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Command List
Daniel Jarski edited this page Aug 29, 2018
11 revisions
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!commandcooldown !!cmdcd
Add a custom cooldown for a command. | !!cmdcd xpstats 1m |
!!removecommandcooldown !!removecmdcd
Remove a custom cooldown for a command. | !!removecmdcd xpstats |
!!lookingtoplaydms !!ltpdms
Modify your Looking to Play DM preferences. Specify no arguments to view your current preferences. Disabling this will cause the bot to no longer DM you when a Looking to Play role expires. |
!!ltpdms !!ltpdms disable
!!lookingtoplay !!ltp
Toggle "Looking to Play" status on yourself for a duration. This role lasts as long as you specify (up to the guild's maximum allowed time). To remove the role from yourself early, simply use the command with no time specified. |
!!ltp 2h !!ltp
!!say |
Send a message in a specified channel (defaults to the current channel). Supports TOML embeds. |
!!say #somechannel no u !!say no memes
!!edit |
Edit a message created by the bot by channel and message ID. Supports TOML embeds. |
!!edit #somechannel 0123456789 haha my message is edited! |
!!mentionrole |
Mention a role in the current channel. If the role is not already mentionable, it will be temporarily made mentionable. |
!!mentionrole Some Role |
!!remindme !!remind !!remind me
Set a reminder for yourself. Limited to 5 per user, minimum of 1 minute duration. Note: You must be able to receive DMs from the bot to be notified when a reminder expires. |
!!remind 1h do dishes or something. |
!!reminders |
Display a list of reminders for yourself. | !!reminders |
!!removereminder !!remindrm
Remove one of your reminders by ID. | !!remindrm 3 |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!suggest |
Create a suggestion for the guild. Requires the suggestion channel to be set up. You may attach an image to your message to have it embedded into the suggestion. |
!!suggest delete #somedeadchannel pls |
!!suggestionremove !!suggestionrem
Remove a suggestion by ID. If in a guild, removes another's suggestion. If in DMs, removes only your own suggestion. |
!!suggestionrem 1 |
!!approvesuggestion !!approve
Approve a suggestion by ID with an optional reason. |
!!approve 5 !!approve 10 we'll have to work on implementing this.
!!denysuggestion !!deny
Deny a suggestion by ID with an optional reason. |
!!deny 5 !!deny 10 STOP SUGGESTING THIS
!!suggestiondms |
Enable or disable the bot's DM to you when you make a suggestion. | !!suggestiondms disable |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!addreactionrole !!addrr !!arr
Add a reaction role listener for this guild by channel, message, emote, and role. Maximum 25 per guild. |
!!arr #somechannel 0123456789 🤔 Thinker |
!!getreactionroles !!getrr !!grr
Get a list of reaction roles for this guild. Note: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
!!grr |
!!removereactionrole !!removerr !!rrr
Remove a reaction role by ID. | !!rrr 5 |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!xpstats !!xp
Show guild and global XP stats for a user. Defaults to yourself if no user is specified. Note: If used in DMs, only global XP will be displayed. |
!!xp !!xp @SomeUser
!!xpbackgrounds !!xpbgs
Get the current count of XP backgrounds. | !!xpbackgrounds |
!!xpbackground !!xpbg
Preview an XP background by number. Supply no arguments to show a random XP background. |
!!xpbackgrounds |
!!setbackground !!setbg
Change your XP background. Use !!xpbackgrounds to view the available backgrounds.Note: A value of 0 will cycle randomly through all backgrounds. |
!!setbg 5 |
!!setinfo |
Set your profile's info text. Will be trimmed to 75 characters. | !!setinfo don't look at me, i'm hideous |
!!levelupnotifications !!levelup
Modify your level up notification preferences. Supply no arguments to view your current settings. You can choose any (space-separated) combination of the below, or simply use none to disable them entirely.None, Reaction, Channel, DM Note: Level up notification settings (except for DM) must adhere to the guild's settings and may not show for you if they are disabled. |
!!levelup none !!levelup dm reaction !!levelup channel
!!globalleaderboard !!glb
Show the current global XP leaderboard. Supply a page number to view more (default: 1). |
!!glb !!glb 2
!!leaderboard !!lb
Show the current guild XP leaderboard. Supply a page number to view more (default: 1). |
!!lb !!lb 2
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!addphrase !!setphrase
Add your own personal phrase. Messages sent in this guild containing this phrase will increment its stats. |
!!addphrase haha yes |
!!removephrase !!remphrase
Remove your personal phrase and all data. Moderators can remove another user's phrase by mentioning them after the command. |
