- Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/RIVeR-Lab/wpi_jaco into develop
- Added initial support for the Jaco2 arm, see readme for details
- Contributors: David Kent
- reverted changelog
- changelog updated
- Contributors: Russell Toris
- removed .urdf file
- urdf file
- urdf file
- Contributors: Mathijs de Langen
- copied old meshes. manual texturing failed on web.
- Minor fixes for better placement of items. Also: - Actually launches joint controllers in the Gazebo launch - Allows the robot to be specified, this allows mounting the Jaco arm on a variety of bases using the same gazebo launch.
- Added Gazebo support. Added necessary elements for Gazebo simulation: - Mass (currently made up) - Inertia (currently made up) - Joint controllers for the Gazebo robot using ROS Control - Transmissions on necessary joints - Gripper tag to support grasping (may need tuning)
- Contributors: Alex Henning, Peter
- fixed catkin install bug
- min
- remin
- moved to .jpg
- fixed small ring & minified
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into manual-texturing
- finished retexturing
- link 4,5,small ring. swapped colors
- link 2
- finished link 1
- large ring complete
- textred large ring manually
- added materials
- changed to .jpg
- changed to jpegs
- minifinified and fixed textures
- replaced with recolored dae's
- added materials
- Contributors: Peter, Russell Toris
- minify script
- Contributors: Russell Toris
- start position fixed
- added rviz to install
- fixed start position of arm
- Updated urdf and regenerated urdf file
- rebuild of URDF
- minified XML
- fixed collision models in URDF
- Contributors: Russell Toris, dekent
- fixed install cmake bug
- recompiled URDF
- fixed URDF to load minified files
- updated pre-compiled URDF
- minified XML
- removed large unused mesh originals
- removed large unused mesh originals
- Removed soft links
- Using low poly version of all meshes
- Removed duplicate meshes
- Improved meshes and URDF
- Contributors: Russell Toris, Steven Kordell
- diff fixed
- Updated xacro files to use jaco_description instead of jaco_model, generated urdf for standalone_arm
- Contributors: Russell Toris, dekent
- renamed JACO to WPI packages
- Contributors: Russell Toris