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868 lines (868 loc) · 73.1 KB
PlatformIO ID Name Description
2 PID A PID controller seeks to keep some input variable close to a desired setpoint by adjusting an output. The way in which it does this can be 'tuned' by adjusting three parameters (P,I,D).
3 PID-AutoTune A proportional-integral-derivative controller is a control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems
4 IRremote Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
5 Webduino An extensible web server library (for use with the Arduino WizNet Ethernet Shield)
6 XBee XBees in API mode, with support for both Series 1 (802.15.4) and Series 2 (ZB Pro/ZNet)
7 U8glib A library for monochrome TFTs and OLEDs
10 I2Cdevlib-AK8975 AK8975 is 3-axis electronic compass IC with high sensitive Hall sensor technology
11 I2Cdevlib-Core The I2C Device Library (I2Cdevlib) is a collection of uniform and well-documented classes to provide simple and intuitive interfaces to I2C devices.
12 Adafruit ST7735 Library A library for the Adafruit 1.8" SPI display
13 Adafruit GFX Library Adafruit GFX graphics core library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from.
14 Adafruit 9DOF Library Unified sensor driver for the Adafruit 9DOF Breakout (L3GD20 / LSM303)
15 Adafruit ADXL345 Unified driver for the ADXL345 Accelerometer
16 Adafruit BMP085 Unified Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's BMP085 & BMP180 breakouts (Barometric Pressure Sensor)
17 Adafruit CC3000 Library Library code for Adafruit's CC3000 WiFi breakouts.
18 Adafruit DHT Unified Unified sensor library for DHT (DHT11, DHT22 and etc) temperature and humidity sensors
19 DHT sensor library Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
20 Adafruit GPS Library An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use
21 HT1632 Arduino library code for HT1632(C) matrix panel driver chips, and the panels we have in the Adafruit shop
22 Adafruit HX8357 Library A library for the Adafruit HX8357 SPI display
23 Adafruit L3GD20 U Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope
24 Adafruit L3GD20 Driver for Adafruit's L3GD20 I2C Gyroscope Breakout
25 Adafruit LED Backpack Library Adafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks
26 Adafruit LSM303DLHC Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout (Accelerometer + Magnetometer)
27 Adafruit Motor Shield library Adafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega
28 Adafruit NeoPixel Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
29 Adafruit PN532 Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
30 Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library
31 Adafruit Unified Sensor Required for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries.
32 Adafruit-TFT-LCD Arduino library for 8-bit TFT LCDs such as ILI9325, ILI9328, etc
33 Adafruit TMP006 This is a library for the Adafruit TMP006 Infrared Thermopile Sensor
34 Adafruit TSL2561 Unified light sensor driver for Adafruit's TSL2561 breakouts
35 aJson An Arduino library to enable JSON processing with Arduino
36 X10 Sending X10 signals over AC power lines (PL513, TW523 and etc)
37 Nextion Provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial display
38 Low-Power Lightweight power management library
42 nRF24 The nRF24L01 is a low-cost 2.4GHz ISM transceiver module. It supports a number of channel frequencies in the 2.4GHz band and a range of data rates
48 Plotly-CC3000 Arduino library for real-time logging and streaming data to online plotly graphs (TI CC3000 Wi-Fi)
49 Plotly-WiFi Arduino library for real-time logging and streaming data to online plotly graphs
50 Plotly-Ethernet Arduino library for real-time logging and streaming data to online plotly graphs
51 Plotly-GSM Arduino library for real-time logging and streaming data to online plotly graphs
53 AAP An Arduino library for controlling iPods (and some features for the iPod app on iPhones and iPod Touches) via the Apple Accessory Protocol (AAP)
54 DallasTemperature Arduino Library for Dallas Temperature ICs (DS18B20, DS18S20, DS1822, DS1820)
59 USB-Host-Shield-20 Revision 2.0 of MAX3421E-based USB Host Shield Library
60 RedBot The RedBot is a motor driver and Arduino combination with various headers and connections, eliminating the need to stack multiple shields
61 SparkFun-CC3000 Arduino library for the TI CC3000 WiFi Shield and SparkFun Breakout Board
62 MIDI Library This library enables MIDI I/O communications on the Arduino serial ports
63 MFRC522 Read a card using a MFRC522 reader on your SPI interface
64 ArduinoJson An elegant and efficient JSON library for embedded systems
65 WiFlyHQ The library provides functions for setting up and managing the WiFly module (Roving Networks WiFly RN-XV), sending UDP packets, opening TCP connections and sending and receiving data over the TCP connection
66 HttpClient Library to easily make HTTP GET, POST and PUT requests to a web server.
67 Xively A library for Arduino to make it easier to talk to Xively
74 Mozzi A sound synthesis library
75 Timer Timer Library
76 Timezone Arduino library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving (summer) time adjustments
77 Button Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses
78 DS3232RTC Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks
80 Adafruit WS2801 Library Arduino library for controlling strips/pixels using WS2801 driver chips
81 Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD library Arduino driver for PC8544, most commonly found in small Nokia 5110's
82 DmxMaster Send and receive DMX signals
83 RTClib A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
84 Adafruit MAX31855 library Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple breakout with MAX31855K
85 Adafruit Thermal Printer Library Arduino Library for Small Thermal Printers
86 SHT1x Provides a simple interface to the SHT1x series (SHT10, SHT11, SHT15) and SHT7x series (SHT71, SHT75) temperature / humidity sensors from Sensirion
89 PubSubClient A client library for MQTT messaging. MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol ideal for small devices. This library allows you to send and receive MQTT messages. It supports the latest MQTT 3.1.1 protocol and can be configured to use the older MQTT 3.1...
90 LPD8806 Arduino library for LED strips and pixels using LPD8806 (and probably LPD8803/LPD8809)
91 UIPEthernet Ethernet library for ENC28J60
92 RFM69 RFM69 library for RFM69W, RFM69HW, RFM69CW, RFM69HCW (semtech SX1231, SX1231H)
93 RFM12B RFM12B Universal ISM Band FSK Transceiver (433, 868 and 915 MHz bands)
94 I2Cdevlib-AD7746 The AD7745/AD7746 are 24-Bit Capacitance-to-Digital Converter with Temperature Sensor
95 I2Cdevlib-ADS1115 ADS1115 is 16-Bit ADC with Integrated MUX, PGA, Comparator, Oscillator, and Reference
96 I2Cdevlib-ADXL345 The ADXL345 is a small, thin, ultralow power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement
97 I2Cdevlib-BMA150 The BMA150 is a triaxial, low-g acceleration sensor IC with digital output for consumer market applications
98 I2Cdevlib-BMP085 The BMP085 is barometric pressure, temperature and altitude sensor
99 I2Cdevlib-DS1307 The DS1307 serial real-time clock (RTC) is a low-power, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM
100 I2Cdevlib-HMC5843 The HMC5843 is 3-Axis digital compass/magnetometer
101 I2Cdevlib-HMC5883L The HMC5883L is 3-Axis digital compass/magnetometer
102 I2Cdevlib-IAQ2000 The iAQ-2000 Indoor Air Quality Module is a sensitive, low-cost solution for detecting poor air quality
103 I2Cdevlib-ITG3200 The ITG-3200 is groundbreaking 3-axis, digital output MEMS gyroscope
104 I2Cdevlib-L3G4200D The L3G4200D is a low-power three-axis angular rate sensor able to provide unprecedented stablility of zero rate level and sensitivity over temperature and time
105 I2Cdevlib-LM73 The LM73 is an integrated, digital-output temperature sensor featuring an incremental Delta-Sigma ADC
106 I2Cdevlib-MPR121 The MPR121 is a 12-bit proximity capacitive touch sensor
107 I2Cdevlib-MPU6050 The MPU6050 combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon die together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor(DMP) which processes complex 6-axis MotionFusion algorithms
108 I2Cdevlib-SSD1308 SSD1308 is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with controller for organic / polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system
109 I2Cdevlib-TCA6424A The TCA6424A is a low-voltage 24-Bit I2C and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output, reset and configuration registers
113 I2Cdevlib-MPU9150 The MPU-9150 combines two chips: the MPU-6050, which contains a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and the AK8975, a 3-axis digital compass
114 OBD The library for Arduino OBD-II/OBD2 Adapter
115 DHT22 Digital-output relative humidity & temperature sensor/module DHT22
116 EmonLib Energy Monitoring Library
117 PCA9685 Library for using PCA9685(PCA) - 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller
118 MCP23017 Library for MCP23017 16-Bit I/O(input/output) port expander with interrupt output
119 Debug Macro-based debugging print statements
120 EEPromUtils Safer library for EEPROM access
121 SerialCLI Class for building tokenized CLIs
122 MPR121 Library for interacting with MPR121 capacitive touch sensors and tracking touch states
123 InputDebounce Simple polling input debounce Arduino library. Used for push-button like switches. Delivers input value (state) after it has been stable (not flickering) for longer than the debounce period, and delivers continuous pressed-on time duration [ms].
