diff --git a/src/content/docs/de/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/de/gettingconnected.mdx
index 46cebfd..94c3942 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/de/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/de/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-title: Verbunden werden
+title: Konkret werden
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Scribe for Meetings bietet zwei schnelle, mühelose Möglichkeiten, eine Verbindung zu Ihrer barrierefreien Folienpräsentation herzustellen.
-Der Verbindungsprozess des Remote Incident Managers wurde mit Blick auf Schnelligkeit und Einfachheit entwickelt, sowohl für die Person, die Hilfe erhält, als auch für die Person, die Hilfe leistet.
-## Verbindung mit einem Controller herstellen
-Wenn Sie Remote Incident Manager zum ersten Mal starten, befinden Sie sich standardmäßig im Zielmodus. Das bedeutet, dass Sie eine Verbindung zu einer Person herstellen, die eine Fernwartungssitzung für Sie eingerichtet hat.
-Sie landen in einem Eingabefeld mit der Bezeichnung "Schlüsselwort" Geben Sie das Schlüsselwort ein, das Sie von der Person, die Sie unterstützt, erhalten haben, und drücken Sie dann einfach die Eingabetaste. Das war's, Sie sind verbunden!
-## Annahme einer Verbindungsanfrage
-Wenn Sie regelmäßig von einem Techniker unterstützt werden, kann Ihr Gerät so eingestellt sein, dass es eine Verbindungsanforderung annimmt, ohne dass Sie ein Schlüsselwort eingeben müssen. RIM gibt einen Signalton aus und meldet dann, dass Ihr Techniker versucht, eine Verbindung herzustellen.
-Um die Verbindung zu akzeptieren, drücken Sie **Windows+Umschalt+Y**, und die Sitzung wird kurzzeitig gestartet.
-Um die Verbindung zu akzeptieren, drücken Sie **Option+Umschalt+Y**, und die Sitzung wird kurzzeitig gestartet.
-## Verbindung mit einem Ziel herstellen
-Das Verfahren zum Aufbau der Sitzung ist ziemlich ähnlich. Anstatt das Schlüsselwort einzugeben, sollten Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Stattdessen Hilfe bereitstellen" gehen. Wenn Sie dies zum ersten Mal tun, werden Sie aufgefordert, ein Konto einzurichten.
-1. Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein.
-1. Überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail auf einen Verifizierungscode und geben Sie diesen dann in RIM ein.
-1. Sie werden dann aufgefordert, Ihren Namen, Ihren Standort und Ihre Telefonnummer einzugeben.
-1. Schließlich erhalten Sie einen weiteren Bestätigungscode auf Ihr Telefon. Geben Sie diesen Code bei RIM ein.
- 1. Wenn Sie kein Mobiltelefon haben, das Textnachrichten empfangen kann, füllen Sie bitte dieses Formular aus. Wir werden Ihnen helfen, Ihr Konto zu verifizieren.
- 1. Ein Hinweis für internationale Nummern: Wenn Ihr Verifizierungscode nicht ankommt, vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Landesvorwahl vor Ihrer Nummer mit einem Pluszeichen und nicht mit 00 gekennzeichnet ist.
+## Verbindung über direkten Link
-Wenn Sie nun angemeldet sind, geben Sie das Schlüsselwort ein, mit dem die Zielperson eine Verbindung zu Ihnen herstellen soll. Wenn Sie über das Bearbeitungsfeld hinausgehen, finden Sie ein Kontrollkästchen, mit dem Sie festlegen können, ob während der Sitzung ein Telefongespräch beginnen soll oder nicht (dies kann auch während der Sitzung ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden). Danach finden Sie die Schaltfläche "Start". Wenn Sie auf diese Schaltfläche klicken, befinden Sie sich im Warteraum, bis Ihr Ziel eine Verbindung herstellt. An diesem Punkt sollten Sie das soeben eingegebene Schlüsselwort an die Person senden, mit der Sie sich verbinden werden, da sie dieses Schlüsselwort zum Verbinden verwenden wird. Sobald die Person die Verbindung hergestellt hat, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung, dass die Fernsitzung in Kürze beginnt.
-Achten Sie auf die erwähnte Tastenkombination **Windows+Umschalt+Rücktaste**, denn damit wird das RIM-Menü auf Ihrem Rechner aufgerufen. Wenn Sie sich ausschließlich auf die Tastatur verlassen, ist dies die einzige Möglichkeit, Tastatureingaben zurück auf Ihr eigenes System zu leiten.
-Achten Sie auf die erwähnte Tastenkombination **Option+Umschalt+Rücktaste**, da diese das RIM-Menü auf Ihrem Rechner aufruft. Wenn Sie sich ausschließlich auf die Tastatur verlassen, ist dies die einzige Möglichkeit, die Tastatureingabe auf Ihr eigenes System zurückzuleiten.
-Nachdem Sie diesen Dialog beendet haben, wird die Remote-Sitzung gestartet.
+Ähnlich wie ein Meeting-Link von Ihrer Telefonkonferenz-Plattform bietet Scribe for Meetings direkte Links für den Beitritt zu Ihrer barrierefreien Folienpräsentation. Wenn Sie einen solchen Link in Ihrer Meeting-Einladung oder im Meeting-Chat erhalten, können Sie ihn anklicken, um Scribe for Meetings sofort in Ihrem Webbrowser zu öffnen. Sobald Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Starten" klicken, kann eines von zwei Dingen passieren.
+1. Sie hören einen kurzen Signalton, gefolgt von einer Nachricht, die Sie darüber informiert, dass Scribe for Meetings den Zugang zu den Inhalten in diesem Meeting vorbereitet.
+ 1. Dies kann bis zu drei Minuten dauern, weshalb es ratsam sein kann, dass der Vortragende Scribe for Meetings initialisiert, bevor er seine Folien präsentiert.
+ 1. Sobald der Scribe Bot der Besprechung beitritt, erhalten Sie einen zweiten Signalton, gefolgt von einer Nachricht, die Sie über diese Tatsache informiert.
+1. Es kann vorkommen, dass Sie die Ansage der Folieninhalte schon kurz nach dem Klicken auf "Start" hören Dies kann passieren, wenn:
+ 1. Sie sind nicht der erste Teilnehmer, der das Meeting mit Scribe for Meetings betritt.
+ 1. Sie sind zu spät in die Besprechung eingestiegen.
+In jedem Fall ist Scribe for Meetings jetzt bereit, mit der Präsentation der Folien zu beginnen.
+## Beitritt über Meeting Link
+Wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund nicht über den direkten Link verfügen, können Sie trotzdem versuchen, über einen direkten Zoom- oder Teams-Link beizutreten. Um über den Standard-Meeting-Link beizutreten:
+1. Besuchen Sie Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Geben Sie die Meeting-URL in das Bearbeitungsfeld ein.
+1. Wenn Sie auf "Go" klicken, geschieht eines von zwei Dingen.
+ 1. Wenn die Besprechung registriert ist, wird Ihnen die Willkommensseite angezeigt. Sie können auf die Schaltfläche "Start" klicken, wenn das Meeting bereit ist.
+ 1. Wenn die Besprechung nicht registriert ist, wird eine Seite angezeigt, auf der Sie Folgendes tun können:
+ 1. Melden Sie sich an, um per E-Mail benachrichtigt zu werden, wenn die Besprechung bei Scribe for Meetings registriert ist.
+ 1. Registrieren Sie die Veranstaltung, entweder als Organisator oder im Namen des Organisators.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/de/makingmeetings.mdx b/src/content/docs/de/makingmeetings.mdx
index d6d5925..76565d5 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/de/makingmeetings.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/de/makingmeetings.mdx
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ Meetings können im Namen des Organisators eingerichtet werden, der dann die Fol
1. Geben Sie der Besprechung einen Titel.
1. Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht der Titel des Meetings in Ihrer Videokonferenzplattform sein muss.
1. Sie werden gefragt, ob Sie die Bilder automatisch beschreiben lassen möchten.
-1. Wenn Sie auf "Fertig" klicken, erhalten Sie eine Nachricht, die Sie in Ihre Zwischenablage kopieren und an die für die Präsentation verantwortliche Person senden können. Sobald diese Person auf den Link klickt und die Folien hochlädt, kann sie entscheiden, ob die Folien heruntergeladen werden dürfen oder nicht.
+1. Sobald Sie auf "Fertig" klicken, erhalten Sie eine Nachricht, die Sie in Ihre Zwischenablage kopieren und an die für die Präsentation verantwortliche Person senden können. Sobald diese Person auf den Link klickt und die Folien hochlädt, kann sie entscheiden, ob die Folien heruntergeladen werden dürfen oder nicht.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/de/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/de/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..cfd5a6b 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/de/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/de/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Treffen Kontrollen
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+In der Besprechung werden die Folieninhalte synchron mit der Bildschirmfreigabe des Moderators angezeigt. Wenn eine neue Folie präsentiert wird, geschieht Folgendes:
+1. Sie hören einen Piepton.
+1. Der Inhalt wird auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt und von einem vorhandenen Bildschirmlesegerät vorgelesen.
+## Steuerelemente und Funktionen der Besprechung
+Scribe for Meetings bietet mehrere Möglichkeiten zur Steuerung des Renderings. Diese anklickbaren Schaltflächen haben auch einfach zu verwendende Tastaturkürzel. Zu den Steuerelementen gehören:
+* Präsentation unterbrechen: Hält die Live-Präsentation an, wobei Sie auf der aktuell angezeigten Folie stehen bleiben.
+ * Obwohl neue Folien nicht in Echtzeit angekündigt werden, verpassen Sie nichts, da Scribe for Meetings die Präsentation weiterhin im Hintergrund auf Aktualisierungen überwacht.
+ * Wenn eine Präsentation unterbrochen wird, verwandelt sich dieses Steuerelement in eine Schaltfläche "Live gehen".
+* Vorheriges Dia: Wechselt zur vorhergehenden Folie, sofern eine solche vorhanden ist.
+ * Wenn es keine vorherige Folie gibt, wird diese Schaltfläche nicht angezeigt.
+ * Wenn Sie diese Schaltfläche drücken, wird die Live-Präsentation unterbrochen.
+ * Wenn Sie an einer Besprechung teilnehmen und die Präsentation bereits im Gange ist, können Sie mit dieser Schaltfläche nicht mehr zu Folie 1 zurückkehren.
+* Nächste Folie: Wechselt zur nächsten Folie, sofern eine solche vorhanden ist.
