=Fighting Basketball +finalb=Final Blow (World) +finalttr=Final Tetris +fixeight=FixEight (Europe) +flashgal=Flashgal (set 1) +flicky=Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051) +flstory=The FairyLand Story +fncywld=Fancy World - Earth of Crisis +fnkyfish=Funky Fish +footchmp=Football Champ (World) +forgottn=Forgotten Worlds (World) +fpoint=Flash Point (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A) +freeze=Freeze +frogger=Frogger +fround=The Final Round (ver. M) +fstarfrc=Final Star Force (US) +funkybee=Funky Bee +funkyjet=Funky Jet (World, rev 1) +funybubl=Funny Bubble +gaia=Gaia Crusaders +galaxian=Galaxian (Namco set 1) +galmedes=Galmedes (Japan) +galpani4=Gals Panic 4 (Japan) +galpanic=Gals Panic (Unprotected) +galpanis=Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe) +galpans2=Gals Panic S2 (Japan) +galpans3=Gals Panic S3 (Japan) +galspnbl=Gals Pinball +ganbare=Ganbare! Marine Kun (Marine 2K0411 JPN) +gardia=Gardia (317-0006) +garogun=Garogun Seroyang (Korea) +garyoret=Garyo Retsuden (Japan) +gaunt2=Gauntlet II +gauntlet=Gauntlet (rev 14) +gberet=Green Beret +gbusters=Gang Busters (set 1) +gemini=Gemini Wing +genix=Genix Family +gforce2=Galaxy Force 2 +ghostb=The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2) +ghouls=Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) +gigandes=Gigandes +gigawing=Giga Wing (990222 USA) +ginganin=Ginga NinkyouDen (set 1) +ginkun=Ganbare Ginkun [Imperfect GFX] +gloc=G-LOC Air Battle (US) +gmgalax=Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) [Bootleg] +gnbarich=Gunbarich +gng=Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) +goldnaxe=Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A) +gotcha=Got-cha Mini Game Festival +gprider=GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) +gradius3=Gradius III (World) +grdian=Guardian +grdians=Guardians +grdnstrm=Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted) +grindstm=Grind Stormer +growl=Growl (World) +gtmr2=Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) +gtmr=1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/07/18) +gumbo=Gumbo +gunbird2=Gunbird 2 +gunbird=Gunbird (World) +gundamex=Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue +gundhara=Gundhara +gunforc2=Gunforce 2 (US) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +gunforce=Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +gunfront=Gun & Frontier (World) +gunnail=GunNail (28th May. 1992) +gunsmoke=Gun.Smoke (World) +gutsn=Guts'n (Japan) +guwange=Guwange (Japan, Master Ver. 99/06/24) +gwarrior=Galactic Warriors +gyrodine=Gyrodine +gyruss=Gyruss (Konami) +hachamf=Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991) +hangon=Hang-On (rev A) +happy6=Happy 6-in-1 (V102 - V101MK, China) +hasamu=Hasamu (Japan) +hatena=Adventure Quiz 2 Hatena Hatena no Dai-Bouken (Japan 900228) +hbarrel=Heavy Barrel (US) +hcastle=Haunted Castle (ver. M) +hcrash=Hyper Crash (version D) +hedpanic=Head Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000) [Story line & game instructions in English] +hellfire=Hellfire (2P Ver.) +hero=Hero [Parent set for working drivers] +heuksun=Heuk Sun Baek Sa (Korea) +hexa=Hexa +hexion=Hexion (Japan ver. JAB) +hgkairak=Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten (Japan) +hharry=Hammerin' Harry (World) +higemaru=Pirate Ship Higemaru +hippodrm=Hippodrome (US) +hitice=Hit the Ice (US) [Imperfect graphics] +honeydol=Honey Dolls +hook=Hook (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +horekid=Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen +horizon=Horizon +hotdebut=Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut (Japan) +hotdogst=Hotdog Storm - The First Supersonics (International) +hotgm4ev=Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Japan) +hotgmck3=Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing (Japan) +hotgmck=Taisen Hot Gimmick (Japan) +hotgmcki=Mahjong Hot Gimmick Integral (Japan) +hotmind=Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware) +hotpinbl=Hot Pinball +hotshock=Hot Shocker +hsf2=Hyper Street Fighter 2: The Anniversary Edition (040202 USA) +htchctch=Hatch Catch +hunchbak=Hunchback (set 1) [Parent set for working drivers] +huncholy=Hunchback Olympic [Parent set for working drivers] +hustler=Video Hustler +hvymetal=Heavy Metal (315-5135) +hwchamp=Heavyweight Champ +hyperpac=Hyper Pacman +igmo=IGMO [Incorrect Colors] +ikari3=Ikari III - The Rescue (8-Way Joystick) +ikki=Ikki (Japan) +imgfight=Image Fight (Japan, revision A) +imsorry=I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) +insectx=Insector X (World) +inthunt=In The Hunt (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +jack=Jack the Giantkiller (set 1) +jchan2=Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire +jchan=Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master +jjparad2=Jan Jan Paradise 2 +jjparads=Jan Jan Paradise +jjsquawk=J. J. Squawkers +joemacr=Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27) +joinem=Joinem +jojoba=JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927) +jojo=JoJo's Venture / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (USA 990128) +jpopnics=Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean bootleg of Plump Pop) [Imperfect graphics] +jumpbug=Jump Bug +jumpkids=Jump Kids +jumppop=Jumping Pop (set 1) +jumpshot=Jump Shot +jyangoku=Jyangokushi -Haoh no Saihai- (990527 Japan) +kageki=Kageki (US) [Imperfect Sound] +kamenrid=Masked Riders Club Battle Race +kangaroo=Kangaroo +karatblz=Karate Blazers (World?) +karianx=Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0) +karnov=Karnov (US, rev 6) +kbash2=Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg) +kbash=Knuckle Bash +keroppi=Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0) +ket=Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Revision 2?, Japan) +kf2k3pcb=The King of Fighters 2003 [dedicated PCB version, Japan region] +kidniki=Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World) +kikcubic=Meikyu Jima (Japan) +killbldp=The Killing Blade Plus (V300) [Incomplete Dump] +killbld=The