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Command List

Daniel Jarski edited this page May 22, 2018 · 11 revisions


Command Summary Usage
Toggle "Looking to Play" status on yourself. This role is mentionable and lasts as long as you specify, up to and defaulting to the guild's maximum allowed time.
To remove the role from yourself early, simply use the command again.
Get a link to invite the bot to your server. !!getadmin
Get bot stats, including uptime, guilds, and other information. !!stats
Get the server invite. !!invite
Show the guild's custom emotes. !!emotes
Get a user's avatar. Defaults to yourself. !!av
!!av @SomeUser
Get DMed a list of commands or get help for an individual command. !!h !!phrase
Make a suggestion. Add an image link anywhere to have it automatically embedded. !!suggest Ban all mods.
!!suggest Make this the server icon:
Display a list of suggestions. The default sort order is newest. !!suggestions top
Approve or deny a suggestion by message ID, or show a suggestion by ID. !!suggestion approve 1234567890
!!suggestion deny 1234567890
!!suggestion 5


Command Summary Usage
Add a reaction role listener to a message.
The format is like so: #channel messageId emote1 role1 emote2 role2 ... emoteN roleN
!!arr #somechannel 1234567890 :emote1: "Role 1" :emote2: "Role 2" :emote3: "Role 3"
Remove a reaction role listener given a valid message ID. !!rrr 1234567890
Displays reaction role listeners on the current guild. !!grr


Command Summary Usage
Create your own personal phrase. Messages sent in this guild containing this phrase will increment its counter. !!addphrase nice meme
Remove your set phrase. !!remphrase
Add a specific phrase to the guild's phrase blacklist.
Supply the -c flag to prevent any phrases containing the supplied text from being created.
Supply no arguments to view the current blacklist for this guild.
!!pbl -c the
!!pbl poop
Remove a phrase blacklist entry by ID. !!rpbl 5
Show stats for a user's phrase. !!phrase
!!phrase @SomeOtherUser
Show the top 10 phrases of length y. Supply no length to not filter by length.
You may also supply a -e or -m flag to display only emotes or mentions.
!!phrasetop 5
Search for phrases using a given keyword. !!sphrase nice meme


Command Summary Usage
Add a permission to the permission list. !!ap !!phrase disable #some-channel
!!ap all enable Some Role
Display the permission list. !!lp
Removes a permission given its ID. !!rp 5
Add a blacklisted word or words to the guild.
Any messages sent containing the word will automatically be deleted.
Users with the PermRole are immune to word blacklisting.
!!ablw ass
View this guild's blacklisted words. !!blws
Remove a blacklisted word or words by ID.
Use !!blws to view blacklisted word IDs.
!!rblw 15


Command Summary Usage
Gets or sets this guild's permrole. The permrole is needed for many administrative commands.
Setting the permrole requires Administrator permissions.
!!permrole Admin
Displays all bot configuration settings for this guild. !!showguildconfig
Gets or sets the guild's invite code. Using !!invite will grab this code and create a link that users can share to invite others. !!invitecode 08bddQ
Gets or sets this guild's mute role. Users who are muted with !!mute will have this role applied to them. !!muterole Silenced
Gets or sets this guild's looking to play role. Users who use !!ltp will gain this role. !!ltprole Looking to Play
Gets or sets this guild's maximum looking to play hours. To disable, simply supply a 0 for the timeout. !!ltphours 6
Gets or sets this guild's upvote arrow. Suggestions and the !!vote command utilize this emote. Defaults to ⬆.⬇ !!upvotearrow ⬆
Gets or sets this guild's upvote arrow. Suggestions and the !! vote command utilize this emote. Defaults to . !!downvote arrow
Gets or sets this guild's error display mode.
true will show all command errors except "Unknown command.".
false will only show pre-defined errors from within the command.
!!ve true
Gets or sets this guild's greeting mode.
true will greet users if the guild has its greeting channel set up.
false will disable greeting users.
!!greetusers true
Gets or sets this guild's greet message. Supports TOML embeds.
You may use {user} to mention the user you are greeting.
!!greetmsg Welcome to the server, {user}!
Gets or sets this guild's greeting timeout, in seconds. The greeting message will be automatically deleted after that many seconds.
Set to 0 to disable.
!!greetseconds 60
Gets or sets this guild's respects functionality. Sending F in any channel will increment a respects counter, once per day per user.
true enables this functionality.
false disables it.
!!enablerespects true
Gets or sets this guild's invite filtering functionality. Any discord invite links posted that are not invites to this guild will be filtered by the bot and deleted.
true enables this functionality.
false disables it.
!!invitefiltering true
Gets or sets this guild's minimum phrase length, in characters. Phrases shorter than this number will not be created. Set to 0 to disable. !!phraseminlength 3
Get or set this guild's log channel. User leave/join/ban/unban/kick and message deletions will be logged to this channel. !!logchannel #logs
Get or set this guild's suggestion channel. Users who suggest with !!suggest will have their suggestions posted to this channel. !!suggestionchannel #suggestions
Get or set this guild's suggestion archive channel. Approved or denied suggestions will be posted to this channel. !!suggestionarchive #suggestionarchive
Get or set this guild's greeting channel. Users who join will trigger a greeting message. !!greetchannel #welcome