124 RadioHead The RadioHead Packet Radio library which provides a complete object-oriented library for sending and receiving packetized messages via RF22/24/26/27/69, Si4460/4461/4463/4464, nRF24/nRF905, SX1276/77/78, RFM95/96/97/98 and etc.
125 SPIFlash Library for read/write access to SPI flash memory chips
126 FastLED FastLED is a library for programming addressable rgb led strips (APA102/Dotstar, WS2812/Neopixel, LPD8806, and a dozen others) acting both as a driver and as a library for color management and fast math.
127 ESP8266 ESP8266 offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either host the application or to offload all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor
128 AS_BH1750 Library for the BH1750FVI Digital Light Sensor
129 Encoder Counts quadrature pulses from rotary & linear position encoders.
130 PS2Keyboard PS2Keyboard (PS/2) allows you to use a keyboard for user input
131 TimerOne Use hardware Timer1 for finer PWM control and/or running an periodic interrupt function
132 TimerThree Allow to use the built-in 16 bit Timer3
135 Adafruit SSD1306 SSD1306 oled driver library for 'monochrome' 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs
136 LiquidCrystal LiquidCrystal Library is faster and extensable, compatible with the original LiquidCrystal library
137 MsTimer2 MsTimer2 is a small and very easy to use library to interface Timer2 with humans. It's called MsTimer2 because it "hardcodes" a resolution of 1 millisecond on timer2.
138 FlexiTimer2 Arduino library to use timer 2 with a configurable resolution. Based on MsTimer2 by Javier Valencia. Written for the project associated with the "Mobile & Pervasive Computing" course at Hasselt University in Belgium.
139 ADS1147 ADS1147 ADC (Analog-Digital-Converter)
140 ADS7846 ADS7846/TSC2046 Touch-Controller
141 DAC8760 DAC8760 DAC (Digital-Analog-Converter)
142 digitalWriteFast Fast pin access for AVR microcontrollers
143 DisplayI2C MI0283QT-Adapter v2 + GLCD-Shield (I2C)
144 DisplaySPI MI0283QT-Adapter v2 + GLCD-Shield (SPI)
145 DS1307 DS1307 RTC (Real-Time-Clock)
146 GraphicsLib General Grahipcs Library
147 MI0283QT2 MI0283QT-2 Display (HX8347D, SPI)
148 MI0283QT9 MI0283QT-9 / -9A / -11 Display (ILI9341, SPI)
149 vfd_vaf1613 Drive a VAF1613 vacuum flourescent display
150 RedFly RedFly-Shield (WiFi/WLAN)
151 RotaryEncoder Rotary Encoder
152 RV8523 RV-8523 RTC (Real-Time-Clock)
153 S65L2F50 S65 L2F50 Display (SPI)
154 S65LPH88 S65 LPH88 Display (SPI)
155 S65LS020 S65 LS020 Display (SPI)
156 SSD1331 OLED-Display (SSD1331, SPI)
157 MCP2515 MCP2515 CAN-Bus-Controller
158 INA219 TI INA219 hi-side i2c current/power monitor Library
159 LightWS2812 Light weight library to control WS2811/WS2812/WS2812B based LEDS and LED Strings
160 Adafruit-INA219 TI INA219 hi-side i2c current/power monitor Library from Adafruit
161 SD This library aims to expose a subset of SD card functionality in the form of a higher level 'wrapper' object
162 PCM PCM/WAV playback direct from SD card
163 MenuSystem A library for implementing a menu system
164 SparkFun_MMA8452Q Basic I2C functionality of the MMA8452Q Accelerometer Breakout
165 Keypad Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino.
166 Adafruit BME280 Library Arduino library for BME280 humidity and pressure sensors
167 blipbus Arduino library for simple shared bus messaging, using JSON, UDP, and WiFi
172 NRF8001 Arduino library for the Nordic nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy chip
173 SerialCommand A Wiring/Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
176 NewPing Ultrasonic ping sensor library that works with most sensors, can use a single interface wire, doesn't hang, can run in the background, and is smaller and faster that all other ping libraries.
177 Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51 Arduino library for nRF51822-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
178 ST7036_LCD_Driver This is an implementation of the ST7036 LCD driver controller.
179 NewAskSin Library for HM compatible devices on base of Arduino Hardware
180 TextFinder Library for extracting information from a stream of data
181 AVRQueue A task queuing library for AVR and Arduino processors.
182 TH02 Library for TH02 temperature and humidity sensor by HopeRF
183 DAC7565 Library Texas Instrument DAC converter by Texas Instrument
192 Arduboy This library is for content creation on the Arduboy, a portable gaming platform
193 Rtc_Pcf8563 Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption
195 SerialComm Provides a simple API for Arduino to communicate over serial port
200 DigitalIO Fast digital IO.
209 RF24Mesh A simple and seamless 'mesh' layer for sensor networks. Designed to interface directly with with the RF24Network Development library, an OSI Network Layer using nRF24L01(+) radios driven by the newly optimized RF24 library fork.
210 Canbus Library provies basic functionality of all hardware features on the CAN-Bus Shield (CAN communication, serial LCD functionality, uSD logging, GPS tracking, and joystick input).
214 LibTeleinfo Teleinfo French power meter reader and decoding
215 Adafruit NeoMatrix Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for NeoPixel grids
222 AppleMIDI Library code for AppleMIDI protocol
224 MideaIRWrapper Wrapper for Midea AC, designed to be used with Arduino platform and IRRemote Library
225 HardwareSerial_RS485 Concurrent multi-drop (i.e. multi-master, multi-slave) RS485 communication library
230 S11059 A color sensor library for Arduino
232 keyboardButton Convinient way to map a push-button to a keyboard key. This library utilize the ability of 32u4-based Arduino-compatible boards to emulate USB-keyboard.
236 EthernetBonjour Bonjour Library for Arduino & Teensyduino
245 PJON PJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media device communications bus system framework
246 RCSwitch Use your Arduino or Raspberry Pi to operate remote radio controlled devices
248 SoftwareSPI A barebones library for bitbanging SPI
250 FlashMemory A barebones library for interacting with the M25PE80 flash memory chip
251 VirtualWire It provides a simple message passing protocol for a range of inexpensive transmitter and receiver modules
252 JeeLib A library for JeeNodes and for compatible devices, with drivers for its wireless radio modules
253 Structure Arduino SDK for connecting embedded devices to the Structure IoT developer platform
255 BitPP Very effective yet simple to use classes for individual bit access on AVR devices
258 TM1637 Arduino library for TM1637 (LED Driver)
259 BLEPeripheral Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals. Supports nRF8001 and nRF51822 based boards/shields.
260 SparkFun_MicroView The MicroView is a chip-sized Arduino with a built-in OLED, available from SparkFun Electronics
261 Ethernet2 Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the Arduino Ethernet board or shield. For all Arduino boards.
262 Adafruit-SSD1331 This is a library for the 0.96" 16-bit Color OLED with SSD1331 driver chip
264 NewTone NewTone library
265 AccelStepper AccelStepper library
266 Adafruit SSD1351 library Adafruit library for the color OLEDs displays with SSD1351 driver chip
267 rs485-nodeproto Arduino library for a rs485 multidrop network
270 DimSwitch A library to control dimmable ballasts for fluorescent light tubes.
272 Task A library that makes creating complex mulitple task projects easy.
274 RTC A library that makes interfacing DS1307 and DS3231 Real Time Clock modules easy.
275 Rotary Rotary encoder library for Arduino
276 AESLib Small AES implementation in ASM
277 Losant Arduino MQTT client for connecting embedded devices to the Losant IoT developer platform
278 ArduinoPSX Interface a Playstation 2 controller
281 Morse Morse for Arduino, with Non-Blocking Sending
288 SerialCommander Arduino library to interactively receive commands over serial port
289 uHTTP uHTTP is a tiny library for Arduino that provide a very manner way to access to HTTP request data
290 HeatpumpIR Heatpump / Air Conditioner infrared control
291 ClickEncoder Arduino library to handle rotary encoders with buttons as a user input device
294 I2CSoilMoistureSensor Provide access to all functions of the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor from Catnip Electronics.
295 TimedAction Provide an easy way of triggering functions at a set interval
297 SerialClient Serial network client for Arduino
298 Manchester This is a Manchester encoding RF library which works on Arduino and ATTiny.
299 WiFi101 Network driver for ATMEL WINC1500 module (used on Arduino/Genuino Wifi Shield 101 and MKR1000 boards)
300 PJON_ASK PJON_ASK is a PJON communication bus system implementation over cheap ASK 433Mhz radio transceivers
301 Cape Cape is a string encpryption library that provides private key, stream chipher with masked initialization vector
302 MqttTopicHelper Helps to build mqtt topics also on config changes during runtime
304 SparkFun APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor Library for the Avago APDS-9960 sensor
307 Firmata Enables the communication with computer apps using a standard serial protocol. For all Arduino/Genuino boards.
