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Command List
Management of custom command aliases.
Command | Description |
!!alias <alias> <command...> !!alias create <alias> <command...>
Creates a custom alias for a command.alias : The name of the custom alias you are creating.command : The full name of the command you are creating an alias for. |
!!alias list |
Lists all currently created custom command aliases. |
!!alias remove <alias...> !!alias rem <alias...> !!alias rm <alias...>
Removes a specified custom command alias.alias : The name of the custom alias you are removing. |
Provides various information from backpack.tf.
Command | Description |
!!backpack <user...> !!backpack profile <user...> !!backpack info <user...> !!bp <user...> !!bp profile <user...> !!bp info <user...>
Gets a user's basic backpack.tf profile information, if they have any.user : The Steam profile link or SteamID64 of the user you wish to view information for. |
!!backpack bans <user...> !!bp bans <user...>
Get detailed Steam and backpack.tf site ban information about a user, if they have either.user : The Steam profile link or SteamID64 of the user you wish to view ban information for. |
!!backpack convert <amount> <type> !!bp convert <amount> <type>
Convert a certain amount of one currency to another.amount : The amount of currency to convert.type : The type of currency. Can be Ref, Keys, Buds, CraftHats. |
!!backpack pricecheck <options...> !!backpack price <options...> !!bp pricecheck <options...> !!bp price <options...>
Attempts to get a price check for a specific TF2 item on backpack.tf.options : Options to use when searching for items. Use --help for a list of options. |
Management of text, voice, and category channels in your server.
Command | Description |
!!channel [channel...] !!channel info [channel...]
Provides basic information about a channel in your server.channel : The channel you wish to view information for. Defaults to the current text channel if no channel is provided. (optional)
!!channel clone <oldChannel> [newName...] !!channel copy <oldChannel> [newName...]
Clones an existing channel, including its permissions and position.oldChannel : The channel you wish to clone.newName : The name of the new channel. Defaults to the name of the channel being clone. (optional)
!!channel rename <channel> <newName...> |
Renames an existing channel.channel : The channel you wish to rename.newName : The new name of the channel. |
!!channel delete <channel...> |
Deletes an existing channel.channel : The channel you wish to delete. |
!!channel slowmode [channel] |
Shows the current slowmode setting, if any, of a specific text channel.channel : The channel you wish to view the slowmode for. Defaults to the current channel if no channel is provided. (optional)
!!channel slowmode <duration> [channel] |
Updates the slowmode for a specific text channel.duration : The duration of time per message for the slowmode.channel : The channel you wish to modify slowmode for. Defaults to the current channel if no channel is provided. (optional)
!!channel create text <name...> !!channel create voice <name...> !!channel create category <name...>
Creates a new text, voice, or category channel.name : The name of the channel you wish to create. |
!!channel log |
View currently logged events as well as the channel(s) they are logged in. |
!!channel log disable |
Disables all logging events that were enabled in the current channel. |
!!channel log ban !!channel log bans
Logs users being banned to the current channel. |
!!channel log kick !!channel log kicks
Logs users being kicked to the current channel. |
!!channel log mute !!channel log mutes
Logs users being muted via the bot to the current channel. |
!!channel log warning !!channel log warnings !!channel log warn !!channel log warns
Logs users being warned via the bot to the current channel. |
!!channel log revoke |
Logs users having punishments revoked to the current channel. |
!!channel log appeals !!channel log appeal
Logs users appealing punishments to the current channel. |
!!channel log messageupdate |
Logs messages being updated to the current channel. |
!!channel log messagedelete |
Logs messages being deleted to the current channel. |
!!channel log join !!channel log joins !!channel log joined
Logs users joining the server to the current channel. |
!!channel log leave !!channel log left
Logs leaving the server to the current channel. |
!!channel log usernames !!channel log username
Logs users changing their username to the current channel. |
!!channel log nicknames !!channel log nickname
Logs users changing their nickname to the current channel. |
!!channel log avatar !!channel log avatars
Logs users changing their avatar to the current channel. |
!!channel log roles |
Logs users having roles removed or added to the current channel. |
!!channel log reactionremove |
Logs users removing reactions from messages to the current channel. |
!!channel log announcements |
Logs announcements or status updates from the bot owners to the current channel. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. |
!!channel log errors |
Logs non-command errors that occur with the bot, such as permissions being missing, to the current channel. |
!!channel log punishments |
Logs the following punishment-related events to the current channel: Ban, Kick, Appeal, Revoke, Mute, and Warn. |
!!channel log tally |
Logs users joining AND leaving the server to the current channel |
!!channel log messages |
Logs message-related (Update, Delete) events to the current channel. |
!!channel settings [channel] |
Views custom bot settings for a specific text channel, as well as their current values.channel : The channel you wish to view settings for. Defaults to the current channel if no channel is provided. (optional)
!!channel settings enable <setting> [channel] !!channel settings disable <setting> [channel]
Enables or disables a custom bot setting for a specific text channel.setting : The setting you wish to enable or disable.channel : The channel you wish to change the setting for. Defaults to the current channel is no channel is provided. (optional)
Management of custom server emoji.
