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Simple and tiny graphing library for javascript.

Download picograph.js


Demo Image

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script src="picograph.js"></script>

<body style="font-family: Lucida Console, Monaco, monospace;">


    <!-- Canvas for the graph -->
        style="width: 900px; height:200px; border:2px solid #000000;"

    <!-- div for legends/labels -->
    <div id="graphLabels"></div>

        /* Create graph using picograph */
        let demograph = new Graph("graphDemo",
            ["Random Y0", "Random Y1"],
            "units", "graphLabels", 50, 10, 0, true, true);

        /* Update values every second */
        setInterval(updateEverySecond, 1000);

        function updateEverySecond() {
            /* Get new values */
            yrand0 = Math.random() * 10;
            yrand1 = Math.random() * 10;

            /* Update graph */
            demograph.update([yrand0, yrand1])




Download picograph.js

new Graph(canvasID, labels, unit, labelDivID, intervalSize,
    maxVal, minVal=0, vlines=false, timestamps=false, scalesteps=5, vlinesFreq=1, autoScaleMode=1)

Arguments :

  • canvasID : The id of <canvas> tag for the graph.
  • labels : List/array of string for label names.
  • unit : The unit for the values.
  • labelDivID: ID of the <div> tag to place graph labels/legend.
  • intervalSize: Amount of pixels to shift the graph on update.
  • maxVal: Approximate maximum value. Picograph can autoscale, this argument is only for initial value. Set to null to automatically determine.
  • minVal: Approximate minimum value. Picograph can autoscale, this argument is only for initial value.
  • vlines: Show vertical lines.
  • timestamps: Show timestamps.
  • scalesteps: Number of scale lines to draw on the graph.
  • vlinesFreq: Vertical lines and timestamps will be drawn every vlinesFreq*intervalSize. Increase this if the vertical lines are too crowded.
  • autoScaleMode: When 0, minVal and maxVal become absolutes. When 1, autoscale to fit peaks only. When 2, graph scaling continuously adjusts to fit visible data.

Returns : Graph object.


Arguments :

  • values : Array of values to add to the graph.
Graph.updateConfig(labels, unit, intervalSize, 
    maxVal, minVal=0, vlines=false, timestamps=false, scalesteps=5, vlinesFreq=1, autoScaleMode=1)

Description : If you want to update the config dynamically. Calling this function will also clear the graph


Description: Set custom colors

Arguments :

  • colors: Array of color strings
Graph.switchGraph(previousGraph, newGraph)

Description : If you want to share the same canvas and the label div among multiple graph instances, use switchGraph.

Arguments :

  • previousGraph : Previous graph instance to switch from.
  • newGraph : New graph instance to switch to.


Always use CSS or style to set height and width of the canvas. Do not use height and width attributes of the canvas tag, it may cause scaling issues.

Correct Way:

<canvas id="graphDemo" style="width: 900px; height:200px"></canvas>

Or you can use CSS flex box, the canvas should be surrounded by

<div style="flex-basis: 0; flex-grow: 1;"></div>

Incorrect Way:

<canvas id="graphDemo" width=900 height=200">


Tiny and simple javascript graphing library.








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