Library/API to connect to RFID Readers (eg. ACM812A).
No free/public and well-documented API for RFID Readers.
ReaderConnector readerConnector = ReaderConnectorFactory.getReaderConnector(ReaderModel.ACM812A_SOCKET);
This chapter describes how to use the ACM812A reader.
The full documentation of the reader communication protocol: [comunication_protocol.pdf](documentation/acm812a/ACM_Reader communication protocol-ALL.pdf)
Additional documentation/instruction of the demo application: [demo_instructions.pdf](documentation/acm812a/EPC-Demo operation instructions.pdf)
The first step is to create the ReaderConnector object which allows to send commands to the reader and gives the ability to read tags from the reader.
The reader gives several interfaces to establish connections, this driver has been developed to use TCP/IP interface to operate with the reader. By default, the device connects with the IP address and allows to connect via Socket on port 12345. In addition, the reader allows to connect via web browser by accessing with login and password admin:admin.
ReaderConnector readerConnector = ReaderConnectorFactory.getReaderConnector(ReaderModel.ACM812A_SOCKET);
The second important step is to connect to the reader using the created ReaderConnector object. There are two necessary parameters:
Parameter name | Default value |
HOST | |
PORT | 12345 |
Map<String, String> connectionParameters = new HashMap<>();
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.HOST_PARAMETER, "");
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.PORT_PARAMETER, "12345");
ReaderConnector readerConnector = ReaderConnectorFactory.getReaderConnector(ReaderModel.ACM812A_SOCKET);
By default, when the device is turned on, it works in continuous reading mode, so no start method is necessary to establish reading mode.
If you want to stop reading or start reading again, use stopReading() or startReading(TagType tagType) method from the ReaderConnector.
Start reading takes additional parameter TagType, you can choose the type of a tag which you want to read, for example ACM (EPC).
If a device is in continuous reading mode you can register a reading listener to receive events. You need to implement the ReadingListener interface and register or unregister a listener using methods:
ReadingListener readingListener = new ReadingListener() {
public void onTagRead(String epc) {
System.out.println("Tag = " + epc);
You don't need to remove readingListener before calling stopReading() method.
You must restart the reader to apply parameters.
When you decided do stop the continuous reading mode you can manually identify tags by calling the method identifyTags(TagType tagType). This method takes one additional parameter which allow you to choose the type of a tag you want to read.
The ReaderConnector object allows you to set several parameters, to do that you need to obtain the ParametersApplier and use one of the methods.
ParametersApplier parametersApplier = readerConnector.getParametersApplier();
Parameter name | Allowed values | Interpretation |
User code | 0 - 255 | |
Antenna power | 0 - 150 | |
Reading time interval | 10 - 100 | (N*10)ms |
Adjacent discrimination | 1, 2 | 1 - active, 2 - inactive |
Adjacent discrimination time | 1 - 255 | (N*1)s |
Tags identification mode | 0 - 3 | 0:ACM single tag identification, 1:ACM multiple tags identification, 2:18000_6B single tag identification, 3:18000_6B not support multiple tags identification temporarily |
Map<String, String> connectionParameters = new HashMap<>();
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.HOST_PARAMETER, "");
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.PORT_PARAMETER, "12345");
ReaderConnector readerConnector = ReaderConnectorFactory.getReaderConnector(ReaderModel.ACM812A_SOCKET);
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyReadingTimeInterval("100"); // 1 second
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyAntennaPower("150"); // maximum power
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyAdjacentDiscrimination("1"); // set the adjacent discrimination as active
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyAdjacentDiscriminationTime("10"); // 10 seconds
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyTagsIdentificationMode("1"); // multiple tags identification
readerConnector.restart(); //reader needs to be restarted to apply parameters
Map<String, String> connectionParameters = new HashMap<>();
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.HOST_PARAMETER, "");
connectionParameters.put(ACM812ASocketReaderConnector.PORT_PARAMETER, "12345");
ReaderConnector readerConnector = ReaderConnectorFactory.getReaderConnector(ReaderModel.ACM812A_SOCKET);
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyReadingTimeInterval("100"); // 1 second
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyAntennaPower("150"); // maximum power
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyAdjacentDiscrimination("2"); // set the adjacent discrimination as inactive
readerConnector.getParametersApplier().applyTagsIdentificationMode("10); // single tag identification
readerConnector.restart(); //reader needs to be restarted to apply parameters