Command | Description |
!!emoji <emoji> !!emoji info <emoji> !!e <emoji> !!e info <emoji>
Views info about a custom emoji from any server.emoji : The custom emoji you wish to view info for. Must not be a default Discord emoji. |
!!emoji big <emoji> !!e big <emoji>
Blows up an emoji to a much bigger size.emoji : The emoji you wish to view. Can be any emoji. |
!!emoji delete <emoji> !!e delete <emoji>
Deletes an existing emoji from this server.emoji : The emoji you wish to delete. |
!!emoji size !!e size
Views the current size emoji will be resized to with the e big command. |
!!emoji size <size> !!e size <size>
Updates the size emoji will be resized to with the e big command.size : The new size to resize emoji to. Must be a power of 2, and 16 <= size <= 512 . The default size is 256. |
!!emoji create [name...] !!e create [name...]
Creates a new custom emoji from an image you upload.name : The name of the new emoji you are creating. Will default to the name of the image you upload. (optional)
!!emoji clone <emoji> [newName...] !!emoji copy <emoji> [newName...] !!emoji steal <emoji> [newName...] !!e clone <emoji> [newName...] !!e copy <emoji> [newName...] !!e steal <emoji> [newName...]
Clones a custom emoji to your server.emoji : The custom emoji you wish to clone.newName : The name of the new emoji you are creating. Will default to the name of the emoji you are cloning. (optional)
!!emoji blacklist !!e blacklist
Views blacklisted emoji servers and server emoji managers. |
!!emoji blacklist <guild...> !!e blacklist <guild...>
Adds or removes a specific server from having its emoji used with e big .guild : The server you wish to add or remove. |
!!emoji blacklist <user...> !!e blacklist <user...>
Adds or removes a specific user from having servers they manage from having emoji used with e big .user : The user in the server you with to add or remove. |
!!emoji blacklist <userId> !!e blacklist <userId>
Adds or removes a specific user ID from having servers they manage from having emoji used with e big .userId : The ID of the user you wish to add or remove. |
Management of personal text highlights à la IRC.
Command | Description |
!!highlights !!highlights list
If used in a server, lists all your highlights for that server. If used in DMs, lists all highlights across all servers, including global highlights. |
!!highlights add <text...> |
If used in a server, adds a new server highlight. If used in DMs, adds a new highlight for all servers you are in. text : The text you wish to highlight you. |
!!highlights remove <text...> !!highlights rem <text...> !!highlights rm <text...>
If used in a server, removes an existing server highlight. If used in DMs, removes all highlights across all servers with that text. text : The text you wish to no longer highlight you. |
!!highlights remove <highlight> !!highlights rem <highlight> !!highlights rm <highlight>
Removes an existing highlight.highlight : The ID of the highlight you wish to remove. |
!!highlights clear |
If used in a server, removes all your existing server highlights. If used in DMs, removes all your existing highlights across all servers. |
!!highlights blacklist |
Views your current highlight blacklist channels and users. |
!!highlights blacklist add <user...> |
Adds a user to your highlight blacklist.user : The user you wish to exclude from highlighting you. |
!!highlights blacklist add <channel...> |
Adds a channel to your highlight blacklist.channel : The channel you wish to exclude from highlighting you. |
!!highlights blacklist add <targetId> |
Adds a channel or user to your highlight blacklist by ID.targetId : The ID of the user or channel you wish to exclude from highlighting you. |
!!highlights blacklist remove <user...> |
Removes a user from your highlight blacklist.user : The user you wish to remove from your blacklist. |
!!highlights blacklist remove <channel...> |
Removes a channel from your highlight blacklist.channel : The channel you wish to remove from your blacklist.. |
!!highlights blacklist remove <targetId> |
Removes a channel or user from your highlight blacklist by ID.targetId : The ID of the user or channel you wish to remove from from your blacklist. |
Provides information about the bot and its commands.
Command | Description |
!!modules |
Lists all currently available command modules. |
!!commands <module...> !!module <module...>
Lists information for a module, as well as its commands.module : The full name of the module you wish to view commands for. |
!!help <commandName...> |
Displays help information for a specific command.commandName : The name of the command you wish to view help for. |
!!help |
Sends a general bot help message in your DMs. |
!!stats |
Displays various bot statistics and information. |
!!ping |
Attempts to get the bot's current Discord WebSocket latency. |
!!cooldown <commandName...> |
Views a command's custom cooldown, if it exists.commandName : The name of the command whose cooldown you wish to view. |
!!cooldown <commandName> <cooldown> |
Updates a command's custom cooldown.commandName : The name of the command whose cooldown you wish to update.cooldown : The new duration of the command's new cooldown. |
!!cooldown remove <commandName> |
Restores a command's custom cooldown to the default global cooldown.commandName : The name of the command whose cooldown you with to remove. |
Tools to moderate and punish misbehaving users in your server.
