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This is a Puppet module for managing Apache mod_auth_mellon, which "is an authentication module for Apache. It authenticates the user against a SAML 2.0 IdP, and grants access to directories depending on attributes received from the IdP."

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with mellon
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module allows creating one or more Apache2 Locations that are protected by mod_auth_mellon. Each Location is completely isolated from each other, meaning each will have its own IDP metadata, SP metadata, SP private key and SP certificate.

You might use this to, for example, protect Prometheus and Alertmanager running on the same node while using different SAML settings (e.g. MellonCond) for each.


What mellon affects

This module creates the Location entries and installs the files required by Mellon.

Setup requirements

You need puppetlabs/apache, puppetlabs/concat and puppetlabs/stdlib to make use of this module.


And example of how configure Mellon to protect Prometheus and Alertmanager:

::mellon::config { 'alertmanager':
    subdir         => 'alertmanager',
    location       => '/alertmanager',
    idp_metadata   => $idp_metadata,
    sp_metadata    => $sp_metadata_alertmanager,
    sp_private_key => $sp_private_key_alertmanager,
    sp_cert        => $sp_cert_alertmanager,
    melloncond     => $melloncond_alertmanager,

::mellon::config { 'prometheus':
  subdir         => 'prometheus',
  location       => '/prometheus',
  idp_metadata   => $idp_metadata,
  sp_metadata    => $sp_metadata_prometheus,
  sp_private_key => $sp_private_key_prometheus,
  sp_cert        => $sp_cert_prometheus,
  melloncond     => $melloncond_prometheus,

The values (above) would generally come via lookups from Hiera. The IDP metadata is always the same per-IDP. For details on the SP metadata see below.

The base Mellon setup is quite useless as-is. On top of it you want at least one HTTPS VirtualHost with a suitable reverse proxy configuration. For example, something like this, filling in the missing parameters as needed:

$proxy_pass = [ { 'path' => '/alertmanager', 'url' => 'http://localhost:9093' },
                { 'path' => '/prometheus',   'url' => 'http://localhost:9090/prometheus' }, ],

$request_headers = ['set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"','set X-Forwarded-Port "443"']

include ::sslcert

::sslcert::set { '':
  bundlefile => 'mybundle',

include ::apache::mod::headers
include ::apache::mod::rewrite

::apache::vhost { $site_name:
  servername      => $site_name,
  port            => '80',
  docroot         => $doc_root,
  redirect_status => 'permanent',
  redirect_dest   => "https://${site_name}/",

::apache::vhost { "${site_name}-ssl":
  servername      => $site_name,
  port            => '443',
  docroot         => $doc_root,
  proxy_pass      => $proxy_pass,
  request_headers => $request_headers,
  ssl             => true,
  ssl_cert        => $cert_path,
  ssl_key         => $key_path,
  ssl_chain       => $chain_path,

Getting the SP metadata from Keycloak

First create a Keycloak client for you mellon configuration. Then export the SP metadata from the "Installation" tab. The metadata needs to be modified to include the correct URLs - by default they're undefined. After that you can add it to hiera(-eyaml).


Creation of VirtualHosts, reverse proxies and TLS/SSL is outside of the scope of this module.


If find bugs or soom for improvement in this module please file a issue, or better yet, issue a PR.


Puppet module for managing Apache mod_auth_mellon






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