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Setup Instructions

Daniel Markstedt edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 126 revisions

Raspberry Pi operating system installation

Important: We distribute pre-configured Raspberry Pi OS images with PiSCSI ready to be used out of the box. Please find links on the Releases page.

The PiSCSI software some basic software requirements, and should work on any reasonably modern version of Linux. However, development and testing for this project is done on the two last stable versions of Raspberry Pi OS (formerly called Raspbian), so full functionality is guaranteed presently on Raspberry Pi OS 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye).

To get going, if you haven't already, follow the official Raspberry Pi OS installation instructions.

Note: Installing the desktop environment on your Raspberry Pi is not required to run PiSCSI. Consider installing Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite to save on disk space.

In the spirit of not running unnecessary cables, if you need to setup a WiFi connection on your Raspberry Pi, follow these steps

Table of Contents

Clone & build the PiSCSI software

The next step is to download the PiSCSI software from GitHub and build it.

1. Log into the Raspberry Pi.

1a. If you've installed Raspberry Pi OS with the desktop, open a terminal window.

1b. If you've installed Raspberry Pi OS Lite, ssh into your Raspberry Pi.

2. Install the git, libspdlog-dev, protobuf-compiler, and libpcap-dev packages. Git is used to clone the PiSCSI repository to your system so we can build the software. For more information on git, check this Wikipedia article. spdlog is a logging library which is used by the PiSCSI software. More information on spdlog can be found here.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --yes git libspdlog-dev protobuf-compiler libpcap-dev

3. The next step is to clone the PiSCSI Git repository, build the software, and install it on your Raspberry Pi. Enter the following commands in your terminal/ssh session.

cd ~  
git clone  

4. Determine which board you have. The two common options are "STANDARD" or "FULLSPEC". Information on which model you have can be found at the Hardware Versions page. If you purchased your PiSCSI from Tindie, you will have version 2.2 or newer, which are all "FULLSPEC" boards. You can also check the silkscreen on the PiSCSI board for the version number. Enter the following commands in your terminal/ssh session.

The AIBOM and GAMERNIUM board types are supported as well, but are not actively tested by the authors.

Note: You can also use the script, that will automate all the steps described below for you. After cloning the repository on your Raspberry Pi, execute the following (defaults to FULLSPEC):

cd ~/piscsi

Or, if you have a STANDARD board:

cd ~/piscsi

If you don't use the script, here follows the manual steps to compile and install PiSCSI. If you have the FULLSPEC board (version 2.1 or newer) use this...

cd ~/piscsi/cpp 
sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC

If you have the STANDARD board (version 1.6 or older) use this...

cd ~  
git clone  
cd ~/piscsi/cpp 
sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=STANDARD

Note: Be sure to select the correct connection type in the above step. If you compile for STANDARD and have a FULLSPEC board, the PiSCSI software will not not behave properly, and you will not see images presented on the SCSI bus.

5. The last step is to restart the rsyslog daemon (which enables logging), configure systemd to start PiSCSI at boot, start the PiSCSI service, and verify that it is running.

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
sudo systemctl enable piscsi # optional - if you want piscsi to start up at boot
sudo systemctl start piscsi
sudo systemctl status piscsi
6. If the above steps complete successfully, you are now done cloning and building the PiSCSI software.

Installing required Linux packages

To actually run the PiSCSI software, you may need to install Linux packages that the software depends on. Without those packages, the software will not run properly, and throw an error when you try to launch it.

If you use the script to install PiSCSI it will take care of installing the dependencies for you. But if you are installing manually, you will have to use the package manager on your Linux system to install the required packages yourself:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git libspdlog-dev libpcap-dev genisoimage python3 python3-venv nginx libpcap-dev protobuf-compiler bridge-utils python3-dev libev-dev libevdev2 -y

Note that when moving to a major new version of PiSCSI there may have been new dependencies introduced, for instance when trying out develop after having used master. It is good practice to run the script again in these cases.

Upgrading an existing installation to the latest

As this project is still under active development, many of you will want to upgrade your existing PiSCSI software. That's super easy, just follow these steps.

Note: Performing the following will stop and restart the PiSCSI software. This will make your PiSCSI presented images disappear and re-appear on the SCSI bus when the service is stopped, and restarted.

If you have the FULLSPEC board (version 2.1 or newer) use this...

cd ~/piscsi
sudo systemctl stop piscsi
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git libspdlog-dev libpcap-dev genisoimage python3 python3-venv nginx libpcap-dev protobuf-compiler bridge-utils python3-dev libev-dev libevdev2 -y
git pull
cd ~/piscsi/cpp 
make clean
sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=FULLSPEC
sudo systemctl start piscsi
sudo systemctl status piscsi

If you have the STANDARD board (version 1.6 or older) use this...

cd ~/piscsi
sudo systemctl stop piscsi
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git libspdlog-dev libpcap-dev genisoimage python3 python3-venv nginx libpcap-dev protobuf-compiler bridge-utils python3-dev libev-dev libevdev2 -y
git pull
cd ~/piscsi/cpp 
make clean
sudo make install CONNECT_TYPE=STANDARD
sudo systemctl start piscsi
sudo systemctl status piscsi

Reviewing the PiSCSI service logs

Logging for the PiSCSI daemon can be found in /var/log/piscsi.log

Once you've completed the steps above, you can confirm the daemon is running by checking /var/log/piscsi.log

pi@raspberrypi:~/piscsi/cpp $ cat /var/log/piscsi.log
Nov  5 08:52:40 rasp32 piscsi[32588]: SCSI Target Emulator PiSCSI version 22.12
Nov  5 08:52:40 rasp32 piscsi[32588]: Powered by XM6 TypeG Technology / Copyright (C) 2016-2020 GIMONS
Nov  5 08:52:40 rasp32 piscsi[32588]: Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Contributors to the PiSCSI Reloaded project
Nov  5 08:52:40 rasp32 piscsi[32588]: Connect type: FULLSPEC

If you see output similar to the above, the PiSCSI service has compiled without issue, and you've created and started the service successfully.

I have the software, what next?

With the above steps completed, we proceed to Connecting the PiSCSI. This document covers SCSI devices, termination and how to connect your PiSCSI device to a computer.

(Optional) Cross-Compile Instructions

This section does not apply to most users. If you want to cross-compile PiSCSI from an Ubuntu host, you first need to install the cross compiler packages:

sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf

To build for whatever target you're currently on


To build for x86_64 linux

make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu-

To explicitly build for ARM (ARM is also the default, so this shouldn't be necessary)

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

Compiling, running and testing on x86/x86_64 Linux PCs

Most of the PiSCSI code does not require the PiSCSI hardware and can be compiled, run and tested on a regular Linux PC. All unit tests pass on x86/x86_64 platforms because they do not depend on the Pi/PiSCSI hardware. In addition, `scsictl` runs on a Linux PC without restrictions, and when being launched with the -h option can manage PiSCSI on the Pi remotely.

Using the Eclipse IDE for development helps with browsing, refactoring and unit-testing the C++ code. The SonarLint plugin helps with working on code quality issues reported by SonarCloud, even though in contrast to the SonarCloud web UI it reports some false positives.

Using an alternative linker

The Makefile of upcoming releases provides for using alternative (faster) linkers or adding linker options. Linkers like "mold", "gold" or "lld" are faster than the regular "bfd" linker. You can select the linker with the LDFLAGS, e.g.

export LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld"

The choice of available/installable linkers depends on the OS platform. From the linkers mentioned above "mold" is the fastest, followed by "lld". On a Pi Zero alternative linkers save several minutes of build time.

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