Command | Description |
!!ban <target> [reason...] |
Bans a user from the server.target : The user you wish to ban.reason : The reason for the ban. (optional)
!!ban <targetId> [reason...] |
Bans a user from the server by ID.targetId : The ID of the user you wish to ban.reason : The reason for the ban. (optional)
!!tempban <target> <duration> [reason...] |
Temporarily bans a user from the server.target : The user you wish to ban.duration : The duration of the ban.reason : The reason for the ban. (optional)
!!tempban <targetId> <duration> [reason...] |
Temporarily bans a user from the server by ID.targetId : The ID of the user you wish to ban.duration : The duration of the ban.reason : The reason for the ban. (optional)
!!massban [arguments...] |
Provides the ability to ban multiple users at once.arguments : TODO: Display all arguments, or post a link. (optional)
!!kick <target> [reason...] |
Kicks a user from the server.target : The user you wish to kick.reason : The reason for the kick. (optional)
!!mute <target> <duration> [reason...] |
Temporarily mutes a user in the server.target : The user you wish to mute.duration : The duration of the mute.reason : The reason for the mute. (optional)
!!mute <target> [reason...] |
Permanently mutes a user in the server.target : The user you wish to mute.reason : The reason for the mute. (optional)
!!warn <target> [reason...] |
Gives a user a warning. Will automatically apply additional punishments if defined.target : The user you wish to warn.reason : The reason for the warning. Will be added to additional punishments. (optional)
!!block <target> [reason...] !!channelmute <target> [reason...]
Blocks a user from the current channel.target : The user you wish to block.reason : The reason for the block. (optional)
!!block <target> <channel> [reason...] !!channelmute <target> <channel> [reason...]
Blocks a user from a channel.target : The user you wish to block.channel : The channel you wish to block the user from.reason : The reason for the block. (optional)
!!block <target> <duration> [reason...] !!channelmute <target> <duration> [reason...]
Temporarily blocks a user from the current channel.target : The user you wish to block.duration : The duration of the block.reason : The reason for the block. (optional)
!!block <target> <channel> <duration> [reason...] !!channelmute <target> <channel> <duration> [reason...]
Temporarily blocks a user from a channel.target : The user you wish to block.channel : The channel you wish to block the user from.duration : The duration of the block.reason : The reason for the block. (optional)
Management of user <-> server modmail communications.
Command | Description |
!!modmail <guild> <message...> !!modmail anon <guild> <message...> !!modmail anonymous <guild> <message...> !!mm <guild> <message...> !!mm anon <guild> <message...> !!mm anonymous <guild> <message...>
Opens a new modmail thread. Can only be used in DMs. guild : The server you wish to open a modmail thread with.message : The message you wish to send. |
!!modmail reply <modmail> <message...> !!mm reply <modmail> <message...>
Replies to an existing modmail thread.modmail : The ID of the modmail thread you're replying to.message : The message you wish to send. |
!!modmail close <modmail> !!mm close <modmail>
Closes an existing modmail thread.modmail : The ID of the modmail thread you wish to close. |
!!modmail toggleblacklist <target...> !!modmail blacklist <target...> !!mm toggleblacklist <target...> !!mm blacklist <target...>
Toggles blacklisting of a specific user from making new modmail threads.target : The user you wish to toggle blacklisting on. |
!!modmail toggleblacklist <modmail> !!modmail blacklist <modmail> !!mm toggleblacklist <modmail> !!mm blacklist <modmail>
Toggles blacklisting of the author of a modmail thread from making new ones.modmail : The ID of the modmail thread whose author you are toggling blacklisting on. |
!!modmail toggleblacklist <userId> !!modmail blacklist <userId> !!mm toggleblacklist <userId> !!mm blacklist <userId>
Toggles blacklisting of a specific user from making new modmail threads by ID.userId : The ID of the user you wish to toggle blacklisting on. |
!!modmail show <modmail> [page] !!modmail thread <modmail> [page] !!mm show <modmail> [page] !!mm thread <modmail> [page]
Displays all messages from a modmail thread.modmail : The ID of the modmail thread you wish to view.page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!modmail channel !!mm channel
Views the server's currently set modmail channel. |
!!modmail channel <channel> !!mm channel <channel>
Updates the server's modmail channel.channel : The channel you wish to use as the new modmail channel. |
Management of custom bot command and module permissions.
