In this tutorial, we will detect grasp poses for a single object on a table and select a grasp for the robot to execute.
To find grasps on a single object, we will fit a plane to the point cloud and use the nonplanar indices to sample grasp candidates.
We do this first with a PCD file. One way to load a PCD file in Python is to publish the file on a ROS topic.
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud src/gpd/tutorials/table_mug.pcd
Next, we create a ROS node in Python that gets the point cloud from the topic (/cloud_pcd).
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
from sensor_msgs import point_cloud2
cloud = [] # global variable to store the point cloud
def cloudCallback(msg):
global cloud
if len(cloud) == 0:
for p in point_cloud2.read_points(msg):
cloud.append([p[0], p[1], p[2]])
# Create a ROS node.
# Subscribe to the ROS topic that contains the grasps.
cloud_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/cloud_pcd', PointCloud2, cloudCallback)
# Wait for point cloud to arrive.
while len(cloud) == 0:
To find the nonplanar indices, we do a least squares fit of the points to a plane.
# Extract the nonplanar indices. Uses a least squares fit AX = b. Plane equation: z = ax + by + c.
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
cloud = np.asarray(cloud)
X = cloud
A = np.c_[X[:,0], X[:,1], np.ones(X.shape[0])]
C, _, _, _ = lstsq(A, X[:,2])
a, b, c, d = C[0], C[1], -1., C[2] # coefficients of the form: a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0.
dist = ((a*X[:,0] + b*X[:,1] + d) - X[:,2])**2
err = dist.sum()
idx = np.where(dist > 0.01)
Finally, we publish the point cloud and the indices at which we want to sample grasp candidates.
# Publish point cloud and nonplanar indices.
from gpd.msg import CloudIndexed
from std_msgs.msg import Header, Int64
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
pub = rospy.Publisher('cloud_indexed', CloudIndexed, queue_size=1)
msg = CloudIndexed()
header = Header()
header.frame_id = "/base_link"
header.stamp = = point_cloud2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, cloud.tolist())
for i in xrange(cloud.shape[0]):
for i in idx[0]:
s = raw_input('Hit [ENTER] to publish')
print 'Published cloud with', len(msg.indices), 'indices'
You can find the complete code in scripts/ To test the code, start roscore, rviz, and the grasp detection node (in separate terminals).
rosrun rviz rviz
roslaunch gpd tutorial2.launch
In rviz, load the config file gpd/tutorials/openni2.rviz.
Then, run the node.
python src/gpd/scripts/
Send a PCD file to the the select_grasp node.
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud src/gpd/tutorials/table_mug.pcd
Hit the Enter key when asked. It takes a while to calculate the surface normals (about a minute on a 3Ghz Intel i7 CPU). Now you should see grasps in rviz as shown below.
To select a grasp for the robot to execute, we use a simple heuristic: we just pick the grasp with the largest classification score.
# Select a grasp for the robot to execute.
from gpd.msg import GraspConfigList
grasps = [] # global variable to store grasps
def callback(msg):
global grasps
grasps = msg.grasps
# Subscribe to the ROS topic that contains the grasps.
grasps_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/detect_grasps/clustered_grasps', GraspConfigList, callback)
# Wait for grasps to arrive.
rate = rospy.Rate(1)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if len(grasps) > 0:
rospy.loginfo('Received %d grasps.', len(grasps))
grasp = grasps[0] # grasps are sorted in descending order by score
print 'Selected grasp with score:', grasp.score
After selecting a grasp, you can get the information about where to place the robot hand from the GraspConfig message. Here is a visualization of the orientation.
To use an actual RGBD camera on your robot instead of a PCD file, you can start by connecting the select_grasp node to openni2 as in the first tutorial.