Killing Blade (V109, China) +kingball=King & Balloon (US) +kingdmgp=Kingdom Grandprix (World) +kittenk=Kitten Kaboodle +knights=Knights of the Round (911127 etc) +kod=The King of Dragons (910805 etc) +konamigt=Konami GT +kong=Kong (Donkey Kong conversion on Galaxian hardware) [Bad Colours] +kontest=Konami Test Board (GX800, Japan) +korokoro=Koro Koro Quest (Japan) +koshien=Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) +kov2p=Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (VM205XX, China) +kov2=Knights of Valour 2 (V107, 102, 100, Hong Kong) +kovplus=Knights of Valour Plus - Sangoku Senki Plus (V119) +kov=Knights of Valour - Sangoku Senki (V117) +kovshp=Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (ver. 101) [Imperfect Protection Emulation] +kovsh=Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (V104, China) +kovytzy=Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan / Sangoku Senki: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan (ver. 201, China) [Imperfect Protection Emulation] +kozure=Kozure Ookami (Japan) [Imperfect Graphics] +kungfum=Kung-Fu Master +kyustrkr=Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker +ladybug=Lady Bug +lastduel=Last Duel (US New Ver.) +lastmisn=Last Mission (US revision 6) +lastsurv=Last Survivor (FD1094 317-0083) +ldrun2=Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back +ldrun3=Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth +ldrun4=Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu +ldrun=Lode Runner (set 1) +legend=Legend +legion=Chouji Meikyuu Legion (ver 2.03) [Imperfect Graphics] +lemmings=Lemmings (US prototype) +lethalth=Lethal Thunder (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +levers=Levers +lghost=Laser Ghost (set 2, World, 317-0166) +lgtnfght=Lightning Fighters (World) +liquidk=Liquid Kids (World) +livequiz=Live Quiz Show +lizwiz=Lizard Wizard +lkage=The Legend of Kage +loderndf=Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B) +loffire=Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World, FD1094 317-0136) +logicpr2=Logic Pro 2 (Japan) +logicpro=Logic Pro (Japan) +loht=Legend of Hero Tonma +lordgun=Lord of Gun (USA) [Imperfect graphics and sound] +losttomb=Lost Tomb (Easy) +lotlot=Lot Lot +loverboy=Lover Boy [No sound] +luctoday=Lucky Today [Bad colours] +lvgirl94=Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94) +lwings=Legendary Wings (US set 1) +macross2=Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II +macross=Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross +madgear=Mad Gear (US) +madshark=Mad Shark +magicbub=Magic Bubble +mainevt=The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y) +majtitl2=Major Title 2 (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +majtitle=Major Title (World) +mangchi=Mang-Chi +maniacsq=Maniac Square (unprotected) [Parent set for working drivers] +manybloc=Many Block +marineb=Marine Boy +mariner=Mariner +mario=Mario Bros. (US, Revision F) [Parent set for working drivers] +markham=Markham +mars=Mars +martmast=Martial Masters (V104, 102, 102, USA) +marukin=Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 901017) +masterw=Master of Weapon (World) [Imperfect graphics] +matchit2=Match It II +mazinger=Mazinger Z (World, ver. 94/06/27) +mbombrd=Muscle Bomber Duo - ultimate team battle (931206 etc) +mcatadv=Magical Cat Adventure +mchampdx=Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000) +megablst=Mega Blast (World) +megadon=Megadon +megaman2=Mega Man 2 - the power fighters (960708 USA) +megaman=Mega Man - the power battle (951006 USA) +meijinsn=Meijinsen +mercs=Mercs (900302 etc) +metafox=Meta Fox [Imperfect inputs] +metalb=Metal Black (World) +metlsavr=Metal Saver +metmqstr=Metamoqester (International) +metrocrs=Metro-Cross (set 1) +mgakuen2=Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou no Fukushuu +mgakuen=Mahjong Gakuen +mgcrystl=Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) +mia=M.I.A. - Missing in Action (ver. T) +midres=Midnight Resistance (World) +mikie=Mikie +mimonkey=Mighty Monkey +minefld=Minefield +minivadr=Minivader +missw96=Miss World '96 (Nude) (set1) +mj4simai=Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan) +mjgtaste=Mahjong G-Taste +mjleague=Major League +mjnquest=Mahjong Quest (Japan) +mmatrix=Mars Matrix (000412 USA) +mnight=Mutant Night +mofflott=Maze of Flott (Japan) +mogura=Mogura Desse [Konami test board] +mole=Mole Attack +momoko=Momoko 120% +mooncrst=Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) +moonqsr=Moon Quasar +moonwar=Moonwar +moremore=More More +moremorp=More More Plus +mpang=Mighty! Pang (001010 Euro) +mrdo=Mr. Do! +mrflea=The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea +mrgoemon=Mr. Goemon (Japan) +mrkougar=Mr. Kougar +mrtnt=Mr. TNT +mrviking=Mister Viking (315-5041) +ms5pcb=Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) +msbingo=Miss Bingo +msgundam=Mobile Suit Gundam +msh=Marvel Super Heroes (951024 Euro) +mshuttle=Moon Shuttle (US?) [Incomplete Sound] +mshvsf=Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (970625 Euro) +mspacman=MS Pacman +mspuzzle=Miss Puzzle +mstworld=Monsters World +msword=Magic Sword - heroic fantasy (25.07.1990 other country) +mtwins=Mega Twins (chiki chiki boys 900619 etc) +mugsmash=Mug Smashers +multchmp=Multi Champ (World) +mustache=Mustache Boy +mustang=US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990) +mutantf=Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5) +mvp=MVP (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143) +mvsc=Marvel vs Capcom - clash of super heroes (980123 Euro) +mwalk=Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (set 3, World, FD1094/8751 317-0159) +mwarr=Mighty Warriors +myangel2=Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 (Japan) +myangel=Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan) +myhero=My Hero (US, not encrypted) +mysticri=Mystic Riders (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +mystston=Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure +naname=Naname de Magic! +nastar=Nastar (World) +nemesis=Nemesis (ROM version) +nemo=Nemo (90 11 30 etc) +neobattl=SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan) +newfant=New Fantasia (1995 copyright) +news=News (set 1) +newsin7=New Sinbad 7 +nightstr=Night Striker (World) +ninjakd2=Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1) +ninjak=The Ninja Kids (World) +ninjaw=The Ninja Warriors (World) +nitrobal=Nitro Ball (US) +nmg5=Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 1) +nmouse=Naughty Mouse (set 1) +nob=Noboranka (Japan) +nost=Nostradamus +nouryoku=Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai +nspirit=Ninja Spirit +nwarr=Night Warriors - darkstalkers' revenge (950316 Euro) +ohmygod=Oh My God! +oisipuzl=Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka +oldsplus=Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus (ver. 205) [Incomplete Dump] +olds=Oriental Legend Super (V101, Korea) [Imperfect Protection Emulation] +omegaf=Omega Fighter +onna34ro=Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 1) +opwolf3=Operation Wolf 3 (World) +opwolf=Operation Wolf (World, set 1) +orbitron=Orbitron +orbs=Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?) +orlegend=Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V126) +oscar=Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0) +osman=Osman (World) +othunder=Operation Thunderbolt (World) +outrun=Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) +outzone=Out Zone +ozon1=Ozon I +pacland=Pac-Land (World) +pacplus=Pac-Man Plus +pairlove=Pairs Love +pang3=Pang! 3 (950601 Euro) +pang=Pang (World) +pangpang=Pang Pang +panicstr=Panic Street (Japan) +paprazzi=Paparazzi +parodius=Parodius DA! (World, set 1) +pass=Pass +passsht=Passing Shot (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0080) +pbobble=Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System) +pclubys=Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 1) +pdrift=Power Drift (World, Rev A) +penbros=Penguin Brothers (Japan) +pengo=Pengo (set 1 rev c) +perfrman=Performan (Japan) +pgalvip=Pocket Gals V.I.P (set 1) +pgemeni=P-GeMeni (060123) [Homebrew] +pgmdemo=Chaos (PGM Demo) [Demo, Demo Game] +pgmfrog=Frog Feast (PGM) [Homebrew] +phoenix=Phoenix (Amstar) [Parent set for working drivers] +photoy2k=Photo Y2K / Real and Fake (V105) +pipibibs=Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1) +pirates=Pirates +pisces=Pisces +pitfall2=Pitfall II (315-5093) +pkladies=Poker Ladies +pktgaldx=Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00) +pkunwar=Penguin-Kun Wars (US) +plegends=Gouketsuji Gaiden Legends (USA, ver. 95/06/20) +plumppop=Plump Pop (Japan) +pnickj=Pnickies (940608 Japan) +ponpoko=Ponpoko +pooyan=Pooyan +popspops=Pop's Pop's +porky=Porky +pow=P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US version 1) +powerins=Power Instinct (USA) +prehisle=Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) +progear=Progear (010117 USA) +prtytime=Party Time: Gonta the Diver II / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (World Release) +pspikes=Power Spikes (World) +puckman=Puck Man (Japan set 1) +pulirula=PuLiRuLa (World) [Some priority problems] +punchout=Punch-Out!! +punisher=The Punisher (930422 etc) +punkshot=Punk Shot (US 4 Players) +pushman=Pushman (Korea, set 1) +puzlstar=Puzzle Star (V100MG) [Incomplete dump] +puzzli2=Puzzli 2 (V100) [Incomplete dump] +puzzloop=Puzz Loop (Europe, v0.94) +pwrinst2=Power Instinct 2 (USA, ver. 94/04/08) [Bad Music from first MSM6295] +pzlbowl=Puzzle De Bowling (Japan) +pzlbreak=Puzzle Break +pzloop2=Puzz Loop 2 (010302 Euro) +qad=Quiz & Dragons (capcom quiz game 920701 USA) +qcrayon2=Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan) +qcrayon=Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan) +qgakumon=Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA1 Type H) +qjinsei=Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) +qndream=Quiz Nanairo Dreams - nijiirochou no kiseki (nanairo dreams 960826 Japan) +qsangoku=Quiz Sangokushi (Japan) +qtono1=Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan) +qtono2j=Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 Zenkoku-ban (tonosama 2 950123 Japan) +qtorimon=Quiz Torimonochou (Japan) +quartet=Quartet (Rev A, 8751 317-unknown) +quiz18k=Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin +quizf1=Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) +quizhq=Quiz H.Q. (Japan) +quizo=Quiz Olympic +qzchikyu=Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) +qzkklgy2=Quiz Kokology 2 +qzkklogy=Quiz Kokology +qzquest=Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan) +qzshowby=Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Japan) +rabiolep=Rabio Lepus (Japan) +rachero=Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144) +racingb=Racing Beat (World) +racknrol=Rack + Roll +radarscp=Radar Scope +raflesia=Rafflesia (315-5162) +raiden=Raiden (set 1) +rallybik=Rally Bike / Dash Yarou +rambo3=Rambo III (Europe) +rastan=Rastan (World Rev 1) +rbisland=Rainbow Islands (new version) +rchase=Rail Chase (World) +redearth=Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961121) +redufo=Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO +regulus=Regulus (315-5033, rev. A) +renegade=Renegade (US) +repulse=Repulse +rescue=Rescue +retofinv=Return of the Invaders +rezon=Rezon +ringdest=Ring of Destruction - slammasters II (940902 Euro) +riotcity=Riot City (Japan) +riot=Riot +riskchal=Risky Challenge [Unemulated CPU functions] +robocop2=Robocop 2 (Euro/Asia v0.10) +robocop=Robocop (World revision 4) +robokid=Atomic Robo-kid +rockclim=Rock Climber +rockduck=Rock Duck (prototype?) [incorrect colors] +rocktrv2=MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) +rohga=Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0) +rollerg=Rollergames (US) +route16=Route 16 +rtype2=R-Type II +rtype=R-Type (World) +rtypeleo=R-Type Leo (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +rygar=Rygar (US set 1) +ryouran=VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran +ryujin=Ryu Jin (Japan) +ryukyu=RyuKyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023) +s1945=Strikers 