- No Category:
- !help Shows this message
- !ping
- Type !help command for more info on a command.
- You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
+ No Category:
!help \[command]
for more info on a command.
- !help \[category]
for more info on a category.
- !help \[command]
for more info on a command.
+ !help \[category]
for more info on a category.
+ !help \[command]
for more info on a command.
!help \[category]
for more info on a
- No Category:
- !help Shows this message
+ Pong!
+ !announce Hello Hello World!
+ Hello
- !announce
- Type !help command for more info on a command.
- You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
+ No Category:
+ !help Shows this message
+ !ping
+ !announce
+ Type !help command for more info on a command.
+ You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
No Category:
!help Shows this message
Type !help command for more info on a command.
You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
*italics* | -__*underlined italics*__ | -
**bold** | -__**underlined bold**__ | - -
***bold italics*** | -__***underlined bold italics***__ | - -
__underlined__ | -~~strikethrough~~ | -
*italics* | +***underlined italics*** | +
**bold** | +****underlined bold**** | +
***bold italics*** | +*****underlined bold italics***** | +
**underlined** | +~~strikethrough~~ | +
Part | -Text | -Link | -
Embed Author | -No | -No | -
Embed Title | -Yes | -No | -
Embed Description | -Yes | -Yes | -
Field Name | -Yes | -No | -
Field Value | -Yes | -Yes | -
Embed Footer | -No | -No | -
Part | +Text | +Link | +
Embed Author | +No | +No | +
Embed Title | +Yes | +No | +
Embed Description | +Yes | +Yes | +
Field Name | +Yes | +No | +
Field Value | +Yes | +Yes | +
Embed Footer | +No | +No | +
that led you to pick Shark
+ You picked an animal type of Marine
that led you to pick Shark
@@ -284,8 +288,8 @@ Autocomplete can **only** be used with slash commands.
:::info Related Topics
-- [Interactions Index](../../interactions)
-- [Rules and Common Practices](../../getting-started/rules-and-common-practices)
-- [Cogs](../../popular-topics/cogs)
+* [Interactions Index](../../interactions)
+* [Rules and Common Practices](../../getting-started/rules-and-common-practices)
+* [Cogs](../../popular-topics/cogs)
diff --git a/docs/interactions/index.mdx b/docs/interactions/index.mdx
index a8a19b93..3de8adbf 100644
--- a/docs/interactions/index.mdx
+++ b/docs/interactions/index.mdx
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ Since then, Discord has added many types of Interactions, including:
[**Application Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands)
-- [**Slash Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#slash-commands):
-Commands that can be used with the `/` prefix.
-- **Context Menu Commands**: Commands that can be used from the right-click menu.
- - [**User Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#user-commands):
- Commands that can be used on a user by alt-clicking/selecting them.
- - [**Message Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#message-commands):
- Commands that can be used on a message by alt-clicking/selecting it.
+* [**Slash Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#slash-commands):
+ Commands that can be used with the `/` prefix.
+* **Context Menu Commands**: Commands that can be used from the right-click menu.
+ * [**User Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#user-commands):
+ Commands that can be used on a user by alt-clicking/selecting them.
+ * [**Message Commands**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#message-commands):
+ Commands that can be used on a message by alt-clicking/selecting it.
[**UI Components**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components)
-- [**Buttons**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#buttons):
-Buttons are attached to a message and can be clicked on to perform an action.
-- [**Select Menus**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menus):
-Drop-down menus are used to select a number of options from a list.
-- [**Modals**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#text-inputs):
-Form-like modals can be used to ask for input from a user.
+* [**Buttons**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#buttons):
+ Buttons are attached to a message and can be clicked on to perform an action.
+* [**Select Menus**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#select-menus):
+ Drop-down menus are used to select a number of options from a list.
+* [**Modals**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#text-inputs):
+ Form-like modals can be used to ask for input from a user.
## Application Commands
-Application Commands are another set of new features that are intended to avoid compromising users' safety and privacy.
+Application Commands are another set of new features that are intended to avoid compromising users' safety and privacy.
They're relatively easy to add to your bot, and give people a simpler and safer way to use commands.
### [Slash Commands](https://docs.pycord.dev/en/stable/api/application_commands.html#discord.SlashCommand)
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Message Content intent. Using that as a reason will get your application denied.
Pong! Latency is 335ms.
@@ -69,20 +70,20 @@ Message Content intent. Using that as a reason will get your application denied.
This is what a Slash Command looks like. Not too different from a prefix command,
apart from the note telling you who invoked it. A Slash Command's fields can accept any of the following:
-- Members
-- Roles
-- Channels
-- Attachments
-- Text
+* Members
+* Roles
+* Channels
+* Attachments
+* Text
Just about as good as it gets.
### [Message](https://docs.pycord.dev/en/stable/api/application_commands.html#discord.MessageCommand) and [User](https://docs.pycord.dev/en/stable/api/application_commands.html#discord.UserCommand) Commands
-Message Commands and User Commands were both introduced at around the same time, and are very similar to each other, so we'll be
-introducing them together. These commands can be found in the `Apps` tab when alt-clicking. The only difference between the two is that
-Message Commands only appear in the `Apps` tab of a message, while User Commands are found in the `Apps` tab of a user. Message Commands
-can be used to quickly report a message, warn a user for a message, and other functions. Likewise, User Commands can be used to add a
+Message Commands and User Commands were both introduced at around the same time, and are very similar to each other, so we'll be
+introducing them together. These commands can be found in the `Apps` tab when alt-clicking. The only difference between the two is that
+Message Commands only appear in the `Apps` tab of a message, while User Commands are found in the `Apps` tab of a user. Message Commands
+can be used to quickly report a message, warn a user for a message, and other functions. Likewise, User Commands can be used to add a
user to a ticket, warn a user, and more.
Here's an example of a Message Command:
@@ -91,12 +92,14 @@ Here's an example of a Message Command:
Header | -Header | -
Cell | -Cell | -
Header | +Header | +
Cell | +Cell | +
Great bot!
- Great bot!
+ 49
- 49
+ Never Gonna Give You Up
@@ -143,6 +145,6 @@ it easy to make complex bots so that you can get even the most advanced of ideas
:::info Related Topics
-- [Rules and Common Practices](../getting-started/rules-and-common-practices)
+* [Rules and Common Practices](../getting-started/rules-and-common-practices)
diff --git a/docs/voice/receiving.mdx b/docs/voice/receiving.mdx
index bb0360d0..5c18a7cb 100644
--- a/docs/voice/receiving.mdx
+++ b/docs/voice/receiving.mdx
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ async def record(ctx): # If you're using commands.Bot, this will also work.
Started recording!
@@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ async def record(ctx): # If you're using commands.Bot, this will also work.
Now you are finished making your command for voice receiving! Next, you will want to:
-1. Make your finished callback
-2. Make a stop command
+1. Make your finished callback
+2. Make a stop command
### Making a Callback
@@ -91,7 +92,10 @@ async def once_done(sink: discord.sinks, channel: discord.TextChannel, *args):