export VM=clustername-compute-0
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/${VM}-disk2.qcow2 50g
virsh attach-disk ${VM} \
--source /var/lib/libvirt/images/${VM}-disk2.qcow2 \
--target vdb \
--persistent \
--subdriver qcow2 \
--driver qemu \
--type disk
export VM=clustername-compute-0
virsh detach-disk ${VM} sdb
First of all, you need to have a login with cluster-admin
at your cluster.
cd /var/lib/libvirt/images
ls -l rh*
export CLUSTERNAME=clustername
export NODE=compute-0
export RCOS_IMAGE=<rhcos-4.4.0.qcow2>
virsh destroy ${VM}
oc delete node ${NODE}
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b ${RCOS_IMAGE} ${VM}.qcow2 120G
virsh start ${VM}
# Run several times (two CSR per node join)
oc get csr | awk '/Pending/ {print $1}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
You can get the actual qcow2
for your cluster by
oc -n openshift-machine-config-operator get configmap/coreos-bootimages -o jsonpath='{.data.stream}' | jq -r '.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.qemu.formats."qcow2.gz".disk.location'
IMAGE=`oc -n openshift-machine-config-operator get configmap/coreos-bootimages -o jsonpath='{.data.stream}' | jq -r '.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.qemu.formats."qcow2.gz".disk.location'`
gunzip `echo $IMAGE | cut -d/ -f12`
Or via openshift-install command:
$ openshift-install coreos print-stream-json | jq '.architectures.x86_64.artifacts.qemu.formats."qcow2.gz".disk.location'
Or via mirror.openshift.pub: https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/dependencies/rhcos/4.15/4.15.0/rhcos-4.15.0-x86_64-qemu.x86_64.qcow2.gz