314 r89m PushButton Handle PushButtons, debounced using the Bounce2 library
315 r89m Buttons Handle different types of buttons and button events easily (touch, capacitive, push)
316 MPR121Button Handle MPR121Buttons, powered by Adafruit's MPR121 library
317 r89m CapacitiveButton Handle CapacitiveButtons, powered by the CapacitiveSensor library
318 IQRF SPI IQRF SPI library for Arduino
319 ArduinoColors Class to represent an RGB color
320 Multiplexer Control multiplexers and demultiplexers easily
321 EllipticCurve PlatformIO Wrapper for Ken MacKay's excellent elliptic curve crypto library supporting ECDSA and ECDH
322 SdFat FAT16/FAT32 file system for SD cards
323 FreeRTOS_AVR FreeRTOS for Arduino AVR boards
326 AsnL Encode/decode data using simple method inspired by ASN.1
327 Adafruit VS1053 Library This is a library for the Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout and Music Maker Shields
330 CmdParser A simple and most powerfull cmd parser with small memory footprint
331 Universal Inputs Arduino library for reading multiple input devices of different types
332 ble-sdk-arduino Nordic BLE SDK for Arduino for nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield, Blend and Blend Micro.
333 NeoNextion Arduino library for controlling Nextion displays
334 Adafruit MCP23017 Arduino Library Library for the MCP23017 I2C Port Expander
336 openag_am2315 OpenAg driver for the Am2315 temperature/humidity sensor
337 openag_gc0012 OpenAg driver for the GC-0012 CO2 sensor
338 openag_atlas_ec OpenAg driver for the Atlas Scientific electrical conductivity sensor
339 openag_atlas_ph OpenAg driver for the Atlas Scientific pH sensor
340 openag_atlas_rgb OpenAg driver for the Atlas Scientific light spectrum and intensity sensor
341 Adafruit_VEML6070 Arduino library for VEML6070 UV light sensors
342 Adafruit ADS1X15 Driver for TI's ADS1015: 12-bit Differential or Single-Ended ADC with PGA and Comparator
343 MAX6675 Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier
344 ADS1X15 Driver for TI's ADS1015: 12-bit Differential or Single-Ended ADC with PGA and Comparator
345 rosserial_arduino An implementation of the rosserial protocol for Arduino
347 ArduinoDcMotor DC motor
348 openag_pwm_actuator OpenAg driver for an actuator that can accept a pwm signal
349 openag_binary_actuator OpenAg driver for an actuator that can only be set to binary values
350 OpcServer Open Pixel Control (OPC) Server Library for Arduino Platform
351 openag_software_pwm_actuator OpenAg driver for an actuator. Does pwm in software to allow for more flexibility in configuration: particularly to allow for longer periods for actuators that exhibit a nonlinear response to normal pwm.
352 ESC Controller Interact with ESC controller to control brushless motors
353 ANT ANT radio support via UART
354 thermistor Simple thermistor library for NTC's. Steinhart-Hart equation approach.
358 BulliBus Easy to use serial communication library using UART
362 aREST UI A graphical user interface for Arduino based on the aREST API
363 ConfigurableFirmata This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board.
364 DW1000 A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips.
365 MQTT Device Alive Build and publish a JSon ALive Message
366 SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout Library for the SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout
367 CountUpDownTimer Simple Count Up/Down Timer
370 MAX30100lib Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components
371 openag_module Superclass for OpenAg firmware modules
373 TCM2lib Arduino library for the MPico TCM2 E-Ink timings module
374 armapi armapi API for ARM module (Sigfox/LoRaWan).
375 MCP980X Temperature sensors MCP9800, MCP9801, MCP9802 and MCP9803.
377 Adafruit STMPE610 Arduino library for STMPE610/811 resistive touch screen controllers
380 Adafruit HMC5883 Unified Adafruit HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer Breakout library using Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library.
381 SparkFun Color LCD Shield This is an Arduino library for SparkFun's Color LCD Shield
382 Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
397 Controllino Library Library for Controllino PLC
400 Tsunami Library for interfacing with the Tsunami's hardware peripherals.
401 Adafruit SleepyDog Library Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
402 Adafruit Trellis Library Arduino library for controlling Adafruit Trellis
403 RBD_Threshold Set and check numeric quantile scales.
404 Syncano Arduino Library A library that provides access to Syncano
405 Sodaq_RN2483 An Arduino library for the Microchip RN2483.
406 Adafruit MPL115A2 Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout
407 SparkFun VL6180 Sensor The VL6180 combines an IR emitter, a range sensor, and an ambient light sensor together for you to easily use and communicate with via an I2C interface.
408 Embedis An Embedded Dictionary Server.
409 CoAP simple library Simple CoAP client/server library for generic Arduino Client hardware.
410 LispIO new lightweight IO function
411 ArduinoINA219 INA219 hi-side i2c current/power sensor Library
412 Sleep_n0m1 A library that sets the Arduino into sleep mode for a specified length of time, or until an interrupt
413 SparkFun Line Follower Array Library to operate the 8 position line sensor array for robots.
414 Adafruit SHARP Memory Display This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit Monochrome SHARP Memory Displays
415 Blynk Build a smartphone app for your project in minutes. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, LinkIt ONE, Particle Core/Photon, Banana Pro, LeMaker Guitar, Energia, MBED, LightBlue Bean, ...
416 TinyGPS A compact NMEA (GPS) parsing library
418 WildFireCore WildFire Core
419 SimpleTimer SimpleTimer Library for Arduino
420 WildFire-CC3000 Library code for Wicked Device's WildFire CC3000 platform
421 DS1307RTC DS1307 RTC (Real-Time-Clock)
423 OSC Open Sound Control (OSC) is an open, transport-independent, message-based encidubg developed for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices.
424 IMUduino IMUduino: ATmega32u4 (Leonardo) with Nordic nRF8001 Bluetooth LE and 9/10 DOM/DOF orientation-sensing IMU
425 EtherCard Driver for the ENC28J60 chip
426 Adafruit nRF8001 Drivers for Adafruit's nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Breakout
427 CC3000 MDNS Simple multicast DNS name resolution library for Adafruit's CC3000 and Arduino.
428 PCD8544 Philips PCD8544 or compatible LCD library.
429 aREST RESTful API for Arduino using HTTP or Serial communications
430 MD_MAX72XX Implements functions that allow the MAX72xx (MAX7219) to be used for LED matrices (64 individual LEDs)
431 Nanopb Nanopb is a plain-C implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers data format. It is targeted at 32 bit microcontrollers, but is also fit for other embedded systems with tight (2-10 kB ROM, <1 kB RAM) memory constraints.
432 AMIS30543 AMIS-30543 SPI stepper motor driver library
433 RF24 Optimized High Speed Driver for nRF24L01(+) 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver
434 SipHash SipHash is an Add-Rotate-Xor (ARX) based family of pseudorandom functions
435 RF24Network Optimized Network Layer for nRF24L01(+) Radios
436 DHT11 This library interfaces with the DHT11 low-cost temperature and humidity sensor
437 SmartEverything NFC NT3H1101 Library code for the NXP NT3H1101 a NFC_I2C module
439 BH1750 Digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
440 Thread A library for managing the periodic execution of multiple tasks
441 Gaussian Library that makes Gaussian work easy to use with C++
443 LinkedList A fully implemented LinkedList (int, float, objects, Lists or Wales) made to work with Arduino projects
444 DualMC33926MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield
445 ST7032 Library for ST7032i display
446 HDC1000 A temperature and humidity sensor library for HDC1000
447 SN74141 Library for SN74141, SN74141N
448 i2cdetect Arduino library for scanning I2C bus for devices
449 Adafruit AHRS AHRS (Altitude and Heading Reference System) for Adafruit's 9DOF and 10DOF breakouts
450 XLR8Servo Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board.
451 ALA Arduino Light Animation (ALA) library
452 SpritzCipher Spritz library for Arduino, CSPRNG, cryptographic hash and MAC functions, symmetric-key data encryption, and some general-purpose functions.
