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OSCAR: configure and debug variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) efficiently

OSCAR leverages compressed sensing to reconstruct the landscape of variational quantum algorithms, using only a small fraction of all circuit executions needed for the entire landscape. In addition, by interpolating the discrete landscape, OSCAR can benchmark thousands of optimization configurations in an instant.

This is a package accompanying the paper Enabling High Performance Debugging for Variational Quantum Algorithms using Compressed Sensing and Variational Quantum Algorithm Landscape Reconstruction by Low-Rank Tensor Completion. For our original research implementation and record, please refer to This repo is a rewrite as a user-friendly package, and some of the methods have been substantially improved compared to the version used in the paper.


pip install git+

Get Started

The following walkthrough is also available as a Jupyter notebook.


An "(energy) landscape" of a variational quantum algorithm (VQA) is the ensemble of objective function values over the parameter space, where each value is the expectation of measuring the problem Hamiltonian with the variational ansatz under the corresponding parameters. OSCAR exploits landscapes to provide VQA debugging features.

In OSCAR, the oscar.Landscape class uses a discretized grid over parameters in given ranges (#Landscape), where the grid values are calculated by an oscar.execution.BaseExecutor (#Executor). To speed up this grid generation process, OSCAR provides the option to approximate the grid values using only a small fraction of samples (#Reconstruction). Additionally, OSCAR can interpolate the grid points to provide a continuous function approximating the landscape for instant optimization runs (#Interpolation), thus enabling highly efficient #Optimization configuration benchmarking for choosing optimizers, their hyperparameters, initialization strategies, and more.


Define the landscape with parameter resolutions (granularity) and parameter bounds. The order of the parameters corresponds to their order in the VQA ansatz definition. In the case of qiskit QAOA, the order is all betas and then all gammas.

from oscar import Landscape
from math import pi

resolution = [64, 64]
bounds = [(-pi / 4, pi / 4), (0, pi / 2)]
landscape = Landscape(resolution, bounds)


Custom Executor

An executor can be easily constructed with a user-defined function that outputs the value of given input parameters.

from __future__ import annotations
from import Sequence
from oscar import CustomExecutor

def f(params: Sequence[float]) -> float:

custom_executor = CustomExecutor(f)

Qiskit Executor

OSCAR also provides an executor that works with Qiskit problem and VQA classes. As an example, let's solve a 3-regular graph MaxCut problem with QAOA. First, define the problem of interest with qiskit_optimization (or qiskit_finance, qiskit_nature, or for more problems). These packages are not OSCAR's dependencies and need to be manually installed.

# %pip install networkx qiskit_optimization
import networkx as nx
from qiskit_optimization.applications import Maxcut

n = 10
graph = nx.random_regular_graph(3, n, 42)
problem = Maxcut(graph).to_quadratic_program()
H, offset = problem.to_ising() # construct the Hamiltonian

Define the desired Qiskit VQA.

(OSCAR also supports the old VQE and QAOA that are now deprecated. If you intend to use them, make sure your operator is a subclass of qiskit.opflow.OperatorBase, which is usually generated by a previous version of qiskit-optimization.)

# %pip install qiskit_aer
# Old
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
from qiskit.algorithms import QAOA as OldQAOA
from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA

algorithm = OldQAOA(COBYLA(), quantum_instance=AerSimulator())
# New
from qiskit_aer.primitives import Sampler
from qiskit.algorithms.minimum_eigensolvers import QAOA as NewQAOA
from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA

algorithm = NewQAOA(Sampler(), COBYLA())

Define the executor responsible for computing the landscape data with the previously constructed VQA and Hamiltonian and generate the sampled points.

from oscar import QiskitExecutor

qiskit_executor = QiskitExecutor(algorithm, H)


Sample a few points on the grid and get their value using our previously defined executor.