Command Summary Usage
Start or join a crosstalk call.
If no calls are found, starts an empty call and waits for another channel to connect.
You may supply the -c flag to generate a code that you can use to connect to your call directly.
Using a code is optional, omitting a code for the command will simply find the first available call.
You may supply a given code to automatically connect to that specific call. See Usage for examples.
!!crosstalk -c
!!crosstalk 1b5dft61
Start a vote in the current channel. Attach an image or image link to have the bot display the image in the embed. !!vote Ban all mods.
Roll some dice. !!roll 1d20 + 5 + 1d6
Blow up an emote. !!big :MedGrin:
Choose from a list of things, separated by ;. !!choose eat;sleep
Rate something out of 10. !!rate having a gf
Ask the Magic 8-ball a question. !!8ball will I die tomorrow?


Command Summary Usage
Delete messages in the current channel. !!prune 50
!!prune 25 ignore pin
!!prune 10 @SomeSpammer
Warn a user. !!warn @SomeRuleBreaker Please do not break our rules.
View a user's warnings. Supply no user to see warnings you've given. !!warnings @SomeIdiot
Clear all warnings for a specific user, or a single warning given its ID. !!warnclear @SomeIdiot
!!warnclear 3
Set or update a warning punishment. The first argument is the number of warnings to receive the punishment, the second argument is type of punishment. Supply no type to remove the punishment for those number of warnings. !!warnp 3 Kick
!!warnp 5
View the current warning punishments. !!warnpl
Add a note for a user. !!note @SomeEdgyDude Threatened to raid the server.
Remove a single note given its ID. !!noterm 6
View a user's notes. Supply no user to see notes you've given. !!notes @SomeUser
Mutes a user for an optional amount of time and reason. !!mute @SomeSpammer
!!mute @SomeSpammer 1d
!!mute @SomeSpammer 1d shut up nerd
Unmutes a user by name or mute ID. !!unmute @SomeGoodDude
View guild user mutes. Supply a page number to view more. !!mutes
Send a message in a specified channel using the bot. Supports TOML embeds. Channel defaults to the current channel you are in. !!say #somechannel Please move the conversation to #someotherchannel.
Edit a bot message with a specific channel and message ID. Supports TOML embeds. Channel defaults to the current channel you are in. !!edit #somechannel 1234567890 haha memes
Kick a user with an optional reason. !!kick @SomeRuleBreaker
Softban a user with an optional reason. A "softban" is essentially a ban + unban, pruning the user's messages as well. !!sb @SomeSpammer Do not spam.
Ban a user with an optional reason. !!ban @SomeIdiot Your kind are not welcome here.
Ban a user, even if they aren't on the server, by their user ID. !!hackban 0123456789 Don't come back.
Get info about a user. Defaults to yourself. !!uinfo
!!uinfo @SomeUser
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