Before contributing code to this project, we suggest you use Visual Studio Code with our recommended extensions.
You don't have to download it if you only want to fix a typo or something like that.
We consider all kinds of helpful behaviors to this project as contributing, even though you are just fixing a typo.
So if you find a typo, code error, or something else, you are welcome to submit your patch to this project. Don't hesitate about submitting a pull request. :P
If you don't know how to create a pull request, you can create an issue instead of submitting a pull request.
To do so, you need to navigate to the Issues page first. Then click on the New issue
button, and write your issue title and content.
Also, you need to make sure your title is simple and understandable. For example, if you are experiencing some errors, your title should be Errors found in ...
, not I'm getting some errors, help!
After that, submit it, and we will check your issue. ;)
To contribute, you need to fork this repository first.
After forking, you can start editing with GitHub web editor or your favorite editor.
Now start your editing, then commit it and submit a pull request after you're finished.
But, remember to format your code before you make a pull request. Your code should be readable for us. ;)
At last, we will review your contribution. If it's all OK, we will merge it into this project. And you're all done!
If there's any problem with your contribution, we will inform you. :D