KUEWKinoAnalysis code package implementing the KU EWKino Analysis
In order for the KUEWKinoAnalysis package to build the BuildFit.x
executable, the user must make sure that CMSSW is available, and
include the KEWKinoAnalysis package in the correct location in the
CMSSW directory structure. You will also need the CombineHarvester
and HiggsAnalysis CMSSW packages. These packages must be included
in the CMSSW directory structure as:
- src
- CombineHarvester
- HiggsAnalysis
- KUEWKinoAnalysis
You can set up a CMSSW area and checkout the required packages by performing the terminal commands below.
These are commands that I have in my .bash_profile
script on the
T3 that get called at terminal startup
>$ source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
>$ source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh
>$ export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700
You will need CMSSW_10_6_5
>$ scram project CMSSW CMSSW_10_6_5
>$ cd CMSSW_10_6_5/src
>$ cmsenv
>$ git clone https://github.com/zflowers/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
>$ git clone https://github.com/zflowers/CombineHarvester.git CombineHarvester
>$ git clone https://github.com/crogan/KUEWKinoAnalysis.git KUEWKinoAnalysis
Switch to the KU branch in HiggsAnalysis and the connect branch in CombineHarvester >$ git checkout KU >$ git checkout connect
Build the CMSSW packages (Note: We're still in the CMSSW_10_6_5/src
>$ scram b
Build KUEWKinoAnalysis (with the BuildFit.x
executable). (Note:
at this point you will need to have set the RestFrames
environmental varables set, i.e. have done source setup_RestFrames.sh
>$ cd KUEWKinoAnalysis
>$ make cmssw
To run text2workspace (T2W): Go to the directory with the datacard for a given mass point
>$ combineTool.py -M T2W -i datacard.txt -m MASS_Value --job-mode connect -o workspace.root --input-file ../../../FitInput_KUEWKino_2017.root --sub-opts='+ProjectName=cms.org.ku" \n request_memory = 8 GB \n'
Note that mass value will typically be the name of the directory that the datacard is in (ex: 5000325) and the input file is the path to the output root file from BuildFit.x
To run AsymptoticLimits: Go to the directory that was the output of BuildFit.x
>$ combineTool.py -M AsymptoticLimits -d */*/*/datacard.txt --job-mode connect --input-file FitInput_KUEWKino_2017.root --sub-opts='+ProjectName="cms.org.ku" \n request_memory = 8 GB \n'
To run impacts: Go to the directory that the workspace (and datacard) live in
>$ combineTool.py -M Impacts -d workspace.root -m MASS_Value --doInitialFit --robustFit 1 --job-mode connect --sub-opts='+ProjectName="cms.org.ku" \n request_memory = 8 GB \n'
>$ combineTool.py -M Impacts -d workspace.root -m 5000325 --input-file ../ --job-mode connect --sub-opts='+ProjectName="cms.org.ku" \n request_memory = 8 GB \n'
Note that the second step only should be ran after the jobs in the first step finish The input file is just the entire directory that the workspace lives in