+ * Wenn Sie bereits die letzte Folie sehen, wird diese Schaltfläche nicht angezeigt.
+ * Wenn Sie diese Schaltfläche drücken, wird die Live-Präsentation unterbrochen.
+* Vorlesen: Beginnt mit dem Vorlesen der aktuell fokussierten Folie mit der Text-zu-Sprache-Stimme des Systems.
+ * Wenn Sie den Vorlesemodus aktivieren, werden zusätzliche Steuerelemente für den Transport (Zurückspulen, Wiedergabe/Pause und schneller Vorlauf) sowie Schaltflächen zum Verlangsamen oder Beschleunigen des Vortrags angezeigt.
+* Folien herunterladen: Ermöglicht Ihnen das Herunterladen der Folien in verschiedenen Formaten.
+ * Diese Option wird nur angezeigt, wenn der Organisator das Herunterladen der Folien erlaubt hat.
+## Folien herunterladen
+Wenn der Veranstalter das Herunterladen der Folien erlaubt hat, bietet Scribe for Meetings die Möglichkeit, die Folien in mehreren zugänglichen Formaten herunterzuladen. Um Folien herunterzuladen, gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
+1. aktivieren Sie während eines Meetings den Link "Folien herunterladen".
+ 1. Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, werden Sie nach Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse gefragt, woraufhin Sie einen Bestätigungslink per E-Mail erhalten.
+ 1. Wenn Sie auf diesen Link klicken, werden Sie eingeloggt und können mit dem Erstellungsprozess des Meetings fortfahren.
+1. Wählen Sie das Dateiformat, in dem Ihre Folien präsentiert werden sollen. Sie haben folgende Möglichkeiten:
+ * Eine zugängliche Webseite mit denselben Funktionen wie die Live-Präsentation, einschließlich Vorlesen
+ * PDF mit Tagging
+ * Unterstützt Großdruck
+ * MP3, über Text-to-Speech in etwa einem Dutzend Sprachen
+ * Zusätzliche Einstellungen für Stimme und Sprechgeschwindigkeit werden bei dieser Konvertierung angeboten.
+ * DAISY, Text plus Audio
+ * Bei dieser Konvertierung werden zusätzliche Einstellungen für die Stimme und die Sprechgeschwindigkeit angeboten.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Unterstützt Großdruck
+ * Blindenschrift
+ * Grad 1 (EBAE)
+ * Klasse 2 (EBAE)
+ * Einheitliche Englische Brailleschrift (UEB)
+ * und viele andere Sprachen
+1. Nachdem Sie alle optionalen Einstellungen für das von Ihnen gewählte Formular angepasst haben, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Download vorbereiten".
+1. Warten Sie in Ihrer E-Mail auf den Download-Link. Bei den meisten Formaten wird die E-Mail innerhalb weniger Minuten eintreffen. Die Konvertierung in ein Audioformat kann je nach Länge des Foliendokuments wesentlich länger dauern, da die Sprachsynthese ein zeitaufwändigerer Prozess ist als andere Konvertierungen.
+1. Wenn Sie auf den Link klicken, wird der Download sofort gestartet.
+## Tastaturbefehl-Referenz
+Die meisten Desktop-Browser können die mit den meisten Funktionen von Scribe For Meetings verbundenen Tastaturbefehle nutzen. Da diese Befehle je nach Plattform und Browser variieren können, werden im Folgenden alle möglichen Tastenkombinationen aufgeführt.
+*Hinweis für macOS VoiceOver-Benutzer*: Wenn Sie den Chrome-Browser verwenden, sind Ihre Modifikatoren STRG und Option. Dies führt leider zu einem Konflikt mit VoiceOver, es sei denn, du verwendest den Passthrough-Befehl (STRG+Option+Tab) vor der Eingabe von Befehlen.
+Aktion | Windows | Chrome unter macOS | Safari unter macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Präsentation unterbrechen | Alt+Umschalt+S | STRG+Wahl+S | STRG+S
+Live gehen | Alt+Umschalt+L | STRG+Wahl+L | STRG+L
+Nächste Folie | Alt+Umschalt+N | STRG+Wahl+N | STRG+N
+Vorherige Folie | Alt+Umschalt+P | STRG+Wahl+P | STRG+P
+Laut vorlesen | Alt+Umschalt+R | STRG+Wahl+R | STRG+R
+Vorlesen unterbrechen | Alt+Umschalt+P | STRG+Wahl+P | STRG+P
+Lautes Lesen fortsetzen | Alt+Umschalt+C | STRG+Wahl+C | STRG+C
+Vorlesen stoppen | Alt+Umschalt+S | STRG+Wahl+S | STRG+S
+Rückwärts gehen | Alt+Umschalt+B | STRG+Wahl+B | STRG+B
+Vorwärts gehen | Alt+Umschalt+N | STRG+Wahl+N | STRG+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/en/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/en/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 58e779d..f452653 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/en/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/en/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ Scribe for Meetings offers several ways to control the rendering. These clickabl
Provided the organizer has allowed for slides to be downloaded, Scribe for Meetings offers downloads of the slides in several accessible formats. In order to download slides, follow the below procedure:
1. while in a meeting, activate the "Download Slides" link.
- 1. You will be asked to log in.
+ 1. If you are not logged in, you will be asked for your email address, at which point you will be emailed a verification link.
+ 1. Clicking this link will log you in, thus continuing the meeting creation process.
1. Choose the file format you would like your slides to be presented as. Your options include:
* An accessible web page, with all of the same features as the live presentation, including read aloud
* Tagged PDF
@@ -48,3 +49,23 @@ Provided the organizer has allowed for slides to be downloaded, Scribe for Meeti
1. After you have customized any optional settings associated with your chosen formt, click the “Prepare Download” button.
1. Watch your email for the download link. For most formats, the email will arrive within a few minutes. Conversion to audio can take much longer, depending on the length of the slide deck, because speech synthesis is a more time-consuming process than other conversions.
1. Clicking the link will instantly begin the download.
+## Keyboard Command Reference
+Most desktop browsers can take advantage of the keyboard commands associated with most Scribe For Meetings functions. Because these commands can vary depending on platform and browser, we will list all possible shortcuts below.
+*Note for macOS VoiceOver users*: If you are using the Chrome browser, your modifiers will be CTRL and Option. This will unfortunately cause a conflict with VoiceOver unless the passthrough command (CTRL+Option+Tab) is used before entering commands.
+Action | Windows | Chrome on macOS | Safari on macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Suspend Presentation | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Go Live | Alt+Shift+L | CTRL+Option+L | CTRL+L
+Next Slide | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
+Previous Slide | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Read Aloud | Alt+Shift+R | CTRL+Option+R | CTRL+R
+Pause Reading Aloud | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Continue Reading Aloud | Alt+Shift+C | CTRL+Option+C | CTRL+C
+Stop Reading Aloud | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Go Backwards | Alt+Shift+B | CTRL+Option+B | CTRL+B
+Go Forwardds | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
diff --git a/src/content/docs/es/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/es/gettingconnected.mdx
index 5265816..7d4aade 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/es/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/es/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
title: Conectarse
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Scribe for Meetings ofrece dos formas rápidas e indoloras de conectarse a su presentación de diapositivas accesible.
-El proceso de conexión de Remote Incident Manager está diseñado pensando en la rapidez y la sencillez, tanto para la persona que recibe la asistencia como para la que la proporciona.
-## Conexión a un controlador
-Cuando inicie Remote Incident Manager por primera vez, estará en modo objetivo por defecto. Esto significa que se conectará a una persona que ha establecido una sesión de asistencia remota para usted.
-Aparecerá un cuadro de edición llamado "palabra clave" Introduce la palabra clave que te ha proporcionado la persona que te asiste y, a continuación, simplemente pulsa intro. Eso es todo, ¡estás conectado!
-## Aceptar una solicitud de conexión
-Si un técnico le presta asistencia de forma habitual, su máquina puede estar configurada para recibir una solicitud de conexión sin que ninguno de los dos tenga que introducir una palabra clave. RIM emitirá un sonido y anunciará que su técnico está intentando conectarse.
-Para aceptar la conexión, pulse **Windows+Shift+Y** y la sesión se iniciará momentáneamente.
-Para aceptar la conexión, pulse **Opción+Mayús+Y** y la sesión comenzará momentáneamente.
-## Conexión a un objetivo
-El proceso para establecer la sesión es bastante similar. En lugar de introducir la palabra clave, deberá navegar hasta el botón "Proporcionar ayuda en su lugar". Al hacer esto por primera vez, se le pedirá que configure una cuenta.
-1. Introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico.
-1. Busca en tu correo electrónico un código de verificación e introdúcelo en RIM.
-1. A continuación, se te pedirá que introduzcas tu nombre, ubicación y número de teléfono.
-1. Por último, recibirás otro código de verificación en tu teléfono. Introduce este código en RIM.
- 1. Si no dispone de un teléfono móvil capaz de recibir mensajes de texto, rellene este formulario. Le ayudaremos a verificar su cuenta.
- 1. Nota para los números internacionales: Si no recibes el código de verificación, asegúrate de que el código de país que precede a tu número lleva el signo más, en lugar de 00.
+## Conectarse a través de un enlace directo
-Ahora que ya has iniciado sesión, introduce la palabra clave que utilizará el objetivo para conectarse contigo. Cuando pases el cuadro de edición, encontrarás una casilla de verificación que determina si se inicia o no una conversación de voz durante la sesión (esto también puede activarse o desactivarse durante la sesión). A continuación, encontrarás el botón "Iniciar". Cuando lo pulses, estarás en la sala de espera hasta que tu objetivo se conecte. En este punto, querrás enviar la palabra clave que acabas de introducir a la persona con la que te conectarás, ya que es lo que usará para conectarse. Una vez que se hayan conectado, recibirás una alerta informándote de que la sesión remota está a punto de comenzar.
-Ten en cuenta el atajo mencionado **Windows+Mayús+Retroceso**, ya que abrirá el menú RIM en tu máquina. Si dependes exclusivamente del teclado, ésta es la única forma de dirigir la entrada del teclado a tu propio sistema.
-Toma nota del atajo de teclado mencionado **Opción+Mayús+Retroceso**, ya que abrirá el menú RIM en tu máquina. Si dependes exclusivamente del teclado, ésta es la única forma de dirigir la entrada del teclado a tu propio sistema.
-Después de cerrar este diálogo, se iniciará la sesión remota.
