Prepworkers: If you are working on the "Online Learning and Challenge Modules" course, you do not need to install Node.JS, Python, or Docker to complete the assessments. Therefore, you can ignore setup-checker messages for those programs until you enroll in the course. If you are working on the "[Beta] Solo Prep Work" course, you can ignore any Python or Docker issues until you enroll in the course.
It can be difficult to know if you've followed all the steps correctly. There are so many things that can go wrong, and everyone's computer is different. To help with this problem, AppAcademy has created a script that checks your setup to verify it is done correctly and is ready for the SWE Online program.
To run this script, simply open a terminal and run this command:
curl -s | bash
This command will download a script from our github page and if your setup is correct you should see output like this:
Checking macOS
macOS Version: 11.0.1
Checking Shell
Shell: /bin/zsh
Shell Startup File: /Users/echo/.zshrc
Checking Node.JS
Node Binary: /Users/echo/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.4/bin/node
Node Version: v12.18.4
NPM Binary: /Users/echo/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.4/bin/npm
NPM Version: 6.14.6
Mocha Binary: /Users/echo/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.4/bin/mocha
Mocha Version: 8.1.3
Node.JS is OK
Checking VSCode
Code Binary: /usr/local/bin/code
Version: 1.49.0
VSCode is OK
Checking Python
pyenv version: pyenv 1.2.21
Python Binary: /Users/echo/.pyenv/shims/python
Python3 Binary: /Users/echo/.pyenv/shims/python3
Python Version: 3.8.6
pipenv Binary: /Users/echo/.pyenv/shims/pipenv
pipenv Version: pipenv, version 2020.8.13
Python OK
Checking Docker
Docker Binary: /usr/local/bin/docker
Docker Version: Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d
Docker is OK
Congratulations, you have everything installed properly!
If you get the Congratulations message you'll know you have everything setup properly. The script tries to tell you what steps you should probably take if some piece fails.
If you get a failure and don't know how to fix it, feel free to post your output in Slack or to ask an instructor for help.