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Sean Barbeau edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 4 revisions


Having problems getting your own instance of OpenTripPlanner up and running? Please check out the below Troubleshooting sections to see if there is a known solution to your problem

Installing Eclipse

TODO - link to Troubleshooting section of GettingStartedEclipse

Installing Tomcat and setup Eclipse Integration

TODO - link to Troubleshooting section of SettingUpATomcatServerInEclipse

Installing Tomcat and setup Eclipse Integration

What's a trip planner?

A trip planner helps you figure out how best to get where you want to go. A multi-modal trip planner lets you plan routes using multiple "modes," for example, on foot, bike, train, bus, or some combination thereof. A good multi-modal trip planner allows you to easily tailor your trip to your preferences, for example by eliminating transfers, walking a more scenic path, or only riding buses with bike storage. Learn more


For developers

For stakeholders and users

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