A demo application that used the google's ml kit which detects the faces in image. You can select image from the gallery or use the camera for live face detection in android phone. For official documentation, click here
- Download apk from here.
- screenshot: Sample screenshot from mobile emulator, tablet and real mobile device.
- code: The android app code.
- Google Play services 12.4.51 or newer
- Android SDK v28
- Android Support Repository
- Android Studio 3.1.2 or higher
- google-services.json in app-level folder
- open android studio, select File -> Import -> "Existing Projects into your workspace".
- go to the path where you cloned the Repo: (repoFolder)\code
- create firebase database and paste your google-service.json file into app folder.
- rebuild the project and run.
- MVVM architecture
- Android Architecture Components : Live data, View Model
- Firebase ML Kit
- Language: Kotlin
- Ravi Gadhiya
- This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Please feel free to submit issues with any bugs or other unforeseen issues you experience.