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OpenWrt实用插件指南 #4

3 of 4 tasks
RealKiro opened this issue Feb 22, 2020 · 0 comments
3 of 4 tasks

OpenWrt实用插件指南 #4

RealKiro opened this issue Feb 22, 2020 · 0 comments


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RealKiro commented Feb 22, 2020


APP	                名称	                释义
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-accesscontrol	# 访问时间控制
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-adblock	#ADB 广告过滤
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-adbyby-plus	# 广告屏蔽大师 Plus +
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-adbyby	# 广告过滤大师(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-adkill	# 广告过滤(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-advanced-reboot	#Linksys 高级重启
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ahcp	# 支持 AHCPd
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-aliddns	# 阿里 DDNS 客户端(已弃,集成至 ddns)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-amule	#aMule 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-aria2	# Aria2 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-arpbind	#IP/MAC 绑定
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-asterisk	# 支持 Asterisk 电话服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-attendedsysupgrade	# 固件更新升级相关
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-autoreboot	# 支持计划重启
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-baidupcs-web	# 百度网盘管理 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-bcp38	#BCP38 网络入口过滤(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-birdl-ipv4	# 对 Birdl-ipv6 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-birdl-ipv6	# 对 Birdl-ipv4 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-bird4	#Bird 4(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-bird6	#Bird 6(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-bmx6	#BMX6 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-bmx7	#BMX7 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-caldav	# 联系人(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-cifsd	# 网络共享 CIFS/SMB 服务器 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-cjdns	# 加密 IPV6 网络相关
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-clamav	# ClamAV 杀毒软件
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-commands	#Shell 命令模块
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-cshark	# CloudShark 捕获工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-cupsd       # CUPS打印服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ddns	# 动态域名 DNS(集成阿里 DDNS 客户端)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-diag-core	# core 诊断工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy	# DNSCrypt 解决 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dnsforwarder	# DNSForwarder 防 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dnspod	# DNSPod
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dockerman	# 新的Docker 容器 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dump1090	# 民航无线频率(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-dynapoint	#DynaPoint(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-e2guardian	# Web 内容过滤器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-familycloud	# 家庭云盘
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-filetransfer	# 文件传输(可 web 安装 ipk 包)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-firewall	# 添加防火墙
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-flowoffload	#Turbo ACC 网络加速(集成 FLOW,BBR,NAT,DNS...
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-freifunk-diagnostics	#freifunk 组件 诊断(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-freifunk-policyrouting	#freifunk 组件 策略路由(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-freifunk-widgets	#freifunk 组件 索引(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-frpc	# 内网穿透 Frp(client☑️)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-frps	# 内网穿透 Frp(server)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-fwknopd	#Firewall Knock Operator 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-guest-wifi	#WiFi 访客网络
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-gfwlist	#GFW 域名列表(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-haproxy-tcp	#HAProxy 负载均衡 - TCP
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-hd-idle	# 硬盘休眠
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-hnet	#Homenet Status 家庭网络控制协议
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ipsec-virtual**d	#virtual** 服务器 IPSec
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-kodexplorer	#KOD 可道云私人网盘
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-kooldns	#virtual** 服务器 ddns 替代方案(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-koolproxy	#KP 去广告(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-lxc	#LXC 容器管理
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-meshwizard	#网络设置向导
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-minidlna	# 完全兼容 DLNA / UPnP-AV 客户端的服务器软件
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mjpg-streamer	# 兼容 Linux-UVC 的摄像头程序
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mtwifi	#MTWiFi 驱动的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mmc-over-gpio	# 添加 SD 卡操作界面(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-multiwan	# 多拨虚拟网卡(已弃,移至 syncdial)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mwan	#MWAN 负载均衡(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mwan3	#MWAN3 负载均衡
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-mwan3helper	#MWAN3 分流助手
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-n2n_v2	#N2N 内网穿透 N2N v2 virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-netdata	#Netdata 实时监控(图表) *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-nft-qos	#QOS 流控 Nftables 版
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ngrokc	#Ngrok 内网穿透(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-nlbwmon	# 网络带宽监视器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-noddos	#NodDOS Clients 阻止 DDoS 攻击
