Boot into installer
# 1.
# from workstation
ssh-copy-id -f -i ~/.ssh/casey.pub nixos
rsync -avr ~/nixcfg nixos:
# WARNING: ensure target disks are correct
# 2.
# from target
cd /home/nixos/nixcfg/hosts/stable/x86_64-linux/mali
sudo ./disks.sh
# 3. Save hdd.key and boot.key
scp nixos:/home/nixos/nixcfg/hosts/stable/x86_64-linux/mali/boot.key .
scp nixos:/home/nixos/nixcfg/hosts/stable/x86_64-linux/mali/hdd.key .
# Add them to your password manager
# 3.
# go into a root shell
sudo -i
nix-shell -p git htop
# 4. Resolve TODO(qemu) in hardware-configuration.nix
# 5.
bash ./install.sh
# 6.
# when prompted
# from workstation
# sops -d --extract "['ssh_host_ed25519_key']" ./secrets.sops.yaml | ssh nixos 'cat - | sudo tee -a /mnt/persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key'
# then on target type YES
- Reboot
- Login