Command | Description |
!!permissions [page] !!permissions list [page]
Lists all custom bot command permissions. Permissions are displayed (and checked) in the reverse order they were created, newest first. page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!permissions remove <permission> !!permissions rem <permission> !!permissions rm <permission>
Removes a specific custom bot command permission.permission : The ID of the permission you wish to remove. |
!!permissions clear |
Clears ALL custom bot command permissions. |
!!permissions enable command <name> !!permissions enable module <name> !!permissions disable command <name> !!permissions disable module <name>
Enables or disables a command or module for the entire server.name : The name of the command or module. |
!!permissions enable command <name> <user...> !!permissions enable module <name> <user...> !!permissions disable command <name> <user...> !!permissions disable module <name> <user...>
Enables or disables a command or module for a specific user.name : The name of the command or module.user : The user you are modifying permissions for. |
!!permissions enable command <name> <role...> !!permissions enable module <name> <role...> !!permissions disable command <name> <role...> !!permissions disable module <name> <role...>
Enables or disables a command or module for a specific role.name : The name of the command or module.role : The role you are modifying permissions for. |
!!permissions enable command <name> <channel...> !!permissions enable module <name> <channel...> !!permissions disable command <name> <channel...> !!permissions disable module <name> <channel...>
Enables or disables a command or module for a specific channel.name : The name of the command or module.channel : The channel you are modifying permissions for. |
!!permissions enable all !!permissions disable all
Enables or disables ALL commands for the entire server. |
!!permissions enable all <user...> !!permissions disable all <user...>
Enables or disables ALL commands for a specific user.user : The user you are modifying permissions for. |
!!permissions enable all <role...> !!permissions disable all <role...>
Enables or disables ALL commands for a specific role.role : The role you are modifying permissions for. |
!!permissions enable all <channel...> !!permissions disable all <channel...>
Enables or disables ALL commands for a specific channel.channel : The channel you are modifying permissions for. |
Utilities to remove messages from a channel.
Command | Description |
!!prune !!purge
Prunes the bot's last 10 messages in this channel. |
!!prune <limit> !!purge <limit>
Prunes messages from this channel.limit : The number of messages to prune. |
!!prune <limit> <direction> <messageId> !!purge <limit> <direction> <messageId>
Prunes messages from this channel after or before a specific message.limit : The number of messages to prune.direction : The direction (after or before) to prune.messageId : The message ID to start from. |
!!prune <limit> <user...> !!purge <limit> <user...>
Prunes messages from this channel that were posted by a specific user.limit : The number of messages to prune.user : The user whose messages you wish to prune. |
!!prune <limit> <userId> !!purge <limit> <userId>
Prunes messages from this channel that were posted by a specific user ID.limit : The number of messages to prune.userId : The ID of the user whose messages you wish to prune. |
!!prune text <limit> <text...> !!purge text <limit> <text...>
Prunes messages from this channel that contain specific text.limit : The number of messages to prune.text : The text to match for pruning. |
Managment of bot punishment cases and punishment-related configuration.
Command | Description |
!!appeal <punishment> <reason...> |
Appeals an existing, appealable punishment.punishment : The ID of the punishment you are appealing.reason : The reason for your appeal. |
!!punishments [page] !!cases [page]
Views all punishment cases on this server, sorted by newest first.page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!punishments <user> [page] !!cases <user> [page]
Views all punishment cases on this server for a specific user.user : The user you wish to view punishment cases for.page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!punishments <userId> [page] !!cases <userId> [page]
Views all punishment cases on this server for a specific user by ID.userId : The ID of the user you wish to view punishment cases for.page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!punishment <punishment> !!case <punishment>
Views detailed information about a single punishment case.punishment : The ID of the punishment you wish to view. |
!!revoke <punishment> [reason...] |
Revokes a punishment case (which has not already been revoked).punishment : The ID of the revocable punishment.reason : The reason this punishment is being revoked. (optional)
!!reason <punishment> <reason...> |
Adds or updates a reason for an existing punishment case.punishment : The ID of the punishment you wish to update the reason for.reason : The new reason for this punishment. |
!!warningpunishment <count> !!warnp <count>
Views automatic punishments given out for warnings.count : The warning count you wish to view punishments for. |
!!warningpunishment <count> <type> [duration] !!warnp <count> <type> [duration]
Sets an automatic punishment for a certain number of warnings.count : The warning count you wish to set a punishment for.type : The punishment type (ban, kick, mute) you wish to be given.duration : The duration of the ban or mute that is given. (optional)
!!warningpunishments !!warnps
Views all currently set automatic punishments for warnings. |
Management of custom roles given out as a result of reactions to a message.
Command | Description |
!!reactionrole list !!rr list
Views all current reaction roles for this server. |
!!reactionrole add <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!reactionrole create <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!rr add <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!rr create <messageId> <emoji> <role...>
Creates a new reaction role.messageId : The ID of a message in the current channel you wish to use.emoji : The emoji which is reacted with to give or remove the role.role : The role to give or remove. |
!!reactionrole add <channel> <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!reactionrole create <channel> <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!rr add <channel> <messageId> <emoji> <role...> !!rr create <channel> <messageId> <emoji> <role...>
Creates a new reaction role.channel : The channel the message you wish to use is in.messageId : The ID of a message in the channel.emoji : The emoji which is reacted with to give or remove the role.role : The role to give or remove. |
!!reactionrole add <message> <emoji> <role...> !!reactionrole create <message> <emoji> <role...> !!rr add <message> <emoji> <role...> !!rr create <message> <emoji> <role...>
Creates a new reaction role.message : The link to the message you wish to use.emoji : The emoji which is reacted with to give or remove the role.role : The role to give or remove. |
!!reactionrole remove <reactionRole> !!reactionrole rem <reactionRole> !!reactionrole rm <reactionRole> !!rr remove <reactionRole> !!rr rem <reactionRole> !!rr rm <reactionRole>
Removes an existing reaction role.reactionRole : The ID of the reaction role you wish to remove. |
Creation and management of personal bot reminders.
