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AMD OpenCV Extension

The AMD OpenCV (vx_opencv) is an OpenVX module that implements a mechanism to access OpenCV functionality as OpenVX kernels. These kernels can be accessed from within OpenVX framework using OpenVX API call vxLoadKernels(context, "vx_opencv").

List of OpenCV-interop kernels

The following is a list of OpenCV functions that have been included in the vx_opencv module.

absDiff                     	org.opencv.absdiff                              
adaptiveThreshold           	org.opencv.adaptivethreshold                                                          
add                         	org.opencv.add 
addWeighted                 	org.opencv.addweighted                          
bilateralFilter             	org.opencv.bilateralfilter
bitwise_and                 	org.opencv.bitwise_and
bitwise_not                 	org.opencv.bitwise_not
bitwise_or                  	org.opencv.bitwise_or
bitwise_xor                 	org.opencv.bitwise_xor
blur                        	org.opencv.blur
boxfilter                   	org.opencv.boxfilter
BRISK                       	org.opencv.brisk_detect
BRISK_Compute               	org.opencv.brisk_compute 
buildOpticalFlowPyramid     	org.opencv.buildopticalflowpyramid
buildPyramid                	org.opencv.buildpyramid
canny                       	org.opencv.canny  
convert_scale_abs           	org.opencv.convertscaleabs                      
cvtcolor                    	org.opencv.cvtcolor                          
dilate                      	org.opencv.dilate 
distanceTransform           	org.opencv.distancetransform                                           
divide                      	org.opencv.divide  
erode                       	org.opencv.erode 
fastNlMeansDenoising        	org.opencv.fastnlmeansdenoising
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored 	org.opencv.fastnlmeansdenoisingcolored 
filter2D                    	org.opencv.filter2d
flip                        	org.opencv.flip 
gaussianBlur                	org.opencv.gaussianblur
goodFeature_detector        	org.opencv.good_features_to_track
laplacian                   	org.opencv.laplacian
medianBlur                  	org.opencv.medianblur
morphologyEx                	org.opencv.morphologyex
MSER                        	org.opencv.mser_detect 
multiply                    	org.opencv.multiply    
ORB                         	org.opencv.orb_detect
ORB_Compute                 	org.opencv.orb_compute   
pyrDown                     	org.opencv.pyrdown
pyrUp                       	org.opencv.pyrup
resize                      	org.opencv.resize
scharr                      	org.opencv.scharr
sepFilter2D                 	org.opencv.sepfilter2d
SIFT_Compute                	org.opencv.sift_compute                         
SIFT_Detect                 	org.opencv.sift_detect 
simpleBlobDetector          	org.opencv.simple_blob_detect                   
simpleBlobDetector_Init     	org.opencv.simple_blob_detect_initialize 
sobel                       	org.opencv.sobel
STAR_FEATURE_Detector       	org.opencv.star_detect  
subtract                    	org.opencv.subtract
SURF_Compute                	org.opencv.surf_compute
SURF_Detect                 	org.opencv.surf_detect
threshold                   	org.opencv.threshold  
transpose                   	org.opencv.transpose                            
warpAffine                  	org.opencv.warpaffine 
warpPerspective             	org.opencv.warpperspective  

NOTE - For list of OpenVX API calls for OpenCV-interop refer include/vx_ext_opencv.h

Build Instructions


  • AMD OpenVX™ library
  • CMake 3.0 or later
  • OpenCV 3/4 with/without contrib
    • Note For pre-built library: OpenCV_DIR environment variable should point to OpenCV/build folder

Build using Visual Studio 2019 on 64-bit Windows 10 / 11

  • Use amd_openvx_extensions/amd_opencv/amd_opencv.sln to build for x64 platform

Build using CMake on Linux

  • Use CMake to configure and generate Makefile

NOTE: OpenVX and the OpenVX logo are trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.