diff --git a/frontend/src/layout/navigation/TopBar/TopBar.tsx b/frontend/src/layout/navigation/TopBar/TopBar.tsx
index 1051c40299f847..6cd90613eaf0be 100644
--- a/frontend/src/layout/navigation/TopBar/TopBar.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/layout/navigation/TopBar/TopBar.tsx
@@ -5,13 +5,10 @@ import { useActions, useValues } from 'kea'
import { ActivationSidebarToggle } from 'lib/components/ActivationSidebar/ActivationSidebarToggle'
import { CommandPalette } from 'lib/components/CommandPalette/CommandPalette'
import { HelpButton } from 'lib/components/HelpButton/HelpButton'
-import { TaxonomicFilterGroupType } from 'lib/components/TaxonomicFilter/types'
-import { UniversalSearchPopover } from 'lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearchPopover'
import { Link } from 'lib/lemon-ui/Link'
import { organizationLogic } from 'scenes/organizationLogic'
import { NotificationBell } from '~/layout/navigation-3000/sidepanel/panels/activity/NotificationBell'
-import { groupsModel } from '~/models/groupsModel'
import { Logo } from '~/toolbar/assets/Logo'
import { navigationLogic } from '../navigationLogic'
@@ -23,25 +20,10 @@ import { topBarLogic } from './topBarLogic'
export function TopBar(): JSX.Element {
const { isSideBarShown, noSidebar, minimalTopBar, mobileLayout } = useValues(navigationLogic)
const { toggleSideBarBase, toggleSideBarMobile } = useActions(navigationLogic)
- const { groupNamesTaxonomicTypes } = useValues(groupsModel)
const { currentOrganization } = useValues(organizationLogic)
const { isProjectSwitcherShown } = useValues(topBarLogic)
const { toggleProjectSwitcher, hideProjectSwitcher } = useActions(topBarLogic)
- const groupTypes = [
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Events,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Persons,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Actions,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Cohorts,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Insights,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.FeatureFlags,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Plugins,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Experiments,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Dashboards,
- TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Notebooks,
- ...groupNamesTaxonomicTypes,
- ]
return (
@@ -58,17 +40,7 @@ export function TopBar(): JSX.Element {
- {!minimalTopBar && (
- <>
- >
- )}
+ {!minimalTopBar && }
{!minimalTopBar ? (
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearch.scss b/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearch.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index f327ff82c96be2..00000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearch.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-@import '../../../styles/mixins';
-.universal-search-box {
- max-width: 15rem;
- height: 100%;
- cursor: pointer;
- transition: 200ms ease margin;
- .ant-input-affix-wrapper,
- input {
- background: var(--bg-bridge);
- }
- @include screen($sm) {
- display: flex;
- }
-.universal-search-popover {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- background: var(--bg-light);
- &.force-minimum-width {
- min-width: 300px;
- }
- &.one-taxonomic-tab {
- .taxonomic-infinite-list {
- margin-top: 10px;
- }
- }
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearchPopover.tsx b/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearchPopover.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f58130d3c7ec..00000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/lib/components/UniversalSearch/UniversalSearchPopover.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-import './UniversalSearch.scss'
-import clsx from 'clsx'
-import { useMountedLogic, useValues } from 'kea'
-import { combineUrl, router } from 'kea-router'
-import { useEventListener } from 'lib/hooks/useEventListener'
-import { LemonButtonWithDropdownProps } from 'lib/lemon-ui/LemonButton'
-import { LemonInput } from 'lib/lemon-ui/LemonInput/LemonInput'
-import { Popover } from 'lib/lemon-ui/Popover'
-import { useState } from 'react'
-import { experimentsLogic } from 'scenes/experiments/experimentsLogic'
-import { PluginSelectionType, pluginsLogic } from 'scenes/plugins/pluginsLogic'
-import { urls } from 'scenes/urls'
-import { navigationLogic } from '~/layout/navigation/navigationLogic'
-import {
- ActionType,
- ChartDisplayType,
- CohortType,
- EventDefinition,
- Experiment,
- FeatureFlagType,
- Group,
- InsightModel,
- InsightType,
- PersonType,
-} from '~/types'
