Setting on a bike because I'm getting fat, I am just so fat I sit all day and I type away f-you MongoDB
RealToughCandy from back on the bike for a special fat edition. Guys ever since entering this career field I have gained a lot of weight and I'm taking a bike ride and while we're taking this beautiful evening ride just thought I'd update you with what's going in my life.
The latest and greatest with me as many of you probably know I just dropped my third book so that was really exciting. It's called Tiny YouTube and basically just talks about how to get started with the YouTube channel in a sustainable way rather than these gurus talking about how to trigger the algorithm because the truth is no one knows how the algorithm works because it's proprietary. So the book doesn't focus on you one of these one-in-a-million shots but rather just sustainably building a channel.
I'm also working on a few more non web development related activities as part of my business I'm working on an Ebay course I know I know Ebay like that's so 2001 but there is a lot of money to be made with that platform. I have a niche account where I sell very specific items and I do pretty good sales and I wanted to share some techniques for that too. We do not talk drop-shipping because everyone's done that to death. We do the old-school way of finding inventory and selling it at a profit. So that's been taking up a lot of my time and I love my computer but sitting on it for 16 hours a day is not healthy.
Like ever since I started working for myself I pretty much am working double the amount that I would be at a nine-to-five. I'm working in 70 to 80 hours a week and I love it but it does have an effect on my body physically on my mental state my emotional state. So just trying to stay healthy and you know make better decisions.
Anyway yeah, I don't like to do these vlogs because it's just like let's talk about me for 20 minutes. So that's like the short and sweet of what I've been up to. When I have a free minute when I'm doing like administrative stuff or waiting for something to upload or whatever.
You should pop on my discord to see what's going on with everyone real. If you want to come join a really chill server check it out. I'll leave the link also it's one of the very few servers out there that had the code of conduct prominently displayed just so everyone's on the same page and it can be a welcoming community for everybody we just want to make a great experience for everyone who visits and keep it civilized.
So that's pretty much it. I'm just chilling in this beautiful park about to check out some houses if you guys want to come along.