1945 +s1945ii=Strikers 1945 II +s1945iii=Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan) +sabotenb=Saboten Bombers (set 1) +sailormn=Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (ver. 95/03/22B, Europe) +salamand=Salamander (version D) +samuraia=Samurai Aces (World) +saturnzi=Saturn +sbm=Sonic Blast Man (Japan) +sbomber=Space Bomber (ver. B) +scessjoe=Success Joe (World) [Incomplete sound] +schmeisr=Schmeiser Robo (Japan) +sci=Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1) +scobra=Super Cobra +scontra=Super Contra +scorpion=Scorpion (set 1) [Incomplete Sound] +scotrsht=Scooter Shooter +scramble=Scramble +scregg=Scrambled Egg +sdfight=SD Fighters (Korea) +sdgndmps=SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui +sdi=SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, newer, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) +searchar=SAR - Search And Rescue (World) +searchey=Search Eye +searchp2=Search Eye Plus V2.0 +sectionz=Section Z (set 1) +seganinj=Sega Ninja (315-5102) +selfeena=Sel Feena +semibase=MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea) +sengekis=Sengeki Striker (Asia) +senknow=Sen-Know (Japan) +sf2ce=Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (street fighter 2' 920513 etc) +sf2=Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (910522 etc) +sf2hf=Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (street fighter 2' T 921209 ETC) +sfa2=Street Fighter Alpha 2 (960229 Euro) +sfa3=Street Fighter Alpha 3 (980904 Euro) +sfa=Street Fighter Alpha - warriors' dreams (950727 Euro) +sf=Street Fighter (World) +sfiii2=Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930) +sfiii3=Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608) +sfiii=Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204) +sfx=SF-X [Incomplete Sound] +sfz2al=Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960826 Asia) +sfzch=Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, 951020 Japan) +sgemf=Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (970904 USA) +shackled=Shackled (US) +shadfrce=Shadow Force (US Version 2) +shadoww=Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) +shangon=Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) +sharrier=Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) +shdancer=Shadow Dancer (set 3, US) +shinfz=Shinobi / FZ-2006 (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006) +shinobi=Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected) +shocking=Shocking +sidepckt=Side Pocket (World) +silentd=Silent Dragon (World) +silkroad=The Legend of Silkroad +silkworm=Silk Worm +silvmil=Silver Millennium +simpsons=The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) +sjryuko=Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-5021) +skybase=Sky Base +skyfox=Sky Fox +skykid=Sky Kid (new version) +skylancr=Sky Lancer +skysmash=Sky Smasher +slammast=Saturday Night Slam Masters (Slam Masters 930713 etc) +slapshot=Slap Shot (Japan) +slyspy=Sly Spy (US revision 3) +smgp=Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B, FD1094 317-0126a) +snapjack=Snap Jack +snapper=Snapper (Korea) +snowbro2=Snow Bros. 2 - with new elves +snowbro3=Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure [Bootleg] +snowbros=Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1) +sokonuke=Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan) +soldivid=Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness +solfigtr=Solitary Fighter (World) +solomon=Solomon's Key (US) +sonicbom=Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) +sonson=Son Son +sotsugyo=Sotsugyo Shousho +spacedx=Space Invaders DX (US, v2.1) +spacegun=Space Gun (World) +spang=Super Pang (World 900914) +spatter=Spatter +spcpostn=Space Position (Japan) +spdcoin=Speed Coin (prototype) [Prototype] +speakres=Speak & Rescue +spec2k=Spectrum 2000 (vertical) +speedspn=Speed Spin +spelunk2=Spelunker II +spelunkr=Spelunker +spf2t=Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo 960620 USA) +spinlbrk=Spinal Breakers (World) +spnchout=Super Punch-Out!! +springer=Springer +spy=S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) +squash=Squash (Ver. 1.0) +sraider=Space Raider +srdarwin=Super Real Darwin (World) +srdmissn=S.R.D. Mission +srumbler=The Speed Rumbler (set 1) +ssf2=Super Street Fighter II - the new challengers (super street fighter 2 930911 etc) +ssf2t=Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc) +ssi=Super Space Invaders '91 (World) +ssmissin=S.S. Mission +ssoldier=Superior Soldiers (US) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +ssriders=Sunset Riders (4 Players ver. EAC) +sstriker=Sorcer Striker (World) +stagger1=Stagger I (Japan) +starjack=Star Jacker (Sega) +stg=Strike Gunner S.T.G +stlforce=Steel Force +strahl=Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1) +stratgyx=Strategy X +stratof=Raiga - Strato Fighter (US) +streakng=Streaking (set 1) [Bad Colours] +streetsm=Street Smart (US version 2) +strider=Strider (US set 1) +striv=Super Triv [No sound] +strkfgtr=Strike Fighter (World) +sucasino=Super Casino +sunaq=SunA Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6) +supbtime=Super Burger Time (World, set 1) +superbon=Agent Super Bond (scobra hardware) [Bad Colours] +superchs=Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) [No Sound] +superman=Superman (World) +supmodel=Super Model +suprglob=Super Glob +suprleag=Super League (FD1094 317-0045) +suprloco=Super Locomotive (Rev.A) +suprtrio=Super Trio +suratk=Surprise Attack (World ver. K) +svcpcb=SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, set 1) +svg=S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (V200, China) [Incomplete Dump] +svolley=Super Volleyball (Japan) +swat=SWAT (315-5048) +swatpolc=SWAT Police +tail2nos=Tail to Nose - Great Championship +tangtang=Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) +taotaido=Tao Taido (set 1) +tazmania=Tazz-Mania (set 1) +tdpgal=Triple Draw Poker [Bootleg] +tdragon2=Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993) +tdragon=Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992) [No