Command | Description |
!!reminder <duration> [text...] !!reminder create <duration> [text...] !!remind <duration> [text...] !!remind create <duration> [text...] !!remindme <duration> [text...] !!remindme create <duration> [text...]
Creates a new reminder.duration : The duration of the reminder.text : The text you wish to be reminded about. (optional)
!!reminder list !!remind list !!remindme list
If used in a server, lists all of your reminders created in that server. If used in DMs, lists all of your reminders created across all servers. |
!!reminder remove <reminder> !!reminder rem <reminder> !!reminder rm <reminder> !!remind remove <reminder> !!remind rem <reminder> !!remind rm <reminder> !!remindme remove <reminder> !!remindme rem <reminder> !!remindme rm <reminder>
Removes an existing reminder.reminder : The ID of the reminder you wish to remove. |
Management and creation of custom server roles.
Command | Description |
!!role <role...> !!role info <role...>
Views basic information about an existing role.role : The role you wish to view information for. |
!!role create <name> [color...] |
Creates a new role.name : The name of the new role.color : The color of the new role. (optional)
!!role delete <role...> |
Deletes an existing role.role : The role you wish to delete. |
!!role color <role...> |
Views an existing role's color.role : The role whose color you wish to view. |
!!role color <role> <color...> |
Updates an existing role's color.role : The role whose color you wish to modify.color : The new color for the role. Can be none or default to restore the default color. |
!!role give <user> <role> !!role grant <user> <role>
Gives an existing role to a user.user : The user you wish to give a role.role : The role you wish to give to the user. |
!!role remove <target> <role> !!role revoke <target> <role>
Removes an existing role from a user.target : The user you wish to remove a role from.role : The role you wish to remove from the user. |
!!role move <target> <direction> <move...> |
Moves an existing role above or below another one.target : The role you wish to move.direction : The direction (above, below) you wish to move the role.move : The role you wish to move the first role above or below. |
!!role rename <target> <newName...> |
Renames an existing role.target : The role you wish to rename.newName : The new name for the role. |
!!role mention <role...> |
Mentions an existing role in the current channel. If the role is not already able to be mentioned, temporarily makes it able to be mentioned. role : The role you wish to mention. |
Management and creation of self-assignable roles via commands.
Command | Description |
!!selfrole list !!sr list
Lists all currently available self-assignable roles on this server. |
!!selfrole add <role...> !!sr add <role...>
Adds an existing self-assignable role to yourself.role : The role you wish to add. |
!!selfrole remove <role...> !!selfrole rem <role...> !!selfrole rm <role...> !!sr remove <role...> !!sr rem <role...> !!sr rm <role...>
Removes an existing self-assignable role from yourself.role : The role you wish to remove. |
!!selfrole create <role...> !!sr create <role...>
Creates a new self-assignable role.role : The role you wish to mark as self-assignable. |
!!selfrole delete <role...> !!sr delete <role...>
Deletes an existing self-assignable role.role : The role you wish to remove the self-assingable mark for. |
!!selfrole group add <group> <role...> !!sr group add <group> <role...>
Adds an existing self-assignable role to an exclusive group which only one role can be picked from.group : The ID of the group you wish to assign the role to.role : The role you wish to assign to a group. |
!!selfrole group remove <group> <role...> !!sr group remove <group> <role...>
Removes an existing self-assignable role from an exclusive group.group : The ID of the group you wish to remove the role from.role : The role you wish to remove from a group. |
Management of server features and settings.
Command | Description |
!!server !!server info !!guild !!guild info
Views basic information about the current server. |
!!server banprune !!guild banprune
Views the current number of days of messages that are pruned when users are banned via the bot. |
!!server banprune <days> !!guild banprune <days>
Updates the number of days of messages that are pruned when users are banned via the bot.days : The number of days of messages to prune. Can be 0 to not prune any messages. |
!!server xprate !!guild xprate
Views the server's custom XP gain rate. |
!!server xprate <rate> <interval...> !!guild xprate <rate> <interval...>
Sets the server's custom XP gain rate.rate : The amount of XP you should gain every interval you send a message. The default is 50.interval : The minimum interval between XP gains. The default is 5 minutes. |
!!server levelemoji !!guild levelemoji
Views the server's custom level-up emoji. |
!!server levelemoji <emoji> !!guild levelemoji <emoji>
Updates the server's custom level-up emoji.emoji : The emoji you wish to use. The default is 🎉. |
!!server upvote !!guild upvote
Views the server's custom upvote emoji. |
!!server upvote <emoji> !!guild upvote <emoji>
Updates the server's custom upvote emoji.emoji : The emoji you wish to use. The default is ⬆️. |
!!server downvote !!guild downvote
Views the server's custom downvote emoji. |
!!server downvote <emoji> !!guild downvote <emoji>
Updates the server's custom downvote emoji.emoji : The emoji you wish to use. The default is ⬇️. |
!!server muterole !!guild muterole
Views the server's mute role. Given to users who are muted by the bot. |
!!server muterole <role...> !!guild muterole <role...>
Updates the server's mute role. Given to users who are muted by the bot.role : The role you wish to use. |
!!server joinrole !!guild joinrole
Views the server's join role. Given to users who join the server. |
!!server joinrole <role...> !!guild joinrole <role...>
Updates the server's join role. Given to users who join the server.role : The role you wish to use. |
!!server cooldownimmunityrole !!guild cooldownimmunityrole
Views the server's cooldown immunity role. Users with this role are immune to all custom server command cooldowns. |
!!server cooldownimmunityrole <role...> !!guild cooldownimmunityrole <role...>
Updates the server's cooldown immunity role. Users with this role are immune to all custom server command cooldowns.role : The role you wish to use. Note: This does not make the role immune to globally enforced cooldowns.