453 RoboCore - Serial Relay Library for the Serial Relay module (
454 Synapse A library designed for the Synapse CV/Gate I/O shield
455 Analog Buttons Arduino multi button support library
456 Adafruit Soundboard library Arduino Library for UART control of the Adafruit Soundboard
457 ACROBOTIC SSD1306 Library for SSD1306-powered OLED 128x64 displays!
458 Adafruit RA8875 Adafruit's Arduino driver for the RA8875 TFT driver
459 MSGEQ7 Library for Musicvisualization with MSGEQ7
460 SparkFun ATSHA204 Library Library for the ATSHA204 IC.
461 SetPoint A library that makes detecting changes on an analog input simple.
462 PS2KeyRaw PS2 keyboard control and raw data receiving
463 Adafruit TSL2591 Library Library for the TSL2591 digital luminosity (light) sensors.
464 Adafruit HX8340B Adafruit 2.2" TFT with SPI interface and microSD card holder
465 MicroDebug Arduino debugging support library
466 PS2KeyMap PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard.
467 FaBo 201 3Axis ADXL345 A library for FaBo 3AXIS I2C Brick
468 SST25VF Arduino Library for controlling the SST Nor Serial Flash SST25VF family.
469 Adafruit Graphic VFD Display Library Adafruit's 128x64 Graphic VFD Display Library
470 MS5xxx Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties (MEAS).
471 Adafruit LSM303 Driver for Adafruit's LSM303DLHC 9-DOF breakout
472 SmartEverything HTS221 Library code for HTS221 Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
473 SparkFun LSM6DS3 Breakout A library to drive the STmicro LSM6DS3 by SPI or I2C.
474 LPD6803 RGB Pixels Controlling library for strands of LPD6803 LED pixel dots.
475 FirmataWithDeviceFeature This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board.
476 Chrono Chronometer/stopwatch library that counts the time passed since started.
477 Robopoly PRismino This library allows you to use all the functions of the Robopoly PRismino and the Robopoly Shield.
478 RBD_Timer Manage many timed events.
479 Adafruit SHT31 Library Arduino library for SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor.
481 DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER Library An easy to use library to control the DD-Booster.
482 Goldilocks Analogue SPI RAM Library Firmware for SPI solid state memory (including SRAM, FRAM, EEPROM) devices for Goldilocks Analogue
483 GoPRO GoPRO API library for Arduino
484 Zumo32U4 Zumo 32U4 Arduino library
485 Voltage Reference Arduino voltage reference library
486 RBD_HumanSensor Detect human presence, touch, and pickup events.
487 NetEEPROM A library that stores and retrieves network configuration from EEPROM.
488 Phant A simple interface to post data to a phant stream.
490 SoftModem Audio Jack Modem Library for Arduino.
491 ROKduino Allows control of Rokenbok Education ROKduino robotics system.
492 EDB Extended Database Library
493 TVout A library for generating PAL or NTSC video output with an AVR.
494 BTLE Arduino library for basic Bluetooth LE communication.
495 Etherkit JTEncode Generate JT65, JT9, JT4, WSPR, and FSQ symbols on your Arduino.
496 Adafruit SI1145 Library Arduino library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop
497 ArduinoCloud Easly connect your Arduino/Genuino board to the Arduino Cloud
498 SmoothThermistor Flexible thermistor reading library.
499 Volume Gives tone functionality with 8 bit volume control with no extra parts
500 Adafruit Si5351 Library Driver for Adafruit's Si5351 Clockgen Breakout
501 BasicLinearAlgebra A library for representing matrices and doing matrix math on arduino
502 SparkFun MiniMoto Arduino Library for the SparkFun MiniMoto board, which uses the TI DRV8830 IC for I2C low-voltage DC motor control.
503 ADCTouch Create Touch Sensors with a single (Analog)Pin without external Hardware
504 RBD_Motor Control many motors without delay.
505 SmartEverything SE868-AS Library code for the Telit SE868-AS GPS System
506 Adafruit BNO055 Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor.
507 FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System implemented for AVR (Uno, Leonardo, Mega).
508 Pushbutton Pushbutton library for Arduino
509 WiFiEsp Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266
510 Sodaq_DS3231 An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC (Real Time Clock).
511 MP3Player Library for playing MP3 files
512 BobaBlox A library that makes it easy to code simple hardware interactions with the Arduino.
513 Akafugu TWIDisplay Library Akafugu TWIDisplay Library
514 Dynamixel_Servo Dynamixel_Servo is an Arduino compatible library for controlling Dynamixel MX and RX series servos.
516 SparkFun ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor The ZX Sensor uses infrared light to determine the distance from an object and where the object is located on the X axis (between IR LEDs), available from SparkFun Electronics
517 Adafruit MCP23008 library Arduino Library for the MCP23008 (and '9) I2C I/O expander
518 PololuRPiSlave Pololu Raspberry Pi I2C Slave Arduino library
519 Ubidots FONA Library Ubidots library for the Adafruit FONA
520 SparkFun HTU21D Humidity and Temperature Sensor Br HTU21D temperature and humidity densor breakout.
521 FaBo 301 BLE SiliconLabs A library for SiliconLabs BLE113.
522 PGMWrap A convenient library allowing structures and variables stored in PROGMEM to be read directly.
523 HID-Project Extended HID Functions for Arduino
524 Itty Bitty
With the fastest possible Arduino-compatible GPIO and register manipulation...
It's the biggest of hits when you need to bang bits!
525 Adafruit BMP085 Library A powerful but easy to use BMP085/BMP180 Library
526 OneWireHub OneWire slave device emulator with support for up to 32 simultaneous 1wire devices.
527 Comp6DOF_n0m1 An Arduino Library for compass tilt compensation and hard iron offset
528 Adafruit BMP280 Library Arduino library for BMP280 sensors.
529 ArduinoIRC Easy library to make an Arduino IRC Bot.
530 Adafruit UNTZtrument Adafruit UNTZtrument
531 WirelessHEX69 Library for wirelessly programming Moteino boards that have RFM69W, RFM69HW, RFM69CW, RFM69HCW transceivers
532 BMP180 Library for BMP180 barometric atmospheric pressure sensor, derived from Sparkfun's version with some added fixes
533 HIH61xx Library to access Honeywell HIH61xx humidity and temperature sensors.
535 PCF8583 PCF8583 Real Time Clock and Event Counter
536 Si7021 Library for Si7021 high accuracy temperature and humidity sensor
537 espduino Wifi library (Chip ESP8266 Wifi SoC) using SLIP protocol via Serial port
538 LocoNet Library for accessing a Loconet network
539 SerialFlash SerialFlash provides low-latency, high performance access to SPI Flash memory with a filesystem-like interface. Familiar file-based functions, similar to the SD library, are used to access data.
540 ILI9341_t3 Optimized ILI9341 (320x240 Color TFT) Display
541 ILI9341_fonts Extra fonts for use with ILI9341_t3
542 XPT2046_Touchscreen Touchscreens using the XPT2046 controller chip. Many very low cost color TFT displays with touch screens have this chip.
543 souliss SmartHome Networking Framework. Build a network of multiple nodes over WiFi/Ethernet, Wireless and RS485 for your smart home
544 Thingplus Helps connecting your Arduino board to Thing+ cloud easly and fast
545 Automaton A multi tasking table driven finite state machine framework for Arduino
546 TFT_ILI9163 A fast SPI driver for TFT drived by ILI9163C, fully SPI Transaction compatible and very fast with Teensy 3
547 NeoPixelBus A library that makes controlling NeoPixels (WS2811, WS2812 & SK6812) and DotStars (ADA102) easy. Supports most Arduino platforms. Support for RGBW pixels. Includes seperate RgbColor, RgbwColor, HslColor, and HsbColor objects. Includes an animator...
548 MySensors Home Automation Framework. Create your own wireless sensor mesh using NRF24L01+ and RFM69 radios running on Arduino or ESP8266. Over-the-air updates and MySensors support in 16+ home automation controllers.
549 WebSockets WebSocket Server and Client for Arduino based on RFC6455
550 ThingSpeak ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino & ESP8266
552 ACNoblex Library based on IRremote for my cheap AC Noblex
553 S9706 A color sensor library for Arduino
554 AnalogInput Provides an easy way to automatically calibrate an analog input on an Arduino board.
556 TinkerKit Library for the TinkerKit! project
557 aoa2011 Android Open Accessory Library for the Arduino Mega ADK
558 MAX6675 library Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier
559 ADXL345 A acceleration sensor library for Arduino
560 Streaming Streaming C++-style Output with Operator <<
561 JsonStreamingParser A very memory efficient library to parse (large) JSON objects on embedded devices
564 lib_bl999 Receive temperature & humidity from BL999 sensor
565 UTFT_SdRaw A library that adds high speed image drawing functions from SD to UTFT.
566 Adafruit HTU21DF Library Arduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop
568 jsmn Minimalistic JSON parser/tokenizer in C. It can be easily integrated into resource-limited or embedded projects
569 emdb A Tiny Embedded Database with Query Capability
570 Adafruit ILI9340 This is a library for the Adafruit 2.2" SPI display.
571 Adafruit ILI9341 Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays
572 StandardCplusplus Standard C++ for Arduino (port of uClibc++)
573 microcoap A small CoAP implementation for microcontrollers
574 EngduinoMagnetometer Engduino I2C communication with on-board magnetometer (Freescale FXMS3110). Includes hi-level functions for initialization and reading x,y,z magnetic filed values.
575 tiny-http A Tiny HTTP Server
576 LiquidCrystal_I2C A library for I2C LCD displays.
577 AM50288H A 14 segment LCD display library for Arduino
578 Sensors Use I2C-connected sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and barometers in your projects, without knowing the intimate details about the actual device connected.