sound] +teddybb=TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) +teljan=Tel Jan +tengai=Tengai (world) +terracre=Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) +terraf=Terra Force [imperfect graphics] +tetrbx=Tetris / Bloxeed (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006) +tetris=Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093) +tetrsark=Tetris (D.R. Korea) [Wrong colors] +tgm2=Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 +tharrier=Task Force Harrier +theend=The End +theglad=The Gladiator - Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian (V101) [Incomplete Dump] +thepit=The Pit [Parent set for working drivers] +theroes=Thunder Heroes +thndrbld=Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056) +thndrx2=Thunder Cross II (World) +thndzone=Thunder Zone (World, Rev 1) +thoop=Thunder Hoop (Ver. 1) +thunderl=Thunder & Lightning +thunderx=Thunder Cross (set 1) +thundfox=Thunder Fox (World) [NULL] +tigerh=Tiger Heli (US) +tigeroad=Tiger Road (US) +timefgtr=Time Fighter (Time Pilot conversion on Galaxian hardware) [Bad Colours] +timescan=Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) +tkdensho=Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614) [No sound] +tmnt2=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver. UAA) +tmnt=Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players) +tnzs=The NewZealand Story (World, newer) +toki=Toki (World set 1) +tokio=Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer) +toppyrap=Toppy & Rappy +topspeed=Top Speed (World) +toryumon=Toryumon +toutrun=Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118) +triothep=Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World) +triplep=Triple Punch (set 1) +tripool=Tri-Pool (Casino Tech) +trojan=Trojan (US set 1) +trophyh=Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0 +truxton2=Truxton II +truxton=Truxton +ttmahjng=Mahjong +tturf=Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104) [No Sound, Missing Z80 Program] +tumblep=Tumble Pop (World) +turbofrc=Turbo Force +turkhunt=Turkey Hunting USA V1.0 +turtles=Turtles +twinactn=Twin Action +twinadv=Twin Adventure (World) +twinbee=TwinBee (ROM version) +twineagl=Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother [Imperfect inputs] +twinhawk=Twin Hawk (World) +twinkle=Twinkle +uballoon=Ultra Balloon +uccops=Undercover Cops (World) [Imperfect sound and graphics] +ultraman=Ultraman (Japan) +umanclub=Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! +uniwars=UniWar S +unkpacg=unknown Pac-Man gambling game +unsquad=U.N. Squadron (US) +uopoko=Puzzle Uo Poko (International, ver. 98/02/06) +upndown=Up'n Down (315-5030) +utoukond=Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan) [No sound] +vandyke=Vandyke (Japan) +vanvan=Van-Van Car +vaportra=Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1) +varth=Varth - operation thunderstorm (920714 etc) +vblokbrk=VS Block Breaker (Asia) [imperfect inputs] +vendetta=Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T) +vhunt2=Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970929 Japan) +vigilant=Vigilante (World, set 1) +viofight=Violence Fight (World) +vmetal=Varia Metal [Imperfect graphics] +volfied=Volfied (World, revision 1) +vsav2=Vampire Savior 2 - the lord of vampire (970913 Japan) +vsav=Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Euro) +vulcan=Vulcan Venture (New) +vulgus=Vulgus (set 1) +wallc=Wall Crash (set 1) +warofbug=War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze +warriorb=Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan) +watrball=Water Balls +wb3=Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B, 8751 317-0098) +wboy=Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177) +wc90=World Cup '90 (World) +welltris=Welltris - Alexey Pajitnov's (World?, 2 players) +wiggie=Wiggie Waggie +wildfang=Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight +willow=Willow (US) +wilytowr=Wily Tower +wits=Wit's (Japan) +wizdfire=Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1) +wlstar=Wonder League Star - Sok-Magicball Fighting (Korea) +wmatch=Water Match (315-5064) +wndrplnt=Wonder Planet (Japan) +wofch=Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, 921031 Japan) +wof=Warriors of Fate (921031 etc) +wondl96=Wonder League '96 (Korea) +wondstck=Wonder Stick +woodpeck=Woodpecker (set 1) +wownfant=WOW New Fantasia +wrestwar=Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103) +wrofaero=War of Aero - Project MEIOU +wschamp=Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 +wwallyj=Wally wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B) +wwfsstar=WWF Superstars (Europe) +wwfwfest=WWF WrestleFest (US set 1) +wyvernf0=Wyvern F-0 +xmcota=X-Men - children of the atom (950331 Euro) +xmen=X-Men (4 Players ver UBB) +xmultipl=X Multiply (World, M81) +xmvsf=X-Men vs Street Fighter (961004 Euro) +xorworld=Xor World (prototype) +xsleena=Xain'd Sleena (World) +yesnoj=Yes/No Sinri Tokimeki Chart +youjyudn=Youjyuden (Japan) +yuyugogo=Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan) +zeropnt2=Zero Point 2 +zeropnt=Zero Point (set 1) +zerowing=Zero Wing (2P set) +zerozone=Zero Zone +zigzag=Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1) +zingzip=Zing Zing Zip +zipzap=Zip & Zap [Imperfect GFXs, No Sound] +zombraid=Zombie Raid (US) +zzyzzyxx=Zzyzzyxx (set 1) +2020bb=2020 Super Baseball (set 1) +3countb=3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043)(NGH-043) +alpham2=Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007)(NGH-007) +androdun=Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049) +aodk=Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008)(ADH-008) +aof2=Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056) +aof3=Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden +aof=Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044)(NGH-044) +bakatono=Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002)(MOH-002) +bangbead=Bang Bead +bjourney=Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001)(ALH-001) +blazstar=Blazing