!!server messagefilter blacklist !!server mf blacklist !!guild messagefilter blacklist !!guild mf blacklist
Views the current message filter channel blacklist. |
!!server messagefilter blacklist <channel> !!server mf blacklist <channel> !!guild messagefilter blacklist <channel> !!guild mf blacklist <channel>
Toggles blacklisting for a channel from the message filters. Channels which are blacklisted will not have text on the message filters deleted. channel : The channel you wish to add or remove from the blacklist. |
!!server messagefilter [page] !!server mf [page] !!guild messagefilter [page] !!guild mf [page]
Views all current automatic message filters.page : The page you wish to start at. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!server messagefilter add <filterText...> !!server mf add <filterText...> !!guild messagefilter add <filterText...> !!guild mf add <filterText...>
Adds a new message filter. Any messages containing this text will be automatically deleted if the author lacks Manage Messages permissions. filterText : The text you wish to filter. |
!!server messagefilter remove <filter> !!server messagefilter rem <filter> !!server messagefilter rm <filter> !!server mf remove <filter> !!server mf rem <filter> !!server mf rm <filter> !!guild messagefilter remove <filter> !!guild messagefilter rem <filter> !!guild messagefilter rm <filter> !!guild mf remove <filter> !!guild mf rem <filter> !!guild mf rm <filter>
Removes an existing message filter.filter : The ID of the filter you wish to remove. |
!!server messagefilter clear !!server mf clear !!guild messagefilter clear !!guild mf clear
Clears all message filters on this server. |
!!server settings !!guild settings
Lists all available server settings for this server, as well as their current values. |
!!server settings enable <setting> !!server settings disable <setting> !!guild settings enable <setting> !!guild settings disable <setting>
Enables or disables a specific setting for this server.setting : The setting you wish to enable or disable. |
!!server prefixes !!server prefixes list !!server prefix !!server prefix list !!guild prefixes !!guild prefixes list !!guild prefix !!guild prefix list
Lists all custom bot prefixes for this server. |
!!server prefixes add <prefix> !!server prefix add <prefix> !!guild prefixes add <prefix> !!guild prefix add <prefix>
Adds a new custom bot prefix.prefix : The prefix you wish to add. |
!!server prefixes remove <prefix> !!server prefix remove <prefix> !!guild prefixes remove <prefix> !!guild prefix remove <prefix>
Removes an existing custom bot prefix.prefix : The prefix you wish to remove. |
!!server prefixes clear !!server prefix clear !!guild prefixes clear !!guild prefix clear
Removes ALL existing custom bot prefixes, if any exist. |
!!server levelwhitelist enable <notification> !!server levelwhitelist disable <notification> !!guild levelwhitelist enable <notification> !!guild levelwhitelist disable <notification>
Enables or disables a specific type of level up notification for this server.notification : The level-up notification you wish to enable or disable. Can be Channel or Reaction . |
!!server levelwhitelist !!guild levelwhitelist
Displays the current level-up notification whitelist for this server. |
!!server levelrewards [page] !!server levelrewards list [page] !!guild levelrewards [page] !!guild levelrewards list [page]
Lists all currently defined level-up rewards.page : The page you wish to start at. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!server levelrewards remove <level> !!guild levelrewards remove <level>
Removes all existing level-up rewards for a Tier 1 level.level : The level you wish to remove all rewards for. |
!!server levelrewards remove <tier> <level> !!guild levelrewards remove <tier> <level>
Removes all existing level-up rewards for a tier and level.tier : The tier you wish to remove all rewards for.level : The level you wish to remove all rewards for. |
!!server levelrewards clear !!guild levelrewards clear
Removes all existing level-up rewards for all tiers and levels. |
!!server levelrewards add role <level> !!guild levelrewards add role <level>
Adds or modifies a custom role level-up reward for Tier 1.level : The level you wish to set a reward for. |
!!server levelrewards add role <tier> <level> !!guild levelrewards add role <tier> <level>
Adds or modifies a custom role level-up reward.tier : The tier you wish to set a reward for.level : The level you wish to set a reward for. |
!!server greeting !!guild greeting
Views the server's current greeting message, if it is set. |
!!server greeting <text...> !!guild greeting <text...>
Updates the server's greeting message.text : The greeting message you wish to use. Can be a JSON embed, or "disable" to disable it. |
!!server greeting channel !!guild greeting channel
Views the server's greeting channel. |