!!remphrase !!removephrase @SomeUser
!!phrasestats !!phrase
Show phrase data for a user's phrase. Defaults to yourself if no user is specified. |
!!phrase !!phrase @SomeUser
!!searchphrase !!sphrase
Search for a phrase by name and return the closest five matches. | !!sphrase haha yes |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!addcommandpermission !!addcmdperm !!acp
Add a permission to the permission list for a command. You can set a permission for the guild, a role, a channel, or a user. See Usage for examples. Note: Permissions always check the most recently added permission when checking if a command can be used. |
!!acp commandName disable @SomeUser !!acp commandName enable #somechannel !!acp commandName disable Some Role !!acp commandName enable
!!addmodulepermission !!addmodperm !!amp
Add a permission to the permission list for a module. You can set a permission for the guild, a role, a channel, or a user. See Usage for examples. Note: Permissions always check the most recently added permission when checking if a command can be used. |
!!amp moduleName disable @SomeUser !!amp moduleName enable #somechannel !!amp moduleName disable Some Role !!amp moduleName enable
!!removepermission !!removeperm !!rp
Remove a permission from the permission list by ID, or removes the last permission if no ID is specified. |
!!rp 10 !!rp
!!listpermissions !!listperms !!lp
List the current permission list (20 per page). Supply a page number to view additional permissions. | !!lp |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!ban !!b
Ban a user with a supplied reason. | !!ban @SomeUser Your behavior is toxic. |
!!unban |
Unban a user by user ID. | !!unban 0123456789 |
!!hackban |
Ban a user by user ID, with a supplied reason. Note: this command will not work on members in the guild. |
!!hackban 0123456789 Circumventing punishment is not allowed. |
!!softban !!sb
Softban a user with an optional reason. Note: A softban is just a ban+unban, which will prune messages. |
!!sb @SomeUser Be a considerate human being. |
!!kick !!k
Kick a user with a supplied reason. | !!kick @SomeUser Get out. |
!!mute |
Mute a user. You may specify just a reason (for a permanent mute), or a duration and reason. You may use !!mute @SomeUser #somechannel to mute them from a guild channel or category.Note: Mutes over 24 hours (including permanent mutes) may be appealed. Single channel mutes will not generate an appeal/case. |
!!mute @SomeUser stop spamming. !!mute @SomeUser 1h Shut up.
!!unmute |
Unmutes a muted user. You may use !!unmute @SomeUser #somechannel to unmute them from a guild channel or category (if they are already muted). |
!!unmute @SomeUser |
!!warn |
Warns a user with a specified reason. If a user accumulates warnings, they will automatically be punished. See the command !!warnpunish for more information. |
!!warn @SomeUser don't spam. |
!!showwarnings !!warnings
Show warnings given to a specific user. | !!warnings @SomeUser |
!!warnpunishlist !!warnpl
View the current warning punishment list. | !!warnpl |
!!warnpunish !!warnp
Set a particular punishment type for a certain number of warnings. Supported types are: Mute , Kick , Softban , Ban You may specify no type to remove the warning punishment for that warning count. Note: When specifying a mute, you may specify a duration for the mute, or it will default to being permanent. |
!!warnp 2 mute 1h !!warnp 3 kick !!warnp 5
!!prune !!purge !!delet
Delete some messages in the current channel. Supply no arguments to delete the bot's last 20 messages. Supply a number to delete the last x messages.Supply a user to delete the last 10 messages they sent. Supply a user and a number to delete the last x messages they sent. |
!!prune !!prune 50 !!prune @SomeUser !!prune @SomeUser 50
!!revoke |
Revoke a ban or mute by ID. | !!revoke 123 |
!!punishmentcase !!case
Show information about a given punishment case by ID. | !!case 1234 |
!!punishments !!cases
Show a list of punishment cases, ordered by most recent first. Supply a page number to view additional cases (defaults to the first page). |
!!cases 5 |
!!addreason !!reason
Supply a reason for a punishment that does not have one. | !!reason 1234 Don't spam. |
!!appeal |
Appeal a ban or mute by ID with a supplied appeal message. Note: This command can only be used in bot DMs. |
!!appeal 123 I apologize for my behavior. |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!prefix |
Gets or sets the guild's prefix. Use the default prefix !! to see the guild's prefix if the prefix is unknown.Note: Prefixes are limited to 25 characters in length. If you wish to have (trailing) space in your prefix, wrap it in "quotes ". |
!!prefix !!prefix .