+De forma similar a un enlace de reunión de su plataforma de teleconferencia, Scribe for Meetings ofrece enlaces directos para unirse a su presentación de diapositivas accesible. Si recibe uno en su invitación a la reunión o en el chat de la reunión, puede hacer clic en él para abrir al instante Scribe for Meetings en su navegador web. Una vez que haga clic en el botón "Iniciar", puede ocurrir una de estas dos cosas.
+1. Oirá una breve campanada, seguida de un mensaje que le informará de que Scribe for Meetings se está preparando para proporcionar acceso al contenido de esta reunión.
+ 1. Es normal que esto lleve hasta tres minutos, por lo que puede ser aconsejable que el presentador de la reunión inicialice Scribe for Meetings antes de presentar sus diapositivas.
+ 1. Una vez que el robot Scribe se una a la reunión, recibirá una segunda señal sonora de alerta seguida de un mensaje que le informará de este hecho.
+1. Es posible que, en ocasiones, empiece a oír el anuncio del contenido de las diapositivas muy poco después de hacer clic en "Iniciar" Esto puede ocurrir si
+ 1. Usted no es el primer participante que entra en la reunión con Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Ha entrado tarde en la reunión.
+En cualquier caso, Scribe for Meetings ya está listo para empezar a presentar las diapositivas.
+## Unirse a través de un enlace de reunión
+Si por cualquier motivo no dispone del enlace directo, puede intentar unirse a través de un enlace directo de Zoom o Teams. Para unirse a través del enlace de reunión estándar:
+1. Visite Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Introduzca la URL de la reunión en el cuadro de edición.
+1. Al pulsar "Ir", sucederá una de estas dos cosas.
+ 1. Si la reunión está registrada, aparecerá su página de bienvenida. Puede pulsar el botón "Iniciar" cuando la reunión esté lista.
+ 1. Si la reunión no está registrada, aparecerá una página que le permitirá hacer lo siguiente:
+ 1. Inscribirse para recibir una notificación por correo electrónico cuando la reunión esté registrada en Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Registrar la reunión, ya sea como organizador o en nombre del organizador.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/es/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/es/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..035d227 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/es/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/es/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Controles de reunión
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Una vez dentro de la reunión, el contenido de las diapositivas se presentará sincronizado con la pantalla compartida del presentador. Cuando se presente una nueva diapositiva, ocurrirá lo siguiente:
+1. Escuchará un pitido.
+1. El contenido se presentará en pantalla y será leído por un lector de pantalla existente.
+## Controles y funciones de la reunión
+Scribe for Meetings ofrece varias formas de controlar la representación. Estos botones en los que se puede hacer clic también tienen atajos de teclado fáciles de usar. Los controles incluyen:
+* Suspender presentación: Pausa la presentación en vivo, manteniendo su lugar en la diapositiva que se muestra actualmente.
+ * Aunque las nuevas diapositivas no se anunciarán en tiempo real, no se las perderá, ya que Scribe for Meetings sigue observando silenciosamente la presentación en busca de actualizaciones.
+ * Cuando se suspende una presentación, este control se convierte en un botón "Ir en directo".
+* Diapositiva anterior: Va a la diapositiva anterior mostrada, si hay alguna disponible.
+ * Si no hay diapositiva anterior, este botón no aparecerá.
+ * Al pulsar este botón se suspenderá la presentación en directo.
+ * Tenga en cuenta que si asiste a una reunión y la presentación ya está en marcha, este botón no podrá llevarle de vuelta a la diapositiva 1.
+* Diapositiva siguiente: Va a la siguiente diapositiva, si hay alguna disponible.
+ * Si ya está viendo la última diapositiva, este botón no aparecerá.
+ * Al pulsar este botón se suspenderá la presentación en directo.
+* Leer en voz alta: Comienza a leer la diapositiva actualmente enfocada utilizando la voz de texto a voz del sistema.
+ * Al iniciar el modo de lectura en voz alta aparecerán controles de transporte adicionales (botones de rebobinado, reproducción/pausa y avance rápido), así como botones para ralentizar o acelerar el discurso.
+* Descargar diapositivas: Permite descargar las diapositivas en varios formatos diferentes.
+ * Esta opción sólo se muestra si el organizador ha permitido la descarga de las diapositivas.
+## Descarga de diapositivas
+Siempre que el organizador haya permitido la descarga de las diapositivas, Scribe for Meetings ofrece la posibilidad de descargar las diapositivas en varios formatos accesibles. Para descargar las diapositivas, siga el procedimiento que se indica a continuación:
+1. estando en una reunión, active el enlace "Descargar diapositivas".
+ 1. Si no ha iniciado sesión, se le pedirá su dirección de correo electrónico, tras lo cual se le enviará un enlace de verificación.
+ 1. Al hacer clic en este enlace, iniciará la sesión y continuará con el proceso de creación de la reunión.
+1. Elija el formato de archivo en el que desea presentar sus diapositivas. Sus opciones incluyen:
+ * Una página web accesible, con todas las mismas características que la presentación en directo, incluida la lectura en voz alta
+ * PDF etiquetado
+ * Admite letra grande
+ * MP3, mediante texto a voz en una docena de idiomas
+ * Con esta conversión se ofrecen ajustes adicionales para la voz y la velocidad de habla.
+ * DAISY, texto más audio
+ * Con esta conversión se ofrecen ajustes adicionales para la voz y la velocidad del habla.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Admite letra grande
+ * Braille
+ * Grado 1 (EBAE)
+ * Grado 2 (EBAE)
+ * Braille inglés unificado (UEB)
+ * y muchos otros idiomas
+1. Una vez personalizados los ajustes opcionales asociados al formulario elegido, haga clic en el botón "Preparar descarga".
+1. Esté atento a su correo electrónico para recibir el enlace de descarga. Para la mayoría de los formatos, el correo electrónico llegará en unos minutos. La conversión a audio puede llevar mucho más tiempo, dependiendo de la longitud de la presentación de diapositivas, porque la síntesis de voz es un proceso que lleva más tiempo que otras conversiones.
+1. Al hacer clic en el enlace, se iniciará inmediatamente la descarga.
+## Referencia de comandos de teclado
+La mayoría de los navegadores de escritorio pueden aprovechar los comandos de teclado asociados a la mayoría de las funciones de Scribe For Meetings. Dado que estos comandos pueden variar en función de la plataforma y el navegador, a continuación se enumeran todos los métodos abreviados posibles.
+*Nota para los usuarios de macOS VoiceOver*: Si utiliza el navegador Chrome, sus modificadores serán CTRL y Opción. Lamentablemente, esto provocará un conflicto con VoiceOver a menos que se utilice el comando passthrough (CTRL+Opción+Tab) antes de introducir los comandos.
+Acción | Windows | Chrome en macOS | Safari en macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Suspender presentación | Alt+Mayús+S | CTRL+Opción+S | CTRL+S
+Ir a directo | Alt+Mayús+L | CTRL+Opción+L | CTRL+L
+Siguiente diapositiva | Alt+Mayús+N | CTRL+Opción+N | CTRL+N
+Diapositiva anterior | Alt+Mayús+P | CTRL+Opción+P | CTRL+P
+Leer en voz alta | Alt+Mayús+R | CTRL+Opción+R | CTRL+R
+Pausar la lectura en voz alta | Alt+Mayús+P | CTRL+Opción+P | CTRL+P
+Continuar leyendo en voz alta | Alt+Mayús+C | CTRL+Opción+C | CTRL+C
+Dejar de leer en voz alta | Alt+Mayús+S | CTRL+Opción+S | CTRL+S
+Retroceder | Alt+Mayús+B | CTRL+Opción+B | CTRL+B
+Ir hacia adelante | Alt+Mayús+N | CTRL+Opción+N | CTRL+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/fr/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/fr/gettingconnected.mdx
index 32f415a..a91bb1a 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/fr/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/fr/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-title: Se connecter
+title: Se faire raccorder
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Scribe for Meetings offre deux moyens rapides et sans douleur de se connecter à votre présentation de diapositives accessibles.
-Le processus de connexion de Remote Incident Manager a été conçu dans un souci de rapidité et de simplicité, tant pour la personne qui reçoit de l'aide que pour celle qui la fournit.
-## Connexion à un contrôleur
-Lorsque vous lancez Remote Incident Manager pour la première fois, vous êtes par défaut en mode cible. Cela signifie que vous allez vous connecter à une personne qui a mis en place une session d'assistance à distance pour vous.
-Vous arrivez dans une zone d'édition intitulée "mot-clé" Saisissez le mot-clé qui vous a été communiqué par la personne qui vous assiste, puis appuyez simplement sur la touche "Entrée". Et voilà, vous êtes connecté !
-## Accepter une demande de connexion
-Si un technicien vous assiste régulièrement, votre appareil peut être configuré pour recevoir une demande de connexion sans que vous ayez à saisir de mot-clé. RIM émettra un carillon, puis annoncera que votre technicien tente de se connecter.
-Pour accepter la connexion, appuyez sur **Windows+Shift+Y** et la session commencera momentanément.
-Pour accepter la connexion, appuyez sur **Option+Shift+Y** et la session commencera momentanément.
-## Connexion à une cible
-La procédure d'établissement de la session est assez similaire. Plutôt que d'entrer le mot-clé, vous voudrez naviguer jusqu'au bouton "Provide help instead" (Fournir de l'aide à la place). Lorsque vous effectuez cette opération pour la première fois, il vous sera demandé de créer un compte.
-1. Saisissez votre adresse électronique.
-1. Vérifiez votre courrier électronique pour obtenir un code de vérification, puis saisissez-le dans RIM.
-1. Il vous sera ensuite demandé de saisir votre nom, votre lieu de résidence et votre numéro de téléphone.
-1. Enfin, vous recevrez un autre code de vérification sur votre téléphone. Entrez ce code dans RIM.
- 1. Si vous n'avez pas de téléphone portable capable de recevoir des messages textuels, veuillez remplir ce formulaire. Nous vous aiderons à faire vérifier votre compte.
- 1. Une remarque pour les numéros internationaux : Si votre code de vérification n'aboutit pas, assurez-vous que l'indicatif de pays précédant votre numéro est indiqué par le signe plus et non par 00.