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-nps	# 内网穿透 nps *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ntpc	#NTP 时间同步服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ocserv	#OpenConnect virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-olsr	#OLSR 配置和状态模块
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-olsr-services	#OLSR 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-olsr-viz	#OLSR 可视化
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-openclash	# 简易化配置的Clash客户端
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-openvirtual**	#Openvirtual** 客户端
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-openvirtual**-server	# 易于使用的 Openvirtual** 服务器 Web-UI
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-oscam	#OSCAM 服务器(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-p910nd	# 打印服务器模块
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-pagekitec	#Pagekite 内网穿透客户端
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-polipo	#Polipo 代理 (是一个小型且快速的网页缓存代理)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-pppoe-relay	#PPPoE NAT 穿透 点对点协议(PPP)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-p p t p-server	#virtual** 服务器 p p t p
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-privoxy	#Privoxy 网络代理 (带过滤无缓存)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-qbittorrent	#BT 下载工具(qBittorrent)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-qos	# 流量服务质量 (QoS) 流控
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-radicale	#CalDAV/CardDAV 同步工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ramfree	# 释放内存
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-rp-pppoe-server	#Roaring Penguin PPPoE Server 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-samba	# 网络共享(Samba)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-samba4	# 网络共享(Samba4)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-sfe	#Turbo ACC 网络加速(已弃,移至 flowoffload)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-s-s	#SS 兲朝上网(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-s-s-libes	#SS-libev 服务端
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-shairplay	# 支持 AirPlay 功能
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-siitwizard	#SIIT 配置向导 SIIT-Wizzard
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-simple-adblock	# 简单的广告拦截
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-softethervirtual**	#SoftEther virtual** 服务器 NAT 穿透 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-splash	#Client-Splash 是无线 MESH 网络的一个热点认证系统
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-sqm	# 流量智能队列管理(QOS)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-squid	#Squid 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus	# 乳酸菌饮料兲朝上网 Plus+
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include s-s New Versiong	# 新 SS 代理
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include v2 瑞	#v2 瑞透明代理
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Trojan	#Trojan 代理 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Kcptun	#Kcptun 代理
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Server	# 乳酸菌饮料服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Socks and Tunnel	# 乳酸菌饮料代理
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - pro	# 乳酸菌饮料 - Pro(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 server-python	# 违禁软件 Python 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-statistics	# 流量监控工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-syncdial	# 多拨虚拟网卡(原 macvlan)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-tinyproxy	#Tinyproxy 是 HTTP (S) 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-transmission	#BT 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-travelmate	# 旅行路由器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-ttyd	# 网页终端命令行
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-udpxy	#udpxy 做组播服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-uhttpd	#uHTTPd Web 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-unblockmusic	# 解锁网易云灰色歌曲
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-unbound	#Unbound DNS 解析器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-upnp	# 通用即插即用 UPnP(端口自动转发)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-usb-printer	#USB 打印服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-v2 瑞 - server	#v2 瑞 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-v2 瑞 - pro	#v2 瑞透明代理(已弃,集成乳酸菌饮料)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-verysync	# 微力同步 *
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-vlmcsd	#KMS 服务器设置
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-vnstat	#vnStat 网络监控(图表)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-virtual**bypass	#virtual** BypassWebUI 绕过 virtual** 设置
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-vsftpd	#FTP 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-watchcat	# 断网检测功能与定时重启
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-webadmin	#Web 管理页面设置
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-webshell	# 网页命令行终端(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-wifischedule	#WiFi 计划
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-wireguard	#virtual** 服务器 WireGuard 状态
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-wirele 违禁软件 egdb	#WiFi 无线
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-wol	#WOL 网络唤醒
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-wrtbwmon	# 实时流量监测
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-xlnetacc	# 迅雷快鸟
LuCI ---> Applications	luci-app-zerotier	#ZeroTier 内网穿透

  • 支持 iPv6:

    1. Extra packages ---> ipv6helper (选定这个后下面几项自动选择了)

       Network ---> odhcp6c
       Network ---> odhcpd-ipv6only
       LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ipv6
       LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ppp
    2. 打开适用于 VMware 的 VM Tools

       Utilities ---> open-vm-tools


  • CIFSD添加非匿名用户:
ksmbd.adduser -a 用户名
  • SmartDNS(不推荐使用)
    ⚠️ XXR Plus+的PDNSD用的也是5335端口,使用PDNSD会造成与SmartDNS端口冲突,请改成本机5335
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