!!userinfo !!uinfo !!whois
Gets a user's info, including roles, join date, and other info. Defaults to yourself if no user is specified. Supports searching for any user (even ones not in the guild) by ID only. |
!!uinfo !!uinfo @SomeUser
!!avatar !!av
Gets a user's avatar. Defaults to yourself if no user is specified. |
!!avatar !!avatar @SomeUser
!!guildinfo !!ginfo !!serverinfo !!sinfo
Get's the guild's information, including owner, creation date, and other information. | !!ginfo |
!!ping |
Checks the bot's Discord API latency. | !!ping |
!!help !!h
Have the bot DM you a help message, or get help for a specific command. |
!!help !!help commandName
!!modules |
Get a list of module names currently available for use. | !!modules |
!!commands !!cmds
Get a list of command names and aliases for a specific module. | !!commands Utility |
!!stats |
Get bot stats, including total presence, commands run, and memory usage. | !!stats |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!big !!expand
Blow up an emote or emoji. | !!big 😩 |
!!startvote !!vote
Start a vote in the current channel. | !!vote ban all mods |
!!rate |
Rate something (or someone) out of 10. |
!!rate team fortress 2 !!rate @SomeUser
!!8ball !!8
Ask the Magic 8-ball a question. | !!8ball will I die tomorrow? |
!!randomtip !!tip
Get a random tip about a TF2 class. Supply no arguments to get a random tip about a random class. |
!!tip !!tip scout
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!addcustomcommand !!addcc !!acc
Add a custom command with a trigger, optional cooldown, and response. Supports TOML embeds. |
!!addcc hug 10s you just got hugged! !!addcc boop booped!
!!listcustomcommands !!listcc !!lcc
List custom commands for this guild. Supply a page number to view more. |
!!lcc !!lcc 2
!!removecustomcommand !!removecc !!rcc
Remove a custom command by ID. | !!rcc 10 |
Command | Summary | Usage |
!!showconfig !!config
Show this guild's configuration. | !!showconfig |
!!prefix |
Gets or sets the guild's prefix. Use the default prefix !! to see the guild's prefix if the prefix is unknown.Note: Prefixes are limited to 25 characters in length. If you wish to have (trailing) space in your prefix, wrap it in "quotes ". |
!!prefix !!prefix .
!!muterole |
Gets or sets the guild's mute role. Supply no arguments to view the current mute role (if set). Use !!mute to automatically apply this role to a user. |
!!muterole Silenced !!muterole disable
!!ltprole |
Gets or sets the guild's Looking to Play role. Supply no arguments to view the current LTP role (if set). Use !!ltp to automatically apply this role to yourself. |
!!ltprole Looking to Play !!ltprole disable
!!ltpduration |
Gets or set the guild's Looking to Play role maximum duration. Supply no arguments to view the current maximum duration. This timeout has a minimum of 1 minute, but you may specify 0 to disable it.Note: Expired Looking to Play role assignments are checked every 20 seconds and may not be accurate to the second. |
!!ltpduration 0 !!ltpduration 4h
!!log |
Log an event in the current channel. If the current event is already being logged in this channel, it will be disabled. If the current event is being logged in another channel, it will be switched to this channel. Currently supported log types: All, Warn, Appeal, Mute, Join, Leave, Ban, Unban, MessageDelete, MessageUpdate Note: some commands require events to be logged to function correctly, notably Appeal, (Un)Ban, (Un)Mute, and Warn. |
!!log appeal |
!!suggestionchannel |
Gets or sets the guild's suggestion channel. Supply no arguments to view the current channel (if set). Use !!suggest to add a suggestion to that channel. |
!!suggestionchannel #suggestions |
!!suggestionarchivechannel |
Gets or sets the guild's suggestion archive channel. Supply no arguments to view the current channel (if set). |
!!suggestionarchive #suggestion-archive |
!!greetings |
Enable or disable greeting functionality for this guild. Supply no arguments to view the current status of it. Use !!greetchannel to set the greeting channel.Use !!greetmessage to set the greeting message.Use !!greettimeout to set the greeting timeout. |
!!greetings enable |
!!greetchannel |
