This is still a work in progress but this is a easy to use wrapper around the UnixStream en UnixListener crates from the standard lib; it makes it so that you can create a server and a client instance of a socket connection, bough of these instances can send and receive messages. It includes a blocking recv function as wel as a non blocking one.
// Message to send should implement Serialize and Deserialize from serde
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct TestMessage {
value: String,
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
let s = spawn(|| {
// Create a server instance of a socket;
let mut server = IPCSocket::new_server("/tmp/test_socket.sock").unwrap();
// Loop to receive messages
loop {
// This function will not block and will give a Some with the message when it has received a message, else it will return a None
if let Some(message) = server.recv::<TestMessage>()? {
if message.value == "Hello from client" {
// send a message to the client;
server.send(TestMessage {
value: "Hello from server".to_string(),
let c = spawn(|| {
// Create a client instance
let mut client = IPCSocket::new_client("/tmp/test_socket.sock").unwrap();
// Send a message to the server;
let message = client.send(TestMessage {
value: "Hello from client".to_string(),
// Receive a message this function is blocking will return a message when it is received
let message = client.recv_blocking::<TestMessage>()?;