Star +breakers=Breakers +breakrev=Breakers Revenge +bstars2=Baseball Stars 2 +bstars=Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002) +burningf=Burning Fight (NGM-018)(NGH-018) +crsword=Crossed Swords (ALM-002)(ALH-002) +ctomaday=Captain Tomaday +cyberlip=Cyber-Lip (NGM-010) +doubledr=Double Dragon (Neo-Geo) +eightman=Eight Man (NGM-025)(NGH-025) +fatfursp=Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058) +fatfury1=Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - shukumei no tatakai (NGM-033)(NGH-033) +fatfury2=Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - arata-naru tatakai (NGM-047)(NGH-047) +fatfury3=Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - haruka-naru tatakai (NGM-069)(NGH-069) +fbfrenzy=Football Frenzy (NGM-034)(NGH-034) +fightfev=Fight Fever (set 1) +flipshot=Battle Flip Shot +galaxyfg=Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors +ganryu=Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki +garou=Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530) +goalx3=Goal! Goal! Goal! +gowcaizr=Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer +gpilots=Ghost Pilots (NGM-020)(NGH-020) +gururin=Gururin +irrmaze=The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou +janshin=Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster +jockeygp=Jockey Grand Prix (set 1) +joyjoy=Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021)(NGH-021) +kabukikl=Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den +karnovr=Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite +kizuna=Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle +kof2000=The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570) (NGH-2570) +kof2001=The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?) +kof2002=The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650)(NGH-2650) +kof2003=The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710) +kof94=The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055)(NGH-055) +kof95=The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084) +kof96=The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214) +kof97=The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320) +kof98=The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (NGM-2420) +kof99=The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510) +kotm2=King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039)(NGH-039) +kotm=King of the Monsters (set 1) +lastblad=The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340) +lastbld2=The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430)(NGH-2430) +lbowling=League Bowling (NGM-019)(NGH-019) +legendos=Legend of Success Joe / Ashitano Joe Densetsu +lresort=Last Resort +magdrop2=Magical Drop II +magdrop3=Magical Drop III +maglord=Magician Lord (NGM-005) +mahretsu=Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004)(NGH-004) +marukodq=Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz +matrim=Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660) (NGH-2660) +miexchng=Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger +minasan=Minasanno Okagesamadesu! Daisugorokutaikai (MOM-001)(MOH-001) +mosyougi=Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi +mslug2=Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410) (NGH-2410) +mslug3=Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) +mslug4=Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630) +mslug5=Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680) +mslug=Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 +mslugx=Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500)(NGH-2500) +mutnat=Mutation Nation (NGM-014)(NGH-014) +nam1975=NAM-1975 (NGM-001)(NGH-001) +ncombat=Ninja Combat (NGM-009) +ncommand=Ninja Commando +neobombe=Neo Bomberman +neocup98=Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory +neodrift=Neo Drift Out - New Technology +neomrdo=Neo Mr. Do! +ninjamas=Ninja Master's - haoh-ninpo-cho +nitd=Nightmare in the Dark +overtop=Over Top +panicbom=Panic Bomber +pbobbl2n=Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo) +pbobblen=Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo) (NGM-083) +pgoal=Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219) +pnyaa=Pochi and Nyaa +popbounc=Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin +preisle2=Prehistoric Isle 2 +pspikes2=Power Spikes II (NGM-068) +pulstar=Pulstar +puzzledp=Puzzle De Pon! +quizdai2=Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (NGM-042)(NGH-042) +quizdais=Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023)(NGH-023) +quizkof=Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080)(SAH-080) +ragnagrd=Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken +rbff1=Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095)(NGH-095) +rbff2=Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - the newcomers (NGM-2400) +rbffspec=Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special +ridhero=Riding Hero (NGM-006)(NGH-006) +roboarmy=Robo Army +rotd=Rage of the Dragons (NGM-264?) +s1945p=Strikers 1945 Plus +samsh5sp=Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720) +samsho2=Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen (NGM-063)(NGH-063) +samsho3=Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087) +samsho4=Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222) +samsho5=Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700) +samsho=Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045) +savagere=Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - kakutou sousei +sdodgeb=Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu +sengoku2=Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 +sengoku3=Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 +sengoku=Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017) +shocktr2=Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad +shocktro=Shock Troopers (set 1) +socbrawl=Soccer Brawl (NGM-031) +sonicwi2=Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 +sonicwi3=Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 +spinmast=Spin Master / Miracle Adventure +ssideki2=Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - real fight football (NGM-061)(NGH-061) +ssideki3=Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - eikou e no michi +ssideki4=The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero +ssideki=Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou +stakwin2=Stakes Winner 2 +stakwin=Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI kinzen seiha e no michi +strhoop=Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004) (DEH-004) +superspy=The Super Spy (NGM-011)(NGH-011) +svc=SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690)(NGH-2690) +tophuntr=Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046) +tpgolf=Top Player's Golf (NGM-003)(NGH-003) +trally=Thrash Rally (ALM-003)(ALH-003) +turfmast=Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf +twinspri=Twinkle Star Sprites +tws96=Tecmo World Soccer '96 +viewpoin=Viewpoint +vliner=V-Liner (set 1) +wakuwak7=Waku Waku 7 +wh1=World Heroes (ALM-005) +wh2j=World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007)(ADH-007) +wh2=World Heroes 2 (ALM-006)(ALH-006) +whp=World Heroes Perfect +wjammers=Windjammers / Flying Power Disc +zedblade=Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok +zupapa=Zupapa! diff --git a/bin/fba.png b/bin/fba.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c3e21a Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/fba.png differ diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76819b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +You may freely use, modify, and distribute both the FB Alpha source code and binary, however the following restrictions apply to the FB Alpha original material (see below for a list of libraries with differing licenses, please consult their respective documentation for more information): + + - You may not sell, lease, rent or otherwise seek to gain monetary profit from FB Alpha; + - You must make public any changes you make to the source code; + - You must include, verbatim, the full text of this license; + - You may not distribute binaries which support games with copyright dates less then three years old; + - You may not distribute FB Alpha with ROM images unless you have the legal right to distribute them; + - You may use dynamic linked libraries (dlls) for network play only (all other use is prohibited); + - You may not ask for donations to support your work on any project that uses the FB Alpha source code. + +FB Alpha can currently be obtained from https://www.fbalpha.com. + +FB Alpha would not exist without a lot of code from the MAME project. The MAME project is subject to it's own license, which can be found at http://mamedev.org/legal.html. Due to the use of MAME code in FB Alpha, FB Alpha is also subject to the terms of the MAME license. + +FB Alpha is based on Final Burn (formally at http://www.finalburn.com), see additional text below. +Musashi MC68000/MC68010/MC68EC020 CPU core by Karl Stenerud (http://www.mamedev.org). +A68K MC68000 CPU core by Mike Coates & Darren Olafson (http://www.mamedev.org). +Z80 CPU core by Juergen Buchmueller (http://www.mamedev.org). +ARM CPU core by Bryan McPhail, Phil Stroffolino (http://www.mamedev.org). +ARM7 CPU core by Steve Ellenoff (http://www.mamedev.org). +H6280 CPU core by Brian McPhail (http://www.mamedev.org). +HD6309 CPU core by John Butler, Tim Lindner (http://www.mamedev.org). +I8039 CPU core by Mirko Buffoni (http://www.mamedev.org). +Konami CPU core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +M6502 CPU core by Juergen Buchmueller (http://www.mamedev.org). +M6800/M6801/M6802/M6803/M6808/HD63701/NSC8105 CPU core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +M6805 CPU core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +M6809 CPU core by John Bulter (http://www.mamedev.org). +NEC V20/V30/V33 CPU core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +PIC16C5X CPU core by Tony La Porta (http://www.mamedev.org). +S2650 CPU core by Juergen Buchmueller (http://www.mamedev.org). +SH-2 CPU core by Juergen Buchmueller (http://www.mamedev.org). +TLCS90 CPU core by Luca Elia (http://www.mamedev.org). +ADSP21XX CPU core by Aaron Giles (http://www.mamedev.org). +AY8910/YM2149 sound core by various authors (http://www.mamedev.org). +C6280 sound core by Charles MacDonald (http://cgfm2.emuviews.com). +DAC sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +ES8712 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +ICS2115 sound core by O.Galibert, El-Semi (http://www.mamedev.org). +IREM GA20 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +K005289 sound core by Brian McPhail (http://www.mamedev.org). +K007232 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +K051649 sound core by Brian McPhail (http://www.mamedev.org). +K053260 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +K054539 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +MSM5205 sound core by Aaron Giles (http://www.mamedev.org). +MSM5232 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +RF5C68 sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +SAA1099 sound core by Juergen Buchmueller, Manuel Abadia (http://www.mamedev.org). +Sega PCM sound core by MAMEdev (http://www.mamedev.org). +SN76496 sound core by Nicola Salmoria (http://www.mamedev.org). +UPD7759 sound core by Juergen Buchmueller, Mike Balfour, Howie Cohen, Olivier Galibert, Aaron Giles (http://www.mamedev.org). +VLM5030 sound core by Tatsuyuki Satoh (http://www.mamedev.org). +X1010 sound core by Luca Elia, Manbow-J (http://www.mamedev.org). +Y8950/YM3526/YM3812 sound core by Jarek Burczynski & Tatsuyuki Satoh (http://www.mamedev.org). +YM2151 sound core by Jarek Burczynski (http://www.mamedev.org). +YM2203/YM2608/YM2610/YM2612 sound cores by Jarek Burczynski & Tatsuyuki Satoh (http://www.mamedev.org). +YM2413 sound core by Jarek Burczynski (http://www.mamedev.org). +YMF278B sound core by R. Belmont & O.Galibert (http://www.mamedev.org). + +Uses SMS Plus by Charles MacDonald (http://www.techno-junk.org). + +7Z