+## Rejoindre via un lien direct
-Maintenant que vous êtes connecté, saisissez le mot-clé que la cible utilisera pour se connecter à vous. Lorsque vous dépassez la zone d'édition, vous tombez sur une case à cocher qui détermine si une conversation vocale doit être lancée ou non pendant la session (cette option peut également être activée ou désactivée pendant la session). Ensuite, vous trouverez le bouton "Démarrer". Lorsque vous cliquez sur ce bouton, vous vous retrouvez dans la salle d'attente jusqu'à ce que votre cible se connecte. À ce stade, vous voudrez envoyer le mot-clé que vous venez de saisir à la personne avec laquelle vous allez vous connecter, car c'est ce qu'elle utilisera pour se connecter. Une fois la connexion établie, vous recevrez une alerte vous informant que la session à distance est sur le point de commencer.
-Prenez note du raccourci **Windows+Shift+Backspace** mentionné, car il permet d'ouvrir le menu RIM sur votre machine. Si vous utilisez exclusivement le clavier, c'est le seul moyen de renvoyer les données saisies au clavier vers votre propre système.
-Prenez note du raccourci **Option+Shift+Backspace** mentionné car il fera apparaître le menu RIM sur votre machine. Si vous utilisez exclusivement le clavier, c'est la seule façon de renvoyer l'entrée du clavier vers votre propre système.
-Une fois que vous avez quitté ce dialogue, la session à distance est lancée.
+À l'instar d'un lien de réunion provenant de votre plateforme de téléconférence, Scribe for Meetings propose des liens directs pour se connecter à votre présentation de diapositives accessibles. Si vous recevez un lien dans votre invitation à la réunion ou dans le chat de la réunion, vous pouvez cliquer dessus pour ouvrir instantanément Scribe for Meetings dans votre navigateur Web. Une fois que vous avez cliqué sur le bouton "Démarrer", l'une des deux choses suivantes peut se produire.
+1. Vous entendrez un petit carillon, suivi d'un message vous informant que Scribe for Meetings se prépare à fournir un accès au contenu de cette réunion.
+ 1. Il est normal que cela prenne jusqu'à trois minutes, c'est pourquoi il est conseillé au présentateur de la réunion d'initialiser Scribe for Meetings avant de présenter ses diapositives.
+ 1. Une fois que le robot Scribe aura rejoint la réunion, vous recevrez un deuxième carillon d'alerte suivi d'un message vous informant de ce fait.
+1. Vous pouvez parfois commencer à entendre l'annonce du contenu des diapositives très peu de temps après avoir cliqué sur "Démarrer" Cela peut se produire dans les cas suivants
+ 1. Vous n'êtes pas le premier participant à entrer dans la réunion avec Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Vous êtes entré tardivement dans la réunion.
+Quoi qu'il en soit, Scribe for Meetings est maintenant prêt à commencer la présentation des diapositives.
+## Rejoindre via le lien de la réunion
+Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne disposez pas du lien direct, vous pouvez toujours essayer de vous joindre à la réunion via un lien direct Zoom ou Teams. Pour participer via le lien de réunion standard :
+1. Visitez Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Saisissez l'URL de la réunion dans la zone d'édition.
+1. En appuyant sur "Go", l'une des deux choses suivantes se produira.
+ 1. Si la réunion est enregistrée, la page de bienvenue s'affiche. Vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton "Démarrer" lorsque la réunion est prête.
+ 1. Si la réunion n'est pas enregistrée, une page s'affiche, qui vous permet d'effectuer les opérations suivantes :
+ 1. S'inscrire pour être informé par courrier électronique lorsque la réunion est enregistrée sur Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Enregistrer la réunion, en tant qu'organisateur ou au nom de l'organisateur.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/fr/makingmeetings.mdx b/src/content/docs/fr/makingmeetings.mdx
index 4964fd8..ff6e7d7 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/fr/makingmeetings.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/fr/makingmeetings.mdx
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ Les réunions peuvent être organisées au nom de l'organisateur, qui pourra alo
1. Si vous n'êtes pas connecté, votre adresse électronique vous sera demandée, puis un lien de vérification vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique.
1. En cliquant sur ce lien, vous serez connecté, ce qui vous permettra de poursuivre le processus de création de la réunion.
1. Donnez un titre à la réunion.
- 1. Notez qu'il ne doit pas nécessairement s'agir du titre de la réunion dans votre plate-forme de vidéoconférence.
+ 1. Notez qu'il ne doit pas nécessairement s'agir du titre de la réunion dans votre plate-forme de visioconférence.
1. Il vous sera demandé si vous souhaitez que les images soient automatiquement décrites.
1. Une fois que vous aurez cliqué sur "Terminé", vous recevrez un message que vous pourrez copier dans votre presse-papiers et envoyer à la personne chargée de la présentation. Une fois qu'elle aura cliqué sur le lien et téléchargé les diapositives, elle pourra décider d'autoriser ou non le téléchargement des diapositives.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/fr/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/fr/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..fc34c1d 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/fr/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/fr/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Contrôle des réunions
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Une fois dans la réunion, le contenu des diapositives sera présenté en synchronisation avec le partage d'écran du présentateur. Lorsqu'une nouvelle diapositive se présente, il se passe ce qui suit :
+1. Vous entendrez un bip.
+1. Le contenu s'affiche à l'écran et est lu par un lecteur d'écran existant.
+## Contrôles et fonctions de la réunion
+Scribe for Meetings offre plusieurs moyens de contrôler le rendu. Ces boutons cliquables disposent également de raccourcis clavier faciles à utiliser. Les commandes sont les suivantes :
+* Suspendre la présentation : Met en pause la présentation en direct, en maintenant votre place sur la diapositive actuellement affichée.
+ * Bien que les nouvelles diapositives ne soient pas annoncées en temps réel, vous ne les manquerez pas car Scribe for Meetings continue de surveiller silencieusement la présentation pour les mises à jour.
+ * Lorsqu'une présentation est suspendue, cette commande se transforme en bouton "Go Live".
+* Diapositive précédente : Permet d'accéder à la diapositive affichée précédente, s'il en existe une.
+ * S'il n'y a pas de diapositive précédente, ce bouton n'apparaît pas.
+ * Appuyer sur ce bouton suspend la présentation en direct.
+ * Notez que si vous assistez à une réunion et que la présentation est déjà en cours, ce bouton ne vous permettra pas de revenir à la diapositive 1.
+* Diapositive suivante : Permet d'accéder à la diapositive suivante, si elle est disponible.
+ * Si vous visualisez déjà la dernière diapositive, ce bouton n'apparaît pas.
+ * En appuyant sur ce bouton, vous interrompez la présentation en direct.
+* Lire à haute voix : Commence à lire la diapositive en cours d'affichage à l'aide de la synthèse vocale du système.
+ * L'activation du mode de lecture à haute voix permet d'activer des commandes de transport supplémentaires (boutons de rembobinage, de lecture/pause et d'avance rapide) ainsi que des boutons permettant de ralentir ou d'accélérer la lecture.
+* Télécharger les diapositives : Permet de télécharger les diapositives dans différents formats.
+ * Cette option ne s'affiche que si l'organisateur a autorisé le téléchargement des diapositives.
+## Téléchargement des diapositives
+Si l'organisateur a autorisé le téléchargement des diapositives, Scribe for Meetings permet de télécharger les diapositives dans plusieurs formats accessibles. Pour télécharger les diapositives, suivez la procédure ci-dessous :
+1. lorsque vous êtes dans une réunion, activez le lien "Télécharger les diapositives".
+ 1. Si vous n'êtes pas connecté, votre adresse électronique vous sera demandée, puis un lien de vérification vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique.
+ 1. En cliquant sur ce lien, vous vous connecterez, ce qui vous permettra de poursuivre le processus de création de la réunion.
+1. Choisissez le format de fichier dans lequel vous souhaitez que vos diapositives soient présentées. Vous avez le choix entre
+ * Une page web accessible, avec toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que la présentation en direct, y compris la lecture à haute voix
+ * PDF étiqueté
+ * Prend en charge les gros caractères
+ * MP3, avec synthèse vocale dans une douzaine de langues
+ * Des paramètres supplémentaires pour la voix et le débit sont proposés avec cette conversion.
+ * DAISY, texte et audio
+ * Des paramètres supplémentaires pour la voix et la vitesse d'élocution sont proposés avec cette conversion.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Supporte les gros caractères
+ * Braille
+ * Première année (EBAE)
+ * 2e année (EBAE)
+ * Braille anglais unifié (UEB)
+ * et de nombreuses autres langues
+1. Après avoir personnalisé tous les paramètres optionnels associés au formulaire choisi, cliquez sur le bouton "Préparer le téléchargement".
+1. Surveillez votre courrier électronique pour le lien de téléchargement. Pour la plupart des formats, l'e-mail arrivera en quelques minutes. La conversion en format audio peut prendre beaucoup plus de temps, en fonction de la longueur du jeu de diapositives, car la synthèse vocale est un processus qui prend plus de temps que les autres conversions.
+1. En cliquant sur le lien, le téléchargement commence instantanément.
+## Référence des commandes clavier
+La plupart des navigateurs de bureau peuvent tirer parti des commandes clavier associées à la plupart des fonctions de Scribe For Meetings. Comme ces commandes peuvent varier en fonction de la plate-forme et du navigateur, nous énumérons ci-dessous tous les raccourcis possibles.
+*Note pour les utilisateurs de macOS VoiceOver* : Si vous utilisez le navigateur Chrome, vos modificateurs seront CTRL et Option. Cela entraînera malheureusement un conflit avec VoiceOver, à moins que la commande passthrough (CTRL+Option+Tab) ne soit utilisée avant d'entrer les commandes.
+Action | Windows | Chrome sur macOS | Safari sur macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Suspendre la présentation | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Passer en direct | Alt+Shift+L | CTRL+Option+L | CTRL+L
+Diapositive suivante | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
+Diapositive précédente | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Lecture à voix haute | Alt+Shift+R | CTRL+Option+R | CTRL+R
+Pause de la lecture à haute voix | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Continuer la lecture à haute voix | Alt+Shift+C | CTRL+Option+C | CTRL+C
+Arrêter la lecture à haute voix | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Retourner en arrière | Alt+Shift+B | CTRL+Option+B | CTRL+B
+Aller vers l'avant | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/it/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/it/gettingconnected.mdx
index ab313e8..0d99ca0 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/it/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/it/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-title: Connettersi
+title: Connessione
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Scribe for Meetings offre due modi rapidi e indolori per collegarsi alla presentazione accessibile.
-Il processo di connessione di Remote Incident Manager è stato progettato all'insegna della velocità e della semplicità, sia per chi riceve assistenza sia per chi la fornisce.