_ = landscape.sample_and_run(qiskit_executor, sampling_fraction = 1 / 16, rng = 42)

Reconstruct the full landscape with a desired oscar.reconstruction.BaseReconstructor and visualize the reconstructed landscape.

from oscar import CSReconstructor, plot_2d_landscape

figure = plot_2d_landscape(landscape)


Uncomment to run the true landscape and compare. (May take some time)

# may take some time
# exact_landscape =
# exact_landscape.run_all(qiskit_executor)
# figure = plot_2d_landscape(exact_landscape)


Landscapes can be easily saved for later retrieval.

filename = f"../data/landscapes/p=1-{n=}-{bounds}-{resolution}.pckl"
landscape = Landscape.load(filename)


OSCAR can interpolate the grid points to get a continuous approximation of the landscape, which can in turn serve as an executor for optimizers and other purposes.

from oscar import InterpolatedLandscapeExecutor, NLoptOptimizer
from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA

landscape.interpolate(method="slinear", fill_value=3)
itpl_executor = InterpolatedLandscapeExecutor(landscape)

def optimize_and_show(executor):
    trace, original_result = NLoptOptimizer("LN_BOBYQA").run(
        executor, initial_point=[0.3, 0.5], bounds=bounds, xtol_abs=1e-8, initial_step=0.3
    plot_2d_landscape(landscape, trace)

Total time: 0.0212554931640625
Optimal parameters reported:  [-0.38839545  0.50520292]
Optimal value reported:  -2.643549075727872
Number of evaluations:  43


Compare with the optimization where the values are calculated by actual circuit executions.

Total time: 2.5728940963745117
Optimal parameters reported:  [-0.34238969  0.51203497]
Optimal value reported:  -2.59765625
Number of evaluations:  43


We see that the results are very close, while the time for optimizing with the interpolated landscape is negligible compared to the actual optimization, especially when the problem size is large.

Optimization Configuration Benchmarking

We can specify combinations of hyperparameter values with oscar.HyperparameterGrid or oscar.HyperparameterSet and then utilize oscar.HyperparameterTuner to conveniently do a grid search over all combinations. If a landscape object is available, we can take advantage of the interpolated executor to reduce the grid search time to seconds.

from math import prod
from time import time
from oscar import HyperparameterTuner, HyperparameterGrid, result_metrics, QiskitOptimizer

x0_pool = [(0, 0.6), (0.4, 0.6), (0, 1.2), (-0.4, 1.2), (0.4, 1.2)]
maxfev_pool = [10, 30, 50]
initial_step_pool = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
optimizer_configs = [
        optimizer=("LN_COBYLA", "LN_BOBYQA"),
run_configs = HyperparameterGrid(

tuner = HyperparameterTuner(optimizer_configs)
print(f"Running {prod(prod(config.shape) for config in optimizer_configs + [run_configs])} optimizations...")
start = time()
print(f" {time() - start:.2f} seconds.")
Running 90 optimizations... 2.67 seconds.

Print out top optimizer configurations using the optimizer-reported optimal value (energy) as the metric.

import numpy as np

result = tuner.process_results(result_metrics.optimal_value())[0]
indices = np.argsort(result.flat)[:5:]
top_configs = tuner.interpret(indices, run_configs=run_configs)
for i, index in enumerate(indices):
    print(f"Energy: {result.flat[index]}  Config: {top_configs[i]}")

Energy: -2.0152383123301854 Config: ['optimizer=LN_COBYLA', 'maxiter=30', 'initial_step=0.001', 'initial_point=(-0.4, 1.2)'] Energy: -2.0152383123301854 Config: ['optimizer=LN_COBYLA', 'maxiter=10', 'initial_step=0.001', 'initial_point=(-0.4, 1.2)'] Energy: -2.0152383123301854 Config: ['optimizer=LN_COBYLA', 'maxiter=50', 'initial_step=0.001', 'initial_point=(-0.4, 1.2)'] Energy: -2.015238312326499 Config: ['optimizer=LN_BOBYQA', 'maxiter=30', 'initial_step=0.001', 'initial_point=(0, 1.2)'] Energy: -2.015238312326499 Config: ['optimizer=LN_BOBYQA', 'maxiter=50', 'initial_step=0.001', 'initial_point=(0, 1.2)']


  • Docs and tests
  • Execution
    • Jacobian
    • Autodiff
  • Interpolation
    • Alternative interpolators
  • Landscape
    • Execution-hardness-aware parameter sampling
    • Support for irregular grid (integrate with HyperparameterTuner)
  • Reconstruction
    • Data point confidence
  • Optimization
    • PCA on trace