- added DashboardStats.queryset_modifiers to allow to modify queryset before it is used in chart, e.g. to add prefetch_related, filters or execute annotation functions. Fixed criteria are now deprecated in favour of queryset_modifiers.
- values in divided chart now are filtered by other criteria choices
- removed support for other JSONFields than Django's native JSONField, removed ADMIN_CHARTS_USE_JSONFIELD setting
- admin charts are loaded by JS including chart controls for quicker admin index load
- --time-until option was added to the recalculate_charts management command to recalculate charts only until given date
- CriteriaToStatsM2M.choices_based_on_time_range field changed it's meaning. Now choices are always calculated for whole time range. Value of this choice determines the way how the choices are calculated.
- fix for Django 5.0 DashboardStats admin add view
- set BigAutoField as app default
- remove support for Django<=3.1
- fix hardcoded url in admin_charts.js template
- add recalculate_charts management command
- fix linting
- forbid to insert non-working characters into chart_key
- add missing migration
- remove unnecessary (wrongly added) permission and explain which permission to enable in error message
- add permissions
- add missing migration
- check missing migrations during testing
- remove duplicate black check
- migrate to django-memoize from unmaintained django-cache-utils
- testing passes in Django 4.1
- pefrormance fixes
- show info when no dashboard stats are available
- store chart values in CachedValue table in DB to make charts with more complicated queries faster
- add refresh/refresh all/reload on change controls to the charts
- use unpkg versions of nvd3/d3 libraries as default to simplify initial configuration
- set
variables if you want to continue using your internal JS files
- set
- fix problem where in queries with count limit the choices could have been shuffled
- fix broken admin index page
- add support for charts in userspace Charts with option show_for_users turned on are displayed to users. The charts has to have set some user_field, this filters data attributed only for the user.
- add support for multiple operation fields (separated by comma)
- improve analytics page - fix loading time, add loading overlay
- fix usage without jsonfield package installed
- Admin charts are now displayed only for users with view_dashboardstats permissions set on
- fixes for MySQL
- add quarter time scale option
- use native Django JSONField if awailable
- tuning of time formats and small fixes
- choices can be set to be range dependant and limited by count
- fix hourly chart (sorting)
- improve time labels on non-bar charts
- add default values for filter and multiple series
- fix charts not showing on admin index page
- add analytics page with all charts
- improvements to the admin interface
- fix problem with saw-like charts on longer time periods
- fix problem with saw-like charts arount DST times
- remove dependency on qsstats-magic
- fixes for DateField and timezones
- move use_as to the m2m model to make criteria more universal
- add prefix for criteria
- cleanups and refactoring
- faster queries
- add Django 3.0 support
- invalidate cache on models save
- dropped support of Python 3.5 (in which cache invalidation does not work)
- add AvgCountPerInstance operation type
- allow to set &debug=True GET parameter in chart-data view for easier debugging
- move distinct to separate field
- fix js cache mismatches
- add x_axis_format as DashboardStats field
- add interactive guideline to StackedAreaChart
- fix problem with date as Date field
- report errors as javascript alerts
- added support to display dynamic criteria as multiple series <Petr Dlouhý>
- chart type switcher was added <Petr Dlouhý>
- default values for charts switches can be configured in DashboardStatsAdmin <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix for USE_TZ=False <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix switches action that was not working in some cases <Petr Dlouhý>
- dynamic criteria values are automatically generated if dynamic criteria mapping not filled in (in some cases) <Petr Dlouhý>
- dynamic criteria JSON can now contain filter value <Petr Dlouhý>
- support for Django<2.0 and Python<3.5 was dropped <Petr Dlouhý>
- removed remaining forced dependency on django-admin-tools <Petr Dlouhý>
- charts are now loaded through Ajax with live configuration <Petr Dlouhý>
- charts can now work only with django-admin, dependency on django-admin-tools was made optional <Petr Dlouhý>
- DistinctCount qualifier added <Petr Dlouhý>
- date/operate fields can now contain related reference <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix loading charts on page load <Petr Dlouhý>
- Count added <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix Travis configuration and Django versions in it <Petr Dlouhý>
- other fixes for Django 2.0 <Petr Dlouhý>
- use djcacheutils for Python 3 compatibility <Petr Dlouhý>
- make possible to change dateformat of x axis <Petr Dlouhý>
- add example for dynamic criteria <Petr Dlouhý>
- test also dynamic criteria <Petr Dlouhý>
- use django-qsstats-magic that work with Python 3 in tests <Petr Dlouhý>
- test actual chart generation -> increase test coverage <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix: preserve criteria settings of other chart stats <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix duplicate id of dynamic criteria form <Petr Dlouhý>
- reduce size of generated code by reusing load_charts code in function <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix duplication of % sign in template svg tag <Petr Dlouhý>
- catch also TypeError in registration field <Petr Dlouhý>
- rename "Graph key" to "Graph identifier" to be more clear <Petr Dlouhý>
- use save_as=True in admin to allow easier copying of charts <Petr Dlouhý>
- allow to override day intervalse for graphs <Petr Dlouhý>
- reorganize testing to run coverage <Petr Dlouhý>
- remove old import code <Petr Dlouhý>
- checks of DashboardStats field values, report field errors by Django message framework <Petr Dlouhý>
- fix travis-ci tests Django & Python version
- fixes for newer Django and Python versions
- add Travis configuration file
- allow to override get_registration_charts function
- fix Python 3 compatibility
- python manage.py bower_install creates the folder build for src
- remove null=True on ManyToManyField
- add migrations
- fix bower_install creates a the folder build for src
- support for django 1.9 - depreciated get_model
- remove python-memcached from requirements
- support of Aggregation functions
- fix setup with requirement.txt file
- get rid of dependencies
- Fix js async loading with recent jquery version
- Fix requirements to not force old version of jsonfield
- Fix some bug on the tabs behavior and tooltip of the charts
- Update documentation
- Support for Django-NVD3
- fix requirements - dep to django-admin-tools>=0.5.0
- Update trans string
- Fix requirement for switch2bill-common
- Fix for Django 1.4 timezone support by vdboor (Diederik van der Boor)
- Improve setup.py and update manifest
- Update README.rst
- Fix PEP8
- Import project