-import { TaxonomicFilter } from '../TaxonomicFilter/TaxonomicFilter'
-import { taxonomicFilterLogic } from '../TaxonomicFilter/taxonomicFilterLogic'
-import { TaxonomicFilterGroupType, TaxonomicFilterLogicProps, TaxonomicFilterValue } from '../TaxonomicFilter/types'
-export interface UniversalSearchPopoverProps
- extends Omit {
- groupType: TaxonomicFilterGroupType
- value?: ValueType
- onChange?: (value: ValueType, groupType: TaxonomicFilterGroupType, item: SearchDefinitionTypes) => void
- groupTypes?: TaxonomicFilterGroupType[]
- renderValue?: (value: ValueType) => JSX.Element
- dataAttr?: string
- placeholder?: React.ReactNode
- dropdownMatchSelectWidth?: boolean
- allowClear?: boolean
-type SearchDefinitionTypes =
- | EventDefinition
- | CohortType
- | ActionType
- | Experiment
- | PersonType
- | Group
- | FeatureFlagType
- | InsightModel
- | PluginSelectionType
-function redirectOnSelectItems(
- value: TaxonomicFilterValue,
- groupType: TaxonomicFilterGroupType,
- item: SearchDefinitionTypes
-): void {
- if (value === null) {
- return
- }
- if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Events) {
- router.actions.push(
- combineUrl(
- urls.insightNew({
- insight: InsightType.TRENDS,
- interval: 'day',
- display: ChartDisplayType.ActionsLineGraph,
- events: [{ id: value, name: value, type: 'events', math: 'dau' }],
- })
- ).url
- )
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Actions) {
- router.actions.push(
- combineUrl(
- urls.insightNew({
- insight: InsightType.TRENDS,
- interval: 'day',
- display: ChartDisplayType.ActionsLineGraph,
- actions: [
- {
- id: (item as ActionType).id,
- name: (item as ActionType).name,
- type: 'actions',
- order: 0,
- },
- ],
- })
- ).url
- )
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Cohorts) {
- router.actions.push(urls.cohort(value))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Persons) {
- router.actions.push(urls.personByDistinctId(String(value)))
- } else if (groupType.startsWith(TaxonomicFilterGroupType.GroupNamesPrefix)) {
- router.actions.push(urls.group((item as Group).group_type_index, String(value)))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Insights) {
- router.actions.push(urls.insightView((item as InsightModel).short_id))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.FeatureFlags) {
- router.actions.push(urls.featureFlag(value))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Experiments) {
- router.actions.push(urls.experiment(value))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Plugins) {
- router.actions.push(
- combineUrl(urls.projectApps(), {
- name: (item as PluginSelectionType).name,
- }).url
- )
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Dashboards) {
- router.actions.push(urls.dashboard(value))
- } else if (groupType === TaxonomicFilterGroupType.Notebooks) {
- router.actions.push(urls.notebook(String(value)))
- }
-export function UniversalSearchPopover({
- groupType,
- value,
- onChange,
- groupTypes,
- dataAttr,
- fullWidth = true,
-}: UniversalSearchPopoverProps): JSX.Element {
- // Ensure some logics are mounted
- useMountedLogic(experimentsLogic)
- useMountedLogic(pluginsLogic)
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false)
- const { isSideBarShown } = useValues(navigationLogic)
- const taxonomicFilterLogicProps: TaxonomicFilterLogicProps = {
- groupType,
- value,
- onChange: ({ type }, payload, item) => {
- redirectOnSelectItems(payload, type, item)
- onChange?.(payload, type, item)
- setVisible(false)
- },
- taxonomicGroupTypes: groupTypes ?? [groupType],
- optionsFromProp: undefined,
- popoverEnabled: true,
- selectFirstItem: true,
- taxonomicFilterLogicKey: 'universalSearch',
- }
- const logic = taxonomicFilterLogic(taxonomicFilterLogicProps)
- const { searchQuery } = useValues(logic)
- // Command+S shortcut to get to universal search popover
- useEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
- if (event.key === 's' && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
- event.preventDefault()
- setVisible(!visible)
- }
- })
- return (
- visible={visible}
- placement="right-start"
- fallbackPlacements={['bottom']}
- onClickOutside={() => setVisible(false)}
- middleware={[
- {
- name: 'offset',
- fn({ x, y, placement }) {
- if (placement === 'right-start') {
- return { y: y - 29, x: x - 253 }
- }
- return {}
- },
- },
- ]}
- >
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- setVisible(!visible)
- }}
- className={clsx(
- { 'w-full': fullWidth },
- '',
- 'universal-search-box',
- isSideBarShown && 'universal-search-box--sidebar-shown'
- )}
- >
- {!visible && (
- )}
- )