MAVLink communicator is a bridge between MAVLink and ROS designed as ROS package.
The package covers a minimal set of sensors required for PX4 MAVLink SITL simulation. It is based on few MAVLink messages:
№ | Default ROS Topic name | ROS msg |
1 | /uav/actuators | sensor_msgs/Joy |
2 | /uav/arm | std_msgs::Bool |
№ | Default ROS Topic name | ROS msg |
1 | /uav/static_temperature | std_msgs::Float32 |
2 | /uav/static_pressure | std_msgs::Float32 |
3 | /uav/raw_air_data | std_msgs::Float32 |
4 | /uav/imu | sensor_msgs/Imu |
5 | /uav/mag | sensor_msgs/MagneticField |
№ | Default ROS Topic name | ROS msg |
1 | /uav/gps_point | sensor_msgs::NavSatFix |
2 | /uav/velocity | geometry_msgs::Twist |
One way is to build it as ROS package and call it as ROS node:
rosrun mavlink_communicator mavlink_communicator_node
Another way is to use is inside docker. Try docker/ script. For example:
./docker/ --help
This package is a part of UAV HITL dynamics simulator.