579 ArduRPC ArduRPC brings remote procedure calls to microcontrollers. The protocol has been designed to be simple and flexible.
580 EasyVR A library for the EasyVR line of products
581 ArduinoHttpServer Server side minimalistic HTTP protocol implementation that leaves you in control
582 Base64 A Base64 library for Arduino
583 ModbusMaster Enlighten your Arduino to be a Modbus master.
584 Adafruit SSD1325 SSD1325 monochrome OLED library
585 Adafruit LSM9DS0 Library Arduino library for LSM9DS0 9-DOF sensor board.
586 SoftWire Software I2C library.
587 RGB matrix Panel Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
588 MySQL Connector Arduino Connects Arduino using Arduino Ethernet-compatible shields including the Ethernet Shield and WiFi Shield.
589 AS3935 Library to support Austrian Microsystems AS3935 lightning sensor.
590 LcdProgressBarDouble A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display.
591 SmartEverything LSM9DS1 Library code for LSM9DS1 iNEMO inertial module:3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D magnetometer
592 XLR8BuildTemplate Template for building custom designs for XLR8
593 Flash A library to wrap accessing and writing to flash
594 SparkFun MiniGen SparkFun MiniGen library allows the user to generate sine, square, or triangle waves at up to 3MHz, and approximately 1Vp-p.
595 AtTouch Arduino Library for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch 7-channel Sensor IC via i2c.
596 Adafruit TPA2016 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016(D2) I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier
597 LcdProgressBar A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display.
598 eBtn A library to handle Buttons based on events.
599 RBD_Capacitance Measure change in capacitance.
600 PWMServo Control RC Servo motors.
601 Pro Trinket USB Mouse Library for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse!
602 Adafruit Circuit Playground All in one library to control Adafruit's Circuit Playground board.
603 SparkFun TSL2561 An Arduino Library for the TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor Breakout from SparkFun Electronics.
604 USBPause Pause and restore USB interrupts
605 Adafruit TinyRGBLCDShield Adafruit_RGBLCDShield library ported to Trinket/Gemma
606 Akafugu Four Letter Word Library Akafugu Four Letter Word Library
607 Cytron G15 Shield Library for controlling G15 Cube Servo
608 RBD_SerialManager A simple interface for serial communication.
609 GamerIR Infrared communication library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Tech Will Save Us
610 AnalogTouch AnalogTouch library for Arduino
611 JTAG A library to perform JTAG operations and play XSVF.
612 TSL2561 Arduino Library Arduino library for using the TSL2561 Luminosity sensor
613 Sparkfun T5403 Barometric Sensor Library Arduino Library for interfacing with the T5403 Barometric sensor.
614 statsdclient Report metrics using statsd
615 LispMotor L298x driver
616 Adafruit TiCoServo Use NeoPixels and servos in the same Arduino sketch (with caveats)
617 MQTT MQTT library for Arduino based on the Eclipse Paho projects.
618 SparkFun MS5803-14BA Pressure Sensor Library for MS5803-14BA Pressure Sensor.
619 FaBo 212 LCD PCF8574 A library for FaBo LCD I2C Brick
620 ClosedCube SHT3X Digital Arduino library for Sensirion SHT3X-DIS Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensors
621 RBD_Servo Control many servos without delay.
622 AStar32U4 A-Star 32U4 Arduino library
623 FaBo 213 LCD mini AQM0802A A library for FaBo LCD mini I2C Brick
625 MicroNMEA Compact Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences.
626 RBD_LightSensor Read and calibrate photoresistors.
627 GPRSbee An Arduino library for the SODAQ GPRSbee.
628 PagonGameDev GameLoop Library for Make Game with GameLoop
630 FaBo 208 Humidity HTS221 A library for FaBo Humidity I2C Brick
631 RESTClient Enables sending REST messages using Arduino Ethernet. For all boards.
632 Adafruit DRV2605 Library Arduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout
633 SoftTimer SoftTimer is a lightweight pseudo multitasking solution for Arduino.
634 Adafruit FONA Library Arduino library for the Adafruit FONA
635 SmartEverything SIGFOX LE51-868 Library code for the TELEIT LE51-868 a SIGFOX module
636 Cytron ESPWiFi Shield Library for Cytron ESPWiFi Shield
637 SmartEverything CC2541 Library code for the TDK-SP13808 module.
638 Adafruit BMP183 Library Non-Unified BMP library
639 FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034 A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick
640 MMA8453_n0m1 an Arduino Library for the Freescale MMA8453Q & MMA8452Q accelerometer.
641 SparkFun Bar Graph Library Provides functionality of 10-segment bar graphs.
642 Akafugu TWILiquidCrystal Library Akafugu TWILiquidCrystal Library
643 SparkFun MetaWatch A simple library to interface from Arduino to BlueSMiRF to MetaWatch
644 Smartcar shield Arduino library for controlling the Smartcar platform
645 RTCTimer An Arduino library to easily perform scheduled tasks.
646 FaBo 307 BLE Nordic A library for nRF5x.
647 PololuMaestro Pololu Maestro Servo Controller library for Arduino
648 Arduino library for the Internet of Things Platform.
649 Kalman Filter Library Kalman Filter Library.
650 SharpIR Allow to acquire distance data from analog Sharp IR sensors
651 PrintEx A printing & formatting enhancement for Stream & Print based libraries.
652 LoRa Serialization Library for serialization of data on the Arduino side and deserialization in the TTN
653 LcdBarGraph This library is to display analog values in an LCD display.
654 Gadgetron Libraries Collection of Libraries for the Gadgetron software.
655 DeepSleepScheduler Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision.
656 Adafruit VC0706 Serial Camera Library Library for VC0706-based Serial JPEG Cameras
657 DueFlashStorage DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due.
658 Adafruit FRAM I2C Driver for Adafruit's I2C-Based FRAM Breakouts
659 DataServeriOS Serves data to Arduino Control (iOS) for control over network.
660 Callback A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks
661 SparkFun RedBot Library Provides control to the SparkFun RedBot.
662 Ospom Ospom is FaceBook for your Arduino.
663 MAX31850 DallasTemp A version of the DallasTemp Arduino library with MAX31850 support (Requires OneWire with MAX31850 support!)
664 arduino-fsm A library for implementing a finite state machine
665 Adafruit TCS34725 Driver for Adafruit's TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor Breakout
666 MAX1464 Arduino library A complete interface for the the Maxim MAX1464 Multichannel Sensor Signal Processor for Arduino.