!!server greeting channel <newChannel> !!guild greeting channel <newChannel>
Updates the server's greeting channel. Disables greeting DMs.newChannel : The channel you wish to have greetings posted in. |
!!server greeting duration !!guild greeting duration
Views the server's greeting auto-delete duration, if set. |
!!server greeting duration <duration> !!guild greeting duration <duration>
Updates the server's greeting auto-delete duration. Only applies to channel greetings.duration : The duration of time after which greetings are deleted, or none to disable deletion. |
!!server greeting dm !!guild greeting dm
Toggles greeting DMs on or off. Disables the greeting channel if enabled. |
!!server goodbye !!guild goodbye
Views the server's current goodbye message, if it is set. |
!!server goodbye <text...> !!guild goodbye <text...>
Updates the server's goodbye message.text : The goodbye message you wish to use. Can be a JSON embed, or "disable" to disable it. |
!!server goodbye channel !!guild goodbye channel
Views the server's goodbye channel. |
!!server goodbye channel <newChannel> !!guild goodbye channel <newChannel>
Updates the server's goodbye channel.newChannel : The channel you wish to have goodbyes posted in. |
!!server goodbye duration !!guild goodbye duration
Views the server's goodbye auto-delete duration, if set. |
!!server goodbye duration <duration> !!guild goodbye duration <duration>
Updates the server's goodbye auto-delete duration.duration : The duration of time after which goodbyes are deleted, or none to disable deletion. |
Management and stats for the server's custom starboard, where messages are reacted to and put on a board for all to see.
Command | Description |
!!starboard [messageId] !!starboard show [messageId] !!star [messageId] !!star show [messageId]
Views an existing star.messageId : The ID of the star message. If no ID is provided, a random star will be shown. (optional)
!!starboard stats !!star stats
Displays various starboard stats for this server. |
!!starboard emoji <emoji> !!star emoji <emoji>
Updates the server's custom starboard emoji.emoji : The emoji you wish to use. The default emoji is ⭐. |
!!starboard emoji !!star emoji
Views the server's current starboard emoji. |
!!starboard channel <channel> !!star channel <channel>
Updates the channel where new stars will be posted.channel : The new starboard channel. Can be "disable" to disable the channel. |
!!starboard channel !!star channel
Views the current channel where stars are posted. |
!!starboard minimum <count> !!star minimum <count>
Updates the minimum required stars for a message to reach the starboard.count : The new minimum amount of stars. The default is 3. |
!!starboard minimum !!star minimum
Views the the current minimum required stars for a message to reach the starboard. |
!!starboard blacklist !!star blacklist
Views the current starboard blacklist. |
!!starboard blacklist add <user...> !!star blacklist add <user...>
Adds a user to the starboard blacklist.user : The user you wish to add. |
!!starboard blacklist add <channel> !!star blacklist add <channel>
Adds a channel to the starboard blacklist.channel : The channel you wish to add. |
!!starboard blacklist remove <member...> !!star blacklist remove <member...>
Removes a user from the starboard blacklist.member : The user you wish to remove. |
!!starboard blacklist remove <channel> !!star blacklist remove <channel>
Removes a channel from the starboard blacklist.channel : The channel you wish to remove. |
Management and creation of server suggestions.
Command | Description |
!!suggestions list [page] !!suggestion list [page]
Lists all suggestions created on this server, sorted by newest first.page : The page you wish to view. Defaults to page 1. (optional)
!!suggestions <suggestion> !!suggestion <suggestion>
Views a suggestion by ID, as well as its status.suggestion : The ID of the suggestion you wish to view. |
!!suggestions create <text...> !!suggestions add <text...> !!suggestion create <text...> !!suggestion add <text...>
Creates a new server suggestion. Supports a single image upload.text : The text detailing your suggestion. |
!!suggestions edit <suggestion> <text...> !!suggestion edit <suggestion> <text...>
Edits your existing suggestion. Does not support image uploads.suggestion : The ID of the suggestion you wish to modify.text : The edited text for your suggestion. |
!!suggestions remove <suggestion> !!suggestions rem <suggestion> !!suggestions rm <suggestion> !!suggestion remove <suggestion> !!suggestion rem <suggestion> !!suggestion rm <suggestion>
Removes an existing suggestion.suggestion : The ID of the suggestion you wish to remove. |
!!suggestions approve <suggestion> [reason...] !!suggestions deny <suggestion> [reason...] !!suggestion approve <suggestion> [reason...] !!suggestion deny <suggestion> [reason...]