functionality provided by LZMA SDK (http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html) +PNG functionality provided by libpng (http://www.libpng.org) +Zip functionality provided by zlib (http://www.zlib.net). + +Uses Xbyak (JIT assembler for x86/x64) by Herumi (https://github.com/herumi/xbyak) + +Some graphics effects provided by the Scale2x, 2xPM, Eagle Graphics, 2xSaI, hq2x/hq3x/hq4x, hq2xS/hq3xS/SuperEagle/2xSaI (VBA), hq2xS/hq3xS/hq2xBold/hq3xBold/EPXB/EPXC (SNES9X ReRecording) and SuperScale libraries (http://scale2x.sourceforge.net, http://2xpm.freeservers.com, http://retrofx.com, http://elektron.its.tudelft.nl/~dalikifa, http://www.hiend3d.com, http://code.google.com/p/vba-rerecording, http://code.google.com/p/snes9x151-rerecording, http://nebula.emulatronia.com). + +Miscellaneous other components from various sources. Copyright and license information are contained in the relevant parts of the source code. + +All material not covered above © 2004-2019 Team FB Alpha. + +DISCLAIMER: The authors of FB Alpha don't guarantee its fitness for any purpose, implied or otherwise, and do not accept responsibility for any damages whatsoever that might occur when using FB Alpha. All games emulated by FB Alpha, including any images and sounds therein, are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders. FB Alpha DOES NOT INCLUDE any ROM images of emulated games. + +The following information and license conditions accompanied the original Final Burn emulator. They also apply to FB Alpha: + +"Copyright (c)2001 Dave (formally of www.finalburn.com), all rights reserved. This refers to all code except where stated otherwise (e.g. unzip and zlib code)." + +"You can use, modify and redistribute this code freely as long as you don't do so commercially. This copyright notice must remain with the code. If your program uses this code, you must either distribute or link to the source code. If you modify or improve this code, you must distribute the source code improvements." + +"Dave" +"Former Homepage: www.finalburn.com" +"E-mail: dave@finalburn.com" diff --git a/pkg.cfg b/pkg.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3849194 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# NOTES: +## All variable values should be enclosed within double quotes: "" +## CONFIGURATION FILE for `gm2xpkg` script version: +PKGVER="0.8" + +# EXEC commands (set to "1" anyone for desired outcome), you can instead use [OPTIONS] of `gm2xpkg`: +PACKAGE="" +ZIP="" +IPK="" +CLEAN="" + +# VERBOSE mode (insert "yes" to have more info) +VERBOSE="" + +# ENV VAR. +## Specific (mandatory to provide!) +TARGET="bin/fba" # [filepath], replace with target's working binary path (/) +VERSION="release-m1" # [string], replace with correct release version if exist of target binary + +## Generic - common to all apps (better to not modify) +HOMEPATH="" # [dirpath], target device fullpath home directory for installation process +RELEASEDIR="" # [dirpath], host package output directory, specified with [-p] option +ASSETSDIR="bin/" # [dirpath], host dir containg all the necessary assets for a target +OPKG_ASSETSDIR="" # [dirpath], host dir containg the ./CONTROL directory with [control, preinst, postinst] files, auto-generated if not provided (warning: it may be removed with CLEAN=1) +LINK="" # [filepath], host path to custom gm2x link, modify if you want to use your pre-edited *.lnk file (warning: it may be removed with CLEAN=1) +ALIASES="bin/aliases.txt" # [filepath], host path to *.txt file holding new names for selector e.g. old_title=new_title +MANUAL="" # [filepath], host path to *.man.txt file holding usage description of target app + +## Link entries (better modify if no .lnk file provided) +### Primary +TITLE="FBA" # [string], program title +DESCRI="Final Burn Alpha SDL" # [string], short description +DESTDIR="emus" # [string], (default="apps") installation pathname in target device $HOMEPATH directory - not a link entry +SECTION="emulators" # [string], (default="applications") section in menu +### Additional +SELDIR="/mnt/roms/FBA/" # [dirpath], target device fullpath search directory (activates selector, don't append path with "/" to use AUTO selectorelement mode) +SELBROWSER="" # [bool], (default="true") don't show directories in selector browser with "false" - aka "Show Folders" option +SELFILTER=".zip" # [string], activates FileFilter in selector e.g. =".gba,.zip" +SELSCREENS="" # [dirpath], target fullpath Boxarts' directory in selector +ICON="" # [filepath], target fullpath to icon being used in menu (instead of default) +BACKDROP="" # [filepath], target fullpath to backdrop being displayed under icon in menu (default="" thus OFF) +PARAMS="" # [string], parameters (options; args) being passed to execution cmd +### HW Specific +CLOCK="" # [int], CPU frequency in MHz +LAYOUT="" # [int], SDL Keyboard (face buttons) layout +TEFIX="" # [int], Tearing FIX method + +## Custom entries (if needed then modify) +TARGET_DIR="" # [dirpath], target device install directory $HOMEPATH/$DESTDIR/$TARGET_DIR of executable binary (default TARGET_DIR=$(basename $TARGET)) +TARGET_EXEC="" # [string], the executable that's being used by frontend when running an app from $TARGET_DIR, for e.g. may be a custom script (default TARGET_EXEC=$(basename $TARGET)) +DOCS=("license.txt") # [array] of filepaths to extra text files e.g. =("docs/LICENSE" "CHANGELOG" "CONTRIBUTORS") which will be copied & converted to *.txt files for ease of use by frontend and placed in $TARGET_DIR + +## IPK control entries (if needed then modify) +PKG="" # default=$TARGET - name of the opkg package +PRIORITY="" +MAINTAINER="Apaczer, Rezzy-dev" +CONFFILES="" +ARCH="" # default=arm - do not modify for ARM chips +# CONTROL= # automated output of *.ipk control config file +DEPENDS="" # list of dependency packages e.g. ="sdl, libpng" or ="sdl (>= 2.9.2), sdl_mixer (= ed76d39cda0735d26c14a3e4f4da996e420f6478)" provide only for shared libs build, otherwise ignored (run "readelf -d $TARGET | grep NEEDED" to bisect) +SOURCE="https://github.com/Rezzy-dev/fba-miyoo-playable" +LICENSE="Custom"