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Set up a server

oldnapalm edited this page Nov 24, 2023 · 18 revisions


  1. Go to the release page and download
  2. Extract the zip with whatever tool you desire.
  3. Simply click RageCoop.Server.exe, now your server is running and Settings.xml will be generated.
  4. Remeber to add a firewall exclusion so the connection is not blocked: (change 4499 to other number if you're using a different port)
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RageCoop.Server" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=4499


  1. Go to the release page and download
  2. Run the following commands:
cd [the_directory_you_downloaded_ragecoop]
chmod +x RageCoop.Server
  1. Now your server is running and Settings.xml will be generated, every time you want to run it just type ./RageCoop.Server again in terminal
  2. Firewall configuration may differ on different distro. Well... if you're using linux, you probaly don't need to be told what to do

Port forwarding

Normally you can't just run a server at your home, since your computer is behind a NAT firewall, which will randomly assign you a port or block all incoming connections. You'll need to forward a port to make your server reachable to others. Contact you ISP or use VLAN software(see below) if you're unable to do that.

Sample port forwarding configuration



Configuring the server

All server seetings are stored in Settings.xml located at the working directory, you can see all avalible options here


RAGECOOP comes with built-in ZeroTier intergration, allowing you to host a public server at your home without complex setup. To use it, first download and install ZeroTier for your server and client PC, log in / sing up to and create a network, set UseZeroTier and AnnounceSelf to true and change ZeroTierNetworkID to your network in server settings, then start your server. Now you'll be able to connect to your server from the server list.

Sample Zero Tier configuration



P2P connection

RAGECOOP supports P2P connection to an extent. You must enable VLAN functionality and set UseP2P to true for this to work.

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