-## Connessione a un controllore
-Quando si avvia Remote Incident Manager per la prima volta, la modalità predefinita è quella di destinazione. Ciò significa che vi connetterete a una persona che ha impostato una sessione di assistenza remota per voi.
-Si aprirà una casella di modifica con l'etichetta "parola chiave" Inserite la parola chiave che vi è stata assegnata dalla persona che vi assiste e poi premete semplicemente invio. Il gioco è fatto, siete connessi!
-## Accettare una richiesta di connessione
-Se un tecnico fornisce assistenza regolarmente, il computer potrebbe essere impostato per ricevere una richiesta di connessione senza che sia necessario immettere una parola chiave. RIM emetterà un segnale acustico e annuncerà che il tecnico sta tentando di connettersi.
-Per accettare la connessione, premere **Windows+Shift+Y** e la sessione inizierà momentaneamente.
-Per accettare la connessione, premere **Option+Shift+Y** e la sessione inizierà momentaneamente.
-## Connessione a un obiettivo
-Il processo di impostazione della sessione è abbastanza simile. Invece di inserire la parola chiave, si dovrà passare al pulsante "Fornisci aiuto". Quando si esegue questa operazione per la prima volta, verrà chiesto di configurare un account.
-1. Inserire l'indirizzo e-mail.
-1. Controllare l'e-mail per ottenere un codice di verifica, quindi inserirlo in RIM.
-1. Verrà quindi richiesto di inserire il nome, la località e il numero di telefono.
-1. Infine, riceverete un altro codice di verifica sul telefono. Inserite questo codice in RIM.
- 1. Se non avete un telefono cellulare in grado di ricevere messaggi di testo, compilate questo modulo. Vi aiuteremo a verificare il vostro account.
- 1. Una nota per i numeri internazionali: Se il codice di verifica non arriva, assicuratevi che il codice del Paese prima del vostro numero sia indicato con il segno più, anziché con 00.
+## Collegamento tramite link diretto
-Ora che avete effettuato l'accesso, inserite la parola chiave che l'obiettivo utilizzerà per collegarsi a voi. Una volta superata la casella di modifica, si troverà una casella di controllo che determina se avviare o meno una conversazione vocale durante la sessione (questa può essere attivata o disattivata anche durante la sessione). Successivamente, si troverà il pulsante "Avvia". Quando si fa clic su questo pulsante, si rimane nella sala d'attesa fino a quando l'obiettivo non si connette. A questo punto, è necessario inviare la parola chiave appena inserita alla persona con cui ci si connetterà, in quanto è quella che utilizzerà per connettersi. Una volta effettuata la connessione, riceverete un avviso che vi informerà che la sessione remota sta per iniziare.
-Prendete nota della scorciatoia **Windows+Maiusc+Backspace** menzionata, perché farà apparire il menu RIM sul vostro computer. Se ci si affida esclusivamente alla tastiera, questo è l'unico modo per riportare l'input da tastiera al proprio sistema.
-Osservate la scorciatoia **Opzione+Maiusc+Backspace** menzionata, in quanto essa richiamerà il menu RIM sul vostro computer. Se ci si affida esclusivamente alla tastiera, questo è l'unico modo per reindirizzare l'input da tastiera al proprio sistema.
-Dopo aver chiuso questa finestra di dialogo, verrà avviata la sessione remota.
+Simile a un collegamento alla riunione dalla piattaforma di teleconferenza, Scribe for Meetings offre collegamenti diretti per unirsi alla presentazione accessibile. Se ne ricevete uno nell'invito alla riunione o nella chat della riunione, potete fare clic su di esso per aprire immediatamente Scribe for Meetings nel vostro browser web. Una volta fatto clic sul pulsante "Avvia", può accadere una di queste due cose.
+1. Si sentirà un breve segnale acustico, seguito da un messaggio che informa che Scribe for Meetings si sta preparando a fornire l'accesso ai contenuti della riunione.
+ 1. È normale che questa operazione richieda fino a tre minuti, per cui è consigliabile che il presentatore della riunione inizializzi Scribe for Meetings prima di presentare le proprie diapositive.
+ 1. Una volta che il Bot Scribe si è unito alla riunione, l'utente riceverà un secondo segnale acustico di avviso seguito da un messaggio che lo avverte.
+1. A volte si può iniziare a sentire l'annuncio del contenuto delle diapositive poco dopo aver fatto clic su "Inizia" Questo può accadere se:
+ 1. Non si è il primo partecipante a entrare nella riunione con Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Si è entrati in riunione in ritardo.
+In ogni caso, Scribe for Meetings è pronto per iniziare a presentare le diapositive.
+## Partecipazione tramite collegamento alla riunione
+Se per qualche motivo non si dispone del collegamento diretto, si può comunque tentare di partecipare tramite un collegamento diretto a Zoom o Teams. Per unirsi tramite il collegamento alla riunione standard:
+1. Visitare Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Inserire l'URL della riunione nella casella di modifica.
+1. Premendo "Vai", si verificherà una delle due cose.
+ 1. Se la riunione è registrata, verrà presentata la pagina di benvenuto. È possibile premere il pulsante "Avvia" quando la riunione è pronta.
+ 1. Se la riunione non è registrata, viene visualizzata una pagina che consente di effettuare le seguenti operazioni:
+ 1. Registrarsi per ricevere una notifica via e-mail quando la riunione viene registrata su Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Registrare la riunione, come organizzatore o per conto dell'organizzatore.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/it/makingmeetings.mdx b/src/content/docs/it/makingmeetings.mdx
index 246f2a2..b116aaf 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/it/makingmeetings.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/it/makingmeetings.mdx
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ Le riunioni possono essere impostate a nome dell'organizzatore, che potrà quind
1. Assegnare un titolo alla riunione.
1. Si noti che questo non deve essere il titolo della riunione nella piattaforma di videoconferenza.
1. Verrà chiesto se si desidera che le immagini vengano descritte automaticamente.
-1. Una volta fatto clic su "Fatto", viene visualizzato un messaggio che può essere copiato negli appunti e inviato alla persona responsabile della presentazione. Una volta fatto clic sul link e caricate le diapositive, il responsabile potrà decidere se consentire o meno il download delle diapositive.
+1. Una volta fatto clic su "Fatto", verrà visualizzato un messaggio da copiare negli appunti e inviare alla persona responsabile della presentazione. Una volta fatto clic sul link e caricate le diapositive, il responsabile potrà decidere se consentire o meno il download delle diapositive.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/it/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/it/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..ebb6cb1 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/it/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/it/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Controlli della riunione
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Una volta all'interno della riunione, il contenuto delle diapositive viene presentato in sincronia con lo screenshare del presentatore. Quando viene presentata una nuova diapositiva, si verifica quanto segue:
+1. Viene emesso un segnale acustico.
+1. Il contenuto si presenta sullo schermo e viene letto da uno screen reader esistente.
+## Controlli e funzioni della riunione
+Scribe for Meetings offre diversi modi per controllare il rendering. Questi pulsanti cliccabili hanno anche scorciatoie da tastiera facili da usare. I controlli includono:
+* Sospendi presentazione: Mette in pausa la presentazione dal vivo, mantenendo il posto alla diapositiva attualmente visualizzata.
+ * Anche se le nuove diapositive non saranno annunciate in tempo reale, non si perderanno perché Scribe for Meetings sta ancora osservando silenziosamente la presentazione per gli aggiornamenti.
+ * Quando una presentazione viene sospesa, questo controllo si trasforma in un pulsante "Vai in diretta".
+* Diapositiva precedente: Va alla diapositiva precedente visualizzata, se disponibile.
+ * Se non c'è una diapositiva precedente, questo pulsante non appare.
+ * Premendo questo pulsante si sospende la presentazione dal vivo.
+ * Se si partecipa a una riunione e la presentazione è già in corso, questo pulsante non consente di tornare alla diapositiva 1.
+* Diapositiva successiva: Passa alla diapositiva successiva, se disponibile.
+ * Se si sta già visualizzando l'ultima diapositiva, questo pulsante non appare.
+ * Premendo questo pulsante si sospende la presentazione dal vivo.
+* Leggi ad alta voce: Inizia a leggere la diapositiva in corso utilizzando la voce del sistema.
+ * L'avvio della modalità di lettura ad alta voce renderà disponibili ulteriori controlli di trasporto (pulsanti di riavvolgimento, riproduzione/pausa e avanzamento rapido) e pulsanti per rallentare o accelerare il discorso.
+* Scarica le diapositive: Permette di scaricare le diapositive in diversi formati.
+ * Questa opzione viene visualizzata solo se l'organizzatore ha consentito il download delle diapositive.
+## Scaricare le diapositive
+Se l'organizzatore ha consentito il download delle diapositive, Scribe for Meetings offre la possibilità di scaricare le diapositive in diversi formati accessibili. Per scaricare le diapositive, seguire la seguente procedura:
+1. durante una riunione, attivare il link "Scarica diapositive".
+ 1. Se non si è effettuato l'accesso, verrà richiesto l'indirizzo e-mail e a quel punto verrà inviato un link di verifica.
+ 1. Facendo clic su questo link si accede alla riunione, proseguendo così il processo di creazione della riunione.
+1. Scegliete il formato di file in cui volete che siano presentate le vostre diapositive. Le opzioni disponibili sono:
+ * Una pagina web accessibile, con tutte le stesse caratteristiche della presentazione dal vivo, compresa la lettura ad alta voce
+ * PDF etichettato
+ * Supporta la stampa a caratteri grandi
+ * MP3, con sintesi vocale in una dozzina di lingue
+ * Con questa conversione sono disponibili ulteriori impostazioni per la voce e la velocità di riproduzione.
+ * DAISY, testo più audio
+ * Questa conversione offre ulteriori impostazioni per la voce e la velocità di riproduzione.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Supporta la stampa a caratteri grandi
+ * Braille
+ * Grado 1 (EBAE)
+ * Grado 2 (EBAE)
+ * Braille inglese unificato (UEB)
+ * e molte altre lingue
+1. Dopo aver personalizzato le impostazioni opzionali associate al formato scelto, fare clic sul pulsante "Prepara download".
+1. Tenete d'occhio la vostra e-mail per il link di download. Per la maggior parte dei formati, l'e-mail arriverà entro pochi minuti. La conversione in audio può richiedere molto più tempo, a seconda della lunghezza della presentazione, perché la sintesi vocale è un processo che richiede più tempo rispetto ad altre conversioni.
