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Multiple Adaptive Mechanisms

Library of machine learning algoirhtms for predicting on streaming data with the implementation of multiple adaptive mechanisms paradigm.

Simple overview of use/purpose.


This is a collection of existing ML algorithms with multiple adaptive mechanisms, as well as code for the experiments of publications in this area, particularly for the paper "Automated Adaptation Strategies for Stream Learning". Currently, 4 batch versions of streaming algorithms Dynamic Weighted Majority [1], Paired Learner [2], Leveraged Bagging [3] and BLAST [4] are implemented. They are respectivelly referred to as bDWM, bPL, bLB and bBLAST, where "b" stands for "batch".

Getting Started


  • Matlab (R2021a was used in experiments), with Parallel Toolbox for runtime analysis experiments.
  • bLB requires Python 3.5+ and scikit-multiflow package including its dependencies.
  • bBLAST requires Java (1.8 was used in experiments) and MOA library.
  • Several other dependencies are included within the code and mentioned in the paper.


  • For bBLAST, MOA needs to be compiled with additional classes included in /code/bBLAST,

Running experiments for "Automated Adaptation Strategies for Stream Learning"

  • To run most of the experiments, run with either "q" option for qsub based paralellisation or "b" option for mostly sequential execution (bLB makes use of Matlab parfor). The runtime and other experiments are also included in code, but there not (yet) in the single run command.


Rashid Bakirov. For any help to run the code / questions / comments, contact the author through contacts on the website or other means.

Version History

  • 0.9 (6/6/21) Code for the accepted version of the paper
    • Added runtime experiments
    • Various fixes and optimisation.
  • 0.3
    • Revision of the paper.
    • Added bLB and bBLAST.
    • Various fixes and optimisation.
  • 0.2
    • Revision of the paper.
    • Various fixes and optimisation.
  • 0.1
    • Initial release.


License details pending.


[1] Kolter, J. Z., & Maloof, M. A. (2007). Dynamic weighted majority: An ensemble method for drifting concepts. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Volume 8, 2755–2790.

[2] Bach, S. H., & Maloof, M. A. (2008). Paired Learners for Concept Drift. 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 23–32.

[3] Bifet, A., Holmes, G., & Pfahringer, B. (2010). Leveraging bagging for evolving data streams. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6321 LNAI(PART 1), 135–150.

[4] van Rijn, J. N., Holmes, G., Pfahringer, B., & Vanschoren, J. (2015). Having a Blast: Meta-Learning and Heterogeneous Ensembles for Data Streams. Data Mining (ICDM), 2015 IEEE International Conference On, 1003–1008.