Sets the guild's greeting channel. Supply no arguments to view the current channel (if set). Use !!greetings enable to enable greetings.Use !!greetmessage to change the greeting message.Use !!greettimeout to change the greeting timeout. |
!!greetchannel #welcome |
!!greettimeout |
Sets the guild's greeting message timeout. Supply no arguments to view the current timeout. To disable the timeout, simply supply 0 .Use !!greetings enable to enable greetings.Use !!greetmessage to change the greeting message.Use !!greetchannel to set the greeting channel. |
!!greettimeout 1m !!greettimeout 0
!!greetmessage !!greetmsg
Sets the guild's greeting message. Supports TOML embeds. Supply no arguments to view the currently set greeting message. Use the placeholder {guild.name} and {user.mention} for the guild name and user mention, respectively.Use !!greetings enable to enable greetings.Use !!greettimeout to change the greeting timeout.Use !!greetchannel to set the greeting channel. |
!!greetmessage Welcome to {guild}, {user}! |
!!upvotearrow |
Sets the guild's upvote arrow emote. Supply no arguments to view the currently set emote. The !!vote and !!suggest commands utilize this emote. |
!!upvotearrow ⬆ |
!!downvotearrow |
Sets the guild's downvote arrow emote. Supply no arguments to view the currently set emote. The !!vote and !!suggest commands utilize this emote. |
!!downvotearrow ⬆ |
!!levelupemote |
Sets the guild's level up emote icon. Supply no arguments to view the currently set emote. This emote is used when reacting to a message which results in a user leveling up. |
!!levelupemote 🎉 |
!!levelupwhitelist |
Sets the guild's level up notification whitelist. Supply no arguments to view the current whitelist. Supply either reaction , channel , or both, separated with a space.You may also use none to disable any level up notifications. |
!!levelupwhitelist reaction channel !!levelupwhitelist none
!!trackrespects |
Enables or disables respects-tracking functionality on this guild. Supply no arguments to view the current status of it. Typing "F" in any channel will pay your respects once per day. |
!!trackrespects disable |
!!filterinvites |
Enables or disables invite-filtering functionality on this guild. Any invites posted which are not from this guild will be automatically deleted. Supply no arguments to view the current status of it. Note: in order to detect invites for this guild to ignore, the bot needs ManageGuild permissions. |
!!filterinvites enable |
!!phraseminlength |
Sets the guild's minimum phrase length. Supply no arguments to view the current minimum length. Note: Length must be greater than or equal to 3. |
!!phraseminlength 5 |
!!verboseerrors |
Enables or disables verbose errors for this guild. Nearly all command errors will result in a more verbose error message. Supply no arguments to view the current status of it. |
!!verboseerrors enable |
!!trackxp |
Enable or disable guild XP stats and tracking. Supply no arguments to view the current setting. |
!!trackxp disable |
!!xpgaininterval |
Set the guild's XP gain interval. Supply no arguments to view the current value. This is the minimum rate at which users can gain guild XP. |
!!xpgaininteral 10m |
!!xpgainamount |
Sets the guild's XP gain amount. Supply no arguments to view the current value. This is the amount of guild XP a user will gain every interval that they send a message. |
!!xpgainamount 50 |
!!bigemotesize |
Sets the guild's big emote size. Supply no arguments to view the current value. Valid values are: 128, 256, 512 This is the size emotes will be when using !!big . |
!!bigemotesize 512 |
!!resetconfig |
Reset the guild config to all default values. Only usable by the guild owner. |
!!resetconfig |
!!permrole |
Sets the guild's permrole. Supply no arguments to view the current permrole. |
!!permrole !!permrole Moderator
!!addmessagefilter !!amf
Add a message filter by type and name, or just by name. Messages sent matching this filter will be automatically deleted. Supported filter types: Exact, Contains, Regex (default: Exact) |
!!amf bad word !!amf exact MATCH ME EXACTLY
!!getmessagefilters !!gmf
Get a list of message filters on this guild. Supply a page number to view more. |
!!gmf |
!!removemessagefilter !!rmf
Remove a message filter by ID. | !!rmf 5 |