Approves or denies an existing suggestion, posting it to the suggestion archive.suggestion : The ID of the suggestion you wish to approve or deny.reason : The reason for this suggestion's approval or denial. (optional)
!!suggestions channel <newChannel> !!suggestion channel <newChannel>
Updates the channel where server suggestions are posted.newChannel : The channel you wish to use as the suggestion channel. Can be "disable" to disable the channel. |
!!suggestions channel !!suggestion channel
Views the server's current suggestion channel. |
!!suggestions archive <newChannel> !!suggestion archive <newChannel>
Updates the channel where server suggestions are archived to.newChannel : The channel you wish to use as the suggestion archive. Can be "disable" to disable the channel. |
!!suggestions archive !!suggestion archive
Views the server's current suggestion archive channel. |
Management and creation of bot tags with custom responses.
Command | Description |
!!tag list |
Lists your personal tags in this server. |
!!tag <tag...> |
Displays an existing tag.tag : The name of the tag you wish to display. |
!!tag create <name> [response...] |
Creates a new tag. Supports a single image upload.name : The name of the new tag.response : The response to the tag. Can only be empty if an image is being uploaded. Can be a JSON embed. (optional)
!!tag info <tag...> |
Views information about an existing tag.tag : The name of the tag you wish to view information for. |
!!tag remove <tag...> !!tag rem <tag...> !!tag rm <tag...>
Removes an existing tag.tag : The name of the tag you wish to remove. |
!!tag search <name...> |
Searches for existing tags with a similar name.name : The name of the tag you are searching for. |
Management and information for users in your server.
Command | Description |
!!user [user...] !!user info [user...] !!u [user...] !!u info [user...]
Displays information for a user in your server.user : The user you wish to view information for. Defaults to you if no user is provided. (optional)
!!user <userId> !!user info <userId> !!u <userId> !!u info <userId>
Displays basic information for any user by ID.userId : The ID of the user you wish to view information for. |
!!user id [user...] !!u id [user...]
Quickly displays a user's ID.user : The user whose ID you wish to view. Defaults to you if no user is provided. (optional)
!!user avatar [user...] !!user av [user...] !!u avatar [user...] !!u av [user...]
Displays a user's avatar.user : The user whose avatar you wish to view. Defaults to you if no user is provided. (optional)
!!user xp [user...] !!u xp [user...]
Displays XP stats for a user.user : The user to view XP stats for. Defaults to you if no user is provided. (optional)
!!user search <input...> !!u search <input...>
Searches for users with a similar name or nickname.input : The text to search for. |
!!user searchregex <regex...> !!u searchregex <regex...>
Searches for users matching a specific regular expression.regex : The regular expression to search with. Google "regex" if you have no idea what it is. |
!!user nickname [target...] !!user nick [target...] !!u nickname [target...] !!u nick [target...]
Views a user's nickname.target : The user whose nickname you wish to view. Defaults to you if no user is provided. (optional)
!!user nickname set <user> <newNickname...> !!user nick set <user> <newNickname...> !!u nickname set <user> <newNickname...> !!u nick set <user> <newNickname...>
Updates a user's nickname.user : The user whose nickname you wish to update.newNickname : The user's new nickname. |
!!user nickname set <newNickname...> !!user nick set <newNickname...> !!u nickname set <newNickname...> !!u nick set <newNickname...>
Updates your own nickname.newNickname : Your new nickname. |
!!user nickname reset <user> !!user nickname remove <user> !!user nick reset <user> !!user nick remove <user> !!u nickname reset <user> !!u nickname remove <user> !!u nick reset <user> !!u nick remove <user>
Removes a user's nickname.user : The user whose nickname you wish to remove. |
!!user nickname reset !!user nickname remove !!user nick reset !!user nick remove !!u nickname reset !!u nickname remove !!u nick reset !!u nick remove
Removes your own nickname. |
Various utlities.
Command | Description |
!!send [text...] !!say [text...]
Sends a message to the current channel as the bot. Supports a single image upload.text : The text to say. Can only be empty if an image is being uploaded. Can be a JSON embed. (optional)
!!send <channel> [text...] !!say <channel> [text...]
Sends a message to a channel as the bot. Supports a single image upload.channel : The channel to send the message to.text : The text to say. Can only be empty if an image is being uploaded. Can be a JSON embed. (optional)
!!edit <channel> <messageId> <text...> |
Edits an existing bot message. Does not support image uploads.channel : The channel the message you wish to edit is in.messageId : The ID of the message you wish to edit.text : The new text to use for the message. Can be a JSON embed. |
!!edit <message> <text...> |
Edits an existing bot message. Does not support image uploads.message : The link to the message you wish to edit.text : The new text to use for the message. Can be a JSON embed. |
!!deconstruct <channel> <messageId> |
Deconstructs any target message into a JSON embed.channel : The channel the message you wish to deconstruct is in.messageId : The ID of the message you wish to deconstruct. |
!!deconstruct <message> |
Deconstructs any target message into a JSON embed.message : The link to the message you wish to deconstruct. |
!!quote <channel> <messageId> |
Quotes any target message.channel : The channel the message you wish to quote is in.messageId : The ID of the message you wish to quote. |
!!quote <message> |
Quotes any target message.message : The link to the message you wish to quote. |