+1. Facendo clic sul link si avvia immediatamente il download.
+## Riferimento ai comandi da tastiera
+La maggior parte dei browser desktop può sfruttare i comandi da tastiera associati alla maggior parte delle funzioni di Scribe For Meetings. Poiché questi comandi possono variare a seconda della piattaforma e del browser, di seguito elenchiamo tutte le possibili scorciatoie.
+*Nota per gli utenti di macOS VoiceOver*: Se si utilizza il browser Chrome, i modificatori saranno CTRL e Option. Questo purtroppo causerà un conflitto con VoiceOver, a meno che non si utilizzi il comando passthrough (CTRL+Opzione+Tab) prima di inserire i comandi.
+Azione | Windows | Chrome su macOS | Safari su macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Sospendi presentazione | Alt+Maiuscolo+S | CTRL+Opzione+S | CTRL+S
+Vai in diretta | Alt+Shift+L | CTRL+Opzione+L | CTRL+L
+Diapositiva successiva | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Opzione+N | CTRL+N
+Diapositiva precedente | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Opzione+P | CTRL+P
+Lettura ad alta voce | Alt+Shift+R | CTRL+Opzione+R | CTRL+R
+Sospendere la lettura ad alta voce | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Continua a leggere ad alta voce | Alt+Shift+C | CTRL+Opzione+C | CTRL+C
+Interrompere la lettura ad alta voce | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Andare indietro | Alt+Shift+B | CTRL+Opzione+B | CTRL+B
+Andare avanti | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Opzione+N | CTRL+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/pt/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/pt/gettingconnected.mdx
index 2064420..e72ea22 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/pt/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/pt/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-title: Como se conectar
+title: Obtendo conexão
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+O Scribe for Meetings oferece duas maneiras rápidas e fáceis de se conectar à sua apresentação de slides acessível.
-O processo de conexão do Remote Incident Manager foi projetado tendo em mente a velocidade e a simplicidade, tanto para a pessoa que recebe assistência quanto para a que a fornece.
-## Conectando-se a um controlador
-Ao iniciar o Remote Incident Manager pela primeira vez, você estará no modo de destino por padrão. Isso significa que você se conectará a uma pessoa que configurou uma sessão de suporte remoto para você.
-Você chegará a uma caixa de edição chamada "palavra-chave" Digite a palavra-chave fornecida a você pela pessoa que o está ajudando e, em seguida, pressione Enter. Pronto, você está conectado!
-## Aceitando uma solicitação de conexão
-Se um técnico fornecer suporte a você regularmente, o seu equipamento poderá ser configurado para receber uma solicitação de conexão sem que nenhum de vocês precise digitar uma palavra-chave. A RIM tocará um sinal sonoro e anunciará que o técnico está tentando se conectar.
-Para aceitar a conexão, pressione **Windows+Shift+Y** e a sessão será iniciada momentaneamente.
-Para aceitar a conexão, pressione **Option+Shift+Y** e a sessão será iniciada momentaneamente.
-## Conectando-se a um alvo
-O processo de configuração da sessão é bastante semelhante. Em vez de digitar a palavra-chave, você deverá navegar até o botão "Provide help instead" (Fornecer ajuda). Ao fazer isso pela primeira vez, você será solicitado a configurar uma conta.
-1. Digite seu endereço de e-mail.
-1. Verifique se há um código de verificação em seu e-mail e insira-o na RIM.
-1. Em seguida, será solicitado que você digite seu nome, local e número de telefone.
-1. Por fim, você receberá outro código de verificação em seu telefone. Digite esse código na RIM.
- 1. Se você não tiver um telefone celular capaz de receber mensagens de texto, preencha este formulário. Nós o ajudaremos a verificar sua conta.
- 1. Uma observação para números internacionais: Se o código de verificação não for recebido, verifique se o código do país antes do número é indicado pelo sinal de mais, em vez de 00.
+## Conexão via link direto
-Agora que você está conectado, digite a palavra-chave que o alvo usará para se conectar a você. Ao navegar além da caixa de edição, você encontrará uma caixa de seleção que determina se deve ou não iniciar uma conversa por voz durante a sessão (isso também pode ser ativado ou desativado durante a sessão). Depois disso, você encontrará o botão "Start" (Iniciar). Ao clicar nesse botão, você ficará na sala de espera até que o alvo se conecte. Nesse momento, você deverá enviar a palavra-chave que acabou de digitar para a pessoa com a qual se conectará, pois é isso que ela usará para se conectar. Depois que ela se conectar, você receberá um alerta informando que a sessão remota está prestes a começar.
-Observe o atalho **Windows+Shift+Backspace** mencionado, pois ele abrirá o menu RIM em seu computador. Se você depende exclusivamente do teclado, essa é a única maneira de direcionar a entrada do teclado de volta ao seu próprio sistema.
-Observe o atalho **Option+Shift+Backspace** mencionado, pois ele abrirá o menu RIM em seu computador. Se você depende exclusivamente do teclado, essa é a única maneira de direcionar a entrada do teclado de volta para o seu próprio sistema.
-Depois que você encerrar essa caixa de diálogo, a sessão remota será iniciada.
+Semelhante a um link de reunião de sua plataforma de teleconferência, o Scribe for Meetings oferece links diretos para participar de sua apresentação de slides acessível. Se você receber um link em seu convite de reunião ou no bate-papo da reunião, poderá clicar nele para abrir instantaneamente o Scribe for Meetings em seu navegador da Web. Quando você clicar no botão "Iniciar", uma das duas coisas poderá acontecer.
+1. Você ouvirá um breve sinal sonoro, seguido de uma mensagem informando que o Scribe for Meetings está se preparando para fornecer acesso ao conteúdo desta reunião.
+ 1. É normal que isso demore até três minutos, por isso é aconselhável que o apresentador da reunião inicialize o Scribe for Meetings antes de apresentar seus slides.
+ 1. Assim que o Scribe Bot entrar na reunião, você receberá um segundo sinal sonoro de alerta seguido de uma mensagem que o alertará sobre esse fato.
+1. Às vezes, você pode começar a ouvir o conteúdo do slide sendo anunciado logo após clicar em "Iniciar" Isso pode acontecer se:
+ 1. Você não for o primeiro participante a entrar na reunião com o Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Você entrou tarde em uma reunião.
+De qualquer forma, o Scribe for Meetings está pronto para começar a apresentar os slides.
+## Como entrar via link de reunião
+Se, por algum motivo, você não tiver o link direto, ainda poderá tentar ingressar por meio de um link direto do Zoom ou do Teams. Para ingressar por meio do link de reunião padrão:
+1. Visite o Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Digite o URL da reunião na caixa de edição.
+1. Ao pressionar "Go" (Ir), uma das duas coisas acontecerá.
+ 1. Se a reunião estiver registrada, você verá a página de boas-vindas. Você pode pressionar o botão "Start" (Iniciar) quando a reunião estiver pronta.
+ 1. Se a reunião não estiver registrada, você verá uma página que lhe permitirá fazer o seguinte:
+ 1. Inscreva-se para ser notificado por e-mail quando a reunião for registrada no Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Registrar a reunião, seja como organizador ou em nome do organizador.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/pt/makingmeetings.mdx b/src/content/docs/pt/makingmeetings.mdx
index 27b98fe..366a75b 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/pt/makingmeetings.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/pt/makingmeetings.mdx
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ As reuniões podem ser configuradas em nome do organizador, que poderá fazer o
1. Se você não estiver conectado, será solicitado seu endereço de e-mail e, nesse momento, você receberá um link de verificação por e-mail.
1. Ao clicar nesse link, você fará o login e continuará o processo de criação da reunião.
1. Dê um título à reunião.
- 1. Observe que esse não precisa ser o título da reunião na sua plataforma de videoconferência.
-1. Será perguntado se você deseja que as imagens sejam descritas automaticamente.
-1. Depois de clicar em "Concluído", você receberá uma mensagem que poderá copiar para a área de transferência e enviar para a pessoa responsável pela apresentação. Depois que a pessoa clicar no link e carregar os slides, ela poderá decidir se deseja ou não permitir o download dos slides.
+ 1. Observe que esse não precisa ser o título da reunião em sua plataforma de videoconferência.
+1. Você será perguntado se deseja que as imagens sejam descritas automaticamente.
+1. Depois de clicar em "Concluído", você receberá uma mensagem que poderá copiar para a área de transferência e enviar para a pessoa responsável pela apresentação. Depois que a pessoa clicar no link e carregar os slides, ela poderá decidir se deseja ou não permitir que os slides sejam baixados.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/pt/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/pt/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..cb1179d 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/pt/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/pt/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Controles de reunião
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Uma vez dentro da reunião, o conteúdo do slide será apresentado em sincronia com o compartilhamento de tela do apresentador. Quando um novo slide for apresentado, ocorrerá o seguinte:
+1. Você ouvirá um bipe.
+1. O conteúdo será apresentado na tela e lido por um leitor de tela existente.
+## Controles e funções da reunião
+O Scribe for Meetings oferece várias maneiras de controlar a renderização. Esses botões clicáveis também têm atalhos de teclado fáceis de usar. Os controles incluem:
+* Suspender apresentação: Pausa a apresentação ao vivo, mantendo seu lugar no slide exibido no momento.
+ * Embora os novos slides não sejam anunciados em tempo real, você não perderá nada, pois o Scribe for Meetings ainda está observando silenciosamente a apresentação em busca de atualizações.
+ * Quando uma apresentação é suspensa, esse controle se transforma em um botão "Go Live".
+* Slide anterior: Vai para o slide anterior exibido, se houver um disponível.
+ * Se não houver um slide anterior, esse botão não será exibido.
+ * Ao pressionar esse botão, a apresentação ao vivo será suspensa.
+ * Observe que, se você participar de uma reunião e a apresentação já estiver em andamento, esse botão não poderá levá-lo de volta ao slide 1.
+* Próximo slide: Vai para o próximo slide, se houver um disponível.
+ * Se você já estiver visualizando o último slide, esse botão não aparecerá.
+ * Ao pressionar esse botão, a apresentação ao vivo será suspensa.
+* Ler em voz alta: Começa a ler o slide atualmente em foco usando a voz de texto para fala do sistema.
+ * Ao iniciar o modo de leitura em voz alta, serão disponibilizados controles de transporte adicionais (botões de retrocesso, reprodução/pausa e avanço rápido), bem como botões para desacelerar ou acelerar a fala.
