Here are a few principles you should know before creating a pipeline. Further in this file, replace <team_id>
by the actual team ID (4 letters / digits) the pipeline refers to (e.g.: 2T6S
Please apply these principles in the following order.
The pipeline must be contained in a single file named narps_open/pipelines/team_<team_id>.py
In this file, create a class
named PipelineTeam<team_id>
that inherits from the narps_open.pipelines.Pipeline
class. Here is a sample code:
from narps_open.pipelines import Pipeline
class PipelineTeam2T6S(Pipeline):
""" A class that defines the pipeline of team 2T6S. """
The narps_open.pipelines.Pipeline
class declares abstract methods that must be implemented in your pipeline so that it works. These are:
def get_preprocessing(self):
""" Return a Nipype workflow describing the prerpocessing part of the pipeline """
def get_run_level_analysis(self):
""" Return a Nipype workflow describing the run level analysis part of the pipeline """
def get_subject_level_analysis(self):
""" Return a Nipype workflow describing the subject level analysis part of the pipeline """
def get_group_level_analysis(self):
""" Return a Nipype workflow describing the group level analysis part of the pipeline """
If one of these four steps was not performed by the team, simply make the corresponding method return None
. Here is an example:
def get_preprocessing(self):
""" No preprocessing has been done by the team, fMRIprep data was used """
return None
It is time to dive into the pipeline's logic! Note that each of the previously declared methods must return a Nipype workflow. Please find the documentation of Nipype here. Have a look at this Nipype tutorial if you are not familiar with the library.
Here is an example of what a workflow architecture should look like:
# Create nodes for the pipeline, each Node takes an interface as a parameter.
# (Here we removed the attributes passed to each interface, for readability reasons)
info_source = Node(IdentityInterface(), name = 'infosource')
select_files = Node(SelectFiles(), name = 'selectfiles')
smoothing = Node(Smooth(), name = 'smooth')
# etc.
# Create workflow
analysis = Workflow(base_dir = self.directories.working_dir, name = 'l1_analysis')
# Connect the nodes inside the workflow
(info_source, select_files, [('param_1', 'param_2')]), # Here we connect param_1 (output of info_source) to param_2 (input of select_file)
(select_file, smoothing, [('param_3', 'param_4')])
Whenever the interface you need is not available in the Nipype library, you may use the Function
interface, which is a way to define your custom interface.
See details here, and how to use it.
Also implement the output methods, which list all of the files each step of the pipeline is supposed to generate. Use the following signatures:
def get_preprocessing_outputs(self):
""" Return the names of the files the preprocessing is supposed to generate. """
def get_run_level_outputs(self):
""" Return the names of the files the run level analysis is supposed to generate. """
def get_subject_level_outputs(self):
""" Return the names of the files the subject level analysis is supposed to generate. """
def get_group_level_outputs(self):
""" Return the names of the files the group level analysis is supposed to generate. """
method must not be implemented.
You should use other pipeline attributes to generate the lists of outputs dynamically. E.g.:
def get_subject_level_outputs(self):
""" Return the names of the files the subject level analysis generates. """
# Here we create a list of contrat map templates, using a comprehension list
# self.directories.output_dir is a pipeline attribute, as well as self.contrast_list
# subject_id will be filled later using a formatting string
templates = [join(
'l1_analysis', '_subject_id_{subject_id}', f'con_{contrast_id}.nii')\
for contrast_id in self.contrast_list]
# Here we replace the subject_id by actual values for each subject included in the analysis
return_list = []
for template in templates:
return_list += [template.format(subject_id = s) for s in self.subject_list]
return return_list
As explained before, all pipeline inherit from the narps_open.pipelines.Pipeline
class, hence having access to a set of attributes, such as:
: a set of paths the pipeline needs to access such as the input dataset, the output directory, etc.) ;subject_list
: the list of participants on which to run the pipeline ;run_list
: the list of runs to use, e.g.:['01', '02', '03', '04']
to use all runs ;constrast_list
: the list of contrats computed by the first level analysis and used in the group level analysis ;team_id
: ID of the team (e.g.:2T6S
) ;fwhm
: full width at half maximum for the smoothing kernel (in mm) :tr
: repetition time of the fMRI acquisition (equals 1.0s)
First have a look at the testing topic of the documentation. It explains how testing works for inside project and how you should write the tests related to your pipeline.
Feel free to have a look at tests/pipelines/, which is the file containing all the automatic tests for the 2T6S pipeline : it gives a good example.