667 RingBuf A library for buffering items into a ring (circular/FIFO) buffer
669 BowlerCom A library to communicate between an arduino and a computer.
670 FTOLED Library to drive Freetronics OLED128 128x128 display.
671 LiquidMenu Menu creation Arduino library for LCDs, extends LiquidCrystal.
672 TinyScreen Arduino compatible software support for TinyScreen and TinyScreen+.
673 Adafruit LIS3DH Library for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer.
674 Pushetta The library to use Pushetta service, a service to push notifications to mobile phones and other devices
675 Adafruit TLC5947 Adafruit's Arduino driver for the TLC5947 PWM LED Driver Breakout.
676 FaBo 211 7Segment LED TLC59208F A library for FaBo 7Segment LED I2C Brick
677 Adafruit MCP4725 MCP4725 12-bit I2C DAC
678 RTCx Library to access DS1307, DS1337, DS1338 and MCP7941x real-time clocks.
679 Adafruit Flora Pixel Library Arduino Library for Adafruit Flora Pixels
680 Sodaq_BMP085 An Arduino library for the BMP085/BMP180 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor
681 LcdBarGraphX Visualizing alanalog values on an LCD with the LiquidCrystal_I2C library.
682 RBL_nRF8001 An Arduino library for the nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield and Blend.
683 Parse Arduino SDK A library that provides access to Parse
684 SparkFun BME280 A library to drive the Bosch BME280 Altimeter and Pressure sensor
685 TinyRTCLib A tiny version of RTCLib, for use with TinyWireM
686 NXPMotionSense Motion sensing with NXP FXOS8700 Accelerometer & Magnetometer and NXP FXAS21002 Gyroscope.
687 Adafruit ESP8266 Example code for ESP8266 chipset
688 EEWrap A convenient library allowing one to use the EEPROM just like RAM.
689 Madgwick Helpers for MadgwickAHRS algorithm
690 OakOLED An Adafruit GFX driver for the Oak OLED (an SSD1306 with no reset line)
691 FCWRobot_Model2 The library array that is needed for the FCW Robot Model2.
693 Adafruit CAP1188 Library Arduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
694 XLR8Pong Pong game using the FPGA logic. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board.
695 Sodaq_PcInt An Arduino library to deal with PCINT (Pin Change Interrupts)
696 BlueRobotics Arduino_I2C_ESC Library A library for I2C based control of BlueRobotics ESCs
697 Talk2 Library for the Talk2 Boards.
698 Pin An easy to use Arduino library for fast and simultaneous operations on Arduino I/O pins.
699 BigCrystal A library that displays double height characters on LCD displays.
700 XLR8NeoPixel Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip.
701 Adafruit FT6206 Library Arduino library for FT6206-based Capacitive touch screen
702 Nokia 5110 Nokia 5110 LCD driver
703 AD7173 Arduino library for Analog Devices AD7173 analog digital converter
704 TouchWheel Capacitive touch wheels using only 3 analog pins!
705 Gamer A library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Technology Will Save Us.
706 FaBo 203 Color S11059 A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
707 GP20U7 GPS Library A simple library for the GP20U7 GPS unit
708 Etherkit Si5351 A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs
709 SparkFun VKey Arduino Library Arduino Library for interfacing the SparkFun VKey Voltage Keypad.
710 TM1650 7 segment display driver for JY-MCU module based on TM1650 chip.
711 Adafruit SoftServo A lightweight software servo library, designed for Trinket/Gemma but good for other Arduino-compats
712 Arduino-Websocket-Fast Websocket client library (fast data sending).
713 ProcessScheduler An OOP multitasking library
714 Adafruit IO Arduino Arduino library to access Adafruit IO.
715 PciManager This library helps you manage Pin Change Interrupts: subscribe and receive change events.
716 Goldilocks Analogue DAC Library DAC (MCP4822) functions for Goldilocks Analogue
717 Rtttl A library that plays Rtttl melodies
718 Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library
719 Adafruit TMP007 Library Arduino library for Adafruit TMP007 Thermopile sensor Breakout
720 Geometry A library for working with points, rotations and coordinate transformations in 3D space
721 TaskScheduler A light-weight cooperative multitasking library for arduino microcontrollers.
722 SWAP Simple Wireless Abstract Protocol (SWAP) library for ISM radios
723 XLR8ADC Arduino library to take advantage of XLR8 ADC performance.
724 SmartEverything LPS25H Library code for LPS25H MEMS pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer
725 PinChangeInterrupt A simple & compact PinChangeInterrupt library for Arduino.
726 Awesome The library that supports the Awesome Shield PCB.
727 NtpClientLib Ntp Client Library
728 FaBo 205 Proximity VCNL4010 A library for FaBo Proximity I2C Brick
729 SparkFun AD5330 Libraries for the AD5330 8-bit DAC
730 SparkFun LSM9DS0 Breakout Library for the 9 degree of freedom IC -ST Micro's LSM9DS0.
731 SwissHandmade MiniPirate Commandline for GPIO, I2C and CPU manipulations
732 FaBo 214 OLED EROLED096 A library for FaBo OLED I2C Brick
733 FaBo 210 GPIO PCAL6408A A library for FaBo GPIO I2C Brick
734 PS2KeyAdvanced PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control.
735 Battery Sense Arduino battery sensing library
736 ScreenUi ScreenUi is a simple user interface library for character based LCDs like those commonly used with Arduinos.
737 RBD_Button Read and debounce buttons and switches.
738 hd44780 Extensible hd44780 LCD library.
739 TOTP library Library to generate Time-based One-Time Passwords
740 Ubidots GPRS Library Ubidots library for the Arduino GPRS sim 900
741 RBD_Light Control many lights.
743 CMMC Easy CMMC Easy is a library for managing time without delay function
744 Adafruit TinyFlash Barebones Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino and Trinket
745 XLR8Float Arduino library for hardware accelerated floating point math.
746 HL1606 LED Strip PWM All the joy of HL1606 LED strips but with 9 or 12 bit color control!
747 RTC4543lib A simple RTC4543 library.
748 MAX31850 OneWire A version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support
749 arduino-softpwm Software PWM library for Arduino.
751 SPI VFD Arduino Library for 20T202DA2JA SPI VFD
752 XLR8Core OpenXLR8 Core components
753 BaroLibrary Library for Measurement Specialties MS5637-02BA03 Altimeter/Pressure sensor (including Freetronics BARO module).
754 FTRGBLED Freetronics RGBLED module (WS2801-based) driver library.
755 Adafruit TLC59711 Library for our Adafruit 12-channel PWM/LED driver.
756 Adafruit Si4713 Library Arduino library for the Si4714 FM+RDS Transmitter in the Adafruit shop
757 Luni Implements a framework for device drivers for use on the Arduino.
758 base64 Base64 encoder/decoder for arduino repo
759 Pro Trinket USB Keyboard Library An arduino library to turn a Pro Trinket 5V/16MHz into a USB Keyboard!
760 Eventually Event-based programming library for Arduino
762 Adafruit RGB LCD Shield Library Library for the Adafruit RGB 16x2 LCD Shield.
763 MLX90614 Library to support Melexis MLX90614 infrared thermometer
764 SparkFun TLC5940 Library for the TLC5940 IC.
765 SmartEverything VL6180X Library code for the Ambient Light & Proximity sensor from ST component.
766 FaBo 204 Baromter MPL115A2 A library for FaBo Barometer I2C Brick
767 Cardinal An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings (like North, South, East, and West).
768 Exosite Easily interface with Exosite's simple data APIs.
769 LCDMenuLib A library to generate menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers
770 RBD_WaterSensor Measure and calibrate water level sensors.
771 EtherSia IPv6 library for the ENC28J60, W5500 or W5100 Ethernet controllers
772 LIS3MDL LIS3MDL magnetometer library
773 Adafruit AM2315 Library code for AM2315 sensors
774 FifteenStep A general purpose Arduino MIDI sequencer library.
775 BLESerial A library to communicate with BLE Serial Modules
776 ClosedCube SHT3X Analog Arduino library for Sensirion SHT3X-ARP Analog Temperature & Humidity Sensors
777 rBase64 Real BASE64 Function Library
778 XLR8Info Arduino library for identifying features of XLR8 product
779 APA102 APA102 LED strip library
780 Oregon Decode data from Oregon sensors.
781 Adafruit PS2 Trackpad PS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads
782 Adafruit MLX90614 Library Arduino library for the MLX90614 sensors in the Adafruit shop
783 Adafruit Motor Shield V2 Library Library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. It supports DC motors & stepper motors with microstepping as well as stacking-support.
784 RCLSwitch Compact version of RC Switch
785 Adafruit FRAM SPI Driver for Adafruit's SPI-Based FRAM Breakouts
786 MagStripe Decode data from TTL (raw) magnetic card readers.
787 MCP342x Library to support Microchip ADC342x analogue to digital converters.
788 Sodaq_dataflash An Arduino library for the AT45DB dataflash as used on SODAQ boards.
789 DMD2 Updated (beta) library for Freetronics DMD dot matrix displays.
790 FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250 A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick
791 Adafruit MiniMLX90614 A simplified MLX90614 library for use with the Trinket/Gemma
793 TSIC Library for TSIC digital temperature sensors (type 206/306/506 and similar).
794 xxtea-iot-crypt XXTEA Encryption Library for use in IoT gadgets
795 Yet Another Arduino PcInt Library A library to support Pin Change Interruptions (PCINT) on AVR Arduinos
796 Adafruit MPL3115A2 Library Arduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop
798 ArduinoHttpClient [EXPERIMENTAL] Easily interact with web servers from Arduino, using HTTP and WebSocket's.
799 ArduinoSensors A Library of Libraries of Sensors
800 AVR Standard C Time Library Time functions for AVR (Goldilocks, Uno, Leonardo, Mega).
801 Shifty Extremely flexible and easy-to-use shift register driver for 74HC595 shift registers
802 VL6180X VL6180X distance and ambient light sensor library
803 Sodaq_SHT2x An Arduino library for the SHT21 / SHT25 humidity and temperature sensors
804 extEEPROM Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs.
805 ClosedCube HDC1080 Arduino library for Texas Instruments HDC1080 Low Power, High Accuracy Digital Humidity Sensor with Temperature Sensor
806 SPIFlash Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino.
807 BlueRobotics TSYS01 Library A simple and easy library for the TSYS01 temperature sensor
808 BlueRobotics MS5837-30BA Library A simple and easy library for the MS5837 pressure/depth sensor
809 LSM6 LSM6 accelerometer and gyro library
810 Coordinates Allow easy and reliable conversion between cartesian and polar coordinate system.
811 Akafugu WireRtc Library Akafugu WireRtc Library
812 Adafruit DotStar Adafruit DotStar LED Library
813 Queuetue Digital Balance Library A library of functions to build a digital balance
814 HL1606 LED Strip Code to control HL1606-based LED strips
815 MMA8652 Library for the Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer
816 FaBo 215 RTC PCF2129 A library for FaBo RTC I2C Brick
817 RfidDb A library that stores 32 bit identifiers and associated names to EEPROM which can be used to as a basis for RFID access control applications.
