This module gives Doom its signature look: powered by the doom-one
(inspired by Atom’s One Dark theme) and solaire-mode
- A colorscheme inspired by Atom’s One Dark theme (now available in a separate plugin: doom-themes)
- A custom folded-region indicator for
- “Thin bar” fringe bitmaps for
- File-visiting buffers are slightly brighter (thanks to solaire-mode)
This module provides no flags.
This module has no prerequisites.
Although this module uses the doom-one
theme by default, doom-themes offers a number of alternatives:
- doom-one: doom-themes’ flagship theme, inspired by Atom’s One Dark themes
- doom-vibrant: a more vibrant version of doom-one
- doom-molokai: based on Textmate’s monokai
- doom-nova: adapted from Nova
- doom-one-light: light version of doom-one
- doom-peacock: based on Peacock from daylerees’ themes
- doom-tomorrow-night: by Chris Kempson
This can be changed by changing the doom-theme
variable, e.g.
(setq doom-theme 'doom-molokai)
core/core-ui.el has four relevant variables:
- the default font to use in Doom Emacs.
- the font to use when
is enabled. doom-variable-font
- the font to use when
is active (or where thevariable-pitch
face is used). doom-unicode-font
- the font used to display unicode symbols. This is ignored if the
:ui unicode
module is enabled.
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Mono" :size 12)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Fira Sans")
doom-unicode-font (font-spec :family "DejaVu Sans Mono")
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "Fira Mono" :size 19))
If you’re seeing strange unicode symbols, this is likely because you don’t have
’s font icon installed. You can install them with M-x
is an aesthetic plugin that makes non-file-visiting buffers
darker than the rest of the Emacs’ frame (to visually differentiate temporary
windows or sidebars from editing windows). This looks great in GUI Emacs, but
can look questionable in the terminal.
It disables itself if you start tty Emacs with emacs -nw
, but if you create a
tty frame from a daemon (which solaire-mode cannot anticipate), you’ll get an
ugly background instead.
If you only use Emacs in the terminal, your best bet is to disable the solaire-mode package:
;; in ~/.doom.d/packages.el
(package! solaire-mode :disable t)