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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 27, 2023. It is now read-only.

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104 lines (73 loc) · 4.17 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (73 loc) · 4.17 KB

Welcome to Lend My Skill's Contribution Guide

Thanks for investing your precious time to contribute to this repository.

Please read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.

Getting Started


  • Nodejs v16.x
  • pnpm
  • supabase account
  • postgresql(you can also use supabase)

Cloning the repo

  • Fork the repo, make sure to fork all branches and not just main.
  • Clone the forked repo from your account. You can switch to main branch if you want stable code. To contribute, you must create a new branch from development branch.

Arranging Env variables

Each folder in apps using env variables has an .env.example which can be used a template.

For frontend

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_STORAGE_BUCKET_URL Go to and create an account or login to your account. Create a new project and open that project. You'll be greated by a ui like this: image

Click on storage from sidebar and click on Create New Bucket button. Create a bucket with name set to images and be sure to make it public. Click on Create Bucket and new bucket will be created. Click on Bucket name and click on Create Folder and name it anything but without spaces. Click on folder name and upload any file. Click on uploaded file and click on Copy URL. The url will look something like this:

https://<project id><bucket name>/<folder name>/<image name>.<image extension>

remove /<folder name>/<image name>.<image extension> and copy the url. Now you've your bucket url.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_RAZORPAY_KEY Sign in into Razorpay and click on Settings in the left sidebar. Click on Api Keys tab and generate a new pair. This is only needed if you need to work with payments. If not, set it to any string
  • SECRET This is the webhook secret which will be used to validate the webhook sent by backend to revalidate pages. Make sure it matches in the backend. You can set it to anything. To generate this you can use:
 node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex'))"

This will give you a long random string which you can use as a secret.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL The url where you backend is hosted. Set it to https://localhost:5000 during development.

For Backend


can be generated like SECRET for frontend.

  • PORT

The port on which the backend will run


can be generated like SECRET for frontend


can be found in API tab of Settings in your supabase project.


This will be labeled as service_role in same tab


Same as NEXT_PUBLIC_RAZORPAY_KEY for frontend.


The webhook secret you entered in razorpay's dashboard, will be used to verify webhooks.


The url of postgresql database. If you want to use supabase for this, please read this


Secret which will be sent along the payload to frontend to generate new pages.


The url of frontend

For App


The url of the backend. Set this to for emulators

Note You'll need pnpm and yarn to run commands in this repo. To activate pnpm and yarn you can use Corepack

Installing Modules

Modules in all dirs except apps/mobile can be installed by pnpm. The apps/mobile is an expo app which currently doesn't support pnpm's symlinks.

Commit Convention

Lend my skill is a monorepo, thus it is very important to write correct commit messages to keep the git history clean and consitent. All the commits made in this repo are divided into 3 groups:

  • app related to frontend,backend and mobile
  • docs related to api docs located at apps/docs
  • misc only related to things like contribution guidelines, readme etc.

Example: [frontend] setup tailwindcss [backend] remove any from ServicesController [mobile] link login screen to backend [misc] fix broken image in readme