+* Baixar slides: Permite que você faça o download dos slides em vários formatos diferentes.
+ * Essa opção só será exibida se o organizador tiver permitido o download dos slides.
+## Download de slides
+Desde que o organizador tenha permitido o download dos slides, o Scribe for Meetings oferece downloads dos slides em vários formatos acessíveis. Para fazer o download dos slides, siga o procedimento abaixo:
+1. enquanto estiver em uma reunião, ative o link "Download Slides".
+ 1. Se não estiver conectado, será solicitado seu endereço de e-mail e, nesse momento, você receberá um link de verificação por e-mail.
+ 1. Ao clicar nesse link, você fará o login e continuará o processo de criação da reunião.
+1. Escolha o formato de arquivo em que deseja que seus slides sejam apresentados. Suas opções incluem:
+ * Uma página da Web acessível, com todos os mesmos recursos da apresentação ao vivo, incluindo leitura em voz alta
+ * PDF com tags
+ * Suporta impressão em letras grandes
+ * MP3, por meio de conversão de texto em fala em cerca de uma dúzia de idiomas
+ * Configurações adicionais para voz e velocidade de fala são oferecidas com essa conversão.
+ * DAISY, texto e áudio
+ * Configurações adicionais de voz e velocidade de fala são oferecidas com essa conversão.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Suporta impressão em tamanho grande
+ * Braille
+ * Grau 1 (EBAE)
+ * Grau 2 (EBAE)
+ * Braille inglês unificado (UEB)
+ * e muitos outros idiomas
+1. Depois de personalizar todas as configurações opcionais associadas ao formulário escolhido, clique no botão "Preparar download".
+1. Fique atento ao seu e-mail para ver o link de download. Para a maioria dos formatos, o e-mail chegará em alguns minutos. A conversão para áudio pode levar muito mais tempo, dependendo da extensão da apresentação de slides, porque a síntese de fala é um processo mais demorado do que outras conversões.
+1. Ao clicar no link, o download será iniciado instantaneamente.
+## Referência de comandos de teclado
+A maioria dos navegadores de desktop pode aproveitar os comandos de teclado associados à maioria das funções do Scribe For Meetings. Como esses comandos podem variar de acordo com a plataforma e o navegador, listaremos todos os atalhos possíveis abaixo.
+*Observação para usuários do macOS VoiceOver*: Se estiver usando o navegador Chrome, seus modificadores serão CTRL e Option. Infelizmente, isso causará um conflito com o VoiceOver, a menos que o comando de passagem (CTRL+Option+Tab) seja usado antes de inserir os comandos.
+Ação | Windows | Chrome no macOS | Safari no macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Suspender apresentação | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Ir ao vivo | Alt+Shift+L | CTRL+Option+L | CTRL+L
+Próximo Slide | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
+Slide anterior | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Ler em voz alta | Alt+Shift+R | CTRL+Option+R | CTRL+R
+Pausar a leitura em voz alta | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Continuar lendo em voz alta | Alt+Shift+C | CTRL+Option+C | CTRL+C
+Parar de ler em voz alta | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Voltar para trás | Alt+Shift+B | CTRL+Option+B | CTRL+B
+Ir para frente | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/sv/gettingconnected.mdx b/src/content/docs/sv/gettingconnected.mdx
index 90da8b9..dc43bb5 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/sv/gettingconnected.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/sv/gettingconnected.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-title: Att bli ansluten
+title: Att bli konvektionerad
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+Scribe for Meetings erbjuder två snabba, smärtfria sätt att ansluta till din tillgängliga bildpresentation.
-Remote Incident Managers anslutningsprocess är utformad med snabbhet och enkelhet i åtanke, både för den som får hjälp och för den som tillhandahåller den.
-## Ansluta till en styrenhet
-När du först startar Remote Incident Manager kommer du som standard att vara i målläge. Det innebär att du kommer att ansluta till en person som har skapat en fjärrsupportsession för dig.
-Du kommer att hamna i en redigeringsruta märkt "nyckelord" Ange det nyckelord som du får av personen som hjälper dig och tryck sedan bara på enter. Det var det, du är ansluten!
-## Acceptera en begäran om att ansluta
-Om en tekniker ger dig support regelbundet kan din maskin vara inställd på att ta emot en begäran om att ansluta utan att någon av er behöver ange ett nyckelord. RIM spelar upp en ljudsignal och meddelar sedan att din tekniker försöker ansluta.
-För att acceptera anslutningen, tryck **Windows+Shift+Y** och sessionen kommer att påbörjas inom en kort stund.
-Om du vill acceptera anslutningen trycker du på **Option+Shift+Y** och sessionen startar omedelbart.
-## Ansluta till ett mål
-Processen för att konfigurera sessionen är ganska likartad. Istället för att ange nyckelordet kommer du att vilja navigera till knappen "Ge hjälp istället". När du gör detta för första gången kommer du att bli ombedd att skapa ett konto.
-1. Ange din e-postadress.
-1. Kontrollera din e-post för en verifieringskod och ange den sedan i RIM.
-1. Du kommer sedan att bli ombedd att ange ditt namn, din plats och ditt telefonnummer.
-1. Slutligen kommer du att få en annan verifieringskod på din telefon. Ange denna kod i RIM.
- 1. Om du inte har en mobiltelefon som kan ta emot textmeddelanden, vänligen fyll i detta formulär. Vi hjälper dig att få ditt konto verifierat.
- 1. En anmärkning för internationella nummer: Om din verifieringskod inte kommer fram, kontrollera att landskoden före ditt nummer anges med plustecknet, snarare än 00.
+## Ansluta via direktlänk
-Nu när du är inloggad anger du det nyckelord som målet kommer att använda för att ansluta till dig. När du navigerar förbi redigeringsrutan kommer du att stöta på en kryssruta som avgör om en röstkonversation ska startas under sessionen eller inte (detta kan också växlas till eller från under sessionen). Efter det hittar du knappen "Start". När du klickar på denna kommer du att befinna dig i väntrummet tills ditt mål ansluter. Vid denna tidpunkt vill du skicka nyckelordet du just angav till den person du kommer att ansluta till, eftersom det är vad de kommer att använda för att ansluta. När de har anslutit kommer du att få en varning som informerar dig om att fjärrsessionen är på väg att börja.
-Notera den nämnda **Windows+Shift+Backspace** genvägen eftersom det kommer att ta upp RIM-menyn på din maskin. Om du uteslutande använder tangentbordet är detta det enda sättet att dirigera tangentbordsinmatningar tillbaka till ditt eget system.
-Notera den nämnda genvägen **Option+Shift+Backspace** eftersom den kommer att öppna RIM-menyn på din dator. Om du uteslutande använder tangentbordet är detta det enda sättet att dirigera tangentbordsinmatning tillbaka till ditt eget system.
-När du har avfärdat denna dialog kommer fjärrsessionen att initieras.
+I likhet med en möteslänk från din telekonferensplattform erbjuder Scribe for Meetings direktlänkar för att ansluta till ditt tillgängliga bildspel. Om du får en länk i din mötesinbjudan eller i möteschatten kan du klicka på den för att direkt öppna Scribe for Meetings i din webbläsare. När du klickar på knappen "Starta" kan en av två saker hända.
+1. Du kommer att höra en kort ljudsignal, följt av ett meddelande som informerar dig om att Scribe för möten förbereder sig för att ge tillgång till innehållet i detta möte.
+ 1. Det är normalt att detta tar upp till tre minuter, varför det kan vara tillrådligt för mötespresentatören att initiera Scribe for Meetings innan de presenterar sina bilder.
+ 1. När Scribe Bot ansluter till mötet kommer du att få en andra varningssignal följt av ett meddelande som informerar dig om detta.
+1. Ibland kan du börja höra bilderna presenteras mycket kort efter att du klickat på "Starta" Detta kan hända om:
+ 1. Du är inte den första deltagaren som går in i mötet med Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Du gick in i ett möte sent.
+I vilket fall som helst är Scribe for Meetings nu redo att börja presentera bilderna.
+## Anslutning via möteslänk
+Om du av någon anledning inte har den direkta länken kan du fortfarande försöka gå med via en direkt Zoom- eller Teams-länk. För att gå med via standardmöteslänken:
+1. Besök Scribe for Meetings.
+1. Ange mötets URL i redigeringsrutan.
+1. När du trycker på "Go" kommer en av två saker att hända.
+ 1. Om mötet är registrerat kommer du att få se dess välkomstsida. Du kan trycka på knappen "Starta" när mötet är klart.
+ 1. Om mötet inte är registrerat kommer du till en sida där du kan göra följande:
+ 1. Registrera dig för att få ett e-postmeddelande när mötet är registrerat i Scribe for Meetings.
+ 1. Registrera mötet, antingen som arrangör eller för arrangörens räkning.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/sv/makingmeetings.mdx b/src/content/docs/sv/makingmeetings.mdx
index 0bc65e6..8295e41 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/sv/makingmeetings.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/sv/makingmeetings.mdx
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ Möten kan skapas på uppdrag av arrangören, som då kommer att kunna ladda upp
1. Om du inte är inloggad kommer du att bli ombedd att ange din e-postadress, varefter du kommer att få en verifieringslänk skickad till dig.
1. Om du klickar på den här länken loggar du in och kan fortsätta skapa mötet.
1. Ge mötet en titel.
- 1. Observera att detta inte behöver vara titeln på mötet i din videokonferensplattform.
+ 1. Observera att detta inte behöver vara samma titel som mötet har i din videokonferensplattform.
1. Du kommer att bli tillfrågad om du vill att bilder ska beskrivas automatiskt.
1. När du klickar på "Klar" får du ett meddelande som du kan kopiera till urklipp och skicka till den person som ansvarar för presentationen. När de klickar på länken och laddar upp bilderna kan de bestämma om bilderna ska kunna laddas ner eller inte.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/sv/meetingcontrols.mdx b/src/content/docs/sv/meetingcontrols.mdx
index 9aec654..daf2ce0 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/sv/meetingcontrols.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/sv/meetingcontrols.mdx
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
-title: The RIM Management Dashboard
+title: Kontroll av möten
-import Windows from "~/components/platform/Windows.astro"
-import MacOS from "~/components/platform/MacOS.astro"
+När du är inne i mötet kommer bildinnehållet att presenteras synkroniserat med presentatörens skärmdelning. När en ny bild presenteras kommer följande att hända:
+1. Du kommer att höra ett pip.
