Code | Meaning |
METAR | Periodic or routine report, generated once an hour or half hour. |
SPECI | Special report issued when conditions have significantly changed. |
Code | Meaning |
KT | Knots |
MPS | Metres per second |
KMH | Kilometres per hour |
Code | Meaning |
Metre | Metre, standard unit |
Foot | Foot, used by FAA for RVR |
Mile | Mile, more formally statute mile, used by FAA |
Field | Explanation |
wvdLeft | The left extreme of the wind direction in degrees. |
wvdRight | The right extreme of the wind direction in degrees. |
Field | Explanation |
wsUnit | Wind speed unit |
wsValue | Value of the wind speed in the unit. |
Field | Explanation |
wDirection | Mean true direction in degrees rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees from which the wind is blowing, when absent the direction is variable. |
wSpeed | Mean speed of the wind over the 10-minute period immediately preceding the observation. |
wGust | Maximum gust wind speed if relevant. |
wVariation | Variable wind direction if relevant. |
Code | Meaning |
Down | Visibility is decreasing. |
Up | Visibility is increasing. |
NoChange | No significant change in visibility. |
Field | Explanation |
vdUnit | Distance unit |
vdValue | Distance value in the unit. |
vdFraction | Distance fraction in the unit, e.g., (1, 4) for a 1/4. |
Field | Explanation |
RunwayDesignator | Runway designator, 2 digits possibly appended with L(eft), C(entral), or R(ight) for parallel runways. |
Code | Meaning |
Lower | Indicates an extreme lower value of runway visual range. |
Higher | Indicates an extreme higher value of runway visual range. |
Field | Explanation |
rvrDesignator | Runway designator. |
rvrMeanVisibility | Mean visibility in meters. |
rvrOutsideMeasuringRange | Present only if the RVR values are outside the measuring range of the observing system. |
rvrVisibilityTendency | Visibility tendency. |
Field | Explanation |
vPrevailing | Prevailing horizontal visibility in meters; 9999 indicates visibility over 10 km. |
vLowest | Lowest visibility if reported. |
vLowestDirection | Direction of the lowest visibility. |
vRunways | Visual range for each runway. |
Code | Meaning |
LightWeather | Light weather. |
HeavyWeather | Heavy weather. |
InVicinityWeather | In vicinity, i.e., not on location but within 8000 m. |
Code | Meaning |
Shallow | |
Patches | |
Partial | |
Drifting | |
Blowing | |
Showers | |
Thunderstorm | |
Freezing |
Code | Meaning |
Drizzle | |
Rain | |
Snow | |
SnowGrains | |
IceCrystals | |
IcePellets | |
Hail | |
SmallHail | |
UnknownPrecipitation | |
Mist | Visibility > 1000 m. |
Fog | Visibility < 1000 m. |
Smoke | |
VolcanicAsh | |
WidespreadDust | |
Sand | |
Haze | |
Spray | |
Dust | Well-developed dust/sand whirls. |
Squall | |
FunnelCloud | Tornado, waterspout are always +FC, i.e., heavy FunnelCloud. |
Sandstorm | |
DustStorm |
Code | Meaning |
Cumulonimbus | |
ToweringCumulus |
Code | Meaning |
Few | Few amount of clouds. |
Scattered | Scattered amount of clouds. |
Broken | Broken amount of clouds. |
Overcast | Overcast amount of clouds. |
Field | Explanation |
caType | Type of cloud amount. |
caHeight | Height of cloud base in hundreds of feet. |
clType | Type of clouds if relevant. |
Field | Explanation |
vvExtent | Extent of vertical visibility in hundreds of feet above field elevation. |
Code | Meaning |
NoCloudBelow1500 | No clouds observed below 1500 feet. |
NoCloudBelow3600 | No clouds observed below 3600 feet. |
SkyClear | Sky clear; no clouds observed. |
Variant | Explanation |
CloudAmounts | Cloud amount observations. |
ObscuredSky | Obscured sky observations. |
NoneObserved | No clouds observed conditions. |
Code | Meaning |
Hpa | hPa (standard). |
InchesHg | inches of mercury (US) |
Field | Explanation |
pUnit | Pressure unit. |
pValue | Pressure value. |
Field | Explanation |
reportCorrected | Whether the report was corrected. |
reportAuto | Whether the report contains fully automated observations without human intervention. |
reportMissed | Whether the report corresponds to a missing report. |
Field | Explanation |
reportType | Type of the report. |
reportModifiers | Modifiers (cor, auto, nil). |
reportStation | ICAO code for the observing station (an aerodrome). |
reportDate | When the observation was made. |
reportWind | Wind related observations. |
reportVisibility | Visibility related observations. |
reportWeather | Weather related observations. |
reportClouds | Clouds related observations. |
reportTemperature | Temperature rounded to nearest whole degree Celsius. |
reportDewPoint | Dew point rounded to nearest whole degree Celsius. |
reportPressure | Mean sea level pressure (“QNH”). |
reportRemarks | Report components and miscellaneous abbreviations. |
Code | Meaning |
MI | Shallow |
BC | Patches |
PR | Partial |
DR | Drifting |
BL | Blowing |
SH | Showers |
TS | Thunderstorm |
FZ | Freezing |
Code | Meaning |
DZ | Drizzle |
RA | Rain |
SN | Snow |
SG | SnowGrains |
IC | IceCrystals |
PL | IcePellets |
GR | Hail |
GS | SmallHail |
UP | UnknownPrecipitation |
BR | Mist |
FG | Fog |
FU | Smoke |
VA | VolcanicAsh |
DU | WidespreadDust |
SA | Sand |
HZ | Haze |
PY | Spray |
PO | Dust |
SQ | Squall |
FC | FunnelCloud |
SS | Sandstorm |
DS | DustStorm |
Code | Meaning |
NSC | NoneObserved NoCloudBelow1500 |
NCD | NoneObserved SkyClear |
CLR | NoneObserved NoCloudBelow3600 |
SKC | NoneObserved SkyClear |