3 Users
- Seller - sells limiteds
- Marketplace - show limited
- Buyer - buys from marketplace
Allow sellers to upload limited / accounts
- check if account has premium
- 2FA keys
- Rolimon's API for value
- How much does a seller want to sell $ / 1k value
- Return all Limited's for sale with price
- Marketplace sends buyers userid to seller
- Check if both entities can trade
- Check if public inventory
- Check if premium
- From user's inventory, select the lowest value limited
- Return to marketplace instructing user to send trade to this user (with the lowest value limited)
- Wait for user to send trade
- Marketplace will send API request to confirm user has sent trade (may be lying)]
- Check to see if trade is correct, and if so then accept
- Deduce marketplace balance
User A wants to buy a super happy face for 300$ They go to gambling site and buy it To initiate the trade, they go through us.
We take buyer's userid Check if user id can trade Tell marketplace to tell user to initiate trade with lowest value ltd for super happy face Buyer sends trade request to marketplace Buyer informs marketplace they sent trade through a button The market place tells us We check if trade is correct, if incorrect decline If correct, we perfom trade through roblox cookie