+1. Innehållet presenteras på skärmen och läses upp av en befintlig skärmläsare.
+## Kontroller och funktioner för mötet
+Scribe for Meetings erbjuder flera sätt att styra renderingen. Dessa klickbara knappar har också lättanvända kortkommandon. Kontrollerna inkluderar:
+* Avbryt presentation: Pausar livepresentationen och håller din plats vid den bild som visas för tillfället.
+ * Även om nya bilder inte meddelas i realtid kommer du inte att missa något eftersom Scribe for Meetings fortfarande tyst bevakar presentationen för uppdateringar.
+ * När en presentation avbryts förvandlas denna kontroll till en "gå Live"-knapp.
+* Föregående bild: Går till den tidigare visade bilden, om en sådan finns tillgänglig.
+ * Om det inte finns någon föregående bild visas inte den här knappen.
+ * Om du trycker på den här knappen avbryts livepresentationen.
+ * Observera att om du deltar i ett möte och presentationen redan är igång kommer den här knappen inte att kunna ta dig tillbaka till bild 1.
+* Nästa bild: Går till nästa bild, om en sådan finns tillgänglig.
+ * Om du redan tittar på den senaste bilden visas inte den här knappen.
+ * Om du trycker på den här knappen avbryts livepresentationen.
+* Läs högt: Börjar läsa den aktuella bilden med hjälp av systemets text-till-tal-röst.
+ * Om du startar högläsningsläget aktiveras ytterligare transportkontroller (knapparna för att spola tillbaka, spela upp/pausa och snabbspola framåt) samt knappar för att sakta ner eller snabba upp talet.
+* Ladda ner bilder: Låter dig ladda ner bilderna i flera olika format.
+ * Detta alternativ visas endast om arrangören har tillåtit nedladdning av bilderna.
+## Ladda ner bilder
+Förutsatt att arrangören har tillåtit nedladdning av bilder, erbjuder Scribe for Meetings nedladdning av bilderna i flera tillgängliga format. För att ladda ner bilder, följ nedanstående procedur:
+1. när du är i ett möte, aktivera länken "Ladda ner bilder".
+ 1. Om du inte är inloggad kommer du att bli ombedd att ange din e-postadress, varefter du kommer att få en verifieringslänk skickad till dig.
+ 1. Om du klickar på denna länk loggas du in och kan fortsätta skapa mötet.
+1. Välj det filformat som du vill att dina bilder ska presenteras som. Dina alternativ inkluderar:
+ * En tillgänglig webbsida, med alla samma funktioner som i livepresentationen, inklusive uppläsning
+ * Taggad PDF
+ * Stödjer stora tryck
+ * MP3, via text-till-tal på ett dussintal språk
+ * Ytterligare inställningar för röst och talhastighet erbjuds med denna konvertering.
+ * DAISY, text plus ljud
+ * Ytterligare inställningar för röst och talhastighet erbjuds med denna konvertering.
+ * EPUB
+ * Microsoft Word
+ * Stöd för stora tryck
+ * Punktskrift
+ * Årskurs 1 (EBAE)
+ * Årskurs 2 (EBAE)
+ * Unifierad engelsk punktskrift (UEB)
+ * och många andra språk
+1. När du har anpassat alla valfria inställningar som är kopplade till din valda formt klickar du på knappen "Förbered nedladdning".
+1. Håll utkik efter nedladdningslänken i din e-post. För de flesta format kommer e-postmeddelandet inom några minuter. Konvertering till ljud kan ta mycket längre tid, beroende på längden på bildspelet, eftersom talsyntes är en mer tidskrävande process än andra konverteringar.
+1. Om du klickar på länken påbörjas nedladdningen direkt.
+## Referens för tangentbordskommandon
+De flesta webbläsare kan dra nytta av de tangentbordskommandon som är associerade med de flesta funktioner i Scribe For Meetings. Eftersom dessa kommandon kan variera beroende på plattform och webbläsare, kommer vi att lista alla möjliga genvägar nedan.
+*Anmärkning för användare av macOS VoiceOver*: Om du använder webbläsaren Chrome kommer dina modifierare att vara CTRL och Option. Detta kommer tyvärr att orsaka en konflikt med VoiceOver om inte kommandot för genomgång (CTRL+Option+Tab) används innan kommandon anges.
+Åtgärd | Windows | Chrome på macOS | Safari på macOS
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+Avbryt presentationen | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Gå live | Alt+Shift+L | CTRL+Option+L | CTRL+L
+Nästa bild | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
+Föregående bild | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Läs högt | Alt+Shift+R | CTRL+Option+R | CTRL+R
+Pausa högläsning | Alt+Shift+P | CTRL+Option+P | CTRL+P
+Fortsätt läsa högt | Alt+Shift+C | CTRL+Option+C | CTRL+C
+Sluta läsa högt | Alt+Shift+S | CTRL+Option+S | CTRL+S
+Gå bakåt | Alt+Shift+B | CTRL+Option+B | CTRL+B
+Gå framåt | Alt+Shift+N | CTRL+Option+N | CTRL+N
-RIM features a web-based dashboard to facilitate various machine and account management tasks. You can manage your existing unattended computers, create preconfigured installers for target computers, and much more.
-It should be noted that the feature set of the dashboard is largely dependent on which subscription tier your account is under. For example, enterprise users can assign machines to target groups, as well as create silent installers. On the other hand, anyone (including personal users) can create custom installers for their unattended machines.
-## Locating the Dashboard
-If you're a controller, the easiest way to get to the dashboard is through the main RIM interface. Clicking the RIM Dashboard button will automatically open the dashboard in your default browser, with the login already taken care of.
-If you are a network administrator who does not have RIM installed, you can simply log into your account on the RIM website and your dashboard will appear.
-## Managing Targets
-When you click the "Configure Targets" link, you will arrive at a page that allows you to manage all the machines you have configured for unattended access. You can click on any one of these machines in order to manage it. Once inside, you will be able to:
-* Rename the target
-* Move the target to a different group (more on target groups later)
-* Delete the target
-## Target Groups (for Pro Accounts and Above)
-Say for instance you're workgroup is spread out among several different locations. Or maybe you want to designate groups of machines to your routine maintenance techs. Target groups allow you to do just that. In order to do this, simply click the "Create Target Group" button, name your group, and submit.
-You may have as many target groups as is needed for your use case.
-### Access Control (for Enterprise Organizations)
-If your organizations assign a support technician to a specific set of machines, you probably want to ensure they only have access to that specific set. This is where the access control setting for target groups comes in.
-When you click on a target group, you are given options to manage the machines in the group, as well as the group itself. The access control section is where you may grant access to this group on a per-account basis. Simply enter the email address of the account you wish to add, then click the "Give Access" button. Once this is done, you will be presented with a table of accounts that are given access to this group. Below each account is a "Revoke Access" button. This button does not require further confirmation.
-It should be noted that all organization administrators are automatically granted access to manage any and all groups that are created under the organization.
-## Setting up a Preconfigured RIM Installer (Pro or above)
-One of the easiest ways to set up a machine for unattended or prompted connections is by creating a custom installer. This is incredibly useful if you are configuring mass deployments, or even as a simpler way to get RIM up and running on an end user's computer you plan on providing support for on the regular.
-IN order to do this:
-1. In the target management screen, click the "Build Target Installer" button.
-1. You will first be asked if you want this machine to be configured for fully unattended access, or for prompted access in which the user has to accept a prompt to initiate the connection.
-1. You will then be asked for a target group assignment. Note that the target group selection will automatically go to your chosen target group if you initiate the installer configuration from your group's page.
-1. You will be asked how long you want this installer to be valid for. It can be valid for anywhere between 7 to 30 days. Note that this timeframe only affects the functionality of the installation package. In other words, the machine's RIM configuration will not be disabled when the installation expires.
-1. You are then given the option to assign a bass name. Any machine provisioned via this installation package will have this base name assigned to it.
-1. You will then be presented with a checkbox that lets you opt into an email notification when a user installs RIM via this installer.
-1. If you are an enterprise admin, you will see a checkbox that allows you to build the installer as an MSI package. This option is useful for mass deployment of a custom installer to a machine cluster that will be designated to the given target group.
-1. You will be asked to provide an installer name, and optionally some notes. These are for internal records and will not appear within the created installer.
-1. Click on "Build Installer." You will be presented with the download link that you can either copy to the clipboard and send to your end user. Alternatively, you may download the installer directly for use in mass deployments.
-Now that you have your installer, it can be run in one of two ways. In either case, the machine will be added to your list of machines in both your account as well as the RIM client after the installer is complete.
-### Normal Execution
-The user will get a prompt when running the installer, containing the following information:
-* The technician's name along with their organization, if applicable
-* the nature of the connection, I.E whether a prompt is required or not
-The user can choose to either answer yes or no to the installation. Answering no will cancel the installation. After the installer finishes, the user will get a prompt informing them that their machine is now set up for remote access.
-### Silent Install (Enterprise Installers Only)
-A silent install can be initiated by running the executable installer with the */S* command line parameter. This is useful when installing RIM as part of a mass deployment routine.
-## Session History
-You can view your entire history of past sessions through the RIM dashboard. The session history currently contains the date and time of each session, the name of the computer you connected to, and the duration of the session. You may also choose to add comments to a session via the "Add Comment" link within the session row. This is useful for adding notes on the current status of an incident for your own sake as well as for the sake of organization administrators.
-## Managing your Subscription (Personal and Pro Plans)
-The dashboard allows you to easily view and manage your RIM subscription details. Upon clicking the "manage subscription" link, you can:
-* Upgrade your plan
-* Update your payment method
-* Cancel recurring payments
-### Upgrading your Plan
-You can easily upgrade your subscription. If you are on a monthly plan, you will be prorated the remaining charge from the new amount, with the full new amount being charged for subsequent months. Clicking "Upgrade Subscription" reveals a page nearly identical to the initial plan selection page. There are a few notable differences which we will outline below:
-* You cannot downgrade your plan to one with fewer machines. You can, however, upgrade from a monthly to a yearly plan with the same number of machines as your current plan. In order to downgrade, you would need to cancel your plan, wait for it to expire, then initiate a new plan with fewer machines.
-* Enterprise plans, including the enterprise addon, cannot be acquired directly through this page.
-### Canceling Recurring Payments
-When you click "Cancel Automatic Renewal," you will be asked for confirmation, after which your subscription will be set to expire at the end of the current term.