cd openldap_fuzz
git clone
cd openldap
patch -p1 < ../fuzzing.patch
cd ..
tar xvf input_fuzz.tar.bz2
docker build -t openldap_fuzz .
# This is a ugly hack because I don't want to write pretty scripts
PREP_CMD="cp -r /tmpfs_init/* /tmpfs/"
# TODO: change -v /root/fuzzdata to where you have the data & inputs ( containers looking for /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz )
DFLAGS="-v /root/fuzzdata/:/fuzzing --net=host --pid=host --ipc=host --uts=host --log-driver=none --rm --privileged -it --tmpfs /tmpfs --tmpfs /usr/local/var/run --user=root openldap_fuzz"
#--Launch all the runners--
screen -d -m -S leader /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS afl-fuzz -b1 -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -M $ARCH-leader -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.ngram; exec bash"
for i in $(seq 2 5 $(nproc)); do screen -d -m -S minion$i /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS afl-fuzz -b$i -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -S $ARCH-minion$i -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.lto-laf; exec bash"; done
for i in $(seq 3 5 $(nproc)); do screen -d -m -S minion$i /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY='/AFLplusplus/custom_mutators/radamsa/;/AFLplusplus/custom_mutators/libfuzzer/' afl-fuzz -b$i -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -S $ARCH-minion$i -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.lto-laf; exec bash"; done
for i in $(seq 4 5 $(nproc)); do screen -d -m -S minion$i /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS afl-fuzz -D -b$i -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -S $ARCH-minion$i -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.lto-laf; exec bash"; done
for i in $(seq 5 5 $(nproc)); do screen -d -m -S minion$i /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS afl-fuzz -b$i -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -S $ARCH-minion$i -c /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.lto-cmplog -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.lto; exec bash"; done
for i in $(seq 6 5 $(nproc)); do screen -d -m -S minion$i /usr/bin/docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; $AFLFLAGS afl-fuzz -b$i -i /fuzzing/openldap_fuzz/input_fuzz -o /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz -m 3024 -S $ARCH-minion$i -- /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.ngram; exec bash"; done
docker run $DFLAGS "$PREP_CMD; bash"
find /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz/ -wholename \*crashes/id\* -exec /bin/sh -c '/openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.debug < "{}" 1>/dev/null 2>/tmpfs/out; echo "{}:$?"' \; | grep -v ':0$' | rev | cut -d: -f2- | rev | tee /fuzzing/crashing_files
for f in $(cat /fuzzing/crashing_files); do gdb /openldap/servers/slapd/fuzzing.debug -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'set confirm off' -ex "set args < $f" -ex run -ex 'bt 8' -ex quit 2>&1 | grep -E ') at |program: |fuzzing.debug: | signal |) from '; done | tee /fuzzing/errors
docker run $DFLAGS "afl-whatsup /fuzzing/outputs_fuzz"
screen -S leader -X quit
for i in $(seq 2 $(nproc)); do screen -S minion$i -X quit; done
Don't use a static ldap_init, use slapadd to configure the container