description |
This page contains the entire config file content as a table, we have marked what you will need to run the bot. And its default values and descriptions/explanations. |
The current content is based on the pre-release of Ree6 V3.
Name | Description | default | required |
config.version |
The config file version | 2.0.0 | yes |
config.creation |
The config file creation time | ? | yes |
hikari.sql.user |
The SQL username | root | yes |
hikari.sql.db |
The SQL Databasename | root | yes | |
The SQL password | yourpw | yes | |
The SQL Server address | localhost | yes |
hikari.sql.port |
The SQL Server port | 3306 | yes | |
Possible entries: sqlite, mariadb, postgresql, h2, h2-server | sqlite | no |
hikari.sql.storageFile |
The SQL storage file | storage/Ree6.db | no |
hikari.misc.createEmbeddedServer |
Should an instance of an embedded Server be created? Only used for H2-Server. | false | no |
hikari.sql.poolSize |
Hikari SQL pool size | 10 | yes |
bot.tokens.release |
Token used when set to release build. | ReleaseTokenhere | yes |
bot.tokens.beta |
Token used when set to beta build. | BetaTokenhere | no | |
Token used when set to dev build. | DevTokenhere | no |
bot.misc.status |
The Status of the Bot. | | %guilds% Servers. (%shard%) |
bot.misc.feedbackChannelId |
The Channel used for Feedback. | 0 | no |
bot.misc.ownerId |
The ID of the Bot Owner. Change this to yours! | 321580743488831490 | yes |
bot.misc.predefineInformation |
Predefined Information for the AI. | You are Ree6 a Discord bot. | no |
bot.misc.invite |
The Invite Link of the Bot. | | no | |
The Support Server Link of the Bot. | | no |
bot.misc.github |
The GitHub Link of the Bot. | | no | |
The Website Link of the Bot. | | no |
bot.misc.webinterface |
The Webinterface Link of the Bot. | | no |
bot.misc.record |
The Recording Link of the Bot. | | no |
bot.misc.twitchAuth |
The Twitch AuthenticationLink of the Bot. | | no |
bot.misc.advertisement |
The Advertisement in Embed Footers and the rest. | powered by Tube-hosting | no | |
The Name of the Bot. | Ree6 | yes |
bot.misc.shards |
The shard amount of the Bot. Check out for more information. | 1 | yes |
bot.misc.modules.moderation |
Enable the moderation module. | true | no | |
Enable the music module. | true | no | |
Enable the fun commands. | true | no | |
Enable the community commands. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.economy |
Enable the economy commands. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.level |
Enable the level module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.nsfw |
Enable the nsfw module. | true | no | |
Enable the info commands. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.hidden |
Enable the hidden commands. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.logging |
Enable the logging module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.notifier |
Enable the notifier module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.streamtools |
Enable the Stream-tools module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.temporalvoice |
Enable the Temporal-voice module. | true | no | |
Enable the Tickets module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.suggestions |
Enable the suggestions module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.customcommands |
Enable the custom Commands module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.customevents |
Enable the custom Events module. | true | no | |
Enable the AI module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.addons |
Enable the Addons module. | false | no | |
Enable the news command/module. | true | no | |
Enable the Games module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.reactionroles |
Enable the reaction-roles module. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.slashcommands |
Enable the slash-commands support. | true | no |
bot.misc.modules.messagecommands |
Enable the message-commands support. | true | no |
heartbeat.url |
The URL to the Heartbeat-Server | none | no |
heartbeat.interval |
The Interval of the Heartbeat | 60 | no |
dagpi.apitoken |
Your API-Token, for tweet image generation! | API-Token | no |
amari.apitoken |
Your Amari API-Token, for Amari Level imports! | Amari API-Token | no |
openai.apiToken |
Your OpenAI API-Token, for ChatGPT! | OpenAI API-Token | no |
openai.apiUrl |
The URL to the OpenAI API. | | no |
openai.model |
The Model used for the OpenAI API. | gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 | no |
sentry.dsn |
Your Sentry DSN, for error reporting! | yourSentryDSNHere | no | |
Your Spotify Application Client Id | yourspotifyclientid | no |
spotify.client.secret |
Your Spotify Application Client Secret | yourspotifyclientsecret | no | |
Your Twitch Application Client Id | yourtwitchclientid | no |
twitch.client.secret |
Your Twitch Application Client Secret | yourtwitchclientsecret | no |
twitter.bearer |
Your Twitter APIv2 Bearer Token | yourTwitterBearerToken | no | |
Your Reddit Application Client Id | yourredditclientid | no |
reddit.client.secret |
Your Reddit Application Client Secret | yourredditclientsecret | no |
instagram.username |
Your Instagram Username | yourInstagramUsername | no |
instagram.password |
Your Instagram Password | yourInstagramPassword | no |