818 WizFi250 Helps using your Arduino board to Wi-Fi easily and fast
819 SRAM Simple library for serial SRAM IC's
820 Adafruit MCP9808 Library Arduino library for the MCP9808 sensors in the Adafruit shop
821 BLE SDK for Arduino Nordic BLE SDK for Arduino for nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield, Blend and Blend Micro.
822 Buffered Streams Implementation of Arduino's Stream class which use internal ring buffers to emulate a pair of connected Streams or a Loopback Stream.
823 FaBo 209 KTemp MCP3421 A library for FaBo KTemp I2C Brick
824 SparkFun MPL3115A2 Altitude and Pressure Sensor Br SparkFun's breakout for the Freescale MPL3115A2 Precision Altimeter
825 TinyLiquidCrystal A simplified library for the Adafruit I2C/SPI backpack, for use with Gemma & Trinket
826 AsyncDelay Simple abstraction library implementing delays and timeouts.
828 FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410 A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick
829 I2C-Sensor-Lib iLib Library for i2c-sensors and some other specific functions (fast eFn, HDLC, SpektrumSerial).
830 Adafruit BMP183 Unified Library Arduino library for the BMP183 sensors in the Adafruit shop
832 SoftwareWire Creates a software I2C/TWI bus on every pins.
833 Queuetue HX711 Library Simple driver for the HX711 ADC.
834 CheapStepper A library for the cheap but useful 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board
835 RCReceiver A library to add support for rc receivers.
836 SpacebrewYun Easily connect the Arduino Yun to Spacebrew
837 SparkFun LSM303C 6 DOF IMU Breakout Driver for ST's LSM303C 6-DOF IMU (3-axis accelerometer & 3-axis magnetometer)
838 ClosedCube OPT3001 Arduino library for Texas Instruments OPT3001 Digital Ambient Light Sensor
839 Adafruit MPR121 Arduino library for the MPR121-based capacitive sensors in the Adafruit shop.
840 SparkFun MG2639 CellShield Driver library for SparkFun's MG2639 cellular shield.
841 Cayenne Connect your Arduino device to the Cayenne IoT platform.
842 IBM LMIC framework v1.51 for Arduino Arduino port of LoRaWAN C-library (LMiC) v1.5 framework provided by IBM.
843 Neurona Artificial Neural Network architectures for Arduino
844 AnalogMultiButton An Arduino library to capture button presses on multiple buttons through a single analog pin.
845 IonDB A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs.
846 virtmem Virtual memory library to easily extend RAM.
848 Adafruit BLEFirmata Modified Firmata code to work with Adafruit's nRF8001 Breakout
849 SimpleDHT Arduino Temp & Humidity Sensors for DHT11 etc.
850 Plotter An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication.
851 Svante Library used for the Svante workshops
852 IBM LMIC framework Arduino port of the LMIC (LoraWAN-in-C, formerly LoraMAC-in-C) framework provided by IBM.
853 L293 Allow to control brushless motors with L293 motor driver
854 VL53L0X VL53L0X distance sensor library
855 Adafruit LiquidCrystal Fork of LiquidCrystal HD44780-compatible LCD driver library, now with support for ATtiny85.
856 Mahony Helpers for MahonyAHRS algorithm
857 Yet Another Arduino Wiegand Library An Arduino Library to receive data from Wiegand card readers.
858 HexFabQuadroMotorShield Control up to four DC Motors and read their currents with this shield.
859 RapifireMqttClient Enables the communication between Arduino and RAPIFIRE platform.
860 RGB_LED A library that manage 4 legs rgb leds colour and light duration.
861 swRTC Software implementation of a Real-Time Clock for Arduino boards and Atmel microcontrollers.
862 uStepper Library offering support for uStepper
863 SparkFun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack Library containing functions for SparkFun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack
864 elapsedMillis Makes coding responsive sketches easier.
865 SparkFun SX1509 IO Expander Arduino library and hardware files for the SX1509 IO Expander Breakout board.
866 SparkFun MAX31855K Thermocouple Digitizer K type thermocouple digitizer board.
867 Robot Motor Enables easy access to the motors of the Arduino Robot Motor board. For Arduino Robot only.
868 SD Enables reading and writing on SD cards.
869 Esplora Grants easy access to the various sensors and actuators of the Esplora. For Arduino Esplora only.
870 WiFi Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the Arduino WiFi shield.
871 GSM Enables GSM/GRPS network connection using the Arduino GSM Shield.
872 Ethernet Enables network connection (local and Internet) using the Arduino Ethernet Board or Shield.
874 Stepper Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors.
876 Robot Control Enables easy access to the controls of the Arduino Robot Control board. For Arduino Robot only.
877 Robot IR Remote Allows controlling the Arduino Robot via an IR remote control. For Arduino Robot only.
878 Modulo A library that provides support for Modulo hardware.
879 somo-ii-lib A controller library for the SOMO-II MP3 decoder
880 Mirobot This is the library that makes Mirobot ( work.
881 FrequencyTimer2 Generate a frequency using Timer2
882 Printoo_Library The library for the Printoo modules.
883 Servo Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to control a variety of servo motors.
886 TFT Allows drawing text, images, and shapes on the Arduino TFT graphical display.
887 LiquidCrystal Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs).
889 KTMS1201 High level library for use with the KTM-S1201 LCD
890 Mouse Allows an Arduino/Genuino board with USB capabilites to act as a Mouse.
891 Keyboard Allows an Arduino/Genuino board with USB capabilites to act as a Keyboard.
892 Temboo This library enables calls to Temboo, a platform that connects Arduino/Genuino boards to 100+ APIs, databases, code utilities and more.
893 IBot Arduino library for I-Bot camp.
894 OPC A library for Arduino OPC Server support.
895 Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino allows an Arduino to communicate and control Windows devices running open-source Windows Universal Application.
896 HalakeKit A library to control hakale kit.
897 OpenDevice OpenDevice is a set of tools and APIs to build solutions for the "Internet of Things" like home automations systems, robotics, smart city, energy monitoring, security, sensor monitoring
898 DmxSimple Drive DMX controlled lights and visual effects available from DJ or theatrical suppliers.
899 Mioduino Lab exercises for the Mioduino.
900 asip A library to control a board using a stream (e.g., serial)
901 BME280 Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C.
902 SmallSetup Optimize the Arduino setup routines.
903 Radio Library for controlling FM radio receiver chips.
904 ArduMax MCP41xxx Driver Driver for Microchip MCP41xxx/42xxx digital potentiometers and MCP43xxx/44xxx digital rheostats.
906 SonarI2C A library to support cheap ultrasonic sensors on I2C bus
907 TurnoutPulser Control a Kato or Tomix style two-wire turnout.
908 RF24Ethernet Open TCP/IP wireless/radio IoT mesh networks for Arduino
909 CoDrone A library for CoDrone users
910 CapacitiveSensor Create capacitive sensors that can detect touch or proximity.
911 Lewis A morse code stream/print interpreter
912 DMXSerial Enables DMX communication using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards UNO, Leonardo, Mega.
913 ResponsiveAnalogRead Arduino library for eliminating noise in analogRead inputs without decreasing responsiveness
914 LedControl A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers.
915 BitBool The ultimate bit manipulation tool.
916 ArduMax AD5241 Driver Driver for Analog Devices AD5241/2 and AD5280/2 digital potentiometers.
918 ArduMax TLC5615 Driver Driver for Texas Instruments TLC5615 10-bit DAC
919 Button Button is a tiny library to make reading buttons very simple.
920 Chronos Easily manipulate date-times to perform scheduling, setup calendars and find points in time that are of interest.
921 DMXSerial2 Enables building DMX/RDM devices using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards UNO, Leonardo, Mega.
922 Tlc5940 Use the Texas Instruments TLC5940 16-channel LED Driver
923 LedDisplay Print text to an Avago HCMS-29xx LED display.
924 OneSheeld It allows you to control your 1Sheeld(s).
925 Iobeam Client library for using the iobeam cloud.
928 uArmLibrary uArm Library for Arduino
929 KONNEKTING Device Library A library that enables creating KNX devices powered by Arduino.
931 MINDSi Code to assist with running MINDSi robots
932 asip-services A library to extend the core Asip library with additional services
933 SparkFun ISL29125 Breakout Arduino library showing basic functionality for the ISL29125 RGB Light Sensor Breakout Board.
934 StereoSID MOS6581 Stereo SID Emulator Arduino Library
935 six-digit-seven-segment A library that allows you to easily controll a 6-digit 7-Segment Multiplex Matrix
936 EnergyBoard Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard
937 Infrared An object oriented library for sending, receiving, and analyzing IR signals on the Arduino.
938 EducationShield Library used for the completion of all the projects related to CTC
939 PM2005Lib Controls and reads out data from a PM2005 laser particle sensor module.
940 SparkFun Quadstepper Motor Driver 4-axis stepper motor driver, available from SparkFun Electronics
941 NeoPixel Painter Arduino library for easy creation of LED strip animations, based on the NeoPixel library.
942 U8g2 Library for monochrome LCDs and OLEDs. Successor of U8glib. Features: UTF8, >700 fonts, all Arduino Boards supported
943 Ucglib A library for true color TFTs and OLEDs
944 SparkFun MPU-9250 9 DOF IMU Breakout Driver for InvenSense's MPU-9250 9-DOF IMU (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer & 3-axis magnetometer)
946 ArduinoUnit Unit test framework for arduino projects.
947 SmartCardReader A Library with Samples for the Parallax Smart Card Reader.
948 SmartMatrix3 Drive multiplexed RGB matrix panels from your Teensy 3.2 or 3.1
949 NmraDcc Enables NMRA DCC Communication
950 GSM-Playground A library for GSM Playground device.
951 Sindormir SevenSegments Simple Seven Segments library for Arduino.
952 openag_dht22 OpenAg driver for the DHT22 air temperature and humidity sensor
953 openag_atlas_orp OpenAg driver for the Atlas Scientific ORP sensor
954 openag_ds18b20 OpenAg driver for the DS18B20 temperature sensor
955 openag_atlas_do OpenAg driver for the Atlas Scientific DO sensor
956 TM1638 A library for interacting an arduino with a TM1638/TM1640
964 OLED_pictivaWide Very fast driver for Osram Pictiva OLED OS288048PQ33MxxC11
965 gpio_MCP23S17 A complete library for Microchip GPIO expander MCP23S17.
966 TFT_ST7735 A fast full featured SPI driver for TFT drived by TFT_ST7735, fully SPI Transaction compatible and Fast.
967 SSD_13XX A fast full featured SPI driver for TFT drived by SSD_13XX, fully SPI Transaction compatible and Fast.
968 HPDL1414 A library for the I2C 16 port LED/GPIO driver compatible with most MCU's.
969 GY953 A study for the GY-953 servo controlled 9-DOA module.
970 TFT_ILI93XX A fast full featured SPI driver for TFT drived by ILI93XX, fully SPI Transaction compatible and Fast.
971 RA8875 A Full fetured SPI driver for RA8875 based displays.For Teensy 3.1,Teensy3.0,Teensy LC,Arduino's and ENERGIA based MCU.
972 servo_PCA9685 Library for PCA9685 16ch Servo with I2C used for servos
973 gpio_expander An attemp to create an universal library for almost all GPIO chip around
974 CAT9552 A library for the I2C 16 port LED/GPIO driver compatible with most MCU's.
975 simplyEncoder A superlight and simply driver for encoders that doesn't need any exotic feature like INT, etc.
976 PT2313 A library for Princeton Technology Corp PT2313 L or E Audio Chip, drived by I2C.
978 QTRSensors Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors
979 Arduino PLS7 shield Arduino shield with various I/O devices
980 DualVNH5019MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield
981 L3G Arduino library for Pololu L3G4200D, L3GD20, and L3G4200D boards
983 LPS Arduino library for Pololu LPS25H and LPS331AP boards
984 Arduino Twitter Library Arduino Twitter Library to send tweets
985 PololuQik Arduino library for the Pololu qik dual serial motor controllers
986 LSM303 Arduino library for Pololu LSM303 boards
987 TheThingsNetwork An Arduino library for the The Things Network.
988 PololuHD44780 C++ library for the Arduino IDE that allows you to control an LCD that uses the Hitachi HD44780 protocol.
989 FastGPIO Faster general-purpose I/O
990 A4990MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu A4990 Dual Motor Driver Shield
991 Json Writer Json Writer is a light weight library that make it easier to generate json document on Arduino without memory limitation
993 MegunoLink Library for storing data in the eeprom, processing serial messages and plotting data with MegunoLink.
994 DRV8835MotorShield Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield
995 Buzz AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire!
998 Volume2 Gives tone() functionality with multiple waveforms and 8-bit volume control - with no extra parts!
999 RFcontrol Arduino library for 433mhz RF sniffing and receiving.
1003 ProtocolBuffersStream Send and receive objects easily over a stream
1005 VoltMeter Voltmeter using a voltage divider
1006 istime Timer library
1008 DFRobotIRPosition Driver for Positioning ir camera from DFRobot
1009 ControleForno Uma biblioteca para controle e automacao de forno tipo esteira.
1010 ExodeCore Communication between Arduino microcontroller boards and a connected computers.
1014 Average Average and statictical class
1015 Blinker Non-blocking LED blinking class
1017 CircularBuffer Generic Circular Buffer class
1018 CLI Command Line Interface (CLI) system for Arduino
1019 DebouncedInput Button debouncing class
1090 AD56XXR Library for interfacing with the AD56XXR dual/quad 12/14/16 bit DACs (AD5624R, AD5644R, AD5664R, AD5623R, AD5643R, AD5663R).
1092 Adafruit MQTT Library MQTT library that supports the CC3000, FONA, ESP8266, Yun, and generic Arduino Client hardware.
1095 advancedSerial An Arduino library with additions to vanilla Serial.print(). Chainable methods and verbosity levels. Suitable for debug messages.
1099 Adafruit MMA8451 Library Arduino library for the MMA8451 Triple-Axis Accelerometer - 2/4/8g @ 14-bit
1100 HX711 An Arduino library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for Weight Scales.
1101 ESP8266wifi ESP8266 Arduino library with built in reconnect functionality
1102 Adafruit HDC1000 Library Arduino library for HDC1000 and HDC1008 sensors.
1103 ArdOSC Open Sound Control(OSC) Library for Arduino.
1104 MIDIUSB Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilites to act as a MIDI instrument over USB.
1105 clickButton A library that decodes multiple clicks on one button. Also copes with long clicks and click-and-hold.
1106 Bounce2 Debouncing library for Arduino or Wiring
1160 mhz19 MH-Z19 CO2 sensor library
1161 AB BLE Example code for AB BLE chipset
1162 SwitecX25 Arduino library for driving Switec X25.168 miniature stepper motors
1163 ArduinoNATS An Arduino / ESP8266 / Particle Photon compatible C++ library for communicating with a NATS ( server.
1164 ModBusSlave ModBusSlave + support to handle RS-485 driver output.
1165 LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 A library for driving LiquidCrystal displays (LCD) by using the I2C bus and an PCF8574 I2C adapter.
1166 MakeBlockDrive Use to drive all devices provided by Makeblock company.
1167 LoRa An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
1168 IQRF SPI IQRF SPI library for Arduino
1169 IQRF DPA IQRF DPA library
1170 Arduino TMK Keyboard Arduino wrapper for the TMK Keyboard firmware
1171 I2cDiscreteIoExpander Arduino library for the Texas Instruments PCF8575C 16-bit I2C I/O expander.
1172 i2c_adc_ads7828 Arduino library for the Texas Instruments ADS7828 12-bit, 8-channel I2C A/D converter.
1173 EasyWebServer An easy-to-use web server
1174 arduino-bluetooth Arduino library for some bluetooth modules (RN42)
1175 NDNOverUDP A simpler and lighter NDN protocol for local IoT contexts.
1176 ADXL362 Library for ADXL362 -
1177 Yaesu FT857D CAT Simulate a Yaesu FT-857D radio from the CAT point of view.
1178 MCP9802 MCP9802 Driver (12-BIT Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface)
1179 PmodCls Driver for the Digilent PmodCLS LCD device
1180 JoystickLib A library providing an interface for reading a 2-axis analog joystick.
1181 CrystalFontz632 A library providing a driver for CrystalFontz 63x-series intelligent serial LCD displays.
1182 HalfStepper
An Arduino library to enable half-stepping and single/dual phasing for step motors.
1183 Pubnub Pubnub SDK for Arduino.
1184 Plotter An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication.
1185 ArduinoHAF A hardware abstraction framework for Arduino. Provides abstractions for devices attached to Arduino.
1186 LIDAR-Lite v3 Arduino library for LIDAR-Lite v3.
1188 ArduinoCrashMonitor An interrupt-driven crash monitor implementing the Arduino watchdog and stores crash reports in EEPROM.
1190 Lucky Shield Arduino library for Lucky Shield
1193 Ingenia Serial Servo Driver Library Arduino library for control Ingenia Servo Drivess using serial communication.
1194 BlynkESP8266
1196 CryptoAuth Device driver library for the Atmel ATSHA204 and ATECC108
1197 RTCLib by NeiroN A library that makes interfacing DS1302, DS1307, DS3231, PCF8583, PCF8563, RTC_Millis Real Time Clock modules easy.
1198 PacketSerial A small, efficient library for sending serial data packets.
1199 SixAxisRing A library for communicating with the Six Axis Shield.
1200 BufferUtils An Arduino library for working with Buffers.
1201 Logger An Arduino library for serial logging.
1202 CRC32 An Arduino library for calculating a CRC32 checksum.
1203 ADS1110 ADS1110 Driver (16-BIT ADC with Onboard Reference, PGA and I2C Interface)
1204 KeyDetector A library for detecting state change on analog and digital pins.